
the lord prefident of his majesty's council, the duke of Leeds, the duke of Devonshire, the earl of Cholmondeley (lord chamberlain), and the earl of Jersey (master of the horse to the prince of Wales), lord Thurlow, and the ladies of her royal highness's bedchamber, were present. Her royal highness and the young princess were in perfect health.

Between eight and nine 14th. o'clock this day, the powder mills belonging to Mr. Hill, at Hounflow, owing to the wheels of the mill not being properly fupplied with oil, took fire, and blew up with a dreadful explofion, which not only terrified the inhabitants of the place but alarmed the cities of London and Weftminster, and the houses of the people several miles round the metropolis experienced the effects of its powerful concuffion; three men who were at work in the manufactory, have loft their lives, and the flames from the mill communicating to a punt in the mill river, in which were 30 barrels of gunpowder, fet fire to the whole, and blew up with a terrible explosion; the man who had the care of the veffel being thattered to pieces, and the boat being blown out of the water. Not a vestige of the mill isleft standing, and Hounflow heath is covered with bricks and tiles, and the mangled limbs of the unfortunate fufferers. The nouses in Hounslow, Ifleworth, and even Brentford, have fuffered confiderably; the Crown Inn at Hounflow, and the King's Head at Brentford, have not a whole pane of glass in the windows; and the inhabitants were to terrified near the fpot, that they not only forfook

their dwellings, but a number of women, with their children, through fear, appeared half naked in the streets, expecting every moment that their houses would fall and bury them in the ruins. The scattered limbs of the unfortunate victims, who for the most part have left large families to lament their loss by this unforeseen event, were, by order of the magiftrates, collected together and deposited in the church-yard. The lofs of this valuable manufactory is estimated at near 20,oool. The shock was felt as far north of London as the extremities of Enfield parith, and South beyond Croydon. A fimilar difafter happened to the fame concern about 20 years ago. 16th. Vienna. The princess royal of France, Maria Theresa, arrived here on the 9th, a little after fix o'clock in the evening, amidst the loudeft acclamations of crowds of people, who accompanied her carriage as far as the Burg, where his Imperial majefty had caused a refidence to be prepared for her. Count Colloredo, cabinet minister to the emperor, aecompanied her to the place of her refidence from Burkertdorff, whither he went to welcome her, in the name of his Imperial majefty, as foon as information of her arrival was received. Prince Stahremberg, the principal lord of the bedchamber, on the roth, went to the refidence of the princess, and prefented to prinee Gavre all the future household fervants, &c. deftined for her use. The fint whe received the French princess royal of France in this capital, were the archdukes and archducheffes. The emperor and empress honoured her with a vifit foon after her arrival, and

Puty chaplain's houfe, and found ftripped from the flaff, under his fon's bed, a young man of 15, at prefent a pupil in a public fchool.


Porifmouth. In confe

quence of a dreadful gale of wind, a great number of ships at Spithead were this day obliged to cut their cables, and run for the barbour, feveral of which got foul of each other. Signals of diftrefs were feen flying on board many veffels, but the weather was fo extremely bad as to prevent any boats going to their affifiance. A man of war's boat was driven out of the harbour with the tide this afternoon, and overfet near South-Sea Beach; the whole of the crew got safe on thore except one man, who was unfortunately drowned. The tide was many feet higher this day than has been known for upwards of 30 years; fe veral houfes on the point having been wathed down, and a number of people removed their goods up into the town; for if the wind had not abated, the tide would have been full as high in the morning, and many more houses confequently damaged.

Edinburgh. On the 21ft

24th. inft. his royal highness the

duke d'Angouleme eldest fon to Monfieur, arrived at the Abbey of Holyrood-boufe. His royal highnefs is to be accommodated in the apartments of the earl of Bredalbane there, until fuch time as the royal apartments can be put in proper repair to receive their royal highneffes; and his royal highness the duke d'Angouleme propofes to fee company for the prefent in the apartments of monfieur on Mon❤ days and Thurfdays at noon. Edinburgh. The weather, 25th. for three days past, has been

