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ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.






HAYNE, ARTHUR P., an American officer and senator, grand nephew of the succeeding, and brother of Robert Y., born in Charleston, S. C., March 12, 1790. He was educated for a mercantile career, but in 1807, indignant at the attack on the frigate Chesapeake, he obtained a commission in the U. S. regiment of light dragoons commanded by Col. Wade Hampton. In 1812 he shared in the victory at Sackett's Harbor, and was promoted to the command of a squadron of cavalry, with the rank of major. In the campaign of 1813 he accompanied Gen. Wilkinson down the St. Lawrence for the contemplated attack on Montreal. Early in 1814 he received the appointment of inspector-general, was ordered to join Gen. Jackson in the Creek war, and in the temporary absence of Col. Butler served as adjutant-general. At the storming of Pensacola (Nov. 7, 1814) he was one of the first to take possession of the Spanish batteries. He was conspicuous in the brilliant night attack of Jackson on the British army, Dec. 23, 1814, which preceded the victory of New Orleans, in which he had a prominent part. Jackson wrote in his despatch: "Col. Hayne was everywhere where duty and danger called." He was brevetted 3 times during the war, and at its close was retained in the army as adjutant-general. During the 2d Florida campaign he was placed by Gen. Jackson at the head of the Tennessee volunteers. He retired from the army in 1820, previous to which he had prepared himself for the bar and had been admitted to practice. He was elected to the S. C. legislature in 1821, and was afterward appointed minister to the court of Belgium, but declined the office. In May, 1858, on the death of Mr. J. J. Evans, he was elected to the U. S. senate. HAYNE, ISAAC, an American revolutionary officer, known as 66 the martyr," born in South Carolina, Sept. 23, 1745, died in Charleston, S. C., Aug. 4, 1781. He was the great-grandson of John Hayne, who emigrated to the state from near Shrewsbury, in Shropshire, England, about 1700. In 1765 he married and became a planter with large possessions in the districts of Beaufort and Colleton, and was a proprietor in extensive iron works in York district, subsequently destroyed by the British. In 1780 VOL. IX.-1

he was a senator in the state legislature. He took up arms on the invasion of the state by the British, and was employed in a cavalry regiment which kept the field during the final siege and capitulation of Charleston. The outposts of an army, according to the usual rule, sharing the fate of the main body, Hayne's detachment was supposed to be included in the articles of capitulation, and to partake of all the privileges and securities accorded by the victor to the vanquished. He was, in other words, paroled, under the sole condition that he should not again serve against the British while they held possession. When in 1781 the fortunes of the British began rapidly to decline, he and all others in his situation were required to repair to the British standard as subjects. The call was made upon him when his wife and several of his children lay at the point of death from small pox, but his expostulations were unheard, and he repaired to the city after obtaining a written pledge from the military commandant of his district that he should be allowed to return. This pledge was ignored in Charleston, and he was told that he must either become a British subject or be placed in rigorous confinement. With his family dying in his absence, he subscribed a declaration of allegiance to the royal government, but only under protest against the advantage taken of him at such a moment. He declared that he could never take up arms against his countrymen, and was assured that such duty would never be required at his hands. Thus enabled to return to his family, he maintained his pledge of neutrality so long as the British remained in possession of the district and forbore calling on him for military duty. But when, by the continued success of the Americans, they were driven from all quarters, and nothing remained to them but the stronghold of Charleston, they resolved to impose the requisition of military service on all those who had given their parole. Thus driven to the necessity of taking up the sword, Hayne did so in behalf of his countrymen; he repaired to the American camp, and was commissioned by the governor as colonel of a militia regiment. In July, 1781, he made an incursion to the Quarter House, a precinct

within 5 miles of Charleston, and captured Gen. Williamson, a Scotchman, who had gone over to the British from the Americans, and was an object of scorn and hate to the patriots. It was feared that he would be hanged as a traitor, and to avert this fate the British commandant at Charleston ordered out his entire force in pursuit. The scouts and sentinels of Hayne's command had wandered from their posts, and his party was consequently surprised and scattered, and he himself captured. He was brought to Charleston, and after a brief examination by a board of officers, without any trial, and no witnesses being examined, he was condemned to be hanged by the joint orders of Lord Rawdon and Lieut. Col. Balfour. He protested against this summary process, which was illegal, whether he was regarded as a British subject or as a captive who had broken his parole. The citizens and ladies of Charleston united in petitioning for his pardon. But Rawdon and Balfour were inexorable; a respite of 48 hours only was allowed him in which to see and take leave of his children, at the end of which period he was hanged. This vindictive measure was everywhere the occasion of horror and reproach. It was brought up and discussed with great ability in the British parliament, and while both Rawdon and Balfour justified it, each was solicitous to attribute it to the agency of the other. Public opinion ascribed it to revenge and mortification, to the remembrance of Major André, and to the frequent defeats and impending failure of the British commanders. Lord Rawdon (earl of Moira) published a justification of his conduct, which was analyzed and criticized by Robert Y. Hayne in the "Southern Review" for Feb. 1828.

