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nt, as required by the same section, and to proceed thereon to viction as if no other complaint had been made.

9. If any person shall feel himself aggrieved by any judgment of tipendiary Magistrate under this Act, he shall have liberty to tal therefrom to the then next sitting of Her Majesty's Supreme urt at St. John's: Provided that notice of the same shall be en to the Magistrate within twenty-four hours after such judgnt shall have been delivered, and within five days thereafter gnizances or other security, with or without sureties, at the tion of such Magistrate, shall be entered into to prosecute the me without delay, and pay such amount as may be awarded with


10. The Acts mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are hereby pealed to the extent mentioned in the third column of that aedule.

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ACT of the Government of Newfoundland, to amend Title XV, Chapter 54, of the Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Of


(Chap. 17.] [Passed June 1, 1892.] Be it enacted by the Governor, the Legislative Council, and House of Assembly, in Legislative Session convened, as follows:1. After the expiration of one week from the date of the delivery [1892-93. LXXXV.]

2 N

into the office of the Colonial Secretary of the petition, oath, an description of invention, as prescribed in sections 1, 4, and 5 Chapter 54, Title XV, of the Consolidated Statutes, entitled "C Patents," and until the expiration of six months from said date delivery, the applicant for Letters Patent for any invention sha have the like privileges and rights as if Letters Patent under th provisions of the said Chapter had been sealed and delivered on th date of said delivery.

CORRESPONDENCE relative to the Suppression of Slave raiding in Nyasaland (British Central Africa).*—189' 1892.

No. 1.-Commissioner Johnston to the Marquess of Salisbury.(Received April 6, 1892.)


The Residency, Zomba, November 24, 189 I HAVE the honour to lay before your Lordship a Report of t measures which I have taken to suppress the Slave Trade in Briti Central Africa since my arrival at Tshiromo in the middle of la July.

In undertaking the proceedings against certain notable slave raiders and traders which are to be detailed in this despatch, wish to point out that I have been prompted by two motives. I the first place, I bore in mind your Lordship's earnest injunctio conveyed in my formal instructions "to suppress the Slave Trade b every legitimate means in my power." In the secondary aspect of th situation, I felt bound to make our Protectorate in Nyasalan a reality to the unfortunate mass of the people who are robbed raided, and carried into captivity to satisfy the greed and lust o bloodshed prevailing among a few Chieftains of the Yaot race. these again being incessantly incited to engage in internecit. war or slave-raiding forays by the Arab and Swahili slave-traders who travel between Nyasaland and the German and Portugu littoral.

Wherever it was possible by means of peaceable and friendly negotiations to induce a Chieftain to renounce the Slave Trace I have used such means in preference to a recourse to force; and this way a considerable number of the lesser Potentates of Nyasland have been brought to agree to give up adjusting their inter necine quarrels by resort to arms, to cease selling their subjects

*Extracted from Parliamentary Paper, "Africa No. 5, 1892."
The invading "Ajawa" of Livingstone.

slavery, and to close their territories to the passage of slaves slave-traders. Their agreement, however, was in most cases dllen one, and their eyes were turned instinctively to the nearest g" Chief to see in what way he was dealt with. If he, too, epted this distasteful gospel of peace and good-will towards they were then ready enough to adhere to their own compacts, i even to be zealous (hoping reward) in carrying out the more ive provisions thereof; but if the powerful Potentate—the mpion man of war of the district-held aloof from the new otectorate, massed his forces in the hill strongholds, and preserved watchful or menacing attitude towards the Administration by oring or rejecting its proposals for a friendly understanding, n the little Chieftains began to relax in their good behaviour a month's or a week's duration, once more to capture and sell eir neighbour's subjects, or to smuggle through their by-paths coast caravan, with its troop of slaves, bound for Kilwa, Ibo, Quilimane.

Consequently, I soon realized-indeed, I knew before I returned this country for the second time-that there were certain otabilities in Nyasaland who would require to be induced or pelled to give up the Slave Trade before our Protectorate could see me a reality. Who these were, and how they have been bait with, will be set forth in the accompanying Report.

I also forward a copy of an official Report addressed to me by Captain Cecil M. Maguire, dealing with our little campaign. on Lake Nyasa and the Upper Shiré. My personal testimony to the gallantry and excellent behaviour of these Indian soldiers is given in the pages of my own Report, which I herewith submit to your Lordship's consideration, trusting that the proceedings it details may meet with your Lordship's approval.

The Marquess of Salisbury.

P.S.-List of inclosures in this despatch :


i. Report on measures taken to suppress the Slave Trade in Nyasaland.

