EMILIA. Methinks, Mr. Dorimant, my DORIMANT. [TO LADY WOODVILL] You Lady Woodvill is a little fond of you. are willing to rest yourself, madam? LADY TOWNLEY. [TO MEDLEY] We'll walk into my chamber and sit down. 90 DORIMANT. Would her daughter were! MEDLEY. It may be you may find her so. Try her you have an opportunity. DORIMANT. And I will not lose it.-Bellair, here's a lady has something to say to you. 134 137 DORIMANT. Your company is desired monly a method of managing those messenwithin, sir. gers of love. Now they will look as if they DORIMANT. Put on a gentle smile and let formed you use to laugh at love and not me see how well it will become you. 1 Fencing terms. 2 fair glances. make it. 219 1 An evening reception. 2 Q1 evelie, "sprightly." SIR FOPLING. Ah, Dorimant - Courtage, I would say-would thou hadst spent the last summer in Paris with me! When thou wert there, La Corneus and Sallyes were the only habitués we had: a comedian would have been a bonne fortune. No stranger ever passed his time so well as I did some months before I came over. I was well received in a dozen families where all the women of quality used to visit; I have intrigues to tell thee more pleasant than ever thou read'st in a novel. 312 399 SIR FOPLING. Do not think it want of complaisance, madam. HARRIET. You are too well bred to want that, Sir Fopling. I believe it want of power. SIR FOPLING. By heavens, and so it is! I have sat up so damned late and drunk so cursed hard since I came to this lewd town, that I am fit for nothing but low dancing now-a corant, a bourrée, or a menuet. But St. Andre tells me, if I will but be regular, in one month I shall rise again. (Endeavors at a caper)-Pox on this debauchery! EMILIA. I have heard your dancing much commended. 409 SIR FOPLING. No matter; my clothes are my creatures. I make 'em to make my court to you lodies. Hey! [He calls to his servants; they dance] Qu'on commence to an English dancer, English motions. I was forced to entertain this fellow [Points to JOHN TROTT], one of my set miscarrying. Oh, horrid! Leave your damned manner o dancing and put on the French air. Have you not a pattern before you?-Pretty wel | -imitation in time may bring him to some thing. 43 f Y e |