페이지 이미지

P. G. L., (1860,) art. 25, sec. 5. 1846, ch. 168, sec. 2.

5. If any physician summoned to testify on a coroner's inquest, shall neglect or refuse to attend or to make the examination required by the preceding section, or to give evidence as aforesaid, he may be fined as any other witness.

Ibid. sec. 6. 1846, ch. 168, sec. 3.

6. The said coroner or justice, in the account of expenses rendered to the county commissioners, or mayor and city council, for holding such inquest, shall include such sum for the said physician as the said coroner, or justice, and jurors, shall deem just, not less than five or more than ten dollars, which sum shall, with the other expenses of the inquest, be paid by the county or city.

Ibid. sec. 7. 1831, ch. 250, sec. 2.

7. Whenever it shall be necessary for a coroner to bury any deceased person, he shall provide a coffin and decently bury him; and the county commissioners of the county where the person shall have been found, or the mayor and city council of Baltimore, if he shall have been found in said city, shall make such allowance to said coroner as they may deem just and reasonable therefor, to be levied and paid as other county or city charges.

Ibid. sec. 8. 1785, ch. 72, secs. 23-24. 1794, ch. 54, sec. 5. 1797, ch. 95. 8. In all cases where the sheriff is interested, or nearly related to any of the parties, or otherwise disqualified to act, all process shall be issued to the coroner, if there be one in the county or city qualified to act in such case, who shall perform all the duties of such disqualified sheriff, and be subject to the same liabilities and be proceeded against in the same manner, and shall have the same rights and remedies.




Miscellaneous Provisions.

1. How to acknowledge deeds.
2. Banking privileges not to be ex-
ercised unless expressly granted.

3. Majority to govern.

24. Class 11. Telegraph and telephone. 25. Class 12. Ocean navigation.

26. Class 13. River and inland water navigation.

27. Class 14. Forwarding, &c.

4. Certified copy of by-laws to be 28. prima facie evidence.

5. Full records of all transactions to be kept.



6. General meetings, how to be called.
7. Removal of president or directors. 31.
8. Notice of intention to canvass the

vote; action upon.

Class 15. Bridges, dry-docks, &c. Class 16. Savings banks, trust and guarantee.

Class 17. Gas light and electric light.

Class 18. Turnpike, plank-road, and passenger railway.

32. Class 19. Stages and stage-coaches.

9. Oath of stockholders offering to 33. Class 20. Water.


34. Class 21. Immigration.

10. Vote of stock held by a corporation. 35. Class 22. Patents and patent rights.

[blocks in formation]

Corporations may be formed for any two or more of such purposes.

14. Class 1. Educational, benevolent, 39. Two or more corporations may


religious, &c. 15. Class 2. Mechanics' institutes, 40. President and directors of comhotels, agricultural societies, panies of Class 1 to be corporators.

fruit packing, &c.


16. Class 3. Land, lumber, seeds, fruits, 41. Charitable societies to hold their &c.

17. Class 4. Insurance of all kinds;

[blocks in formation]

property even when increased in value beyond chartered limit.

General Regulations.

Requisites of certificate of incorporation.

43. To be submitted to judge for ap


44. Determination of judge to be endorsed on certificate and recorded.

45. Corporators then incorporated.

46. Certified copy to be evidence.
47. Amendment or alteration, how to
be made.

48. Fees to clerks for recording.
49. General provision as to powers.
50. To have succession.

51. To sue and be sued.

52. To have a common seal.

53. To acquire and hold property. 54. To appoint and pay a president and other officers.

55. To make by-laws.

56. To have no powers but those conferred or necessarily implied.

78. Certificate of such increase or reduction.

79. Par value of stock, how to be changed.

80. Notice of meeting of stockholders. 81. Existing corporations may become incorporated under this article. 82. Notice of meeting of stockholders. 83. Certificate of such incorporation. 84. How executed and approved; effect of.

85. Corporations to be subject to changes in laws.

Bridge Companies.

57. To be managed by trustees, direc- 86. Consent of county commissioners

tors, or managers.

58. Elections to be by ballot.

59. Vacancies, how filled.

to be first had.

87. May purchase or condemn land

and materials.

60. Omission to hold election not to 88. Report upon completion of county

[blocks in formation]

75. Debts to be paid before stock is 100. Members competent witnesses.

[blocks in formation]

Merger by incorporation under this article of prior associations. 102. Transfer to such corporations. 103. Sections 94-101 applicable to land companies; special provisions.

104. Loans to be made in money.

Cemetery Companies.

105. May hold one hundred acres; not

in city without its authority.

128. Co-operative insurance may be on mutual or stock plan.

129. Annual statement.

130. Wilful insurance of unhealthy persons, penalty for.

106. Streets, &c., not to be opened 131. Fraudulent claims and represen

[blocks in formation]

139. Publication of abstract of annual statement.

140. Property held by foreign companies.

141. Valuation according to Farr's table No. 3.

116. Life insurance companies, guar- 142. Not to do business without com

anteed capital of.

117. Wife's insurance of husband's


118. Foreign to have like capital as

domestic companies.

119. Foreign companies to file their charter with clerk.

120. Insurance of wife's and minor's property.

Insurance Department.

121. Insurance commissioner; salary; tenure; duties.

122. Special duties; particular enumeration of.

123. Charters to be approved by attor

[blocks in formation]

ney general; examination by 149. insurance commissioner. 124. Conditions upon which foreign insurance companies may transact business in this State. 125. Additional conditions. 126. Agents and solicitors, licenses to. 127. Penalty for acting without license.

152. What cars may be placed upon. 153. Road not to exceed ten miles in


[blocks in formation]

159. What certificate must contain.
160. General powers of corporation.
161. May construct road.
162. Capital stock.

185. Summary remedy for neglect of corporate duty.

186. Elevated roads not to be built without special act.


Reorganization of, when sold under foreclosure.

188. Powers of reorganized company. 189. May issue bonds and execute mortgages.

190. May consolidate with connecting road.

be 191. May purchase connecting road. 192. Time allowed to finish road. 193. State's stock therein.

163. Payment of instalments upon.
164. Collection of unpaid instalments.
165. Increase of capital stock.
166. Opening books for subscriptions;
election of directors.

194. Flagmen or electric bells at pub-
lic crossings.

195. Penalty for neglect.
196. Collection of fines,

197. May cross other railroads; when
and how.

198. Injuries to live-stock and by fire.. 199. How to be sued for.

167. May purchase or condemn prop- 200. Where to be sued for.

[blocks in formation]

172. May purchase or receive adjacent 205. Trustees of, to be body politic.

necessary lands.

206. Powers of such trustees.

173. Crossings of highways, roads, and 207. Succession to be kept up, how.

[blocks in formation]

182. Sections 179-181 to apply to all 214. Meetings of members; quorum;

transportation companies.

183. Use of track by connecting roads. 184. Damages for refusal.


215. Separation and new organization. 216. Conveyance to church by trustee.

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