2. Messrs. Bowhill and Bradshaw's letter about Tshikumbu.

3. Letter of thanks from same.

4. Mr. Whyte's Report on Mount Milanji.

5. Letter from late Sultan of Zanzibar to Makanjira, with translation.

H. H. J.

P.S. No. 2.-Just as I was completing the inclosed Report the sad news of Captain Maguire's death at Kisungah arrived. have not, however, thought it necessary on that account to hold

back the Report, or to modify it in consequence of this deplorab accident.

December 29, 1891.

H. H.

(Inclosure 1.)—Report on Measures taken to suppress the Slave Tr in British Central Africa.-July to December, 1891.

On the 16th July, 1891, I arrived at Tshiromo, a place at t junction of the River Ruo with the Shiré, which may be called t chief port of the Shire highlands, since it is usually the farthe inland limit of all-year-round navigation on the part of the Briti gun-boats and commercial steamers plying between the Ch. mouth of the Zambezi and the British possessions in the interi In commencing my administrative work as Her Majesty's Cor missioner in the British Protectorate of Nyasaland, and in t extensive territories beyond, which are placed under the Chart of the British South Africa Company, it was incumbent on a to take some decisive measures to check the Slave Trade and t misery and depopulation it caused in the regions of Central Afri now brought under British control. With this object in view, resolved first to get rid of the Slave Trade in the southern in of Nyasaland, and bring that stretch of territory into an order and peaceful condition before extending my operations furth afield.

The "big men" in this part of the Protectorate with who it behoved me to deal, and whom I must either persuade or coert into acceptance of an anti-Slave Trade policy and sufficien subservience to the new Administration as would put an end further civil wars and inhuman practices, were the following:

Makanjira and Kazembe, ruling on opposite coasts of the sout end of Lake Nyasa;

The "Makandanji" clan of Chiefs (Tshindamba,† Zarafi, an Mkata) which dominates the country between the east bank of the Upper Shiré, Lake Pamalombwe, and the Portuguese boun dary;

Mponda, the powerful Chief holding the Shiré where it leaves Lake Nyasa, and possessing a large tract of country along it western bank;

The Angoni Chief, Tshifisi, who dwells behind Mponda;

These two divisions of the territories under British influence to the te of the Zambezi are included in the comprehensive designation of Brist

Central Africa.”

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+ Formerly known by the name of Makandanji, which name he changed t Tshindamba on becoming a Mahommedan. The name, however, sticks to ha country.

Tshingwalu-ngwalu and Msamara, Yao Chiefs along the western k of the Upper Shiré, half-brothers and bitter haters of onda;

Liwonde, a Chief ruling an exceedingly rich tract of land along east bank of the Upper Shiré;

Tshikusi, the great Angoni Chieftain dominating all the hill ntry between the west bank of the Shiré and the Portuguese atier ;

Kawinga, one of the most powerful of the Yao Chiefs, who ells near the north-west corner of Lake Shirwa, and who mmands a great slave-route to the coast; and, lastly

Tshikumbu, who, after being for some years a roving bandit ing on the plunder of the Mission caravans between Blantyre d the Upper Shiré, at last settled down on Mount Milanji to steady career of slave-trading.

To subdue these Potentates, if recalcitrant, I had at my comand the following police force :

Seventy-one Indian soldiers (from 32nd and 23rd Sikh Regiments, nd the Haiderabad Lancers), commanded by Captain Cecil Maguire, the 2nd Haiderabad Lancers contingent; ten Swahili police from out of the 120 recruited by permission of His Highness he Sultan of Zanzibar).*

The cost of maintaining this police force is borne by the British South Africa Company. The armament was mainly furnished by the War Office, and consists of Suider rifles and a 7-pounder annon.t

The first of the Chiefs to claim our attention was Tshikumbu, the last mentioned on my list.

This man had for some eight years past harassed and raided the A-mañanja (Wa-Nyasa) tribes living on and round Mount Milanji. He and his brother Tshingomanji were intrusive Yaos from the north, and were aliens in the land who had simply imposed themselves as Chiefs in the territories once belonging to a Mañanja Ruler named Tshipoka. This man died a year or so back, and to prevent his country (formerly an extensive one, about the size of Surrey) from being wholly devoured by Tshikumbu and Tshingomanji, the chief men of Tshipoka's country and Tshipoka's heir asked Mr. Acting Consul Buchanan to summon a meeting on Mount Milanji in August 1890, and then and there on the 13th of that month made over, in a document signed by them, the whole sovereign rights of Tshipoka's country to the Queen.

The remainder of this force has been mainly employed in road-making, &c., under Captain Sclater, R.E.

Since added to by a Maxim-gun from the British South Africa Company, and two 9-pounder cannons from the Arsenal at Woolwich.-H. II. J.

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