PR PSAL. CXLVII. N. Raife ye the Lord, for it is good 2 The Lord his own Jerufalem 3 He heals the broken in their heart, 4 Great is the Lord, great is his power his wifdom infinite: The Lord relieves the meek, and throws to ground the wicked wight. Sing unto God the Lord with praise unto the Lord rejoyce: And to our God upon the harp advance your finging voice. 6 He covers heav'n with clouds, and for the earth prepareth rain: And on the mountains he doth make the grafs to grow again. He gives to beafts their food, and to young ravens when they cry: His pleasure not in strength of horse, nor in mans legs doth lie. 8 But in all thofe that do him fear, The Second Part 90 Praife the Lord, Jerufalem, Doth fettle peace, and with the flour II And his command likewife upon 12 He giveth fhow like wool, and froft like afhes fcatters wide Like morfels cafts his ice, the cold thereof who can abide? 3 He fendeth forth his mighty word, and melteth them again: His wind he makes to blow, and then 15 With any nation hath he not PSA L. CXLVIII. J. € Ive laud unto the Lord, GFrom heav'n that is fo high: Praife him in deed and word, 2 Praise him both moon and fun 3 For at his word they were 4 Extol and praise God's Name At his decree. SA L. CXLIX. N. Slag ve unto the Lord our God, new rejoycing fong: And let the praife of him be heard his holy faints among a Let Ifrael rejoyce in God, and praifes to him fing: And let the feed of Sion be most joyful in their king. To bind their ftately kings in chains, their lords in iron bands. that written was before: This honour all his faints (hall have, PSA L. CL. N. Y prafe in his holines Ield unto God the mighty Lord, 3 Lot them found praife with voice of lute And in the firmament of his unto his holy Name: And with the timbrel and the harp, fing praifes to the fame. For why the Lord his pleasure all 5 With glory and with honour now advance their finging voice. 6 And in their mouths let be the high To plague, the heathen and corre& great pow'r praife him no lefs. and greatnefs, give him praife, 4 Praife him with timbrel and with flure, With founding cymbals praife ye him, 5 Whatever hath the benefit The End of the PSALMS. VENI CREATOR. Ome holy Ghoft, eternal God, C Both from the Father and the Son, the God of peace and love. 2 Vint our minds and into us thy heavenly grace infpire: That in all truth and godliness, we may have true defire. 3 Thou art the very Comforter in all grief and diftrefs: The heavenly gift of God moft high, which no tongue can exprefs. 4 The fountain and the living (priag of joy celestial: The fire to bright, the love fo fweet, and unction fpiritual. 5 Thou in thy gifts art manifold, whereby Chrift's Church doth ftand: In faithfull hearts writing thy law, the finger of God's hand According to thy promife made, thou givet fpeech with grace: That through thy help the praife of God may found in every place. 70 holy Ghost, into our fouls fend down thy Heavenly light: Infame our hearts with fervent love, to ferve God day and night. 8 Our weakness Atrengthen and confirm, 9 Our enemies put far from us, Peace in our hearts with God and man, 10 And grant, O Lord, that thou being We may efchew the fiares of fin, 11 To us fuch plenty of thy grace good Lord, grant we thee pray, 12 Cfitrife and all diffention Lord, 13 Grant us, O Lord, through thee to know The The Song of S. Ambrofe, called Te Deum For through his vifitation and WE praife thee, God, and thee contels His mercy kept in ftore, the only Lord to be, And as eternal Father, all 2 To thee all Angels cry, the heavens 2 His people now he hath redeem'd, 3 In David's houfe his fervant true, 4 As by his holy Prophets all The noble and victorious hoit of Martyrs ound thy praife: The holy Church throughout the world acknowledge thee always. 6 Father of endless Majeity they do acknowledge thee: And Chrift thy honourable, true and only Son to be. The holy Ghoft the Comforter, of glory thou arting O Chrift, and of the father art the Son everlafting, 8 when finfil mans decay in hand thou tookeft to reftore, To be inclos'd in virgins womb thou didit not then abhor. 