HAYNE, JULIA DEAN, an American actress, born in Pleasant Valley, N. Y., July 22, 1830. She first appeared upon the stage in New York, at the Bowery theatre, in 1845, as Julia in the "Hunchback," and for a number of years, as Miss Julia Dean, was known throughout the United States as a popular and successful actress in such parts as Julia, Pauline in the "Lady of Lyons," Juliet, Marianna in the " Wife," &c. She has also appeared upon the English stage. Some years since she was married to Arthur Hayne of South Carolina.

HAYNE, ROBERT YOUNG, an American statesman, born in St. Paul's parish, Colleton district, S. C., Nov. 10, 1791, died in Ashville, N. C., Sept. 1840. He was educated in Charleston, studied law with the celebrated Langdon Cheves, and was admitted to practice before he was 21 years old. At the beginning of the war of 1812 he volunteered and served as a lieutenant in the 3d regiment of South Carolina troops raised for the protection of the seaboard. Toward the close of the war he resumed practice in Charleston, and succeeded in a great degree to the large professional business of Mr. Cheves on the election of that gentleman to congress. In 1814 Mr. Hayne was chosen a member of the state legislature, where he soon became distin

guished for eloquence and ability. After serving two terms he was elected speaker of the house, unexpectedly to himself; and before his term expired he was elected attorney-general of the state. Soon afterward President Monroe offered him the attorney-generalship of the United States, which he declined. He retained his office till 1823, when he was chosen a senator of the United States. He was the youngest man that South Carolina had ever sent to the senate, and had barely attained the constitutional age for the office. He soon rose to a high rank as a debater and as a practical man of business, and was made chairman of the committee on naval affairs, in which post he displayed administrative abilities of a high order. Mr. Calhoun pronounced him the best chairman of a committee he had ever seen. In the debates upon the question of protection to American manufactures Mr. Hayne took a leading part, and in every stage of the discussion he was an able, vigilant, and uncompromising opponent of the protective system. When the tariff bill of 1824 came before the senate, he made in opposition to it an elaborate and powerful speech, in which, for the first time, the ground was taken that congress had not the constitutional right to impose duties on imports for the purpose of protecting domestic manufactures. He was equally strenuous in his opposition to the tariff of 1828, which roused in South Carolina the spirit of resistance that came to a crisis in 1832. In that year Mr. Clay proposed a resolution in the senate declaring the expediency of repealing forthwith the duties upon all imported articles which did not come into competition with domestic manufactures. Mr. Hayne denounced this proposition in a powerful speech, and submitted an amendment to Clay's resolution, to the effect that all the existing duties should be so reduced as simply to afford the revenues necessary to defray the actual expenses of the government. He supported this amendment in one of his ablest speeches, but it was rejected, and the principles of Mr. Clay's resolution were embodied in a bill which passed both houses and received the sanction of the president. The people of South Carolina, in convention, resolved that the law should not be law within their limits, and that the act of congress should be nullified so far as South Carolina was concerned. Mr. Hayne on this occasion was the first to declare and defend in congress the right of a state, under the federal compact, to arrest the operation of a law which she considered unconstitutional. This doctrine led to the celebrated debate between Mr. Webster and himself, in which the eloquence and the argumentative powers of both statesmen were displayed to their fullest extent. In consequence of the passing of the tariff bill the legislature of South Carolina called a state convention, which met at Columbia, Nov. 24, 1832, and adopted the celebrated ordinance of nullification. In the following December Mr. Hayne

legislator, and dear to the people by his benevolent virtues and his disinterested conduct." No man was more respected by the colonists of Connecticut, and few if any did more for the true interests of the colony.