B 2

and received her with open arms. In her own place of refidence the princefs wept moft bitterly. She has fince paid a vifit to the archduchefs Chriftine, who is indifpofed. A grand and brilliant courtday is expected to-morrow, which will be the first day on which her Imperial majefty will make her public appearence after her lyingin. It is expected alfo that the French princefs royal will be introduced, with proper ceremony to the higher clafs of the nobility and foreign ambaffadors. Counters Chanclo, formerly governefs to the archduchefs Elizabeth, first confort of the emperor, has been appointed to the fame dignity with the French princefs royal. Prince Gavre is appointed governor to her royal highnels. The only article preferved by the French princess, from the effects which were put into her carriage at Paris, is faid to be a fmall parcel, which befides a small quantity of linen, contained three miniature pictures, and fome hair of her father, mother, and the princefs Elizabeth her aunt; alfo a pair of garters kuit by her late unfortunate mother, out of the threads of

an old piece of tapestry which the

found in her prison.
18th. When the royal ftandard
was flying at the Tower, being
the queen's birth-day, a tricoloured
filk flag, three yards wide and of
length in proportion, was hoifted
over the rampart on a staff of feven
feet loug, and continued hoifted for
three hours before it was difcovered
in the garrifon. On the difcovery,
the major of the Tower, colonel
Smith, went himself to ftrike it,
when making into a wrong part, it
difappeared before he reached the
fpot, but was traced into the de-


very tempestuous. On Saturday afternoon it blew a perfect hurricane from the S. W. In the new town, and other exposed situations, many persons were carried off their feet, and thrown down; several carriages were overtürned, and in fome houses the windows were broken and forced in. The streets were ftrewed with chimney pans, by the falling of which feveral perfons were hurt, though we have not heard of any being dangeroufly 10. On Sunday morning the storm was equally violent. The gale was from a quarter that is feldom dangerous on this coast; but, if it was equally violent on the West coaft, the consequences are to be feared. Glasgow. By a sudden in undation yesterday at Greenock and Port Glasgow, the tobacco-cellars at the latter place were laid under water from fix to nine inches on the floors, by which means a good deal of tobacco is injured, but to what amount we cannot say. The lofs on fugar at Greenock will be very great, probably not less than 30,0001. In fome of the cellars on the West Quay, the water was up from eighteen to twenty inches on the lower tier of fugar. The storm was also severely felt here; a stack of chimnies was blown down in the High-street, and feveral trees in the neighbourhood have been torn up by the roots.


28th. A telegraph was this day erected over the admiralty, which is to be the point of communication with all the different fea-ports in the kingdom. The nearest telegraph to London has hitherto been in St. George's Fields; and to such perfection has this ingenious and useful contrivance been

already brought, that one day laft week information was conveyed from Dover to London in the space of only seven minutes. The plan proposed to be adopted in respect to telegraphs is yet only carried into effect between London and Dover; but it is intended to extend all over the kingdom. The impor. tance of this speedy communication must be evident to every one; and it has this advantage, that the information conveyed is known only to the person who fends, and to him who receives it. The intermediate posts have only to answer and convey the fignals.

Earl Cholmondeley has in29th. formed the city remem brancer, that his royal highness, from being under the necessity of difmiffing his establishment, is unable to receive their congratulatory compliments in a manner fuitable to his rank and with that respect which is due to the city of London; and that the prince exprefies much regret in not having it in his power to shew a proper regard for the good wishes of the city of London towards himself and the princess.

This morning about 10, Michael Blanch, a Spaniard, James Colley, an American, and Francis Cole, a Black, who were found guilty at the late admiralty feffions, of the wilful murder of William Little, the master and commander of an American vessel, were brought out of Newgate, and placed in a cart, and conveyed to Execution Dock, where they were executed according to their fentence. In the afternoon the three bodies were brought back to furgeons' hall, there to be difsected pursuant to the fentence of the

the court of admiralty. Had it been a cafe of piracy, they would have been hung in chains.

DIED.-In Portugal, Dr. Loreira, author of the "Flora Cochinenfis." This celebrated botanist devoted 30 years of close application to the compofition of this work. Sir Joseph Banks invited him to this country, for the purpose of publishing it here; but advanced age prevented him from accepting the invitation.

20. At Lancaster, in an advan ced period of life, Mr. Alexander Stevens, architect; who in the course of the last forty years, erected more ftone bridges, and other buildings in water, than any man in these kingdoms. Among the many works of that kind may be mentioned the bridge over the Lift fey at Dublin, and the locks and docks on the grand canal of Ireland. The north of England and Scotland exhibits numberless works of his execution. The aqueduct over the river Lune, at Lancaster, is one of the greatest undertakings he was ever concerned in; and, had he lived a few months longer, he would have had the fatisfaction of feeing it completed.


