and fish, and objects of interest therein, and for other purposes authorized by this Act. "Such commissioner shall have power, upon sworn information, to issue process in the name of the United States for the arrest of any person charged with the commission of any misdemeanor, or charged with a violation of the rules and regulations, or with a violation of any of the provisions of this Act prescribed for the government of said park and for the protection of the animals, birds, and fish in said park, and to try the person so charged, and, if found guilty, to impose punishment and to adjudge the forfeiture prescribed. "In all cases of conviction an appeal shall lie from the judgment of said commissioner to the United States district court for the district of Montana, and the United States district court in said district shall prescribe the rules of procedure and practice for said commissioner in the trial of cases and for appeal to said United States district court.47 ،، Any such commissioner shall also have power to issue process as hereinbefore provided for the arrest of any person charged with the commission, within said boundaries, of any criminal offense not covered by the provisions of section four of this Act. to hear the evidence introduced, and if he is of opinion that probable cause is shown for holding the person so charged for trial, shall cause such person to be safely conveyed to a secure place of confinement within the jurisdiction of the United States district court for the district of Montana, and certify a transcript of the record of his proceedings and the testimony in the case to said court, which court shall have jurisdiction of the case: Provided, That the said commissioner shall grant bail in all cases bailable under the laws of the United States or of said State.48 "All process issued by the commissioner shall be directed to the marshal of the United States for the district of Montana, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the arrest by any officer or employee of the Government, or any person employed by the United States in the policing of said reservation, within said boundaries, without process, of any person taken in the act of violating the law or this Act, or the regulations prescribed by said Secretary as aforesaid.'' 49 47 39 St. at L. 444, Comp. St. 48 Ibid.,, Comp. St. § 5249g. $5249f. "§93. The State of Nebraska shall constitute one judicial district to be known as the district of Nebraska. Said district is divided into eight divisions. The territory embraced on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and ten, in the counties of Douglas, Sarpy, Washington, Dodge, Colfax, Platte, Nance, Boone, Wheeler, Burt, Thurston, Dakota, Cuming, Cedar, and Dixon, shall constitute the Omaha division; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Madison, Antelope, Knox, Pierce, Stanton, Wayne, Holt, Boyd, Rock, Brown, and Keya Paha, shall constitute the Norfolk division; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Cherry, Sheridan, Dawes, Box Butte, and Sioux, shall constitute the Chadron division; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Hall, Merrick, Howard, Greeley, Garfield, Valley, Sherman, Buffalo, Custer, Loup, Blaine, Thomas, Hooker, and Grant, shall constitute the Grand Island division; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Lincoln, Dawson, Logan, McPherson, Keith, Deuel, Garden, Morrill, Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner, and Scott's Bluff, shall constitute the North Platte division; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Cass, Otoe, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee, Richardson, Gage, Lancaster, Saunders, Butler, Seward, Saline, Jefferson, Thayer, Fillmore, York, Polk, and Hamilton, shall constitute the Lincoln division; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Clay, Nuckolls, Webster, Adams, Kearney, Franklin, Harlan, and Phelps, shall constitute the Hastings division; and the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Gosper, Furnas, Red Willow, Frontier, Hayes, Hitchcock, Dundy, Chase, and Perkins, shall constitute the McCook division. Terms of the district court for the Omaha division shall be held at Omaha on the first Monday in April and the fourth Monday in September; for the Norfolk division, at Norfolk on the third Monday in September; for the Chadron division, at Chadron on the second Monday in September; for the Grand Island division, at Grand Island on the second Monday in January; for the North Platte division, at North Platte on the second Monday in June; for the Lincoln division, at Lincoln on the second Monday in May and the first Monday in October; for the Hastings division, at Hastings on the second Monday in March; and for the McCook division at McCook on the first Monday in March: Provided, That where provision is made herein for holding court at places where there are no Federal buildings, a suitable room in which to hold court, together with light and heat, shall be provided by the city or county where such court is held, without any expense to the United States. The clerk of the court shall appoint a deputy for each division of the district in which he does not himself reside, who shall keep his office and reside at the place of holding court in the division for which he is appointed.50 49 Ibid., Comp. St. § 5249h. "§ 94. The State of Nevada shall constitute one judicial district, to be known as the district of Nevada. Terms of the district court shall be held at Carson City on the first Mondays in February, May, and October.51 "§ 95. The State of New Hampshire shall constitute one judicial district, to be known as the district of New Hampshire. Terms of the district court shall be held at Portsmouth on the last Tuesday in October; at Concord on the last Tuesday in April and the second Tuesday in December; and at Littleton on the third Tuesday in September. 