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to left or vice versa; in every case always observing the law of tasteful symmetry in the collocation of one figure alone or two or three figures together, so as to fill the lines. Hieratic writing ran always from right to left. In some funeral manuscripts we find hieroglyphics and hieratics both used. Anaglyphs (engravings) were engraved or raised figures symbolic of astronomical and probably also of other objects. The symbols used in chemistry are also of Egyptian origin.-We have already mentioned various opinions relative to the language of the hieroglyphics, and we shall now add a few observations on the same subject. Quatremère demonstrates the independence of the Mut of Chem. Lepsius, insisting on the original identity of the Aryan or Indo-European, Semitic and Coptic families, yet allows to each its individuality. Schwartze declares the last named to be analogous to the Semitic by its grammar, and to the Aryan by its roots. Benfey divides the Semitic family into two branches, separated by the isthmus of Suez, viz., the Asiatic and the African, adding to the Coptic all idioms of northern Africa. According to Bunsen, the Egyptian language is a pre-historic deposit of Semitism, whose roots and forms are only explicable by Aryo-Semitic elements together. Rougé finds that the Egyp tian resembles the Semitic in proportion to its antiquity. Ewald protests against this Semitomania. The similarities in the personal pronouns, in many vocables, especially numerals, in the agglutination of accessory words, in the assimilation of consonants, and in the instability of vowels, can be explained by laws of logic and by mutual intercourse among the nations, without recourse to the theory of identity. Egyptian civilization has nothing in common with that of the Semitic nations; the physical traits of the races are also distinct from each other. But the method of suffixes to nouns and to verbs is also of Turanic (Allophylic, Tshudic, &c.) character. Chamitic (Egyptic) is, therefore, the most proper epithet for the language of the hieroglyphics, which may be conveniently grouped with the non-Semitic tongues of Abyssinia, Nubia, and perhaps with the ancient Libyan and Numidian or Berber. Several characters were regularly used to denote the same sound, and are called homophonous, many of them for the purpose of artistic symmetry. Their number was increased during the rule of the Lagides and Romans; Latopolis (Esneh) was thus written by 10 different groups, each of which contained the sign of city with the alphabetic signs SN. The Champollionists contend that figurative, symbolic, and phonetic characters occur mixed in all texts, the last predominating; while the Seyffarthists contend for pure phonetism, both alphabetic and syllabic. Bunsen adds 120 symbolic characters, 120 phonograms of all ages, 72 syllabic groups, and 50 mixed groups, to the above 460 iconic ideograms. Of Champollion's 260 phonograms of all ages, the following are adopted as certain, viz.: 3 for A, eagle (achom), reed leaf (achi),

