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Governor of the State of Indiana:

Herewith is presented the fifth annual report of the State Board of Health, for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1886, together with the vital statistics for the year ending September 30, 1886:

During the period that this Board has been in existence, it has accomplished some of the objects for which it was created, viz: "It has made sanitary investigations and inquiries respecting the causes of mortality, and the effects of localities, employments, conditions, ingesta, habits and circumstances on the health of the people." With these objects steadily in view, it has, in all cases, so soon as they were reported, instituted measures and issued instructions to stamp out contagious and infectious diseases, and, if possible, to ascertain the causes thereof. The facts are at hand to warrant the belief that these efforts were in a high degree successful. Much more might be done if people could be aroused to a sense of danger, and in times of the absence of these diseases guard against their approach by adhering strictly to well known hygienic rules. The prompt application to the Board, however, in times of danger gives evidence of the increasing faith of our citizens in competent health authorities.

We are pleased to say that the medical profession generally has seconded the efforts put forth to restrict disease, although a few have not hesitated to say that "their business is to cure disease, not to prevent it."

Various inspections of public buildings have been made by members of the Board, reports of which will be found in this volume.


Contrary to the expectation of sanitary authorities and boards of health, cholera did not make any inroads in our country, and this happy result is undoubtedly due to the vigilance of those whose duty it has been to guard against an invasion of this hitherto fatal plague.

As heretofore, three thousand copies of our reports were published last year, and distributed to counties according to their population; but the supply is not nearly equal to the demand, and many who desired copies failed to get them because of the limited number provided for by law. Numerous persons interested in sanitary matters in all parts of our country, who were desirous of securing copies, were refused for like reasons.

Many communications from all parts of the State in relation to epidemics, cattle diseases, hog cholera, glanders, diseased meats, stagnant pools, nuisances of various kinds, etc., have been received. In all cases prompt replies were made, and such suggestions given as were deemed advisable in the premises. We are led to believe that much good is the result of this correspondence.

The administration of the law regulating the practice of medicine has been the subject of some discussion and controversy; but the objections to it have principally come from those who found it difficult to comply with its provisions. Like all new enactments, there was naturally some friction, but as time progresses this will wear away, and amendments to it will be made of a more stringent nature. The medical profession should see to it that no step backward is taken, and that the law be perfected. Its effect has been to lessen the number of practitioners six hundred and thirty-five.

We call attention to the articles upon different subjects from writers of ability, which are worthy of careful perusal.

As the law creating boards of health becomes better understood, its enforcement becomes easier, and greater results will be obtained. Frequent changes of county health officers, however, is a detriment to the service, and those who have shown a fitness for the duties of the position should be retained from year to year. Respectfully submitted.

C. N. METCALF, M. D., Secretary.


The following is a statement of the receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year commencing November 1, 1885, and ending October 31, 1886:

All accounts have been submitted to the Board at its regular meetings, allowed, certified to by the President and Secretary and audited by the Auditor of State before warrents were drawn for the same. Out of the annual appropriation of five thousand dollars to carry on the work of this department the members have been paid all actual expenses incurred by attending regular and special meetings of the Board, as well as expenses of sanitary inspections of various sections, and the different public institutions under the control of the State government. (Reports of inspections made by the members of the Board will be found in another part of this report.) From this fund we also pay office rent and current expenses of the same, clerk hire, printing bills, including all publications of the Board, except the annual report. The Board supplies all of the city, county and town health boards with physicians' blanks for the return of births, deaths, contagious and infectious diseases, County Clerks' blanks for the purpose of making returns of marriages, and also furnish county boards of health with blanks to make regular quarterly reports, as well as blanks for special reports of contagious and infectious diseases, programmes and all necessary printing for sanitary conventions held in the State.

We have a balance of fifty-six cents after meeting all obligations at the close of fiscal year ending October 31, 1886.

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16 30



14 00

Eastman, Schleicher & Lee (draping building)..

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C. N. Metcalf, expenses to Washington ......

C. N. Metcalf, expenses to Toronto.......

C. N. Metcalf, office expenses


Balance on hand...


15.00 12 00


8 63


4 05

156 00

50 00

75 00

230 00

$4,999 44 56

$5,000 00

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