페이지 이미지

What nobleman had pleased to die,
Was stunned to hear the old reply!

8. The Frenchman sighed and shook his head,
"Alas! poor Nick Van Stann is dead!
With such a house, and such a wife,
It must be hard to part with life;
And then, to lose that Mammoth Prize!
He wins, and-pop!-the winner dies!
Ah! well, his blessings came so fast,
I greatly feared they couldn't last;
And thus, we see, the sword of Fate
Cuts down ǎlike the small and great!"






F Stuart, the painter, this amusing anecdote is related. He had put up at an inn, and his companions were desirous, by putting roundabout questions, to find out his calling or profession. Stuart answered, with a grave face and serious tone, that he sometimes dressed gentlemen's and ladies' hair. At that time, high-cropped pomatumed hair was all the fashion.

2. "You are a hair-dresser, then!" "What," said he, "do I look like a barber?" "I beg your pardon, sir, but I inferred it from what you said. If I mistook you, may I take the liberty to ask what you are, then?" "Why, I sometimes brush a gentleman's coat or hat, and sometimes adjust a cravat." 3. “Oh, you are a valet,' then, to some nobleman ?"

1 Gilbert Stuart was born in Newport, R. I., in 1755, and died in 1828. He lived successively in Philadelphia, Washington, and Boston. His portraits are among the finest specimens of modern art. On a near and sudden view, they appear like mere daubs and blotches of paint; but, as the eye rivets its attention upon them, the canvas appears to be actually animated-there seems to be no


paint, nothing but living flesh and blood, with the actual features of the person in relief before us. Hence, Stuart's portraits are very highly estimated.

2 Po mā' tumed, dressed with pomatum, a kind of scented ointment used on the hair. ·

3 Vălet, a waiting servant; a servant who attends on a gentle man's person.

valet! Indeed, sir, I am not. I am not a servant. To be sure, I make coats and waistcoats for gentlemen." "Oh, you are a tailor?" "A tailor! do I look like a tailor? I assure you, I never handled a goose,' other than a roasted one."

4. By this time they were all in a roar. then?" said one. "I'll tell you," said Stuart.

"What are you,

"Be assured, all

I have said is literally true. I dress hair, brush hats and coats, adjust a cravat, and make coats, waistcoats, and breeches,' and likewise boots and shoes, at your service."


5. "Oh, ho! a boot and shoe maker, after all!" "Guess again, gentlemen. I never handled boot or shoe, but for my own feet and legs; yet all I have told you is true." "We may as well give up guessing." "Well, then, I will tell you, upon my honor as a gentleman, my bona fide profession. I get my bread by making faces."



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6. He then screwed his countenance, and twisted the lineäments of his visage,' in a manner such as Samuel Foote or Charles Mathews' might have envied. His companions, after loud peals of laughter, each took credit to himself for having suspected that the gentleman belonged to the theater; and they all knew he must be a comedian by profession. When to their utter astonishment, he assured them that he was never on the stage, and very rarely saw the inside of a playhouse, or any similar place of ămūsemènt. They all now looked at each other in utter amazement.


7. Before parting, Stuart said to his companions: "Gentleměn, you will find that all I have said of my various employmènts is comprised in these few words: I am a portrait painter. If you will call at John Palmer's, York Buildings, London, I


Goose, the iron with which the thor, actor, and mimic. Born 1721, tailor smooths his work. died 1777.

2 Breeches, (brich ́ez), a kind of short trowsers or pantaloons, covering the hips and thighs.

'Bō'na fi'de, Latin words, meaning in good faith; true; actual.


' Charles Mathews, an English comedian, celebrated as a mimic. Born 1776, died 1837.

"Co me' di an, an actor or player in comedy; that is, a representation on a stage of the lighter passions of mankind, which generally terminates happily. When the story ter minates sadly, it is called tragedy,

* Line a ments, features; outlines. Visage, (viz aj), the face, countenance, or look of a person, or of other animals. * Samuel Foote, an English au- and the player is called a tragedian.

shall be ready and willing to brush you a coat or hat, dress your hair ŭ la mode,' supply you, if in need, with a wig of any fashion or dimensions, accommodate you with boots or shoes, give you ruffles or cravat, and make faces for you."




SAW him once before,

As he pass'd by the door,
And again

The pavement stones resound,
As he totters o'er the ground
With his cane.

2. They say that in his prime,
Ere the pruning-knife of Time
Cut him down,

Not a better man was found
By the Crier on his round
Through the town.

3. But now he walks the streets,

And he looks at all he meets
Sad and wan,2

And he shakes his feeble head,
That it seems as if he said,
"They are gone.”

4. The mossy marbles3 rest

On the lips that he has prest

In their bloom,*

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2 Wan, (won), having a pale or growing freshness, beauty, and vig

sickly color.

or; youth.

That he had a Roman nose
And his cheek was like a rose
In the snow.

6. But now his nose is thin,
And it rests upon his chin
Like a staff,

And a crook is in his back,
And a melancholy crack
In his laugh.

7. I know it is a sin

For me to sit and grin

At him here;

But the old three-corner'd hat,
And the breeches, and all that,
Are so queer!

8. And if I should live to be
The last leaf upon the tree
In the spring,-

Let them smile, as I do now,
At the old forsaken bough
Where I cling.





HE health, and strength, and freshness, and sweet sleep


of youth,' are yours. Young Love, by day and night, encircles you. Hearts unsoiled by the deep sin of covetousnèss3 beat fondly with your own. None-ghoul-like -listen for the death-tick in your chamber. Your shoes have value in men's eyes, only when you tread in them.

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The smiles no wealth can

good; an excessive desire for gain.

Ghoul-like, (göl′lik), a ghoul was an imaginary evil being, among the Eastern nations, that was supposed to prey upon human bodies.

purchase greet you, living; and tears that rarely drop on rosewood coffins, will fall from pitying eyes upon you, dying.

2. Be wise in being content with competency.' You have, to eat, to drink, to wear, enough? then have you all the rich man hath. What though he fares more sumptuously?' He shortens life-increases pains and aches-impairs his health thereby. What if his raiments be more costly? God loves him none the more, and man's respect in such regard comes ever mingled with his envy.

3. Nature is yours in all her glory: her ever-varying and forever beautiful face smiles peace upon you. Her hills and valleys, fields and flowers, and rocks, and streams, and holy places, know no desecration3 in the step of poverty; but welcome ever to their wealth of beauty-rich and poor ǎlike.

4. Be content! The robin chirps as gayly as the gorgeous* bird of Paradise. Less gaudy' is his plumage, less splendid his surroundings. Yet no joy that cheers the Eastern beauty, but comes upon his barren hills to bless the nest that robin builds. His flight's as strong, his note as gay; and in his humble home the light of happinèss shines all as bright, because no cloud of envy dims it.

5. Let us, then, labor and be strong, in the best use of that we have; wasting no golden hours in idle wishes for things that burden those who own them, and could not bless us if we had them, as do the gifts already bestowed by a Wisdom that never errs. Being content, the poorest man is rich: while he who counts his millions, hath little joy, if he be otherwise.

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a source of envy: the birds warble on every tree in ecstasy of

1 Cŏm' pe ten cy, sufficiency for some end or duty.

2 Sumptuous ly, splendidly; expensively.

3 Des e cra' tion, a turning from its sacred character; a misusing.

4 Gorgeous, (går jus), imposing

through splendid or various colors; showy.


3 Gaudy, (gâd′ î), gay beyond the simplicity of nature or good taste; showy.

"In`sig nif i cant, without weight of character; mean.

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