and arm (amschoir ?); 1 for I, two reed leaves; 3 for U, chicken, convolute line (also for F), and a sort of noose; 1 for B, foot; 1 for P, square; 1 for F, snake; 3 for K, quadrant, basket (kot), and knee (ka); 2 for CH guttural, sieve and lotus; 2 for H, chain and house plan; 3 for T, semicircle, hand (tot), girdle, &c. ; 8 for S, siphon (or back of a throne), bolt, and goose; 2 for SCH, garden, and parallelogram with line within; 4 for M, owl (mulaj), shuttle, sickle, and parallelogram with protruding horizontal lines; 3 for N, wave-line (Nun, Nile), urn (nu), and red (tescher) or lower crown; 2 for R and L, mouth (re) and lioness (laboi, Coptic); beside 18 more for Coptic hissing sounds. As regards the vowels e, o, and even a, i, u, they were mostly omitted, so that ambiguity of meaning could only be avoided by the sense of the context; thus NB signifies lord (neb), or gold (nub). T final denotes the feminine gender; thus: SN, brother, SNT, sister; SI, son, SIT, daughter, &c. Brugsch tries to make out 25 consonants (8 more than in the Coptic), by the aid of Semitic sounds. In his demotic scheme he gives for 17 sounds 42 characters (about 70 with all varieties); for a 7, i 1, u 3, w 2, v (Þ) 1, b (p) 2, m 2, n 2, 1 1, r 2, s (2) 3, t (d) 3, h 3, k (x) 4, ch 3, 82, t (3) 1. To these he adds 46 syllabic signs for 35 syllables. Compound names were represented by the image of the object with a symbolic character, as the signs for house and truth, denoting temple; or by a phonogram with the image, as show with face, denoting mirror; or by a phonogram with a symbol, as workman with gold, signifying goldsmith; or two phonograms. Obscurity of sense from the omission of vowels was remedied by the addition of determinative signs. These were images or symbols joined with phonetic words, and were either generic or specific; thus the determinative of names of animals was the image of a skin, of those of plants a leaf, &c.—We subjoin a few particulars relative to the grammar. Article: P (pa, pe, pi), Greek ó; T, ǹ; plural N, common gender. As a demonstrative it has the adjoined vowels ai or ei, and when post-positive en, but plural APU. Examples: Pa PeTTi Su TeN, the bow-bender (of the) king; Na Ne B-U, the lords; Tai UNU, this hour; eM MaU APU, in waters these. Demonstrative with relative: Pui (pefi), he who; Tui, she who. Other pronouns: eNTi (of common gender), that which; K, other; SA, some; NeB, all, &c. Example: NeTeR NB, NeTeRT NeB eNTi eM PĒT, gods all, goddesses all that in heaven (are). Suffixes of persons: 1st person, -1; 2d person, -K masculine, -T feminine; 3d person, -F masculine, - feminine; plural, 1st, eN, 2d, -TeN, 3d, -SeN, making possessives with the preceding pronouns; thus: Pal, Gr. ó pov, Germ. der meinige; Tai Sen, i avrov (she of them). Example: UROI, Magyar király-om (king-my); UROK, király-od (king-thy); UROT (queenthy), &c. So also in the conjugation of verbs: ANCHI, Latin viv-o, Magyar él-ek; ANCH

eK, viv-is, masc., él-sz, -eT, fem.; ANCH-eF, masc., -es, fem., viv-it, &c. Duality was noted by doubling the character, or by two strokes; plurality by trebling it, or by three strokes. Personal pronouns: ANOK, I; ANON, we; enNTok, masc., eNTA, fem., thou; eNTuTeN, you; eNTuF, he, eNTUS, she; eNTeSeN, they. Comparative and superlative were denoted by repetition of the name, or by eN, the sign of the genitive, or by eHoTe, more than.-The nuineral characters were only five, capable of indicating all numbers, to wit: a line or post (Uot), 1; a sign like a horse shoe turned downward (MeT), 10; a convolute line, like the letter U or F (Ha Ti), 100; lotus (letter CH, Coptic scho, or scha), 1,000; finger (TeBa), 10,000. Fractions were indicated as with us, only that the line between the numerator and the denominator was represented by the sign of mouth (Re, which signifies also part, separated). Of verbs, there were five auxiliaries, viz.: 1, Pa (also an article), as in Pa eM SeRIT UBeSCH (Latin, Sunt ex granis albis; that is, panes); 2, AU (hook): is AU TU-K MA-T, is voice-thy truthshe; 3, AR (Latin, Or-ior) is, are: AR MeHI II eM APeF, are plumes two on head-his; 4, UNu, to exist; 5, IRI, to do, to make (of later times). The negative Ne was represented by two repelling arms, sometimes with a sparrow on his back under them, thus: Ne Su TeN eN KeMi IRI SA, no king of Egypt did so. The present tense (as above) sometimes had -Ku inserted when used as imperfect, or aorist. The characteristic of the preterite is eN-. The future is preceded by the conjunction AU, thus: AU-A-RIRI, is I to(ward) do (analogous to the Italian sono per fare, I am about to do), &c.; the optative by MAI; the imperative by MA; the infinitive by eR or other particles. The active participle has eNT (he who) prefixed, or -Ta suffixed; the passive voice, uT or Tu. In inscriptions the sole theme of the verb performs all functions of conjugational accidents. (See CHINESE LANGUAGE.) The prepositions are: eN, sign of genitive and ablative, also through, by; HeM, in (place); eM, in, from, by means of, to, &c.; eR, dative, toward, for; Pe (heaven), upon, up, on; HRa (face, Latin coram), on, to, with infinitive; KeR (box, stool), under, Lat. apud, &c.; CHaR, toward, till, near; SCHA (measure), according, command; HNA, with, against; MA, instead of. Compound prepositions are found, as eN HRa Hel, Lat. coram corde (in presence of the heart, in conscience); they are also found with the personal suffixes, thus: eR Ma-K, to stead-thy (to thee), &c. Adverbs and conjunctions from prepositions: Ma, here; eR HRa Pe, upward; eM HRa Pe, downward; eR HeT (to heart), before, &c.; SeP, time, times; HeR, KeR, KI, also, and; AS, then, as; CHER, since; HAU NeB (Lat. die omni), every day; SIF, yesterday, &c. The following are examples of the syntax: ARNEF MeMeNN-U-F eN AT-F AMEN-RA-Lat. Erex-it ædific-ia-sua (hæc) -i patr-. Amen Ra A U HA NAN eN SuTeN

