페이지 이미지


FIRST MEETING: 12th June, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

New Members.-W. Bonar, J. Chambers, Dr. Macarthur, E. V. Miller.

The President delivered the anniversary address, taking as his subject "Capital and Modern Progress."

SECOND MEETING: 26th June, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

Professor F. D. Brown delivered a popular lecture on "The Electric Spark," illustrated with experiments.

THIRD MEETING: 17th July, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

Dr. R. H. Makgill gave a lecture on Disease-germs."

Water-supply and

FOURTH MEETING: 14th August, 1899.

Mr. P. Marshall, F.G.S., delivered a popular lecture, illustrated with lime-light transparencies, on "Ruapehu and its Neighbourhood."

The lecturer described the geology, botany, and physical features of the mountain and surrounding table-land, and gave much interesting information as to the best route to be taken in ascending the mountain.

FIFTH MEETING: 28th August, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

New Member.-Rev. J. T. Pinfold.

Papers.-1." On the Geology of Castle Rock, Coromandel," by J. M. Maclaren. (Transactions, p. 213.)

2. "The Coming Star Showers," by Professor H. W. Segar.

SIXTH MEETING: 11th September, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

Professor C. W. Egerton gave a popular lecture on "The Novel."

He fully described the evolution of the modern novel, particularly during the Victorian period, and showed how the predominant taste for novel-reading affected other forms of literature, and entered upon some speculations as to the probable development of the novel in the future.

SEVENTH MEETING: 25th September, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

Papers.-1. "On the Percentage of Chlorine in the Waters of Lake Takapuna," by J. A. Pond, F.C.S. (Transactions, p. 241.)


2. Some Experiments in Radiant Heat," by E. V. Miller.

EIGHTH MEETING: 23rd October, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

Mr. T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., gave a popular lecture on "Rarotonga: its Scenery, Vegetation, and Native Inhabitants." The lecture was illustrated with a series of over eighty lime-light transparencies.

NINTH MEETING: 6th November, 1899.

Mr. J. Batger, President, in the chair.

New Member.-F. J. Povey.

Papers.-1. "On the Composition of the Soil of the

Taupo Plains, and its Suitability for the Growth of Grasses," by J. A. Pond, F.C.S., and J. S. Maclaurin, D.Sc. (Transactions, p. 227.)

2. "Maori Origins," by Elsdon Best.

p. 294.)


ANNUAL MEETING: 19th February, 1900.

Professor Talbot-Tubbs, Vice-president, in the chair.


Five new members have been elected during the year, the total number of members at the present time being 153.

The Council regret to announce the death of Lieut.-Colonel T. L. Murray, who has been connected with the Institute for more than twenty years, and who during the whole of that period has taken a steady and consistent interest in its affairs. For the last two years he has served as a member of the Council.

The total revenue of the working account, excluding the balance of £84 4s. 9d. brought from the previous year, has been £900 18s. 2d. Last year the amount was £899 2s. 10d., very nearly the same sum. Examining the separate items of the balance sheet, it will be seen that the receipts from the invested funds of the Costley bequest have been £328 5s., against £365 16s. 3d. for 1898-99, the reduction being mainly due to a temporary delay in the payment of interest on one of the investments. The Museum endowment has yielded £444 1s. 4d., the amount for the previous year being £355; while the sum received for members' subscriptions stands at £118 13s., showing a reduction of £9 9s. The total expenditure has been £923 16s. 10d., leaving a balance of £61 6s. 1d. The Council have no change to report respecting the invested funds of the Institute, the amount being the same as last year-£13,590.

At the close of the year Mr. Percy Smith resigned his position as one of the trustees of the Institute, after holding it for fifteen years. The Council are anxious to put on record their appreciation of Mr. Smith's long-continued services, and of the careful attention that he has always given to the affairs of the Institute. It is pleasing to know that his name still remains on the roll of the Institute, and, though no longer serving it in an official capacity, he still has the intention of assisting in its work whenever opportunity occurs.

Nine meetings have been held during the year, at which twelve papers were read.

The register of the Museum shows that 13,230 people entered the building on Sundays, the total for the whole year being 49,082.

