페이지 이미지

(2.)-ACCOUNT (Continued) of the Income and Expenditure of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in each Year, from the 5th January, 1813, to the 5th January, 1828, exclusive of all Advances for Publick Works and of Sums received in Repayment thereof, and also exclusive of all Sums applied to the Repayment of Funded or Unfunded Debt, and of Sums raised by the creation of Funded or Unfunded Debt; with an Abstract, shewing the Surplus or Deficiency of each Year.

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Dividends, Interest, and Management of the Publick Debt

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29,438,380 29,769,465 29,490,897 28,084,784 27,979,068 27,230,789 27,245,750 27,366,601 1,071,758 1,057,000 1,057,000 1,057,000 1,057,000 1,057,000 1,057,000 1,057,000

Civil List

Pensions charged by Acts of Parliament upon the Consolidated Fund

Salaries and Allowances

Courts of Justice

Other Payments out of the
Consolidated Fund -

The Trustees of Military and
Naval Pensions Annuity

Interest on Exchequer Bills

Payments on Grants of Parliament, for the


359,400 434,819 378,432 377,776 371,644 366,028 364,268 365,908
68,618 72,521 72,953 70,873 70,212 87,641 69,115 80,896
62,179 70,861 83,377
97,459 96,265 98,642 150,590 148,047

857,769 405,741 449,676


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537,696 786,790 1,130,635 523,198 566,366

1,400,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 1,719,467 2,185,840 1,430,596 1,131,121 1,087,283 629,498 831,207 873,246 8,944,814 9,138,845 7,698,973 7,351,991 7,573,026 7,579,631 8,297,360 7,876,682 6,387,799 6,107,279 5,042,642 5,613,151 6,161,818 5,849,119 6,540,634 6,414,727 Ordnance 1,092,292 1,183,726 1,007,821 1,364,328 1,407,308 1,567,087 1,869,606 1,914,403 Miscellaneous 2,488,781 2,125,991 2,105,797 1,953,366 2,449,148 2,216,081 2,566,783 2,863,247

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Total Expenditure - 51,999,259 52,552,093 50,218,168 50,492,270 51,887,989 50,861,619 52,385,318 52,520,170 Whitehall, Treasury Chambers,

8th July, 1828.

Ireland, 1813 to 1827, shewing the Surplus or Deficiency of each Year.


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the Bank of England, on account of the Annuity created by the 3 Geo. IV. cap. 22, over such Annuity.

STATEMENT of the Annual Receipts and Expenditures of The United States, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 31st Decem ber, 1827.*

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• Laid before the House of Representatives, 15th May, 1828.

+ 5,000,000 included for Florida purchase.

PRELIMINARY Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Bolivia and Peru.-Signed at Piquisa, 6th July, 1828.

Tratado celebrado por los Comisionados de los Generales Urdininea y Gamarra.

EN el Pueblo de Piquisa, á 6 dias del mes de Julio, de 1828, reunidos los Señores Comisionados para celebrar un Tratado Preliminar de Paz entre los Señores, Su Excelencia José Maria Perez de Urdininea General en Gefe del Ejército Boliviano, y encargado del Mando de la República, y Don Agustin Gamarra, General de Division de los Ejércitos de la República Peruana, y en Gefe del Sud; à saber: por parte del primero, los Señores Miguel Maria Aguirre, Ministro de Hacienda, José Miguel Belasco, General Prefecto del Departamento de Chuquisaca, y como Secretario el Dr. Miguel del Carpio; y por parte del segundo, los Señores Teniente Coronel Primer Ayudante del Ejército del E. M. G. Don Juan Agustin Lira, Teniente Coronel y Ayudante de Campo, Don Juan Bautista Arguedas, y el Capitan Don José Maria Lopez como Secretario; cangearon reciprocamente sus respectivos Poderes, y constando de ellos estar suficientemente facultados para redactar los Articulos que han de servir de base á la presente Negociacion; entraron en una seria y detenida conferencia sobre los intereses de ambas Repúblicas, y sobre los motivos que habian ocasionado las marchas del Ejército Peruano sobre el Terri

Treaty concluded by the Commissioners appointed by Generals Urdininea and Gamarra.


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IN the Town of Piquisa, on the 6th day of July, 1828, the Commissioners having met, for the purpose of concluding a Preliminary Treaty of Peace, between his Excellency José Maria Perez de Urdininea, General-in-Chief of the Bolivian Army, intrusted with the Command of the Republick, and Don Augustin Gamarra, Generalof-Division of the Armies of Peru, and General-in-Chief of that of the South,-viz., on the part of the former, Senrs. Miguel Maria Aguirre, Minister of Finance, José Miguel Belasco, Prefect-General of the Department of Chuquisaca, and Dr. Miguel del Carpio, as Secretary; and on the part of the latter, Don Juan Augustin Lira, Lieutenant-Colonel and First Adjutant of the Staff; Don Juan Bautista Arguedas, Lieut-Colonel and Aide-de-camp, and Captain Don José Maria Lopez, as Secretary;they reciprocally exchanged their respective Powers, and it appearing from them that they were properly authorized to consider of the Articles which are to serve as a basis for the present negotiation; they entered into a formal and deliberate conference upon the interests of the two Republicks, and the mo tives which occasioned the march of the Peruvian Army into the Territory of Bolivia; and, being mutually desirous of establishing

