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ABOUT (M. Edmond) on Labour and
Wages, 231-on co-operation amongst
workmen, 254.

Abraham and the Fire-worshipper,
apologue of, illustrative of the widest
possible tolerance, 134.

Auts, their complex political organi-
sation, 77.

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Army reorganisation, 524-long cata-
logue of shortcomings, negligences,
and ignorances, 527-doubt whether
the English soldier is equal to his
victorious predecessors, 529-Lord
Sandhurst's warning to the Govern-
ment that they were
ere organising
defeat,' 530- General Adye's ac-
knowledgment that our forces are a
disjointed structure of armed men
without cohesion or efficiency, 531-
rapid changes of the art of destruc-
tion, 535-invasion of England, 536-
opinion of the Defence Committee
of 1859, ib.-German view of the
facility of a descent on England, ib.
-deficiency of our resources, 538-
accurate knowledge by foreign states-
men of our minutest resources, ib.


tremendous consequences of an
enemy's landing, 539-effect of our
foreign policy the dislike and con-
tempt of foreign nations, 540-our
military helplessness, ib.-chasm be-
tween the England of to-day and of
former times, 541--melancholy his-
tory of the so-called Army Bill, 542
-change in the warlike character
of the English race, 543-effect of
abolishing the purchase system, 544
-ghastly story of the earlier part of
the Crimean war, 547.

Ascidian ancestry of the vertebrate
sub-kingdom, 67.



Austria, regeneration of, 90 political
transformation, 91 its wretched
condition in the winter of 1866, 92
-the Austrian Empire converted
Vol. 131.-No. 262.

into the Austro-Hungarian monarchy,
93-additions made to the political
machinery, ib.-growth of political
freedom, 95-three most important
measures, 96-liberation of the in-
ferior priests, 97-laws affecting mar-
riage and education, 98-fundamental
State-laws to constitute the Magna
Charta of the Austrian citizen, ib.—
twenty-one parliaments, 101-Aus-
tria composed of a number of small
nations, 102-abrogation of the Con-
cordat, 105-statistics of the Austrian
provinces, ib.-policy of the Poles
in Austria, 106-the Czechs, ib.-
question of a central administration
for each nationality, 108-dissensions
of the contending nationalities, 111–
Vienna and Berlin contrasted, 112.


Baboons, anecdotes respecting, 72.
Beauty, the Hellenic ideal the highest
type of human, 63.

Barley, peculiarity of its growth, 398.
Bass (Mr., M.P.), the largest brewer in
the world, 393.

Beer and the liquor trades, statistics of
money invested and their gains, 395
-the process of malting, 396-the
method of brewing, 399-hops, Eng-
lish and foreign, 400-distilling and
rectifying, 402-unjust effect of a
licence duty varying with the value
of the premises, 405-evils attending
the division of public-houses into two
classes, 406-demoralising effect of
beer-houses, 407-Mr. Bruce's Intoxi-
cating Liquor Bill, 408-offensiveness
of its title, 410-violent opposition to
the Bill, 411-its injustice and cruelty,
413-proof that the paucity of public-
houses does not imply sobriety, 414
-the black-white name of Permis
sive Prohibition the English form of
the Maine Liquor Law, 416.
Belgium, agricultural regimen of, 255
-Belgian farming, 257.

2 Q

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Browning's (Mr.) obscurity of style, 864.
Brutes, no evidence of advance in their
mental power, 76.

Burbage's company at the Globe theatre
in Shakspeare's time, 22.
Business man (the), as described by
Mr. Fawcett, 237.

Byron (Lord), Continental opinion of
him as the greatest English poetical
genius since Shakspeare and Milton,
354-the morning after the publica-
tion of the 1st and 2nd Cantos of
'Don Juan' awakes and finds him-
self famous, 358-rapt interest ex-
cited by his poetical tales, 361-the
'Giaour,' 362-the Corsair,' 364-
irrational and indefensible reaction
against him, 367-his stanzas on the
Ocean, 370- Don Juan' the 'cope-
stone of his fame, 373-his mode of
composition contrasted with Tenny-
son's, 375-his sudden inspiration
eagerly worked out, ib.-compared
himself to the tiger when the first
spring fails, ib.-foreign critics on
the prejudice against him, 341.


