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forth in the preamble to our Constitution of promoting the general welfare and bringing happiness and liberty to the people. They blazed a new trail in the realm of government when they created and ordained a government deriving its powers and functions from the consent of the governed as against the idea of government by divine right. That this land has fallen a prey to ills they scarcely dreamed of is no fault of theirs but, rather, in contradiction to the purposes which they enunciated and to the causes for which they fought.

Few nations can boast of public servants freer from the taint of personal ambitions and greed than are ours. There have been exceptions, to be sure, but their lesser evils have been lost in the greater good. Our history has produced a long line of champions who have come here and in this well have fought to protect the people's interests, and now, to that long line of brilliant spirits of the past and to that galaxy of geniuses that have preserved this Nation we add the names of our 10 colleagues and the 4 Senators who served with us during the early months of this term. They submitted themselves to the will of the people at a time of national crisis. Many of their people were in want; and yet, amidst the pangs of hunger and the discord which hunger naturally brings, their constituency had faith in them. There has been no peril in the life of this Nation that compares in magnitude of threatened disaster with that which faced us in March of 1933. With our financial structure in collapse, with business stagnant, with only hope and faith to buoy them up, our colleagues came here to meet the peril and to do battle with the forces of adversity. They found the Nation suffering largely from diseases of its own making, bountifully supplied by nature with much more than the necessities of life, but denied by the greed of men an adequate distribution of life's benefits. With no thought

of partisanship or of personal preferment they set upon the task before them, facing it in the spirit of—

One who never turned his back but marched breast forward,
Never doubted clouds would break,

Never dreamed, though right were worsted, wrong would triumph,
Held we fall to rise, and baffled to fight better, sleep to wake.

In the midst of their labors for the people they long had served, they were taken from their tasks by a Power whose decisions we cannot question. Some of them were men who had devoted a lifetime to the service of their State. Others had but started on the journey of life; but, old and young alike, they were consecrating their efforts and their abilities to the cause of helping America's people on the road toward their great objective-a more abundant life. That the impulses which they gave to that cause will continue after their departure we can have no doubt.

We are taught by the lessons of physics that in the world of nature matter is indestructible. They tell us that a pebble artlessly dropped into the Atlantic seaboard will set in motion an impulse that will not cease until it laps gently upon the brown foot of a native bathing boy on the shores of the Japan Sea. They tell us that a yodeling sound sent forth from the side of the Matterhorn will wend its way upon the waves of ether beyond the farthest star, never to cease. Science has not been able to reduce to the same certainty the indestructibility of the spirit. That has been left by the wisdom of the Almighty to the realm of faith. But can we not believe that the power that created no effect without cause, that made the ear that music might be heard, the eye that beauty might be seen, would not have created the great universal yearning of the human heart for immortality and left that yearning unfulfilled? Cato's thoughts are ours when he says:

It must be so-Plato, thou reasonest well

Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire,
This longing after immortality?

Or whence this secret dread, and inward horror,

of falling into naught? Why shrinks the soul

Back on herself, and startles at destruction?

"Tis the divinity that stirs within us;

'Tis heaven itself that points out an hereafter

And intimates eternity to man.

From the time the first savage crawled from his rude cave dwelling and bowed in worship before the rising morning sun, mankind has always yearned and dreamed for an existence after death. This yearning has not abated with the development of science and invention. It exists in the most modern of the modern with perhaps increased intensity. Of whatever state in life and without regard to creed or philosophy, there are always that inward tugging and that ray of hope that make us believe that man was not created to be eternally destroyed.

It was my privilege to travel over a number of the Western States with a former Member of this House, who represented, in my opinion, the aspirations and the hopes, and held the confidence of as many, of America's people as any individual in the last half century. I refer to the great Commoner. The common people believed in him; he had fought their fight. Wherever they needed a defense, he was there as their defender. With all his masterful oratory, the people knew that he would not play upon their sympathies and emotions and then betray them. He had been tested in too many battles where their interests were at stake, and at least the common people had never found him wanting. I saw the tanned sons of the soil as they flocked into town at the word of the coming of their champion. I watched them as they sat on the rude benches of those early Chautauqua days and with lifted eyes and lighted faces drank in the words that dropped from the eloquent tongue of this prophet of the people. He represented their hopes, and he gave to them a philosophy of faith. I can almost hear him now, as he reaches that high summation of all the hopes and faith of mortal men:

I shall not believe that this life is extinguished. If the Deity deigns to touch with divine power the cold and pulseless heart

of the buried acorn and make it to burst from its prison walls, will He leave neglected in the earth the soul of man who was made in the image of his Creator? If He stoops to give to the rose bush, whose withered blossoms float upon the breeze, the sweet assurance of another springtime, will He withhold the word of hope from the children of men when the frosts of winter come? If matter, mute and inanimate, though changed by the forces of nature into a multitude of forms, can never die, will the proud spirit of man suffer annihilation after it has paid a brief visit, like a royal guest, to this tenement of clay? Let us rather believe that He, who in his apparent prodigality wastes not the raindrop, the blade of grass, or the evening's sighing zephyr, but makes them all to carry out His plan, has given immortality to the mortal.

So, may we not therefore in our faith believe today that cur comrades have departed for the usefulness of a richer life, leaving behind them the impulses of their courage, their inspiration, their loyalty to inspire us to the completion of the task which they had begun; that in these halls, where once they were so active in debate, they still remain watching our efforts; that they are a part of the choir invisible

Of those immortal dead who live again

In minds made better by their presence; live

In pulses stirred to generosity,

In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn

For miserable aims that end with self.

In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars,

And with their mild persistence urge man's search

To vaster issues.

And now, after having listened for the last time to the roll call of our colleagues, we turn our faces from the past and set our eyes upon the future to meet new problems, to find new solutions, and may we from this occasion have gathered new faith in the eternal purpose of things, and in that faith may we be inspired to carve for the people of this Nation a destiny in the future worthy of the ideals and dreams of our comrades who are gone.

The Interstate Chorus sang “The Long Day Closes."

Hon. ALLEN T. TREADWAY, & Representative from the State of Massachusetts, delivered the following address:


Mr. TREADWAY. Mr. Speaker, in accordance with the custom which was adopted a number of years ago, we are today assembled to pay homage to those Members of the House and Senate who during the past year answered their last roll call. They have passed on to yonder shore where, we are confident, a new life has opened for them from which we can feel they are participating in spirit with us on this occasion.

It is not for us to know what that life is, but as a reward for their faithful services here and their honorable careers in this life we believe that they are now beginning to live; to live that life of unimpaired influence and unmingled happiness for which their talents and services were destined. These shall resist the empire of decay

When time is o'er and worlds have passed away;
Cold in the dust the perished heart may lie,
But that which warmed it can never die.

The intimate relations between Members here particularly qualify us to join in sympathetic sorrow for the kinfolk of our departed colleagues who are assembled with us on this occasion. We extend our sympathy not only to those here in person, but likewise to those relatives who for various reasons are unable to participate in these exercises today.

The consolation to us and to the bereaved families is the thought that the tasks of these men were accomplished. They were found faithful in the duties of a position of trust. They bore the burden of the affairs of Government from which springs the greatness of our Republic. We may be great in area, in natural resources, in grand mountains and verdant hills, and we may have all the underlying characteristics of a great nation, but there can be no cohesion or strength in it unless the human equation is preeminent. As generations come and go, this country, fortunately, has enlisted in its public service the men who could bring our

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