SHEB NTARASH (Darius) ANCH IA R KeM-Ac sanctitas -is reg- (regis) utriusque (regionis) Darius sempiternus (jubet me ire) in Egyptum. Ra-MeN-TeR-Sol servator mundi. URAS SoR MU-MU-SOL SHe NoFR TeN Ka-PTa.-Regnans potens magna-famæ qui beavit (regionem) Ai Gy PTao (land of Phta, or because o Ayuntos, the Nile, in Homer is Aiski-pe-tosh, makes-fertile-the-land). — The advantages resulting from the study of the Egyp tian graphic methods are so numerous and important for glossology, chronology, geography, ethnology, for history in general and especially that of useful and liberal arts, that it would take us beyond our present limits to expound them in detail. Indeed, the wonderful monuments of the most ancient age of human activity would be mute or unintelligible witnesses, without the interpretation of their epigraphs. All notices of ancient writers concerning Egypt would but bewilder us, unless we possessed a Lydian stone in the pyramids and obelisks, whereby to prove their veracity. Herodotus would yet be considered a liar, had his truthfulness not been attested by the voice given out by lifeless stones. The lists of the Pharaohs in the relics of Manetho would also be worse than useless, unless they stood corroborated and in some instances corrected by a comparison with indubitable synchronic records beyond the reach of perversion or interpolation. We thus possess the most trustworthy data, by which not only what concerns Egypt, but also the history of the Phoenicians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Hebrews, and Persians, is either revealed, or illustrated or disproved in many of its hitherto received particulars. The very methods of historic exegesis have undergone an essential alteration, in consequence of our having obtained a certain material basis whereon to rear a temple of truth, against which neither prejudice, pedantry, nor designed misrepresentation can prevail.-See De Belestat, Discours sur les hieroglyphes Égyptiens (Paris, 1583); Rossi, Hora Egyptiaca (Rome, 1808), an excellent work on the Egyptian language; J. Burton, Excerpta Hieroglyphica (fol., Cairo, 1825-'8); Robiano, Études sur l'écriture hiéroglyphique et la langue des Égyptiens (Paris, 1834); Ungarelli, Interpretatio Obeliscorum Urbis Roma (1842); Letronne, Recueil des inscriptions Grecques et Latines de l'Égypte (1842); Benfey, Verhaltniss der ägyptischen Sprache zu der Semitischen (Leipsic, 1844); De Sauley, Analyse grammaticale du texte démotique de la pierre de Rosette (1845); Rougé, Mémoire sur l'inscription du tombeau d'Ahmès, chef des nautonniers (1851); Leemans, Birch, Senkowsky, Hawkins, Belmore, Prisse d'Avennes, Dunbar, Heath, and others, on papyri and other monuments; Sir G. Wilkinson, Materia Hieroglyphica, and many other works; M. Uhlemann, Handbuch der gesammten ägyptischen Alterthumskunde (Leipsic, 1857); H. Brugsch, Grammaire démotique, and Geographie des Aegyp tens, &c.


