
deny it in part, or to grant it with such modifications and upon such terms and conditions as the Commission may deem necessary or appropriate in the premises, and may from time to time, for good cause shown, make such supplemental orders in the premises as it may deem necessary or appropriate, and may by any such supplemental order modify the provisions of any previous order as to the particular purposes, uses, and extent to which, or the conditions under which, any securities so theretofore authorized or the proceeds thereof may be applied, subject always to the requirements of the foregoing paragraph (2). "(4) Every application for authority shall be made in such form and contain such matters as the Commission may prescribe. Every such application, as also every certificate of notification hereinafter provided for, shall be made under oath, signed and filed on behalf of the carrier by its president, a vice president, auditor, comptroller, or other executive officer having knowledge of the matters therein set forth and duly designated for that purpose by the carrier.

"(5) Whenever any securities set forth and described in any application for authority or certificate of notification as pledged or held unencumbered in the treasury of the carrier shall, subsequent to the filing of such application or certificate, be sold, pledged, repledged, or otherwise disposed of by the carrier, such carrier shall, within ten days after such sale, pledge, repledge, or other disposition, file with the Commission a certificate of notification to that effect, setting forth therein all such facts as may be required by the Commission.

"(6) Upon receipt of any such application for authority the Commission shall cause notice thereof to be given to and a copy filed with the governor of each State in which the applicant carrier operates. The railroad commissions, public service or utilities commissions, or other appropriate State authorities of the State shall have the right to make before the Commission such representations as they may deem just and proper for preserving and conserving the rights and interests of their people and the States, respectively, involved in such proceedings. The Commission may hold hearings, if it sees fit, to enable it to determine its decision upon the application for authority.

"(7) The jurisdiction conferred upon the Commission by this section shall be exclusive and plenary, and a carrier may issue securities and assume obligations or liabilities in accordance with the provisions of this section without securing approval other than as specified herein.

"(8) Nothing herein shall be construed to imply any guaranty or obligation as to such securities on the part of the United States.

"(9) The foregoing provisions of this section shall not apply to notes to be issued by the carrier maturing not more than two years after the date thereof and aggregating (together with all other then outstanding notes of a maturity of two years or less) not more than 5 per centum of the par value of the securities of the carrier then outstanding. In the case of securities having no par value, the par value for the purposes of this paragraph shall be the fair market value as of the date of issue. Within ten days after the making of such notes the carrier issuing the same shall file with the Commission a certificate of notification, in such form as may from time to time be determined and prescribed by the Commission, setting forth as nearly as may be the same matters as those required in respect of applications for authority to issue other securities : Provided, That in any subsequent funding of such notes the provisions of this section respecting other securities shall apply.

"(10) The Commission shall require periodical or special reports from each carrier hereafter issuing any securities, including such notes, which shall show, in such detail as the Commission may require, the disposition made of such securities and the application of the proceeds thereof.

"(11) Any security issued or any obligation or liability assumed by a carrier, for which under the provisions of this section the authorization of the Commission is required, shall be void, if issued or assumed without such authorization therefor having first been obtained, or if issued or assumed contrary to any term or condition of such order of authorization as modified by any order supplemental thereto entered prior to such issuance or assumption; but no security issued or obligation or. liability assumed in accordance with all the terms and conditions of such an order of authorization therefor as modified by any order supplemental thereto entered prior to such issuance or assumption, shall be rendered void because of failure to comply with any provision of this section relating to pro

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cedure and other matters preceding the entry of such order of authorization. If any security so made void or any security in respect to which the assumption of obligation or liability is so made void, is acquired by any person for value and in good faith and without notice that the issue or assumption is void, such person may in a suit or action in any court of competent jurisdiction hold jointly and severally liable for the full amount of the damage sustained by him in respect thereof, the carrier which issued the security so made void, or assumed the obligation or liability so made void, and its directors, officers, attorneys, and other agents, who participated in any way in the authorizing, issuing, hypothecating, or selling of the security so made void or in the authorizing of the assumption of the obligation or liability so made void. In case any security so made void was directly acquired from the carrier issuing it the holder may at his option rescind the transaction and upon the surrender of the security recover the consideration given therefor. Any director, officer, attorney or agent of the carrier who knowingly assents to or concurs in any issue of securities or assumptions of obligations or liability forbidden by this section, or any sale or other disposition of securities contrary to the provisions of the Commission's order or orders in the premises, or any application not authorized by the Commission of the funds derived by the carrier through such sale or other disposition of such securities, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than three years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

