
- the Son of man coming in a with me it is a very small thing cloud with power and great that I should be judged of you, glory. And when these things or of mans judgment: yea, I begin to come to pass, then look judge not mine own felf. For I up, and lift up your heads; for know nothing by my self, yet your redemption draweth nigh. am I not hereby justified; but And he spake to them a para- he that judgeth me, is the Lord. ble, Behold, the fig-tree, and Therefore judge nothing beall the trees; When they now fore the time, until the Lord shoot forth, ye fee and know of come, who both will bring to your own selves that fummer light the hidden things of darkis now nigh at hand. So like- ness, and will make manifest wise ye, when ye see these the counsels of the hearts; and things come to pass, know ye then shall every man have that the kingdom of God is praise of God. nigh at hand. Verily I say un- The Gospel. S. Matth. 11. 2. to you, This generation shall N TOW when John had heard not pass away, till all be fulfil- in the prifon the works of led: Heaven and earth shall Christ, he sent two of his dipass away; but my words shall sciples, and said unto him, Art not passaway. thou he that should come, or do we look for another? Jesus, answered and faid unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and

The third Sunday in Advent.

The Collect.

Lord Jefu Chrift, who at

Ordre Chring what and

fend thy messenger to prepare fight, and the lame walk, the thy way before thee; Grant lepers are cleanfed, and the that the minifters and stewards deaf hear, the dead are raised of thy mysteries, may likewise up, and the poor have the fo prepare and make ready thy Gofpel preached to them. And way, by turning the hearts of bleffed is he whofsoever shall the disobedient to the wisdom not be offended in me. And as of the juft, that at thy second they departed, Jesus began to coming to judge the world, we say unto the multitudes conmay be found an acceptable cerning John, What went ye out people in thy fight, who livest into the wilderness to fee? A and reignest with the Father reed shaken with the wind? But and the Holy Spirit, ever one what went ye out for to fee? God, world without end. Amen. A man clothed in soft raimen? behold, they that wear foft clo The Epistle. I Cor. 4. 1. thing are in kings houses. Bat Et a man so account of us, what went ye out for to fee? A


as of the minifters of prophet? yea, I say unto you, Christ, and stewards of the and more than a prophet. For mysteries of God. Moreover, it this is he of whom it is writis required in stewards, that a ten, Behold, I send my mefman be found faithful. But senger before thy face, which



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The Gospel. S. John 1. 19. His is the record of John, when the Jews sent Priests


The fourth Sunday in Advent. and Levites from Jerufalem to ask him, Who art thou ? And he

The Collect.

O Lord, and denied

thee) thy power, and confefsed, I am not the Chrift. come among us, and with great And they asked him, What might fuccour us; that where then? Art thou Elias? And he as through our fins and wicked- faith, I am not. Art thou that nefs, we are fore let and hin- Prophet? And he answered, No. dred in running the race that Then faid they unto him, Who is set before us, thy bountiful art thou? that we may give an grace and mercy may speedily answer to them that sent us. help and deliver us, through What sayst thou of thy felf? the fatisfaction of thy Son our He said, I am the voice of one Lord; to whom with thee and crying in the wilderness, Make the Holy Ghost be honour and straight the way of the Lord, as glory, world without end. A- faid the prophet Efaias: and they which were sent, were of


The Epiftle. Phil. 4. 4. the Pharisees. And they asked

Royce in the Lord alway, him, and faid unto him whe

and again I fay, Rejoyce. baptizeft thou then, if thou be Let your moderation be known not that Chrift, nor Elias, neiunto all men. The Lord is at ther that Prophet? John answer hand. Be careful for nothing: ed them, faying, I baptize with but in every thing by prayer water: but there standeth one and fupplication with thanksgi- among you, whom ye know not. ving, let your requests be made He it is who coming after me, known unto God. And the is preferred before me, whose peace of God which passeth all shoes latchet I am not worthy understanding, shall keep your to unloose. These things were hearts and minds through done in Bethabara beyond Jor-e Chrift Jesus. dan, where John was baptizing.

The Nativity of our Lord, or the Birth-day of Chrift, commonly called Christmas-Day.

The Collect.

Lmighty God, who hast given us thy only begotten Son to take our nature upon him, and as at this time to be born of a pure Virgin; Grant that we being regenerate, and made thy children by adoption and grace,

may daily be renewed by thy
Holy Spirit, through the fame
our Lord Jesus Chrift, who li-
veth and reigneth with thee,
and the same Spirit, eyer one
God, world without end. Amen.
The Epistle. Heb. 1. 1.
Od who at fundry times,

Gand in divers manners


spake in time past unto the fa- but thou art the fame, and thy thers by the prophets, hath in years shall not fail.

these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath ap-> pointed heir of all things, by

The Gospel. S. John 1. 1.
N the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was

whom also he made the worlds. with God, and the Word was Who being the brightness of God. The fame was in the behis glory, and the express image ginning with God. All things of his perfon, and upholding all were made by him, and withthings by the word of his power, out him was not any thing when he had by himself pur- made that was made. In him ged our fins, fat down on the was life, and the life was the right hand of the Majesty on light of men. And the light shihigh: Being made so much bet- neth in darkness, and the darkter than the angels, as he hath ness comprehended it not. - by inheritance obtained a more There was a man fent from excellent Name than they. For God, whose name was John. into which of the angels faid The fame came for a witness, to he at any time, Thou art my bear witness of the light, that Son, this day have I begotten all men through him might be thee? And again, I will be to lieve. He was not that light, him a Father, and he shall be but was sent to bear witness of to me a Son? And again, when that light. That was the true he bringeth in the first-begot- light, which lighteth every man ten into the world, he faith, that cometh into the world. He And let all the angels of God was in the world, and the world worship him. And of the an- was made by him, and the gels he e faith, Who maketh his world knew him not. He came angels spirits, and his ministers unto his own, and his own rea flame of fire. But unto the ceived him not. But as many Son he faith, Thy throne, O as received him, to them gave God, is for ever and ever, a he power to become the fons of fceptre of righteousness is the God, even to them that befceptre of thy kingdom. Thou lieve on hisName: which were hast loved righteousness, and born, not of blood, nor of the hated iniquity; therefore God, will of the flesh, nor of the will even thy God, hath anointed of man, but of God. And the thee with the oyl of gladness Word was made flesia, and above thy fellows. And thou, dwelt among us, (and we beLord, in the beginning haft held his glory, the glory as of laid the foundation of the the only begotten of the Faearth; and the heavens are the ther) full of grace and truth. works of thine hands. They shall perish, but thou remaineft; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them

