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February 4, 1901, 8 p. m.

The meeting was called to order in the chamber of the house of representatives in the capitol with First Vice-President K. R. Babbitt presiding.

Chief Justice Charles N. Potter of Wyoming delivered an address on "The Private Life and Character of John Marshall."

(For address see the appendix.)

Julius C. Gunter of Trinidad, Colorado, then delivered an address on "The Judicial and Other Public Services of John Marshall."

(For address see the appendix.)








Tuesday, July 9, 1901, 2 p. m.

The meeting was called to order in Masonic Hall with President Moses Hallett and Secretary Lucius W. Hoyt in their chairs. On motion the roll call was dispensed with.

The next order of business being the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, it was voted that in as much as they had been previously published the reading be dispensed with.

The Secretary presented the report of the Committee on Admissions which contained the approval of applications for admission to membership of the following:

Clayton C. Dorsey, Denver.

Newton S. Gandy, Colorado Springs.

Horace N. Hawkins, Denver.

Marion F. Miller, La Junta.

Solomon Shwayder, Denver.

Charles W. Waterman, Denver.

Upon motion the ballot upon these applications was deferred until to-morrow at 8 a. m.

Sylvester S. Downer of Boulder, Colorado, then delivered an

address on "The Manner of the Romans."

(For address see the appendix.)

The meeting then took a recess until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning.


Wednesday, July 10, 1901, 9 a. m.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Moses Hallett.

The President:

The first business is the election of new members. There are several candidates proposed. The vote will be by ballot. These are the candidates proposed: Clayton C. Dorsey, Newton S. Gandy, Horace N. Hawkins, Marion F. Miller, Solomon Shwayder, Charles W. Waterman. My suggestion is that after the ballots be distributed the names be read slowly. The Secretary will please distribute the ballots. We will not call for the vote under five minutes; if the gentlemen desire to discuss these names they have an opportunity. (The President then read each name separately.)

Harry N. Haynes:

Mr. Secretary, I want to inquire for the benefit of the Association if the Association has not a rule regarding the length of practice at the bar required for admission.

The Secretary:

They must be members at the bar and must have practiced a year.

The President:

If the gentlemen are prepared, the Secretary will collect the ballots.

(The Secretary collects the ballots.)

The President:

There are no negative votes, the six names I have read are unanimously elected.

The next business in order is the report of the Executive Committee. Mr. Rogers, cannot you present the report of the Executive Committee?

Platt Rogers:

No, I have not the report of the Executive Committee. I have that of the Grievance Committee.

The President:

Is there anyone who can report for the Executive Committee?

The Secretary:

The only thing that is required at this time of the Executive Committee is a report upon the Treasurer's report, as I understand it.

Charles E. Gast:

I may say, Mr. President, that the Treasurer of the Association has submitted his report to the committee and we have looked it over very carefully and find that the balance to the credit of the Association there stated is correct; and we recommend that his report be accepted in all respects.

The Secretary:

I will read to you the report of the Treasurer.

To The Colorado Bar Association:

Denver, Colorado, July 9, 1901.

Your Treasurer respectfully reports the following receipts and disbursements for the period commencing June 28, 1900, and ending with this date:

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