The chief progress made by the Museum has been in the ethnographical department. Mr. Elsdon Best, of Ruatahuna, has forwarded a second collection made by him among the Maoris living near Lake Waikaremoana, which contains several articles not previously represented in the Museum. A beautiful toki-hohoupu, or battle-axe, with elaborately carved wooden handle of great age and perfect preservation, has been obtained by purchase, together with several rare bone and greenstone ornaments. During a visit to Rarotonga the Curator collected a series of 132 articles illustrating the ethnology of that island; and through the kind offices of the Rev. Mr. Cullen, seconded by Colonel Gudgeon, two of the celebrated carved ceremonial axes from Mangaia have been secured.

An interesting exchange has been received from the Bishop Museum at Honolulu, in the shape of two of the rare kahilis, or wands, elaborately decorated with feather-work. Through the kind co-operation of Mr. W. S. Laurie, of this city, a very acceptable collection of mound-builders' pottery from the Mississippi Valley has been obtained from Dr. Bushnell, of St. Louis. There have also been some minor additions, which it is impossible to mention here. In the zoological department the most noteworthy accession has been an almost perfect moa skeleton, purchased from Mr. Kingsley, of Nelson. It has a special value from being the type of Captain Hutton's new species, Dinornis torosus. Two remarkably good mounted specimens of Echidna and Ornithorhynchus have been presented by Mrs. Calder, of this city; and several rare New Zealand bird skins have been purchased. The want of a resident taxidermist is severely felt. Among the miscellaneous additions special mention is made of a valuable timber exhibit presented by the Leyland O'Brien Timber Company. It consists of a complete section of a kauri-tree 6 ft. in diameter, supporting a framework containing panels of the chief ornamental woods of the colony. It affords an excellent illustration of the value of our timber trees for furniture or decorative woodwork.

The most noteworthy addition to the library has been a complete set of the publications of the United States Bureau of Ethnology, in sixteen volumes quarto.

The management of Little Barrier Island as a reserve for the preservation of the avifauna of New Zealand still remains in the bands of the Institute, the Government contributing an annual grant of £200 to cover the expenses in connection with it. The Curator, Mr. Shakespear, reports that matters are in a satisfactory condition on the island, and that most of the native birds appear to be increasing in numbers now that they are not in any way molested. A short time ago he detected two men at work on the island gum-digging. He at once turned them off, and reported the occurrence. It is the intention of the Crown Lands Department to proceed against the men as soon as they can be found. With this exception, no attempt has been made to land upon the island, or to interfere with it in any way.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1900.-President-Professor H. W. Segar; Vice-presidents-J. Batger, Professor H. A. Talbot-Tubbs; Council-Professor F. D. Brown, C. Cooper, F. G. Ewington, E. A. Mackechnie, P. Marshall, F.G.S., T. Peacock, D. Petrie, F.L.S., J. A. Pond, F.C.S., J. Stewart, C.E., Professor A. P. Thomas, F.L.S., J. H. Upton; Trustees -E. A. Mackechnie, T. Peacock, J. H. Upton; Secretary and Curator T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S.; Auditor-W. Gorrie.



FIRST MEETING: 3rd May, 1899.

Mr. L. Cockayne, President, in the chair.

Address.-Professor Arnold Wall delivered an address on "The Life-history of Words."

Captain Hutton exhibited and described a trephined Maori skull (Plate XXV.), and a Maori albatros-hook, lately acquired by the Canterbury Museum.

SECOND MEETING: 7th June, 1899.

Mr. L. Cockayne, President, in the chair.

New Member.-Mr. W. D. Andrews.

Address.-Mr. J. S. S. Cooper delivered an address on "Wireless Telegraphy," illustrated by experiments.

THIRD MEETING: 2nd August, 1899.

Mr. L. Cockayne, President, in the chair.

New Member.-Mr. R. H. Rhodes.

Papers.-1. "The Anatomy of Haastia pulvinaris," by Miss E. Low; communicated by Professor Dendy. (Transactions, p. 150.)

2. "The Plant Geography of the tem: Part I.," by Mr. L. Cockayne.

Waimakariri River Sys(Transactions, p. 95.)

3. "New Zealand Musci: the Genus Bartramia," by

Mr. R. Brown. (Transactions, p. 137.)

4. "Notes on some New Zealand Orthoptera," by Captain. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 19.)

5. "Note on Paryphanta lignaria," by Captain Hutton. (Transactions, p. 22.)

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