was elected governor of the state, while Mr. Calhoun, resigning the vice-presidency of the United States, succeeded to his place in the senate. Gov. Hayne was soon called upon to face a great emergency. On Dec. 10 President Jackson issued his proclamation denouncing the HAYNES, LEMUEL, a colored minister, born nullification acts of South Carolina. The gov- in West Hartford, Conn., July 18, 1753, died in ernor replied with a proclamation of defiance. Granville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1834. His father South Carolina meanwhile prepared for armed was a negro and his mother a white woman. resistance. Congress, however, receded from The latter abandoned her offspring, who at the its position on the protective question, a com- age of 5 years was bound out as a servant in a promise was made, the tariff was for the time family at Granville, Mass., where he was treated satisfactorily modified, and South Carolina in with great kindness, and educated as one of the another convention, of which Gov. Hayne was children. From his youth every leisure moment, president, repealed her ordinance of nullifica- . and even some of the hours ordinarily given to tion. In Dec. 1834, Mr. Hayne retired from sleep, were devoted to the acquisition of knowlthe office of governor, and was soon after elected edge. In 1774 he enlisted as a minute man; in mayor of Charleston, with a view to the inau- 1775 joined the revolutionary army at Roxbury; guration of a more enlarged policy in the muni in 1776 was a volunteer in the expedition to cipal affairs of that city. He entered with char- Ticonderoga; after which he returned to Granacteristic ardor and energy into the project of ville and engaged in agricultural pursuits. Beconnecting Charleston with the West by means tween this time and 1780 he studied Latin and of a railroad, was elected president of the com- Greek, and became a highly respectable scholar pany formed for that purpose, and was in attend- in both, beside devoting much attention to theance on a railroad convention at Ashville in mid- ology. In 1780 he received license as a preachsummer when he contracted a fever of which he er of the gospel, and was at once unanimously died.-PAUL H., an American poet, nephew of invited to supply the pulpit of a new church the preceding, born in Charleston, S. C., Jan. 1, in Granville. Here he remained for 5 years, 1831. He was educated in Charleston, and has his character and services being highly apbeen a frequent contributor to the "Southern preciated. In 1785 he was ordained, and, after Literary Messenger" and other periodicals. He preaching two years in Torrington, Conn., was was formerly editor of the "Charleston Litera- called to a parish in Rutland, Vt., where he ry Gazette," was connected with the Charles- was settled in the pastoral office for 30 years. ton "Evening News," and has been from its He afterward preached at Manchester, Vt., beginning (1857) a principal editor of "Rus- about 3 years; and then at Granville, N. Y., sell's Magazine," a monthly periodical published from 1822 till his death. He was a man of in Charleston. A volume of poetry from his great shrewdness, wit, and common sense. One pen was issued in Boston in 1854, and a 2d in of his sermons, delivered on the spur of the New York in 1857. These collections consist moment, in reply to the well known Hosea chiefly of brief poems, sonnets, and lyrics, the Ballou, on the subject of Universalism, has gone Temptation of Venus, a Monkish Legend," through many editions on both sides of the Atbeing the longest. A third volume, entitled lantic. A memoir of his life and character has "Avolio, and other Poems," was published in been published by the Rev. Dr. Cooley. Dec. 1859, and he is said to have in preparation an elaborate poem on the subject of Sappho.


HAYNES, JOHN, governor of Massachusetts, and afterward of Connecticut, born in Essex, England, died in 1654. He came with Hooker and his company to Boston in 1633, was soon after chosen assistant, and in 1635 governor of Massachusetts. In 1636 he removed to Connecticut, being one of the prominent founders of that colony. In 1639 he was chosen its first governor, and every alternate year afterward, which was as often as the constitution permitted, till his death. He was one of the five who in 1638 drew out a written constitution for the colony, which was finished in 1639, the first ever formed in America, and which embodies the main points of all our subsequent state constitutions, and of the federal constitution. Bancroft describes him as a man "of large estate, and larger affections; of heavenly mind and spotless life; of rare sagacity, and accurate but unassuming judgment; by nature tolerant, and a friend to freedom; an able

HAYS, a central co. of Texas, drained by Pedernales and San Marcos rivers; area in 1857, 970 sq. m., since which time it has been reduced by the formation of Blanco co.; pop. in 1858, 1,997, of whom 762 were slaves. A chain of thickly wooded hills crosses it from N. E. to S. W., and the rest of the surface is generally undulating. The soil is well adapted to farming. The productions in 1850 were 19,000 bushels of Indian corn, 800 of oats, 380 of sweet potatoes, 7,350 lbs. of butter, and 1,091 of wool. There were 40 pupils attending public schools. Value of real estate in 1858, $339,300. Capital, San Marcos.

HAYS, WILLIAM JACOB, an American painter, grandson of Jacob Hays, who was for many years high constable of New York, born in New York in 1830. He studied drawing with John Rubens Smith, a well known teacher, aud in 1850 exhibited his first picture, "Dogs in a Field," at the national academy of design. His "Head of a Bull-Dog," painted in 1852, attracted considerable attention, and in the same year