"(12) After December 31, 1921, it shall be unlawful for any person to hold the position of officer or director of more than one carrier, unless such holding shall have been authorized by order of the Commission upon due showing, in form and manner prescribed by the Commission, that neither public nor private interests will be adversely affected thereby. After this section takes effect it shall be unlawful for any officer or director of any carrier to receive for his own benefit, directly or indirectly, any money or thing of value in respect of the negotiation, hypothecation, or sale of any securities issued or to be issued by such carrier, or to share in any of the proceeds thereof, or to participate in the making or paying of any dividends of an operating carrier from any funds properly included in capital account. Any violation of these provisions shall be a misdemeanor, and on conviction in any United States court having jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than three years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court." 14

"(1) Every common carrier by water in foreign commerce, whose vessels are registered under the laws of the United States, shall file with the Commission, within thirty days after this section becomes effective and regularly thereafter as changes are made, a schedule or schedules showing for each of its steam vessels intended to load general cargo at ports in the United States for foreign destinations (a) the ports of loading, (b) the dates upon which such vessels will commence to receive freight and dates of sailing, (c) the route and itinerary such vessels will follow and the ports of call for which cargo will be carried.

"(2) Upon application of any shipper a carrier by railroad shall make request for, and the carrier by water shall upon receipt of such request name, a specific rate applying for such sailing, and upon such commodity as shall be embraced in the inquiry, and shall name in connection with such rate, port charges, if any, which accrue in addition to the vessel's rates and are not otherwise published by the railway as in addition to or absorbed in the railway rate. Vessel rates, if conditioned upon quantity of shipment, must be so stated and separate rates may be provided for carload and less than carload shipments. The carrier by water, upon advices from a carrier by railroad, stating that the quoted rate is firmly accepted as applying upon a specifically named quantity of any commodity, shall, subject to such conditions as the Commission by regulation may prescribe, make firm reservation from unsold space in such steam vessel as shall be required for its transportation and shall so advise the carrier by railroad, in which advices shall be included

14 Act of Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, $20a, as added, Feb. 28, 1920, ch. ,$439, Comp. St. § 8592a.

the latest available information as to prospective sailing date of such vessel.

"(3) As the matters so required to be stated in such schedule or schedules are changed or modified from time to time, the carrier shall file with the Commission such changes or modifications as early as practicable after such modification is ascertained. The Commission is authorized to make and publish regulations not inconsistent herewith governing the manner and form in which such carriers are to comply with the foregoing provisions. The Commission shall cause to be published in compact form, for the information of shippers of commodities throughout the country, the substance of such schedules, and furnish such publications to all railway carriers subject to this Act, in such quantities that railway carriers may supply to each of their agents who receive commodities for shipment in such cities and towns as may be specified by the Commission, a copy of said publication; the intent being that each shipping community sufficiently important, from the standpoint of the export trade, to be so specified by the Commission shall have opportunity to know the sailings and routes, and to ascertain the transportation charges of such vessels engaged in foreign commerce. Each railway carrier to which such publication is furnished by the Commission is hereby required to distribute the same as aforesaid and to maintain such publication as it is issued from time to time, in the hands of its agents. The Commission is authorized to make such rules and regulations not inconsistent herewith respecting the distribution and maintenance of such publications in the several communities so specified as will further the intent of this section.

"(4) When any consignor delivers a shipment of property to any of the places so specified by the Commission, to be delivered by a railway carrier to one of the vessels upon which space has been reserved at a specified rate previously ascertained, as provided herein, for the transportation by water from and for a port named in the aforesaid schedule, the railway carrier shall issue a through bill of lading to the point of destination. Such bill of lading shall name separately the charge to be paid for the railway transportation, water transportation, and port charges, if any, not included in the rail or water transportation charge; but the carrier by railroad shall not be liable to

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