Canning, plagiarism of, 194.
Carpenter's (Dr.) ideo-motor principle
of action, 310.

Cats, tortoise-shell, the females alone
so coloured, 54.

Cebus Azaræ, diseases of the monkey
so-called, 63.

Chambord's (Comte de) manifesto on

the ills of the working classes, 261.
Channel Islands, prosperity produced
by small culture there, 258-two
principal causes of their prosperity,

Childers's (Mr.) defence of his conduct
respecting the loss of the Captain,'
Church's (Protestant) ascendency an-
nulled, 523.


Church and State, relation of, three
stages through which it has passed,


Coles's (Capt.) and Messrs. Laird's de-
sign for the 'Captain,' 442.
Commune (French), and Internationale,

549-the end of the Commune move-
ment a social revolution in the sup-
posed interest of the workmen, 551

-skilful appeal to the peasantry on
the principles of the Commune, 552
- extension of the International
Association in foreign countries, 556
-its principles on the relation of
capitalists and labourers, 557-pro-
posed abolition of the right of in-
heritance, 558-the Socialist Alliance
of Geneva declares itself atheist, 559
-the French socialist makes war
upon marriage, property, and religion,
563-the Commune the Helot in the
political education of France, 565-
strikes no evidence of Socialist ideas
of English workmen, 568-distinc-
tion between scientific and political
progress, 570-Socialist sentiments
of Messrs. Mill, Harrison, and Odger,
Copernicus, a new Phaethon driving
the earth about the sun, 14.
Conciliation, Boards of, between em-
ployers and workmen, 235.
Constitution (English), retrospect of its
changes during this century, 573.
Cowper-Temple clause in the Ele-
mentary Education Act, 282.
Cox's (Mr. Serjeant) patronage of
Spiritualism, 343.

Crooke's (Mr., F.R.S.) experimental
investigation of a new force, 37-his
position in science, 342-detection of
the new metal thallium, 343.
Curwen's (Rev. J.) tonic sol-fa sys-
tem, 169.


Darwin's (Charles, M.A., F.R.S.) 'De-
scent of Man, and Selection in Rela-
tion to Sex,' 47-false facts more
injurious than false views, ib.-his
present opinions subversive of his
original views, 48-his modifications
of the principle of natural selection,
51-distrust arising from his unre-
served admissions of error, 52-
sexual selection the corner-stone of
his theory, ib.-two distinct pro-
cesses of sexual selection, ib.-stal-
lions and mares, 57-peafowl, 58—
display by male birds, 60-his inac-
curacies in tracing man's origin, 65
-over-hasty conclusions, 66-traces
man's genealogy back to a form of
animal life like an existing larval
Ascidian, ib.-Ascidian ancestry of
the vertebrate sub-kingdom, 67-six
kinds of action to which the nervous
system ministers, ib.-distinction be-
tween the instinctive and intellectual

parts of man's nature, 68-anec-
dotes narrated by the author in
support of the rationality of brutes,
71-fundamental difference between
the mental powers of man and brutes,
75-no advance of mental power on
the part of brutes, 76-even the moral
sense a mere result of the development
of brutal instincts, 79-essence of an
instinct, 80-genesis of remorse, 82
-the law of honour, 83-dogmatism
affirming the very things which have
to be proved, 85-sexual selection
the selection by the females of the
more beautiful males, ib.-the au-
thor's panegyrics on the advocates of
his own views exclusively, 86-his
power of reasoning in an inverse ratio
to his powers of observation, 87-
implies that man is no more than an
animal, 88-his false metaphysical
system, 89-sets at naught the first
principles of both philosophy and
religion, 90.

Dalling's (Lord [Sir H. Bulwer])
'France,' 213.

Dibdin's (Rev. R. W.) table-turning,
320-his lecture and experience on
that subject, ib.-his reply to Pro-
fessor Faraday, 322.