This night, after eleven o'clock, as the royal family were returning from Drury-lane theatre, when the carriages had reached the end of John-street, Pall Mall, a stone was flung with fuch force as to break one of the glass pannels in the coach, in which were their majesties and the lady in waiting; which, after striking the queen on the cheek, fell

into lady Harrington's lap. A de. pofition on the above business was taken at the duke of Portland's office, before the fecretary of ftate and two of the magiftrates from Bow-ftreet; when some of the footmen attending on the royal family were examined. A reward of 1000l. is offered for the difcoyery of the offenders. 18th. This day came on in the court of king's bench, the ker and others, commiffioners apcause of Jeffreys verfus Mr. Walpointed for liquidating the prince of Wales's debts, for the sum of 54,6851. for jewels furnished by the plaintiff for his royal highness. Meffrs. Sharp, Elias, Levi, and Dugden, eminent diamond-merchants, were called on the part of the plaintiff, who proved the value of the articles to be, unset, 50.9971. 10.; while Meffrs. Crifp, Duval, and Francillon, on the part of the defendants, gave it as their opinion, that, having examined the jewels, they were not worth more than 43,800l. exclufive of the setting of a miniature picture of her highness. The jury, after a quarter of an hour's confideration, found a verdict for the plaintiff, 50,9971. 108 19th. Richard England was put

to the bar at the old Bailey, charged with the wilful murder of Mr. Rowlls, brewer, of Kingston, in a duel at Cranford-bridge, June 18, 1794. Lord Derby, the first witness, gave was present at Afcot races; when in evidence, that he in the stand upon the race-course he heard Mr. England cautioning the gentleman present not to bet with the deceafed, as he neither paid what he lost or what he borrowed; on which Mr. Rowlls B3



went up to him, called him rafcal or scoundrel, and offered to strike him; when England bid him stand off, or he would be obliged to kuock him down, saying at the fame time, "We have interrupted the company sufficiently here, and if you have any thing further to say to me, you know where I am to be found." A farther altercation ensued; but his lordship, being at the other end of the stand, did not distinctly hear it, and then the parties retired.

Lord Dartry now lord Cremorne, and his lady, with a gentleman, were at the inn at the time the duel was fought: they went into the garden, and endeavoured to prevent the duel; there were several other perfons collected in the garden. Mr. Rowlls defired his lordship and others not to interfere; and on a second attempt of his lordthip to make peace, Mr. Rowlls faid, if they did not retire, he must, though reluctantly, call them impertinent. Mr. England, at the fame time, stepped forward, and took off his hat: he said, "gentlemen, I have been cruelly treated, I have been injured in my honour and character; let there be reparation made, and I am ready to have done this moment." Lady Dartry retired, his lordship ftood in the bower of the garden, until he saw Mr. Rowlls fall. One or two witneffes were called, who proved nothing material. A paper containing the prifoner's defence being read, the earl of Derby, marquis of Hertford, Mr. Whitebread, jun. col. Bifhopp, and other gentlemen, were called to his character. They all spoke of him as a man of decent gentlemanly deportment, who, initead of feeking quarrels, was stu

dious to avoid them. He had been friendly to Englishmen whilst abroad, and had rendered some fervices to the military at the siege of Newport. Mr. juftice Rooke fummed up the evidence, after which the jury retired for about three quarters of an hour, when they returned a verdict, guilty of manflaughter. The prisoner having fled from the laws of his country for twelve years, the court was difposed to shew no lenity. He was therefore fentenced to pay a fine of one shilling, and to be imprifoned in Newgate twelve months. 20th.

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In the king's bench, came on the trial of Kyd Wake, indicted for a misdemeanour in hissing and hooting the king as his majesty was going to the parlia. ment-house, on the first day of the present sessions, and likewife crying, down with George, no war," &c. Mr. Stockdale, the bookseller, and Mr. Walford, the linen draper, who acted as conftables on the day, were examined, and fully proved the facts charged in the indictment; upon which the jury without hesitation, found a verdict, guilty. A great number of persons attended on the part of the prisoner; but as they could only speak to his general character, and not to the cafe in point, Mr. Erskine, the prisoner's counfel, declined calling upon them, referving their teftimony to be offered in mitigation of punithment, on the first day of next term, when the prisoner will be brought up to the court of king's bench to receive judgment. 21st. Hull. After the family were gone to bed, a very alarming fire broke out in the habitable part of Wressle Castle, which increased

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