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At the Court at Buckingham-Palace, the 10th day of June 1843,


The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of an Act, passed in the session of Parliament held in the third and fourth years of Her Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act to carry into effect, with "certain modifications, the fourth report of the "Commissioners of Ecclesiastical Duties and "Revenues," duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a scheme, bearing date the ninth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, in the words following, that is to say:

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of an Act, passed in the session of Parliament held in the third and fourth years of your Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act to carry into effect, with cer"tain modifications, the fourth report of the "Commissioners of Ecclesiastical Duties and "Revenues," have prepared, and now humbly

lay before your Majesty in Council, the following scheme, for the augmentation of the several archdeaconries of York, in the diocese of York; of London, and of St. Alban's, in the diocese of London; of Wilts, in the diocese of Salisbury; and of Salop, in the diocese of Hereford.

"Whereas the said archdeaconry of York is endowed by the annexation thereto of the rectory of Mexborough, in the west riding of the county and in the said diocese of York, and of the tithes of Ravensfield, in the parish of Mexborough aforesaid; and the Venerable Stuart Corbett was, at the time of the passing of the said Act, and still is, the Archdeacon of the same archdeaconry:

"And whereas by two several Orders of your Majesty in Council, bearing date, respectively, the twenty-fifth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the twenty-seventh day of August one thousand eight hundred, and forty-two, the said archdeaconry of London has been prospectively endowed with a canonry (charged with the payment of a portion of its. income as an endowment for the archdeaconry of Middlesex) in the cathedral church of Saint Paul, in London; and although such endowment will not take effect until a vacancy shall have occurred among the other canonries in the said church, the rectory of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, has been already actually dissevered from the said archdeaconry, whereby the annual receipts thereof have, in the mean time, been reduced to a very small sum:

"And whereas the Venerable William Hale Hale was, on the first day of January last, and still is, the Archdeacon of the same archdeaconry:

"And whereas the said archdeaconry of Saint Albans has no fixed endowment; and the Venerable Charles Parr Burney is the archdeacon thereof:

"And whereas by an Order of your Majesty in Council, bearing date the nineteenth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, made under the authority of an Act, passed in the session of Parliament held in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of His late Majesty, intituled "An Act for carrying into "effect the reports of the Commissioners appointed "to consider the state of the Established Church "in England and Wales, with reference to eccle"siastical duties and revenues, so far as they "relate to episcopal dioceses, revenues, and pa

tronage;" and, by virtue of the provisions of the same Act, the boundaries of the said archdeaconry of Wilts were so altered and diminished in extent, as to reduce the annual income thereof:

"And whereas the same archdeaconry is endowed by the annexation thereto of the rectory and parsonage of Saint Leonard, Mynty, in the county of Wilts and diocese of Gloucester and Bristol; and the Venerable William Macdonald was, at the time of the passing of the said first recited Act, and still is, the Archdeacon of the same archdeaconry :

"And whereas the said archdeaconry of Salop is only endowed by the annexation thereto of a certain meadow, situate in the parish of Saint Nicholas in the city of Hereford, and called and known by the name of "the Archdeacon's Mea"dow;" and the Venerable William Vickers was, at the time aforesaid, and still is, the Archdeacon of the same archdeaconry:

"And whereas it is by the first recited Act enacted, that any archdeaconry may, subject to the consent of the Bishop, be endowed, amongst other modes, out of the common fund in the same Act mentioned, but so as not to raise the average annual income of such archdeaconry to an amount

exceeding two hundred pounds; provided that no Archdeacon shall be entitled to hold any endowment or augmentation, or other emolument, as such Archdeacon, under the provisions of the same Act, unless he shall be resident for the space of eight months in every year within the diocese in which his archdeaconry is situate, or as to any archdeaconry then existing within the diocese in which his archdeaconry was situate before the passing of the herein secondly recited Act; subject to the same provisions as to licences for nonresidence which are enacted with respect to incumbents of benefices by the Act respecting residence and pluralities in the said first recited Act recited; and it is by the same Act further enacted, that upon any such endowment, all lands, tithes, and other hereditaments (except any right of patronage) belonging to such archdeaconry at the time of such endowment may, with the consent of the Bishop of the diocese, and of any Archdeacon in possession at the time of the passing of the same Act, and by the authority therein provided, be vested in us for the purposes of such Act:

"We, therefore, humbly recommend and propose, with the consent of the Right Honourable and Most Reverend Edward Archbishop of York, the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Charles James Bishop of London, the Right Reverend Edward Bishop of Salisbury, and Thomas Bishop of Hereford, and of the said Stuart Corbett, William Macdonald, and William Vickers, as Archdeacons of the said archdeaconries of York, Wilts, and Salop, testified by their having respectively signed and sealed this scheme, that the said archdeaconries of York, London, Saint Albans, Wilts, and Salop, shall be severally and respectively endowed by augmentation out of the common fund in the first recited Act mentioned in

manner following; and that the said rectory of Mexborough, and the said tithes of Ravensfield, and the said rectory and parsonage of Saint Leonard, Mynty, and also the said meadow in the parish of Saint Nicholas, in Hereford, together with all the rights, privileges, members, and appurtenances thereunto respectively belonging (except any right of patronage belonging to either of the said rectories), shall be disannexed from the said archdeaconries of York, Wilts, and Salop, respectively, and vested in us for the purposes of the said first recited Act.

"And we recommend and propose, that there shall be paid by us out of the said common fund to the said Stuart Corbett, Archdeacon of York, William Hale Hale, Archdeacon of London, Charles Parr Burney, Archdeacon of Saint Albans, William Macdonald, Archdeacon of Wilts, and William Vickers, Archdeacon of Salop (in the diocese of Hereford), and to their respective successors in the said archdeaconries, so long as they shall respectively hold the same archdeaconries, and shall duly reside in the dioceses in which the same are or shall be respectively situate (but in case of the said archdeaconry of London not after the next vacancy of any canonry in the cathedral church of Saint Paul, except the canonry so annexed to the said archdeaconry as aforesaid), the several annual sums following, that is to say; to the Archdeacon of York, for the time being, the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds; to the Archdeacon of London, for the time being, the sum of one hundred and eighty pounds; to the Archdeacon of Saint Albans, for the time being, the sum of one hundred and eighty pounds; to the Archdeacon of Wilts, for the time being, the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds; and to the Archdeacon of Salop (in the diocese of Hereford),

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