Disraeli's (Mr.) appropriation of a cha-
racter in Lothair,' 194-more than
a third of his eulogium on Welling-
ton taken from Thiers, without the
change of a word, ib.
Dorking' (the Battle of), character
of the book, 533.
Dumas (Alexander), Memoirs of, 189
-unprecedented fertility and ver-
satility, 190-computation of the
average number of pages per day
during forty years, ib.-his mode of
life, ib.-autobiography, 195-his
name of Davy de la Pailleterie, 196
-his father's relinquishment of that
name, 197-anecdotes of the strength
and prowess of General Dumas, his
father, ib.-description of Dumas's
first visit to Paris, 201-interviews
with Talma, 202, 206 - Dumas's
theory of success in life, 204-in-
terview with a fat and fair English-
man, 207-interview with Sebastiani,
208-favourably received by General
Foy, ib.-answers to the General's
interrogation as to his qualifications,
209-received into the establishment
of the Duke of Orleans, afterwards
King of the French, 210-his first
publication a novel of which four
copies only were sold, 212-his first

accepted drama, 214-interview with
Mademoiselle Mars, ib.-interview
with Louis Philippe, 215-Dumas
unknown the evening before, the talk
of all Paris on the morrow, 216—.
interview between Louis Philippe
and Charles X., ib.-in the drama
of 'Antony' sets all notions of
morality at defiance, 218-analysis
of the plot, ib.-its profound immo-
rality, 219-'La Tour de Nesle,' a
dramatic monstrosity, 223-' Les
Trois Mousquetaires,' Vingt ans
après,' and Monte Christo,' 224
letter to Napoleon III. on the pro-
hibition by the Censorship of Les
Mohicans de Paris,' 227-connection
with Garibaldi, 228.


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Education of the People. Our present
educational prospects, 265-three
points of interest to be investigated,
ib.-I. the relation of the new state
of things to the previous system, 266

question of making the payment
of school-pence a part of out-door
relief, 271-schools of religious tone
and secular schools, 272-voluntary
and rate-supported schools, 274-
secularism of schools in the United
States, 276-II. How will religion
fare under the new system, 278-
great majority of petitions for reli-
gious education above those for
secular, 281-probable effects of the
Cowper-Temple clause, 282-impos-
sibility of drawing out an unde-
nominational creed, 287-III. Pro-
spects of pushing on National Edu-
cation in quality and quantity, 289-
material points in the New Code of
Regulations reversing the Revised
Code, 290-programme of the course
of education contemplated, ib.-exer-
cise and drill in the schools, 292-
want of more training colleges,
294-compulsory powers to make the
children attend, 296-the compul-
sory system in America, ib.
Erle (Sir W.), on the law relating to
Trades' Unions, 234.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Guicciardini's personal and political
records, 416-the family possessed
the feline faculty of always falling
on their feet, 420-his civil and poli-
tical yvwμai, 425-his embassy to
King Ferdinand of Arragon, 427-a
foe to popular as well as to priestly
and monarchical tyranny, 429-his
insight into weaknesses and vices,
430-political maxims, 432-maxims
illustrating his Machiavellism, 433-
comparison between him and Machia-
velli, 435-shelved as a statesman,
becomes the historian, 437 - his
imaginary conversations, 438-his
great work the famous (and tedious)
Istoria d' Italia,' 489.


Hale (Dr.), Shakspeare's son-in-law, 25.
Handel, according to Beethoven the
greatest musician in the world, 165.
Handwriting of distinguished men, 209.
Hardinge's (Mrs. Emma) spiritualistic

new Ten Commandments, 306.
Hare (Dr.), the American physicist, on
spirit manifestations, 327-his appa-
ratus for freeing spirits from the
control of any medium, 337.
Hearing (acute) of rats and other
animals, 148.

Heber's (Bishop) edition of Jeremy
Taylor's works, 113.

Herschell (Sir John), tribute to his
memory, 353.

Home, the Spiritualist, receives a gift
of sixty thousand pounds, 326-his
precise experimental proof of the
immortality of the soul, 339-claim

to the power of altering the weight
of bodies, 344-his performance with
an accordion, 346.

Hops, 393, 400.

Houdin's (Robert, the celebrated pres-
tidigitateur) autobiography, 308-
his mode of preparing himself and
his son for their exhibitions, 333.
Huggins's (Dr.) testimony as to the
manifestations of Psychic Force, 340-
-his unsurpassed ability as a spec-
troscopic observer, 341.