HIEROPHANT (Gr. iepopavrns, from epos, sacred, and pare, to make known), the presiding priest in the Eleusinian mysteries, who conducted the ceremonies of initiation. He could be chosen only from the family of the Eumolpida, whose ancestor Eumolpus was regarded as the founder of the mysteries. His body must be without defect, his voice sweet and sonorous, and his life without reproach. If he married, he thereby renounced the sacred office. A diadem adorned his brow, his hair hung down over his shoulders, and in the mysteries he represented the creator of the world with mystical symbols. He preserved and transmitted the secret and unwritten knowledge which was the object of the institution. In the last ages of paganism the hierophants seem to have become thaumaturgi and magicians.

HIGGINSON, FRANCIS, an English clergyman, and the first teacher of Salem, Mass., born in 1587, died in Salem, Aug. 6, 1630. He was educated at Cambridge, England, and subsequently became rector of a parish in Leicester. Becoming gradually a nonconformist, he was deprived of his benefice, and was employed among his former parishioners as a lecturer. While apprehending an interruption in these duties in the shape of a summons to appear before the high commission court, he received an invitation from the Massachusetts company to proceed to their colony, which he accepted. He embarked early in May, 1629, and it is related by Cotton Mather that as the ship was passing Land's End, he called the passengers about him and exclaimed: "We will not say, as the Separatists were wont to say at their leaving of England, 'Farewell, Babylon; farewell, Rome!' but we will say, Farewell, dear England! farewell, the church of God in England, and all the Christian friends there. We do not go to New England as Separatists, though we cannot but separate from the corruptions of it. But we go to practise the positive part of church reformation, and propagate the gospel in America." He arrived at Salem June 29, and on July 20 was chosen teacher of the congregation established there, Samuel Skelton, his companion on the voyage, being chosen pastor. Each of them consecrated the other by the laying on of hands, assisted by several of the gravest men. Subsequently Higginson drew up "a confession of faith and church covenant according to Scripture," which on Aug. 6 was assented to by 30 persons, who associated themselves as a church. On this occasion, says Palfrey, "the ministers, whose dedication to the sacred office had appeared incomplete till it was made by a church constituted by mutual covenant, were ordained to their several offices by the imposition of the hands of some of the brethren appointed by the church." Higginson continued to discharge the duties of his office until the succeeding year, when, in the general sickness which ravaged the colony, he was attacked by a hectic fever

of which he ultimately died. He wrote "New England's Plantations, or a Short and True Description of the Commodities and Discommodities of the Country" (4to., London, 1630), and an account of his voyage, which is preserved in Hutchinson's collection of papers.-JOHN, son of the preceding, born in Claybrook, England, Aug. 6, 1616, died in Salem, Mass., Dec. 9, 1708. He emigrated to New England with his father, adopted the profession of a preacher, and for many years was settled over a congregation at Guilford, Conn. In 1660 he was ordained pastor of the first church in Salem, of which his father had been teacher, and where he remained until the close of his life, at which time he had been 72 years in the ministry. He was a zealous opponent of the Quakers, although he subsequently regretted the warmth of his zeal; but he took no part in the proceedings respecting the witchcraft delusion in 1692. He is the author of a number of occasional sermons and miscellanies, including the "Attestation" to Cotton Mather's Magnalia, prefixed to that work (1697), which has been highly praised for its eloquence. He was greatly venerated in New England, and according to the testimony of Cotton Mather preserved his intellectual faculties unimpaired to the close of his long life.

