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Commissioners on insolvent estates.

Voir dire oath.

State auditors.

Auditors of actions.

Arbitrators and referees.

For Commissioners on Insolvent Estates.

SECT. 25. You swear, that you will faithfully and impartially, examine the several accounts and claims of the creditors of the estate of the deceased A. B. represented insolvent, as shall be presented to you for that purpose, and the evidence relative thereto; and make a true list of what you find justly due to each of said creditors, and present the same to the judge of probate, according law: So help you God.

Voir dire Oath.

SECT. 26. You swear, that you will well and truly answer to such interrogatories, as shall be put to you, under the direction of the court, not immediately relating to the merits of the cause now in question: So help you God.

For Auditors of State Accounts.

SECT. 27. You swear, that you will faithfully audit the accounts of the state, with the treasurer, and render to the general assembly, a true statement of your doings relative thereto, according to law: So help you God.

For Auditors, in actions of Account and Book-debt.

SECT. 28. You swear, that you will faithfully examine and adjust the accounts referred to you, and award thereon, according to your best skill and judgment: So help you God.

For Arbitrators and Referees, appointed by Court. SECT. 29. You swear, that you will faithfully administer justice between the parties, in the case submitted or referred to you, according to law, or equity: So help you God.

Committees of For Committees, appointed by Courts of Chancery.


SECT. 30. You swear, that you will faithfully inquire into the facts that may be presented to you, and faithfully and trully report the same to the court, pursuant to your appointment: So help you God.

Clerks of rep- For Clerks of the House of Representatives, and of the


and senate.

What ceremo


SECT. 31. You swear, that you will faithfully execute the office whereunto you are appointed: So help you God.

SECT. 32. The ceremony ordinarily to be used, by perny to be used. sons to whom an oath is administered, shall be the hold

ing up of the right hand, as has been accustomed ; but when any person, by reason of scruples of conscience, shall object to such ceremony, he shall be permitted to use any proper ceremony to which he has been accustomed, in such cases, or such as the court, or authority, by whom the oath is to be administered, shall direct.


Form of affir

mation for

SECT. 33. Whenever any person, required by law to When affirma. take the oath prescribed for witnesses, shall decline to take tion may be it, in the usual form, from scruples of conscience, a solemn affirmation may be administered to him, in the following form You, A. B. do solemnly, and sincerely affirm and declare, that the evidence you shall give to this court, concerning the case now in question, shall be the truth, the witnesses. whole truth, and nothing but the truth; upon the pains and penalties of perjury. And in every other case, an affirmation may be administered in the form of the oath prescribed, except that instead of the word swear, the words solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare shall be used; and instead of the words so help you God, the words upon the pains and penalties of perjury shall be used. And if any person making such solemn affirmation, shall be lawfully Penalties of convicted of having wilfully,falsely and corruptly, affirmed, perjury incurred by a false any matter, which, if the same had been declared under affirmation. oath, in the usual form, and with the usual ceremony, would have amounted to wilful and corrupt perjury, such person, so offending, shall incur the same penalties and forfeitures, as by law are enacted against wilful and corrupt perjury.

TITLE 73. Paupers.


An Act to provide for the support of Paupers. Et enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened,

SECT. 1.

tions are lia

That when any person shall, by age, sickness, insanity, or What relaany cause, become poor, impotent and unable to support ble for support and provide for himself and family, and has relations, who of paupers. stand in the degree or line of father and mother, grand-father and grand-mother, children and grand-children, who are of sufficient ability to do the same, then it shall be the duty of such relations to provide for his support; and if such relations shall refuse or neglect to do the same, then, on application to the county court, in the county where such person lives, by the select-men, or one or more of such relations, and on giving due notice, said court may order such relations to pay and contribute to the support of such poor and impotent person, from the time of such application, such sum as they shall deem to be reasonable and necessary, and may issue execution, quarterly, for the same, to be delivered into the hands of the select-men, for that purpose.


Remedy a

gainst relations refusing to provide support.

What descrip

tion of persons ported by the

shall be sup


Select-men to

be overseers of

the poor. Their duty.

Paupers liable to be removed for the purpose

of support.

Claims of individuals against the town.

Duty of selectmen to furnish


Penalty for neglect.

Notice, in what case, and within

what time, to be given.

SECT. 2. All poor and impotent persons, who have not estate sufficient for their support, and have no relations of sufficient ability, who are obliged by law to support them, shall be provided for, and supported, at the expense of the town where they belong. And it shall be the duty of every town to maintain and support all the poor inhabitants belonging to the town, whether residing in it, or in any other town in the state.

SECT. 3. The select-men of each town, shall be overseers of the poor; and it shall be their duty, at the expense of the town, to provide for all paupers belonging to it, food, clothing, fire-wood, and all other articles necessary for their subsistence; and to draw orders on the treasurer of the town for the payment thereof; and to render an account to the town of such expenditures, when required.

SECT. 4. Paupers shall be liable to be removed to such places to be supported, as the town or select-men may direct, and shall be subject to the orders of the select-men, or persons contracted with, to support them. No individual shall have any demand against a town for supplies or assistance furnished to a pauper, against the express direction of the select-men; nor before he has given notice to one of the select-men of the town where the pauper resides, of the condition of such pauper.