Hugo's (Victor) 'Marion Delorme,' 222.
Hullah's operas and songs and musica!

exercises and studies, 169-history
of modern music and lectures, 145.
Hussites and Catholics, their contest
one between two races for supremacy
in Bohemia, 107.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Laycock (Dr.) on the reflex action of

the brain, 310.
Levi's (Professor Leone) Report on the
Liquor trades, 362.

Lindsay's (Lord) testimony for Spi-
ritualism, 335-personally witnessing
Mr. Home's floating in the air from
one room to another through the
windows, 336.

Lock-outs and strikes, 248.

Longe's (F. D.) refutation of Mill's

wage-fund theory, 236.
Lucy's (Sir Thomas) prosecution of
Shakspeare for deer-stealing, 7-his
family, 8-powerful at the Court of
the Tudors, 9.


McCulloch's economical paradox, 240.
Machiavelli, the sole moral of his
doctrine of princely policy to dis-
regard vice, ill-faith, and cruelty to
promote aggrandisement, 436.
Manors, feudal view of the origin of,

Marks of Teutonic townships, 181.
Mars' (Mademoiselle) acting, 221.
Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's
Dream,' 167-overture to Fingal's
Cave,' and other works, 168.
Mesmer and his followers, 302.
Mills' (J. S.) programme of the Land
Tenure Reform Association, 229-
dictum that the labourers need only
capital not capitalists,' 232-Japanese
etiquette in the happy despatch of
the wage-fund, 236.

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Molière's avowal of plagiarism, Je
prends mon bien ou je le trouve, 193.
Monkeys having a strong taste for tea,
coffee, and spirituous liquors, and for
smoking tobacco, 64.
Monopolies, industrial, 461-undertak-

ings which competition cannot regu-
late, ib.-undertakings which tend to
become monopolies, 462-question
whether they should be conducted by
private enterprise or Government
management, 463-discussed by Mr.
Mill, ib.-French view of monopolies,
465-summary of arguments in favour
of Government management, 466-
application of those views to harbours
and natural navigations, 468- to
canals and docks, 469-to lighthouses,
roads, 470-bridges and ferries, rail-
ways, 471-failure of competition in
railways, 471- Irish railways an
example of the evils of competition,
472-impotence of the Legislature in

limitation of profits, 474-and for
continuous traffic, 475-objections to
purchase of railways by the Govern-
ment, 477-tramways, ib.-gas-works,
479-water supply,481-Post Office,
483- - telegraphs, 484- suggestions
for improvements,486-patronage and
jobbing in the management of public
works, 490.

Music, origin of vocal and instrumental,
145- -immense antiquity of wind
instruments, 146-pre-historic flute
ib.-what constitutes pitch, 147-
the limits of musical sound about
six octaves, 148-what constitutes-
intensity of musical sounds, ib.-
quality or timbre, 148-mode of de-
termining the form of the vibrations
of different instruments, ib.-differ-
ently formed waves of sound trans-
mitting a different stroke and quality
of sound to the ear, ib.-difference
between noise and musical sound
explained by M. Beauquier, 149–
three fundamental harmonies of a
note, ib.-modern music the supreme
art-medium of emotion, 154-pecu-
liarities of music for the generation
and expression of emotion, 155-power
of music in controlling and dis-
ciplining emotion, 156 - difference in
the morale of Italian and German
music, ib.-moral and emotional func-
tions of music, 157-Greek and He-
brew music, 158-art of descant, ib.
-development of modern music, 159
-first and greatest discovery, ib.-
the perfect cadence, ib.-Carissimi
the very type of the transition period,
160-modern music a new art with
recently discovered principles, ib.-
how far England is, or has been, a
musical country, 160-John Dun-
stable, in 1400, represents a great
musical force in this country, ib.—
English Church music, 161- the
famous song 'Sumer is a cumen
in,' ib. — foreign origin of all the
forms of modern music, ib.-English
madrigals, 162-Anglo-French school
of Pelham, Humphrey, and Purcell,
163-Purcell to be ranked with
Mozart, ib.-Handel (according to
Beethoven) the greatest musician
who ever lived, 165-Rossini, Weber,
166-Mendelssohn, 167-Beethoven's
influence on the music of this country,
108-influence of John Hullah, 169
-Curwen's Tonic Sol-fa system, ib.—
tonal difference between the Hullah
and Sol-fa methods, ib. Henry

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