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1. Approved a draft of the Commission's Eleventh Annual Report. 2. Voted to initiate a new series of Commission publications-brief "Background Papers" describing and analyzing particular intergovernmental problems but containing no policy recommendationsand approved for publication for the first of such papers, entitled "The Commuter and the Municipal Income Tax."

3. Gave consideration to but did not complete action upon a draft report on "Alternative Federal Aid Approaches to State and Local Capital Financing."

4. Adopted a resolution in appreciation of the services of William G. Colman, retiring in January 1970 as the Commission's Executive Director since its establishment.


1. Met the Commission's new Executive Director, Wm. R. MacDougall, who previously had been the General Counsel and Manager of the County Supervisors Association of California.

2. Voted to request a second five-year Congressional review of ACIR activities.

3. Voted to hold its next meeting on June 12, 1970 at the Western White House in San Clemente, California, at the inivitation of President Nixon.

4. Voted to have the Commission staff work with the Bureau of the Budget and domestic departments and agencies in the consolidation and improvement of State and other planning requirements contained in Federal grant-in-aid programs

5. Considered but did not complete action on a Commission policy report: "Alternative Federal Aid Approaches to State and Local Government Financing."


1. Completed action on a Commission policy report: "Alternative Federal Aid Approaches to State and Local Government Capital Financing."

2. Directed the staff to prepare a brief information report on "Overcoming Obstacles to Revenue Sharing."

3. Directed the staff to undertake a new study on "An Evaluation of Recent Canadian Innovations in Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations."

4. Considered and completed action on the first installment of the Commission's policy report on Federal-State-local relations in law enforcement and criminal justice: "Making the Safe Streets Act Work: An Intergovernmental Challenge."


1. Reviewed and approved publication as an information report: "Revenue Sharing-An Idea Whose Time Has Come."

2. Reviewed and approved publication as an information report a Ford Foundation supported study: "Measuring Fiscal Capacity and Effort of State and Local Areas."

3. Added to the Commission's work program a study of multistate and sub-state regionalism.

4. Directed the staff to prepare an annotated bibliography on environmental control and a memorandum on fire insurance rating systems.

5. Approved for submission to the Office of Management and Budget a proposed budget for the Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972.

6. Approved a resolution of appreciation for the services of Albert J. Richter who left the Commission in August 1970 to accept a position with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

7. Considered but did not take final action on "State-Local Relations in the Criminal Justice System."


1. Considered and took final action on a Commission policy report: "State-Local Relations in the Criminal Justice System."

2. Voted to enter into a contractual arrangement with the President's Commission on School Finance to conduct a study of the elements of a high quality State-Local revenue system.

3. Directed the staff to analyze the President's State of the Union Message and submit to the Commission Members a list of possible new study topics for the Taxation and Finance Staff.

4. Authorized the Chairman to appoint a committee to develop testimony for joint hearings by the Senate and House Subcommittees on Intergovernmental Relations on a ten-year review of ACIR.


1. Reviewed the highlights of the ACIR sponsored Conference on "State Financing of Public Schools" held May 20, 1971 in Washington, D.C.

2. Voted to request to give testimony at the forthcoming Congressional Committee hearings on general revenue sharing proposals, and to present the Commission's full package of recommendations dealing with fiscal relief for State and local governments.

3. Directed the staff to prepare an analysis of the intergovernmental implications of the President's special revenue sharing measures before the Congress.

4. Directed the staff to prepare a report on considerations involved in Federal collection of state personal income taxes.

5. Agreed that, if requested by the President, the Commission would participate in the formulation of the President's report on Urban Growth, required under Title VII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970.

6. Approved for publication an information report: "In Search of Balance: Canada's Intergovernmental Experience.

7. Heard a staff progress report on multi-state regionalism in the federal system, and directed the staff to prepare an "issues statement" on sub-state regionalism for discussion at the next meeting.

FORTIETH MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1971 (WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK) 1. Accepted Secretary Romney's invitation to comment informally on a draft report on Urban Growth prepared for the President by

the Domestic Council.

2. Considered a staff report on Federal collection of State income taxes and deferred action until greater interest is shown by the States. 3. Approved publication of an information report on the President's special revenue sharing proposals.

4. Directed the staff to proceed, subject to receipt of a Ford Foundation grant, with a study to develop criteria for accurately measuring the financial condition of individual local governments and to explore methods of dealing with distress situations.

5. In response to a request by Vice President Agnew, agreed that the Chairman appoint a subcommittee to make recommendations for the structuring of a State-Local Advisory Committee that will serve in conjunction with the President's economic stabilization program.

6. Agreed to urge the House Ways and Means Committee to resume hearings on general revenue sharing.

7. Agreed to urge those Congressional Committees that have not yet started hearings on the Administration's special revenue sharing proposals to initiate hearings promptly, and to commend those Committees that have commenced such hearings.

