Commentaries on the Constitution, which are already before the Public. And one of the advantages, which it possesses, is, that the reader will find every one of the topics here discussed, examined almost in the same order, far more completely in those Commentaries, if his curiosity or his leisure shall prompt him to more thorough researches. I have endeavored, as far as practicable, to make the remarks intelligible to every class of readers, by embodying them in plain and unambitious language, so as to give the Work a just claim to the title of being "A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States." If it shall tend to awaken in the bosoms of American Youth, a more warm and devoted attachment to the National Union, and a more deep and firm love of the National Constitution, it will afford me very sincere gratification, and be an ample compensation for the time, which has necessarily been withdrawn from my other pressing avocations, in order to prepare it. An Appendix has been added, containing some important public Documents, which may serve to confirm or illustrate the Text. With these few suggestions, I submit the Work to the indulgent consideration of the Public, adopting the expressive motto of the poet,— Content, if here th' unlearned their wants may view, Cambridge, January 1, 1840. JOSEPH STORY. Post Office and Post Roads.-Patents for Inven- tions, CHAPTER XIX. Punishment of Piracies and Felonies.-Declaration 107 113 117 |