he was elected an associate of the academy. He subsequently produced many pictures of dogs and game birds, some of which have been engraved. His last important work, painted for the collection of Mr. August Belmont of New York, in 1859, is entitled "Setters and Game." In 1859 he resigned his position as associate of the academy. With the exception of a few fruit pieces, he has painted almost exclusively animals, aiming at an imitation of their characteristics, and great elaboration in the execution. HAYTI, or HAITI, formerly called Española or Hispaniola, and also Santo Domingo, one of the Greater Antilles, and after Cuba the largest, richest, and most beautiful of the West India islands, lying between lat. 17° 36′ and 19° 59' N., and long. 68° 20' and 74° 28′ W.; length E. and W. from Cape Engaño to Cape Tiburon, 406 m.; maximum width N. and S. from Cape Beata to Cape Isabella, 163 m.; area, including the islands of Tortuga, Gonaive, &c., 27,690 sq. m. The island is separated from Cuba and Jamaica on the W. by the Windward passage, the distance from Cape San Nicolas to Cape Maisi, Cuba, being 54 m., and from Cape Tiburon to Morant point, Jamaica, 116 m. In this passage, about 40 m. W. of Cape Tiburon, is the guano island of Navasa, claimed by Hayti, but now (1859) occupied by adventurers from the United States under the provisions of the act of congress of Aug. 18, 1856. The island of Tortuga lies a short distance from the N. W. coast, and that of Gonaive in the great bay enclosed by the vast peninsular projections which stretch W., the one toward Cuba and the other toward Jamaica, 85 m. apart. On the E., Hayti is divided from the island of Porto Rico by the Mona passage, 76 m. wide. At the present time the island is occupied by two independent states, the republic of Hayti in the W. and the Dominican republic in the E., corresponding in territory to the ancient French and Spanish possessions. The island is of very irregular form, being deeply indented by bays and inlets, and having corresponding projections of land; and hence its coast line, estimated at 1,200 m. in length, is relatively very extensive and affords numerous excellent harbors. Of the great peninsulas, that of the S. W. is the most conspicuous, being 150 m. long by 18 to 40 m. wide; that of the N. W. is about 50 m. long by 30 to 45 m. wide; and that of Samana on the N. E. about 40 m. long by 6 to 8 m. wide. The island is intersected W. and E. by 3 chains of mountains, connected by transverse chains or offsets, and intervening are extensive plains and savannas. The principal central chain, which culminates in Mt. Cibao, 7,200 feet high, commences on the W. at Cape San Nicolas, traverses the island in an E. S. E. direction, and terminates at Cape Engaño. Nearly parallel with this chain, another, commencing on the W. near Monte Christo, closely skirts the N. coast, and terminates abruptly on approaching the penin sula of Samana, subsiding into a low isthmus interlaced by estuaries and channels which sepa

rate Samana from the main, and afford communication from the enclosed bay to the sea on the N. shore of the island; reappearing on the opposite side of this marshy tract, the heights are continued to Cape Samana, the E. extremity of the peninsula. Between these two ranges extends the Vega Real, or Royal valley, 130 m. long, watered by the Yaqui and Yuma rivers, and presenting almost boundless pasture lands. The third or S. mountain range commences on the W. at Cape Tiburon, extends E. through the S. W. peninsula, and terminates at the Rio Neyva, about midway between the cities of Port au Prince and St. Domingo. Beside the Vega Real, there are other extensive plains and valleys, as the llanos or flats of the S. E. 80 m. long, also a rich pasture district, and the plain of Cayes at the W. end of the island. The latter has been greatly extended by the formation of a kind of rock consisting of comminuted shells and coral, incrusted with calcareous cement, resembling travertine; and this kind of rock is now in process of formation throughout the whole of the West India islands; fragments of pottery and of other human works have been found in it at a depth of 20 feet. The proximity of the mountains to the N. coast prevents the formation of any considerable rivers, and hence the principal streams have their courses either in a W., S., or E. direction. The Artibonite flows W., and the Monte Christo or N. Yaqui N. W.; the Yuma flows S. E.; and the Neyva or S. Yaqui, the Nisa, and the Özoma flow S. to the sea. They are all obstructed by sand bars, and few of them are navigable even for short distances. The Ozoma, however, admits vessels drawing 12 to 123 feet. Lakes are numerous; those of Enriquillo and Azua are salt; the former, in the valley of the Neyva, is 20 m. long by 8 m. broad, and the latter half that size. S. of these lies the fresh water lake of Icotea or Limon, about the size of Azua. Mineral springs exist in various parts; in the E. are the hot springs of Banica (temperature 112° to 125° F.), Biahama, Jayua, and Pargatal, and in the W. the chalybeate spring of Sainte Rose, the saline of Jean Rabel, and the sulphur of Dalmarie. The minerals found in the island are various, including gold, silver, platinum, mercury, copper, iron, tin, sulphur, manganese, antimony, rock salt, bitumen, jasper, marble, and several kinds of precious stones. The gold mines have been abandoned, and gold washing is only carried on by the poorer classes in the N. streams. Indeed, all the minerals are neglected for want of machinery and capital. The climate is hot and moist, but generally salubrious; in the N., and especially in the more elevated localities, there is a perpetual spring. The seasons are divided into wet and dry; in some localities years have passed over without a single heavy shower. The rainy season occars on the opposite shores of the island at different periods of the year; and it is only on the S. coasts that hurricanes are common. At St. Domingo the extremes of temperature are 60°

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