페이지 이미지

And whan the came to kyng Adlands hall,

Untill the fayre hall yate,

There they found a proud portèr

Rearing himselfe thereatt.

Sayes, Christ thee save, thou proud portèr ; 175

Sayes, Christ thee save and see.

Nowe you be welcome, sayd the portèr,

Of what land soever ye bee.

Wee beene harpers, sayd Adler younge,

Come out of the northe countrye ; Wee beene come hither untill this place, This proud weddinge for to see.

Sayd, And your color were white and redd,

As it is blacke and browne,


1 wold saye king Estmere and his brother Were comen untill this towne.


Then they pulled out a ryng of gold,

Layd itt on the porters arme :

And ever we will thee, proud portèr,

Thow wilt saye us no harme.

Sore he looked on kyng Estmère,

And sore he handled the ryng,

Then opened to them the fayre hall yates,
He lett for no kind of thyng.



Kyng Estmere he stabled his steede

Soe fayre att the hall bord;

The froth, that came from his brydle bitte,


Light in kyng Bremors beard.

Saies, Stable thy steed, thou proud harpèr,

[blocks in formation]

Thou speakst proud words, sayes the king of Spaine,

Thou harper, here to mee:

There is a man within this halle

Will beate thy ladd and thee.

O let that man come downe, he said,

A sight of him wold I see; And when hee hath beaten well

Then he shall beate of mee.


my ladd,

Downe then came the kemperye man,


And looked him in the eare;

For all the gold, that was under heaven,

He durst not neigh him neare.

Ver. 202. To stable his steede. fol. MS.


And how nowe, kempe, said the kyng of Spaine,

And how what aileth thee?

He saies, It is writt in his forhead

All and in gramaryè,

That for all the gold that is under heaven

I dare not neigh him nye.


Then kyng Estmere pulld forth his harpe,


And plaid a pretty thinge :

The ladye upstart from the borde,

And wold have gone from the king.

Stay thy harpe, thou proud harpèr,
For Gods love I pray thee,
For and thou playes as thou beginns,
Thou'lt till my bryde from mee.

He stroake upon his harpe againe,
And playd a pretty thinge;
The ladye lough a loud laughter,
As shee sate by the king.

Saies, Sell me thy harpe, thou proud harper,

And thy stringès all,

For as many gold nobles thou shalt have'

As heere bee ringes in the hall.

What wold ye doe with my harpe,' he sayd,'

If I did sell itt yee?

* i. e. entice, Vid. Gloss.





"To playe my wiffe and me a FITT *,

When abed together wee bee."

Now sell me, quoth hee, thy bryde soe gay, 245

As shee sitts by thy knee,

And as many gold nobles I will give,

As leaves been on a tree.

And what wold ye doe with my bryde soe gay,

[blocks in formation]

"O ladye, this is thy owne true love;
"Noe harper, but a kyng.


"O ladye, this is thy owne true love,
"As playnlye thou mayest see;

"And Ile rid thee of that foule paynìm,

"Who partes thy love and thee.”


The ladye looked, the ladye blushte,
And blushte and lookt agayne,

While Adler he hath drawne his brande,
And hath the Sowdan slayne.

I. e. a tune, or strain of music. See Gloss.

Ver. 253. Some liberties have been taken in the following stanZas; but wherever this Edition differs from the preceding, it hath been brought nearer to the folio MS.


Up then rose the kemperye men,

And loud they gan to crye:

Ah! traytors, yee have slayne our kyng,
And therefore yee shall dye.

Kyng Estmere threwe the harpe asyde,

And swith he drew his brand;

And Estmere he, and Adler yonge



Right stiffe in stour can stand.

And aye

their swordes soe sore can byte,

Throughe help of Gramaryè,

That soone they have slayne the kempery men, 275

Or forst them forth to flee.

Kyng Estmere tooke that fayre ladyè,

And marryed her to his wiffe,

And brought her home to merry Englànd

With her to leade his life.


* The word Gramarye, which occurs several times in the foregoing Poem, is probably a corruption of the French word Grimoire, which signifies a Conjuring Book in the old French Romances, if not the Art of Necromancy itself.

+++ TERMAGAUNT (mentioned above in p. 63.) is the name given in the old romances to the God of the Saracens: in which he is constantly linked with MAHOUND or Mahomet. Thus in the legend of SYR GUY the Sou dan (Sultan) swears,

"So helpe me MAHOWNE of might,
"And TERMAGAUNT my God so bright."
Sign. p. iij. b.


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