9 When thou of death hadit overcome our caufe to understand. The which were fince the world began, 11 Lord,help thy fervants whom thou haft them with thy faints moft good. Lord, govern them, and alfo do 13 We magnifie thee day by day, 5 That we might be delivered 6 The mercy which he promifed And think upon his cov'nant made have mercy, Lord, 15 O Lord, I have repofed all my confidence in thee: Therefore let no confounding thame my portion ever be. 7 And alfo to perform the oath 8 That he would give himfelf for us 9 And that without all kind of fear,Alto in righteoufnefs: And likewife for to lead our lives The Song of Zacharias, called Benedictus. TH Be praised evermore 10 And thou, O child, which now art And of the Lord elect, Shalt Prophet of the High'ft be, His way for to direct. 11 For thou shalt go before his face, For to prepare his ways, And alfo for to teach his will (bora 12 To give them knowledge how that Salvation now is near: And that remiffion of their fins (their 13 Whereby the day-fpring from on high Defcended from his feat, To give light unto them that fat 14 To lighten thofe that fhadowed be The Song of the blefied Virgin Mary, MY foul doth magnifie the Lord, My fpirit evermore Rejovceth in the Lord my God, And why? because he did regard, 3 For now behold, all nations and The generations all, From this time forth for evermore 4 Because he hath me magnify'd, 5 For with his mercy and his grace 2 In heaven is. Give us, O Lord, For kingdom, power, and glory is The Ten Commandments of God, Ifrael, and what I fay He the'd ftrength with his mighty arm, Havered to underland! And made the proud to start, 7 He hath put down the mighty ones From their fupernal feat, And did exalt the meek in heart, 8 The hungry he replenished 9 And calling to remembrance his Great mercy very well, Hath holpen up mott graciously 10 According to his promise made The Song of Simeon, called Lord, my God, because my heart My Lord and Saviour to behold, 2 The joy and health of all Mankind, Defired long before : Who now is come into the world, 3 Then fuffer, Lord, thy fervant now 4 Becaufe my eyes which thou haft made, To give my body light, Have now beheld thy faving health, Whom thou haft mercifully fet, Of thy abundant grace, 6 The Gentiles to illuminate, The Lords Prayer, or Pater nofter. I am the Lord thy God that brought 2 Even from the houfe wherein thou didst 4 Of any thing in heaven above, 5 Nor fhalt them ferve, the Lord thy Godi Who punifheth the parents faults to third and fourth-degree, 6 Upon the children that me hate: To thousands of fuch as me love, 7 The Name thou of the Lord thy God For him that takes his Name in vain 8 Remember that thou holy keep the facred Sabbath-day: Six days thou labour fhalt, and do 9 The Lord thy God the feventh hath fet, No work then fhalt thou do in it. 10 Thy laughter, fervant, nor thy maid, 11 For in fix days God heav'n and earth And after that his reft he did upon the feventh day take. 12 Wherefore he bleft the day that he 13 Give honour to thy Parents, that Upon the land the which the Lord 14 Thou that no murther do. Nor fhalt Then Thou shalt not fteal. Nor witnefs falle againit thy neighbour be. 15 Thou fhait not covet house, that to thy neighbour doth belong: Nor cover fhalt in having of his wife to do him wrong. 16 Nor his man-fervant, nor os, nor afs of his, Nor any other thing that to thy neighbour proper is. The Prayer. nor his maid, Ty Spirit grant to us, O Lord, 2 For of our felves no ftrength we have 3 Lord, for thy Names fake grant us this, The Symbol or Creed of Athanafius, W Har man foever he be, that falvation hopes to gain, The Catholick Belief he must before all things retain. 2 Which Faith unlefs he whole do keep, 3 The Catholick Belief is this, 4 So as we neither do confound Nor yet the fubftance whole of one in funder parted be. 5 One Perfon of the Father is, another of the Son: Another Perfon proper of 6 Of Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, Such as the Father is, fuch is 9 Father incomprehenfible, the Holy Ghott of none. And in like fort eternal is the Holy Ghoit also. 11 And yet tho' we believe that each Yet there but one Eternal is, But one Incomprehenfible, 14 And albeit that ev'ry one Yet are there not three Gods to be, And Lord the Holy Choft; yet are Each of the Perfons by himfelt That either Gods be three, or that 19 Of none the Father is, not made, The Son is of the Father, not 20 The Holy Gholt is of them both, Not made, created, nor begot, 21 So we one Father hold only, Nor greater any than the reft, 23 But ev'ry one among themselves we always muft adore as There |