

BOLIVAR EDWARDS KEMP was born in St. Helena Parish, near Amite, Tangipahoa Parish, La., December 28, 1871; was privately tutored and also attended the public schools of Amite and the University of Louisiana at Baton Rouge; was graduated in law from Tulane University at New Orleans in 1897; was admitted to the bar the same year and commenced practice at Amite, La.; was active in the development of agricultural and trucking industries and also interested in banking; member of the board of supervisors of the University of Louisiana since 1910; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-ninth, Seventieth, Seventy-first, Seventy-second, and Seventy-third Congresses, and served from March 4, 1925, until his death, in Amite, La., June 19, 1933; interment in Amite Cemetery.

In the House of Representatives

MONDAY, April 9, 1934.

Mr. MOREHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I send to the desk a resolution which I ask to have considered at this time.

The Clerk read as follows:

House Resolution 327

Resolved, That on Friday, April 27, immediately after the approval of the Journal, the House shall stand at recess for the purpose of holding memorial services as arranged by the Committee on Memorials under the provisions of clause 40a of Rule XI. The order of exercises and the proceedings of the service shall be printed in the Congressional Record, and all persons shall be given the privilege of extending their remarks in the Congressional Record. At the conclusion of the proceedings the Speaker shall call the House to order, and then, as a further mark of respect to the memories of the deceased, he shall declare the House adjourned.

The resolution was agreed to.

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