8. Directed the staff to complete the "issues" chapter of the multistate regionalism study, further edit other chapters, and circulate the revised draft to Commission members prior to its next meeting, while concurrently proceeding with preparation of a draft of the study on sub-state regionalism.

9. Directed the staff to prepare for consideration a draft policy statement on school finance to include (1) a summary of previous ACIR recommendations and (2) staff proposals (with pros and cons) for future recommendations.


1. Adopted Commission Report, Multistate Regionalism.

2. Agreed to defer action on study of school financing, pending consideration of President's request that Commission study school finance, property tax relief and value-added tax. Began consideration of that request.

3. Adopted resolution endorsing HR 11950, proposed general revenue sharing act, to be brought before the House Ways and Means Committee early in the year.

4. Adopted resolution commending former staff Assistant Director Elton J. McQuery.


1. Agreed to study whether additional Federal aid is needed for public education in order to reduce residential property taxes and whether a national value-added tax would be the appropriate Federal revenue source. Six of eight special advisors named for this study participated in the discussion.

2. Heard progress report on substate regionalism study.



1. Considered School Finance, Property Taxation and Value-Added Tax Study, but took no action.

2. Heard progress report on city financial emergencies study and substate regionalism study.


1. Discussed property tax, school financing and value-added tax with Vice President Spiro Agnew.

2. Heard progress reports on study on above topic and on substate regionalism.

3. Discussed Intergovernmental Cooperation Act and proposed expansion of ACIR membership.

4. Adopted resolution commending former staff member James Pickford.


1. Adopted Commission Report, Financing Schools and Property Tax Relief.

2. Began consideration of Commission Report, City Financial Emergencies: The Intergovernmental Dimension.

3. Agreed to President's request that ACIR monitor the intergovernmental operation of general revenue sharing. Heard progress report.


1. Adopted Commission Report, City Financial Emergencies: The Intergovernmental Dimension.

2. As Committee of the Whole, began preliminary consideration of substate regionalism report.

3. Discussed National Intergovernmental Relations Conference and directed staff to study alternate possibilities for financing.

4. Heard report of meeting of Chairman with Education Advisory Group. FORTY-SEVENTH MEETING JUNE 21-23, 1973 (SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA)

1. Held hearings on general revenue sharing and on substate regionalism.

2. Adopted Volume I ("Regional Decision Making: New Strategies for Substate Districts") of Commission Report, Substate Regionalism and the Federal System.

3. Heard process report on study of local nonproperty taxes.

4. Added to work program: (1) a study of the financial and organizational aspects of mass transit, with the assistance of a Department of Transportation grant; and (2) a study of State and local taxation of out-of-State banks, conditional upon receipt of additional funds from Congress.

5. Adopted resolution commending retiring staff member Jacob Jaffe.


OCTOBER 12, 1973

1. Held hearing on revenue sharing and assignment of functions aspect of substrate regionalism.

2. Began consideration of Volume III ("The Challenge of Local Governmental Reorganization") of Commission Report, Substate Regionalism in the Federal System.

3. Heard remarks from Frank Zarb, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Carl Stover, President of Federalism '76.


1. Adopted remainder of Volume III ("The Challenge of Local Governmental Reorganization") and Volume IV ("Governmental Functions and Processes: Local and Areawide") of substate Regionalism in the Federal System.

2. Directed staff to monitor closely developments concerning applicability of the Hatch Act of general revenue sharing.

3. Began consideration of Commission report on local nonproperty


4. Heard from Dwight Ink, Deputy Director of Government Services Administration, on Federal grant management reform.


1. Adopted Commission report, Local Revenue Diversification: Income, Sales Tares and User Charges.

2. Accepted with regret resignation of William R. MacDougall, Executive Director. Heard report on activities of staff.

3. Heard progress reports on urban transportation study, study on intergovernmental fiscal coordination and bank-tax study.

4. Heard report on staff monitoring effort of general revenue sharing.

5. Decided against undertaking a major research effort on campaign finances at this time.

6. Heard report on bill to create a National State Legislative Council, but decided to defer comment.

7. Agreed to sponsor a National Conference on Intergovernmental Relations with the cooperation of the major public interest associations representing State and local government.



Quantity distributed as of June 30, 1974 by

ACIR GPO sale!


"Coordination of State and Federal Inheritance Estate, and Gift Taxes," January 1961, report A-1,
134 pp. Describes intergovernmental relations in death taxation, presents alternative tax credit
arrangements and recommends legislation to increase State revenues, to improve their distribu-
tion among the States, and to simplify State tax statutes..

"Modification of Federal Grants-in-Aid for Public Health Services," January 1961, report A-2,
46 pp. Examines the objectives and financing of grants for public health services and recommends
congressional action to provide greater flexibility at the State level. Out of print..
Summary printed in 1964...

See footnotes at end of table.




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