SECT. 5. It shall be the duty of the select-men of every town, whenever a person, not an inhabitant of such town, residing therein, shall become poor and unable to support him or her self, to furnish such pauper, such support as may be necessary, as soon as the condition of such pauper shall come to their knowledge; and each select-man neglecting such duty, shall forfeit the sum of seven dollars, to him who shall prosecute for the same to effect. The select-men of every town in which a pauper belonging to another town is chargeable, shall give notice to the town to which the pauper belongs, of his condition, within five days after they shall have obtained knowledge of the town to which he belongs, where such town is within twenty miles of the town where such pauper resides; and in all other cases, within fifteen days; and where the select-men have knowledge of the town where such pauper belongs, such town shall not be liable for any expense but for the time in which notice is required to be given as aforesaid; and such town shall not be liable to pay at a greater rate than one dollar per week for the support of a pauper, in lieu of all expenses. And a What shall be letter put in the mail, stating the name of the pauper, and that he is chargeable, signed by one of the select-men of the town where he resides, directed to the select-men of the town where he belongs, where there is a post-office in the town, or if none, then directed to be left at the nearest post-office to such town, shall be sufficient evidence that

Limitation of

charge for support.

sufficient evi

dence of no


notice was given, at the time such letter would reach the select-men, to whom it shall be directed, in the usual Actual notice. course of the mail: and actual notice in writing, sent in any other mode, shall be sufficient.

SECT. 6. Every town incurring necessary expense, Right of repursuant to this act, for a pauper belonging to another covery by one town, shall have right to recover the same from such town, town against as is provided in the preceding section of this act, by a proper action at common law.


ing a settle

SECT. 7. When any person having a legal settlement Persons havin any town in this state, shall remove out of the same, and gain a legal settlement in another state, and shall afterwards return to this state, and become poor and unable to support himself, the town where he had his last legal settlement in this state, shall be chargeable with his support.


ment in this state, and afterwards in another state, and then re

turning, by whom to be


Power of towns to es

tablish poor

SECT. 8. The several towns respectively, or any two or more towns, by their agents, appointed for that pose, shall have power to establish asylums, or poorhouses, for the admission of such poor and destitute per- houses; sons as may be judged proper, and to ordain and establish such by-laws as may be proper, relative to the per- and ordain sons to be admitted into such houses, and for the well or- by-laws. dering and governing thereof; not contrary to the laws'

of this state, or of the United States: Provided, that such Proviso.
by-laws may, at any time, be repealed, by the superior
court, if, by said court, deemed unreasonable or unjust.


An Act providing for the support of State Pau

SECT. 1.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep


That the state shall reimburse to any town the expense What descripincurred in relieving and supporting any sick and indigent tion of paupers person or persons, not inhabitants of this state, and who shall be supported by the do not belong to any town in this state, and are not by law the proper charge of any town or particular person, at a rate not exceeding, in any case, the sum of one dollar per week, for all persons over fourteen years of age, and fifty cents, for children under that age.

SECT. 2. No town shall be entitled to such reimbursement, for the support of any person born in this state, or an adjoining state, or of any person who shall heretofore, at any time, have been an inhabitant of any town in this state.

son entertaining a pauper, shall bear the


Under what

circumstances a pauper shall be supported by the state,

When the per- SECT. 3. Whosoever shall entertain any person, not an inhabitant of any town in this state, for the space of fourteen days, and the said person shall, when so entertained, be reduced, by sickness, or other cause, to necessitous circumstances, so as to need relief, the person so entertaining him, shall sustain the charge thereof, unless he shall have, within fourteen days, given sufficient notice to the select-men of the town, in which such person is so entertained; and in that case, it shall be defrayed by the state, unless the person so entertained has relations of sufficient ability, and by law bound to support him. And all expense incurred in the support of such person, within the term of three mouths, from the time of his coming to such town, (in case he shall, within said term of three months, have been warned to depart said town,) shall, in like manner, be defrayed by the state; and all expenses, that may arise in support of such person, subsequent to the said term of three months, on account of sickness or lameness, which shall have commenced within said term of three months, and which shall have continued beyond the said term, to such degree as to render it unsafe to remove such person, shall, during the continuance of such sickness or lameness, be defrayed by the state; and all subsequent expenses shall be defrayed by such town, during his continuance therein: provided, the sum allowed shall not exceed one dollar per week, for persons over fourteen, and fifty cents per week, for children under fourteen.

and by the town.

Where person SECT. 4. If any town shall incur any expense, in relievnot belonging to any town in ing and supporting a person not an inhabitant of any the state, has town in this state, and who has had his home, and resided resided six in any town in this state, during the six years next preyears in any town, without ceding the time of incurring such expense, without being being charge- chargeable to the state, such expense shall not be reimable, the state bursed from the treasury of the state, but shall be deshall not be lia- frayed by the town in which such residence shall have been last had, at the time of affording the relief.

ble for his sup


Such person may be removed.

Accounts for support of

SECT. 5. The select-men of any town, into which a person not an inhabitant of any town in this state shall come to reside, may, at any time within six years from the coming of such person into their town, remove such person to the town in which he shall have last resided, and had his home, as is before provided in this act; and for that purpose, such select-men shall have power to pursue any of the means provided by law, for the removal of persons not inhabitants of this state.

SECT. 6. All accounts payable by law from the treasury of the state for the support of poor and indigent persons, state paupers, shall be liquidated and adjusted by the comptroller of

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