HIGH SEAS, an ancient law term, the origin of which is not certainly known. The probable derivation is from mare altum, the word altum meaning deep as well as high. It was applied to the sea in the sense of deep; but its more common meaning being high, the phrase was translated "high seas." It is adopted here, and in frequent use in the laws of the United States. Its exact meaning is not quite certain, even in those laws. Story says it means there, or at least in one of them, all the ocean waters beyond low water mark. But out of those statutes, and for some purposes in them, it has been supposed that the word means only the ocean waters, outside of any fauces terræ. In this case it would not include bays or estuaries between headlands. But here also it is difficult to say what projection of the headlands, or what nearness to each other, is necessary to make a mare clausum and shut out the included waters from the mare altum, or the high seas. It has been suggested, and by writers of authority, that they must be so near each other, that a person standing upon one can distinguish the features of a man standing on the other, sufficiently to recognize him if he knows him. It has also been recently held in Massachusetts (Dec. 1859), in a case of much public interest, that water included between projecting headlands is not within the body of a county, unless they are so near each other that a person standing on one may not only recognize a man on the other, but discern what he is doing. But neither of these can be considered as a settled rule.

HIGHLAND. I. A central co. of Va, bounded N. W. by the principal ridge of the Alleghany mountains, and S. E. by the Shenandoah range; area, 425 sq. m.;; pop. in 1850, 4,227,.

of whom 364 were slaves. The S. branch of the Potomac and some of the head streams of James river rise within its limits. The surface is diversified, but consists chiefly of table-land, with a rich soil. It is well timbered, and affords excellent pasturage. Iron ore is found in some parts. The productions in 1850 were 54,241 bushels of Indian corn, 22,456 of wheat, 34,644 of oats, 26,662 lbs. of wool, 83,067 of butter, and 6,354 tons of hay. There were 3 grist mills, 10 churches, and 135 pupils attending academies and schools. Value of real estate in 1856, $1,282,956. Capital, Monterey. II. A S. co. of Ohio, drained by Paint and Rattlesnake rivers; area, 555 sq. m.; pop. in 1850, 25,781. Its surface is elevated and uneven, and its soil fertile. The productions in 1850 were 1,578,967 bushels of Indian corn, 191,556 of wheat, 170,400 of oats, 11,426 tons of hay, 474,492 lbs. of butter, and 83,920 of wool. There were 25 grist mills, 29 saw mills, 8 woollen factories, 16 tanneries, 57 churches, 2 newspaper offices, and 6,376 pupils attending public schools. The Marietta and Cincinnati railroad crosses the county, and a branch of it extends from Hillsborough, the capital, to Blanchester.

HIGHLANDS, a name applied to the N. and N. W. districts of Scotland, in contradistinction to the S. and S. E. parts, which are called the lowlands. Their exact boundaries are unsettled. The Grampian hills are sometimes taken as the dividing line between the two great natural divisions; but, regarded as the country of the highland clans, the highlands include all the Scottish territory W. and N. W. of an imaginary line drawn from the mouth of the Nairn in the Moray frith nearly S. E. to a point on the N. Esk, near long. 3° W., on the S. slope of the Grampians, and thence S. W. to Culross on the estuary of the Clyde. They thus comprehend more than half the kingdom of Scotland, including the whole of the counties of Caithness, Sutherland, Ross, Cromarty, Inverness, and Argyle, parts of Nairn, Elgin, Banff, Aberdeen, Forfar, Perth, Stirling, and Dumbarton, and the Hebrides. They are remarkable for their wild and beautiful scenery and the peculiar character of their inhabitants. The mountainous tracts S. and E. of the Clyde are sometimes called the southern highlands. (See SCOTLAND.)