torio de Bolivia; y deseando mutuamente restablecer la Paz de una manera sólida, estrechar las relaciones de ambos Estados por los vinculos de una sincera amistad, y alejar las causas que han influido en los aparatos hostiles, que se han ejecutado de una y otra parte, convinieron espontaneamente en los Articulos que siguen: ART. I. En el termino de 15 dias, contados desde él en que seran ratificados estos Tratados por los Señores Generales en Gefe de los Ejércitos Beligerantes, empezarán à desocupar el Territorio de la República Boliviana, todos los Individuos que existan en su Ejercito, ya sean Colombianos ó Estrangeros de nacimiento.

II. Se esceptuan del Articulo anterior los Subalternos relacionados en el pais, de Capitanes inclusive para abajo, los cuales podrán permanecer en la República Boliviana, dejando el servicio de las Armas, mientras que nombrado el Presidente del Estado, pueda á su juicio arrimarlos al ejército.

III. Los Generales, Gefes y Oficiales, que segun el Articulo I. deben salir del Territorio de Bolivia, podrán regresar á la República luego que se instale la Asamblea Nacional, y durante su ausencia se les suministrará media paga de los fondos de esta República, hasta que nombrado el Presidente, resuelva, si han de ser ó no, continuados en el servicio de las armas y goce de sus sueldos: de esta media paga disfrutarán tambien los comprendidos en el Articulo II. bajo la calidad estipulada en el pre


a solid and lasting Peace; of strengthening the relations between the Two States, by bonds of a sincere friendship; and of removing the causes which have led to the hostile demonstrations that have taken place on both sides; they have mutually agreed upon the following Articles :—

ART. I. In the space of 15 days, from the Ratification of this Treaty by the Generals-in-Chief of the Belligerent Armies, all Colombians and other Foreigners in the Army of Bolivia shall begin to evacuate the Territory of the Bolivian Republick.

II. From the foregoing Article are excepted all Subalterns settled in the Country, from Captains inclusive, downwards; who will be suffered to remain in the Bolivian Republick, provided they leave the Army, until a President be appointed, who will, if he please, recall them to the service.

III. The Generals, Chiefs, and Officers, who, agreeably to Article I, are to leave the Territory of Bolivia, may return to the said Republick, so soon as the National Assembly shall be installed; and during their absence they shall receive half-pay from the said Republick, until the President to be appointed shall determine whether or not they are to continue in the service and receive pay. The Of ficers mentioned in Article II. shall also receive half-pay under the conditions stipulated in this Article.

naderos y Husares de Colombia que existen en la República, emprenderan su marcha para su Pais, por la ruta que, hasta Aricaito, les designe el General en Gefe del Ejército Peruano, siendo del cargo de éste proporcionar Buques para su transporte, y de la República Boliviana la indemnizacion á la Peruana de los gastos que se ocasionen.

IV. Los Escuadrones de Gra- IV. The Companies of Grena-
diers and Hussars of Colombia,
now in the said Republick, shall
commence their march for their
own Country by the route, which,
as far as Arica, the General-in-
Chief of the Peruvian Army may
point out for them, and the said
General shall also undertake to
provide the necessary shipping
for their conveyance;
the Ge-
neral-in-chief of the Bolivian
Army undertaking to indem-
nify the Peruvian Republick for
the expenses thereof.

V. Al dia siguiente de Ratificados estos Tratados, espedirá Su Excelencia el General en Gefe del Ejército de Bolivia, un Decreto convocando para el primero de Agosto al Congreso Constituyente, que se halla en receso, el que se reunirá en la Ciudad de Chuquisaca, para ocuparse: primero, de recibir el Mensage y admitir la renuncia del Presidente de la República, Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre, segun lo tiene protestado segundo, de nombrar el Gobierno Provisorio de la República ;tercero, de convocar inme. diatamente, á la celeridad posible una Asamblea Nacional, que revea, modifique ó declare subsistente la actual Constitucion.


VI. Esta Asamblea Nacional se ocupará preferentemente en elejir y nombrar la Persona que ha de ejercer la Presidencia del Estado, y de fijar el dia en que el Ejército Peruano deba empezar á evacuar el Territorio de la República.

V. The day following the Ratification of this Treaty, the General-in-Chief of the Bolivian Army shall issue a Decree, in order to assemble, on the 1st of August next, the Constituent Congress, not now sitting, which shall meet in the City of Chuquisaca, for the purpose of considering; first, the propriety of receiving the Message, and admitting the resignation, of the Presi dent of the Republick, Grand Marshal of Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre; 2dly, of nominating a Provisional Government of the Republick; and 3rdly, of immediately convoking, with all possible despatch, a National Assembly, which shall revise, modify, or declare effective, the existing Constitution.

VI. This National Assembly shall, in preference to all other matters, occupy itself in electing and appointing a Person to exercise the functions of President of the State, and in fixing the day on which the Peruvian Army shall begin to evacuate the Territory of the Republick.

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