QUOTATIONS ABRA.-Abra was ready ere I call'd her name; Her absence made the night, her presence brought the day. ABSENCE.-In the hope to meet Shortly again, and make our absence sweet. BEN JONSON.-Underwoods, an Elegy. An hour or two Never breaks squares in love; he comes in time BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.-The Widow, Act II. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. HAYNES BAILEY.-Isle of Beauty; Odes to Rosa. What vigour absence adds to love. FLATMAN.-Weeping at parting, a Song. Absence in most, that quenches love, And cools the warm desire; The ardour of my heart improves, And makes the flame aspire. COTTON.-A Song, Verse 2. Friends, though absent, are still present. CICERO.-On Friendship, Chapter VII. [The mottoes or phrases, "Though lost to sight, to memory dear," and "Though absent, not forgotten," are probably derived from the passage in Cicero; for I have not met with them in my reading, neither can I learn that they are to be found in any author.] B 2 ABSTRACTS-ACTOR. ABSTRACTS.-They are the abstracts, and brief chronicles of the time. SHAKSPERE. Hamlet, Act II. Scene 2. Brief abstract and record of tedious days. SHAKSPERE.-King Richard III. Act IV. Scene 4. (Duchess to Queen Margaret.) ACCIDENTS.-Wherein I spoke of most disastrous chances; Of moving accidents by flood and field. SHAKSPERE.-Othello, Act I. Scene 3. (To the Senate, justifying his marriage with Desdemona.) ACES.-We gentlemen, whose chariots roll only upon the four aces, are apt to have a wheel out of order. SIR JOHN VANBRUGH.-The Provoked Husband, On the four aces doom'd to roll, CHURCHILL.-The Duellist, Book I. Line 68. ACHES.-Up start as many aches in his bones, as there are ouches in his skin. GEORGE CHAPMAN.-The Widow's Tears. ACTING.-Between the acting of a dreadful thing Like a phantasma, or a hideous dream. SHAKSPERE.-Julius Cæsar, Act II. Scene 1. ACTION.-Be not too tame neither, but let your own discretion be your tutor; suit the action to the word, the word to the action; with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature. SHAKSPERE.Hamlet, Act III. Scene 2. Prodigious actions may as well be done DRYDEN.-Absalom and Ahithophel, Part I. ACTOR-He loved his friends (forgive this gushing tear; LITTLETON.-Prologue to Thomson's Coriolanus. ACTOR-As in a theatre, the eyes of men, Even so, or with much more contempt, men's eyes ADAMANT.-On adamant our wrongs we all engrave, KING.-Art of Love, Line 971. ADORE.-We bear it calmly, though a ponderous woe, Led like a victim, to my death I'll go, And, dying, bless the hand that gave the blow. DRYDEN.-The Spanish Friar, Act II. Scene 1. ADORN.-She came adorned hither like sweet May. SHAKSPERE.—King Richard II., Act V. Scene 1. (Speaking of his Queen.) Th' adorning thee with so much art Is but a barbarous skill; "Tis like the poisoning of a dart, Too apt before to kill. COWLEY.-The Waiting-Maid, Verse 4. ADVERSARY.-Oh that mine adversary had written a book. JOB.-Chapter xxxi. Verse 35. And do as adversaries do in law: Strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends. SHAKSPERE.-Taming of the Shrew, Act I. ADVERSITY.-A man I am, cross'd with adversity. SHAKSPERE.-Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act IV. A wretched soul, bruis'd with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry; But were we burden'd with like weight of pain, As much, or more, we should ourselves complain. SHAKSPERE.-Comedy of Errors, Act II. Scene 1. (Adriana to Luciana.) 4 ADVERSITY-AFFLICTION. ADVERSITY.-Sweet are the uses of adversity; SHAKSPERE-As You Like It, Act II. Scene 1. Love is maintain'd by wealth; when all is spent, HERRICK.-Hesperides, Aphorisms, No. 144. AFFECTATION.-There affectation, with a sickly mien, Shows in her cheek the roses of eighteen. POPE. -Rape of the Lock, Canto IV. Line 31. On the rich quilt sinks with becoming woe, Die of a rose in aromatic pain POPE.-Essay on Man, Epistle I. Line 200. AFFLICTION.-Had it pleased heaven Given to captivity me and my utmost hopes; SHAKSPERE.-Othello, Act IV. Scene 2. When Providence, for secret ends, POMFRET. To his Friend under affliction. Heaven is not always angry when he strikes, Are afflictions aught But mercies in disguise? th' alternate cup, By love's own hand for salutary ends. MALLET.-Amyntor and Theodora, Canto III. AFFLICTION.- "Tis a physic That's bitter to sweet end. SHAKSPERE.-Measure for Measure, Act IV. AFFRONT.-Am I to set my life upon a throw, No A moral, sensible, and well-bred man, COWPER, Conversation, Line 191. AFTER.-After me the deluge. Après moi le deluge. MADAME DE POMPADOUR.-3 Notes and Queries, 397. When I am dead, may earth be mingled with fire. Aye, said From a Greek Tragedian. See Riley's Dict., After the war, aid.-GREEK PROVERB. After death, the doctor.-ENGLISH PROVerb. RILEY.-Supra, 540. Geo. Herbert, Jacula Pru dentum. AGE.-Age and want sit smiling at the gate. POPE.-Moral Essays, to Bathurst, Epistle III., Slow-consuming age. GRAY.-Ode on Eton College, Verse 9. Borne on the swift, tho' silent, wings of time, BEATTIE.-The Minstrel, Verse 25, Line 8. Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety. SHAKSPERE.-Anthony and Cleopatra, Act II. Your date is better in your pie And your porridge, than in your cheek. SHAKSPERE.-All's Well that ends Well, Act I. Some smack of age in you, some relish of the saltness of time. |