HIGHNESS, a title of honor belonging to princes. It was formerly given only to the European sovereigns, the emperor of Germany alone having the preeminent title of majesty. The latter title was assumed by the kings of Spain from the time of Charles V., and by the monarchs of England from the time of Elizabeth. The princes of Italy took the title of highness in 1625, and were soon followed by the dukes of Orleans and the other princes of Europe. The princes and princesses of an imperial line are distinguished by the title of imperial highness, and those of a royal family by that of royal highness.

HIGHWAY, a place over which the public

have a right of passage. It may be a footpath, a bridle path, a cart way, or a road wide enough for vehicles of any kind to pass each other; and for many purposes there may be a highway over water, whether it be a running stream or a lake. The origin of the word is not certainly known; but a simple derivation refers it to the time when all public roads were raised above the surrounding fields, by the addition of materials, and for the purpose of securing a dry road-bed. In English law it is usually called the king's highway, because by the theory of that law it was considered as having been originally given by him. In the United States a highway may exist by prescription, or by the dedication of the land to the public use by the owner, which may be expressed or implied from long and uninterrupted use by the public. But as, by the law of most of the states, highways must be kept in repair by the public, no person can make a highway over his land by merely opening and surrendering it for that purpose, unless it be formally accepted by those having authority to do so; although this also may be implied from usage and lapse of time. With us, nearly all highways are now laid out by the proper officers; and when laid out, they are generally either county roads or town roads. The public have, by the right of eminent domain, full power to take land for public use, upon making compensation to the owner. But the public can take only what it needs; and as it needs for the purpose of a highway only the right of passage, or, as it is called in law, the right of way (which is what the law calls an easement), it leaves the absolute property in the land to the original owner. Whatever therefore be paid to him by way of compensation, if the highway be discontinued the right of way is lost, and the land is now in the hands of the owner, free from the easement. It is now the settled, and perhaps the universal law of this country, that the abuttors upon a road, by which is meant those who own to it, own to the middle of it, subject to the public right of way. This ownership does not exist if the grant or conveyance to the abuttor expressly and distinctly limited him to the edge of the road; but merely bounding a piece of land by the road has not this effect, for by the road there is meant the middle or thread of the road. highway may be discontinued and the easement lost, either by the express action of competent authority, or by a complete nonuser for a sufficient length of time. As the public are bound to keep all highways in good repair and in good order, they are answerable in law for all damages sustained by their want of repair, in any part or any respect; and causing an obstruetion, or permitting one to remain, is the same thing as a want of repair. In many states, to quicken the diligence of those whose immediate duty it is to see to the good order of the roads, double damages are given by statute if the obstruction or dangerous condition of the road had been known and not attended to.



HILARION, SAINT, founder of monachism in Palestine, born, according to St. Jerome, near Gaza about 291, died in the island of Cyprus in 371. He was the son of pagan parents, and was sent by them to Alexandria to be educated, where at the age of 15 he became a Christian. Returning to Palestine after the death of his parents, he embraced monasticism, gave away his property, and entered upon a life of remarkable austerity. He attracted to his retreat in the Syrian desert crowds of visitors. After the death of St. Anthony, he made with some of his monastic brethren a pilgrimage to the cell and tomb of the saint in Egypt. To escape as well the importunities of friends as the persecution of foes, he sailed for Cyprus, where he was soon discovered and joined by his disciple Hesychius. Hence he passed to the Dalmatian coast, and finally settled in Cyprus. A vast number of miracles are ascribed to him. His festival, which is kept on Oct. 21, was celebrated as early as the 5th century.

HILARY, a pope of Rome, successor of St. Leo I., born in Sardinia, died in 467. From the beginning of his priesthood he had been noted for his zeal for the faith and his hostility to heresy. At the "robber council" of Ephesus, in 449, he appeared as the representative of Leo, sustaining the doctrine of the church against the theory of Eutyches. He was chosen to the Roman see in 461. He improved the discipline of the church; confirmed the anathema against Nestorius and Eutyches; prohibited the long-established practice of bishops nominating their successors; forbade men who had been twice married or who had married widows to receive holy orders; held at Rome in 465 a council for reforms, and solemnly ratified the former cecumenical councils.