Saint Stephens Day.
The Collect.


O Lord, that in all our fufferings here unon truth,

up, and they shall be changed; earth, for the tentuony of thy


truth, we may stedfastly look in your synagogues, and perfeup to heaven, and by faith be- cute them from city to city; hold the glory that shall be re- that upon you may come all vealed; and being filled with the righteous blood fhed upon the Holy Ghost, may learn to the earth, from the blood of love and bless our perfecuters, righteous Abel, unto the blood by the example of thy first Mar- of Zacharias, fon tyr Saint Stephen, who prayed whom ye flew between the of Barachias, for his murderers to thee, O temple and the altar. Verily I blessed Jefus, who standest at say unto you, All these things the right hand of God to fuc- fshall come upon this generaticour all those that fuffer for on. O Jerufalem, Jerufalem, thee, our only Mediator and thou that killeft the prophets, Advocate. Amen. and stoneft them which are fent Then shall follow the Collect unto thee; how often would I of the Nativity, which frall have gathered thy children tobefaid continually unto New- gether, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not. Behold, your house is

years Eve.
For the Epifile. Acts 7.55.
Tephen being full of the

S Holy Ghost, looked up fted

left unto

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fastly into heaven, and faw the shall not fee me henceforth, till glory of God, and Jesus stand- ye shall say, Blessed is he that ing on the right hand of God, cometh in the Name of the Lord and faid, Behold, I fce the hea


The Collect. Erciful Lord, we beseech thee to cast thy bright

vens opened, and the Son of Saint John the Evangelifts Day. man standing on the right hand of God. Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him beams of light upon thy Church, with one accord, and cast him that it being enlightned by the out of the city, and stoned him; doctrine of thy blessed Apoftle and the witnesses laid down and Evangelift Saint John, may their clothes at a young mans so walk in the light of thy feet, whose name was Saul. And truth, that it may at length they stoned Stephen, calling up- attain to the light of everlasting on God, and faying, Lord Je- life, through Jesus Christ our sus, receive myspirit. And he Lord. Amen.



kneeled down and cried with a The Epistle. I S. John 1. 1. loud voice, Lord, lay not this Hat which fin to their charge. And when was from the beginning, which we have he had faid this, he fell asleep. heard, which we have seen with The Gospel. S. Matth. 23. 34. our eyes, which we have looked

Behold, fendunt you pro on, and our handshavehand

phets, wife man, and led of the word of life; (For scribes; and some of them ye the life was manifested, and we shall kill and crucifie; and have seen it, and bear witness, some of them shall ye scourge and thew unto you that eternal

life, which was with the Fa- die: yet Jesus said not unto ther, and was manifested unto him, He shall not die; but, If I us) That which we have seen will that he tarry till I come, and heard declare we unto you, what is that to thee? This is that ye alio may have fellow- the disciple which teftifieth of ship with us, and truly our these things, and wrote these fellowship is with the Father, things, and we know that his and with his Son Jesus Chrift. testimony is true. And there are And these things write we unto also many other things which you, that your joy may be full. Jesus did, the which if they This then is the message which should be written every one, I we have heard of him, and de- suppose that even the world it clare unto you, that God is felf could not contain the books light, and in him is no dark- that should be written.

The Innocents Day.
The Collect.

ness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the of the mouths of babes light, we have fellowship one and fucklings haft ordained with another, and the blood of strength, and madest infants to Jesus Chrift his Son cleanseth glorifie thee by their deaths; us from all fin. If we say that Mortifie and kill all vices in us, we have no fin, we deceive our and so strengthen us by thy selves, and the truth is not in grace, that by the innocency of us. If we confess our fins, he is our lives, and conftancy of our faithful and just to forgive us faitheven unto death, we may our fins, and to cleanse us from glorifie thy holy Name, through all unrighteousness. If we say Jesus Chrift our Lord. Amen. that we have not finned, we make him a liar, and his Word is not in us.

I Looked, and lo, a

For the Epistle. Rev. 14. 1. Lamb The Gospel. S. John 21.19. stood on the mount Sion, Efus faid unto Peter, Follow and with him J an hundred forty me. Then Peter turning a- and four thousand, having his bout, feeth the disciple whom Fathers name written in their Jesus loved, following, which foreheads. And I heard a voice also leaned on his breaft at fup- from heaven, as the voice of per, and faid, Lord, which is many waters, and as the voice he that betrayeth thee? Peter of a great thunder: and I feeing him, faith to Jesus, heard the voice of harpers Lord, and what shall this man harping with their harps: And do? Jesus faith unto him, If I they sung as it were a new song will that he tarry till I come, before the throne, and before what is that to thee? Follow the four beafts, and the elders; thou me. Then went this saying and no man could learn that abroad among the brethren, song, but the hundred and forty that that difciple should not and four thousand, which were C4 redeemed

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