52 "§ 96. The State of New Jersey shall constitute one judicial district, to be known as the district of New Jersey. Terms of the District Court shall be held at Newark on the first Tuesday in April and the first Tuesday in November, and at Trenton on the third Tuesday in January and the second Tuesday in September of each year. The clerk of the court for the district of New Jersey shall maintain an office in charge of himself or a deputy, at Newark and at Trenton, each of which offices shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of the court; and the marshal shall also maintain an office, in charge of himself or a deputy, at Newark and at Trenton, each of which offices shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of the court." 53 By an agreement made between the States of New Jersey and New York on September 6, 1833, of which Congress approved by the Act of June 28, 1834,54 the boundary line between the two States was fixed "from a point in the middle of Hudson river, opposite the point on the western shore thereof, in the forty-one degree of north latitude, as heretofore ascertained and marked, to the main sea, shall be the middle of the said river, of the Bay of New York, of the waters between Staten Island and New Jersey, and of Raritan Bay, to the main sea." The boundary of the respective jurisdictions of the Federal courts sitting in New York and New Jersey is the same as that fixed in this agreement. 55 The District Court of the United States for the District of New Jersey when sitting in admiralty has exclusive jurisdiction of a vessel fastened to the New Jersey shore, although below the low water line. 56 It was so held when a tug was afloat in the Kill Von Kull, between Staten Island and New Jersey, fastened at the end of a dock at Bayonne, about three hundred feet below low water mark and about half a mile from the entrance of the Kill Von Kull into the Bay of New York; 57 and when a vessel was lying afloat at anchor on the Hudson River, between Jersey City and Manhattan Island, on the westerly side of the middle of the Hudson River, several hundred feet east of the Morris Street Pier of Jersey City; and when made fast to a wharf in the Morris Canal basin in Jersey City. 58 50 36 St. at L. 1118, Comp. St. 1079. 51 36 Stat. at L. 1118, Comp. St. $ 1080. 52 Jud. Code, 36 St. at L. 1087, 1119, as am'd Act of Aug. 23, 1912, 37 St. at L. 357, Comp. St. § 1081. 544 St. at L. 708. The State of New Mexico constitutes one district, with one District Judge. It is attached to the Eighth Circuit. The regular terms of the district court are held at the capital of that State, Santa Fe, on the first Mondays of April and October in each year. 59 "§ 97. The State of New York is divided into four judicial districts, to be known as the northern, eastern, southern, and west 53 36 St. at L. 1087, 1119, am'd Act of Feb'y 14, 1913, 37 St. at L. 265, 37 St. at L. 674, Comp. St. $1082. Kennedy, 25 Fed. 569; The Norma, 32 Fed. 411. 55 Re Devoe Mfg. Co., 108 U. S. 401, 2 Sup. Ct. 894, 27 L. ed. 764: s. c., 14 Fed. 183; The Sarah E. 56 Ibid. 57 The Sarah E. Kennedy, 25 Fed. 569. 58 The Norma, 32 Fed. 411. 5936 St. at L. 557, 565, §13, Comp. St. § 1083. ern districts of New York. The northern district shall include the territory embraced on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and ten, in the counties of Albany, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Clinton, Cortland, Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Montgomery, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, Otsego, Rensselaer, Saint Lawrence, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Tioga, Tompkins, Warren, and Washington, with the waters thereof. Terms of the district court for said district shall be held at Albany on the second Tuesday in February; at Utica on the first Tuesday in December; at Binghamton on the second Tuesday in June; at Auburn on the first Tuesday in October; at Syracuse on the first Tuesday in April; and in the discretion of the judge of the court, one term annually at such time and place within the counties of Rensselaer, Saratoga, Onondaga, Saint Lawrence, Clinton, Jefferson, Oswego, and Franklin, as he may from time to time appoint. Such appointment shall be made by notice of at least twenty days published in a newspaper published at the place where said court is to be held. The eastern district shall include the territory embraced on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and ten, in the counties of Richmond, Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk, with the waters thereof. Terms of the district court for said district shall be held at Brooklyn on the first Wednesday in every month. The southern district shall include the territory embraced on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and ten, in the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, New York, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester, with the waters thereof. Terms of the district court for said district shall be held at New York City on the first Tuesday in each month. The district courts of the southern and eastern districts shall have concurrent jurisdiction over the waters within the counties of New York, Kings, Queens, Nassau, Richmond, and Suffolk, and over all seizures made and all matters done in such waters; all processes or orders issued within either of said courts or by any judge thereof shall run and be executed in any part of said waters." 60 The District Court of the Southern District of New York, in admiralty, has no jurisdiction on the westerly side of the middle 6036 St. at L. 1087, 1119; Comp. St. $ 1084. Act of January 21, |