HILARY, SAINT, bishop of Poitiers, born in Poitiers about the beginning of the 4th century, died there, Nov. 1, 367, or according to other anthorities in 368. He was probably the child of pagan parents, and was married before he was converted. About 353 he was chosen bishop of his native city. The Arian controversy was at this time at its height, and Hilary signalized himself by his zeal and his ingenuity in defence of the orthodox creed, in consequence of which he was exiled to Phrygia by the emperor Constantius II., who was an Arian. Here he employed himself in writing various works, the chief of which is his treatise on the Trinity, in 12 books. A nearer intimacy with the Arians softened Hilary's opposition, and at one time his orthodoxy was suspected; but he was able at the council of Seleucia to vindicate his faith against the charge of Sabellianism. After 5 years of exile, he was allowed to return to Gaul. HILDEBRAND. See GREGORY VII. HILDESHEIM, capital of a Hanoverian province of the same name, 16 m. by rail from Hanover; pop. 16,300. It is irregularly built, surrounded with ramparts which are now convert

ed into promenades, and has 4 Protestant and 7 Catholic churches, a convent of the sisters of mercy, a synagogue, library, museum, 10 hospitals, a gymnasium, 9 schools, orphan and lunatic asylums, an establishment for deaf mutes, and one where about 600 children are provided with education and occupation.

HILDRETH, RICHARD, an American author and journalist, born in Deerfield, Mass., June 28, 1807. His father, the Rev. Hosea Hildreth, was a clergyman of the Congregational denomination. Mr. Hildreth was graduated at Harvard college in 1826. While studying the law in Newburyport he furnished a series of contributions to a magazine of Boston edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. To these succeeded other articles which appeared in Willis's "Boston Magazine" and Joseph T. Buckingham's "New England Magazine." Having entered upon the practice of law in Boston, he abandoned it in July, 1832, to become the editor of the "Boston Atlas." In this position a series of articles from his pen in 1837, relative to the movement, then not generally suspected, for the separation of Texas from Mexico, did much to stimulate the obstinate resistance which it encountered in the free states. In the autumn of 1884 Mr. Hildreth went for the benefit of his health to the South, where he resided about a year and a half on a plantation. While here, his antislavery novel, "Archy Moore," was written. It was republished and favorably received in England, and in 1852 an enlarged American edition appeared under the title of "The White Slave." In 1836 Mr. Hildreth translated from the French of Dumont Bentham's "Theory of Legislation" (2 vols. 16mo., Boston, 1840). His next publication was a "History of Banks," an argument for the system of free banking with security to bill-holders, now adopted in New York and several other states. After passing the winter of 1837-'8 in Washington as correspondent of the "Boston Atlas," Mr. Hildreth resumed his editorial post as an ardent advocate of Gen. Harrison's election to the presidency, and wrote a pamphlet biography of his favorite candidate. He then abandoned journalism, and in 1840 published, under the title of "Despotism in America," a volume on the political, economical, and social aspects of slavery, to which in the edition of 1854 was appended a chapter on the "Legal Basis of Slavery." His controversial pamphlets, including a letter to Prof. Andrews Norton of Cambridge on Miracles," were contributions to a long and exciting theological discussion in Massachusetts. A residence of three years, commencing with 1840, in Demerara, British Guiana, stimulated his anti-slavery activity; and, as the editor successively of two newspapers in Georgetown, the capital of the country, he earnestly advocated the system of free labor. His "Theory of Morals" (Boston, 1844), and his "Theory of Politics" (New York, 1853), were written during his sojourn in GuiThese were attempts to apply rigorously to ethical and political science the same induc



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