페이지 이미지

do too is very agreeable, and wellput together: some of its passages, however, are not unfamiliar to our memory.

No. VIII, composed by the late Mr. Gildon, likewise consists of an allegretto, "quasi Siciliana," in G major, and a rondo in G minor. Both are highly interesting and tasteful. In the rondo, especially, the opportunity afforded by the minor key for scientific elaboration, has not been lost; and this posthumous relic of Mr. Gildon's labour, adds to our regret at the loss. which the musical public has sustained by his early death a few months ago. Although not bred to music, a natural talent and study soon enabled him to become an

having only a single signature of flats and sharps for this twofold substitution-cliff, might easily be remedied. From what has been stated, it will be admitted, that Mr. W.'s invention has the advantage of great simplicity and adequacy; and, what we value much, the pitch of the notes is not liable to error, as is the case in other contrivances. We therefore do not hesitate to pronounce his double cliff perfectly practicable, and eligible, if it is absolutely necessary to provide such remedies to help ignorance and indolence; and, in this respect, his judicious prefatory observations are much to the purpose. But when we consider, that all the music already published with tenor cliffs, would require adap-able player and agreeable musical tation for the use of what Mr. W. calls tenella ingenia (soft heads), or be as much a dead letter to them as the music to be published in the proper old cliffs, we should vote for giving no grace. Learn your alphabet, or hold your tongue alto-We understand, that he has left gether.

Les petits Bijoux, consisting of favourite Airs, Dances, and Rondos for the Piano-Forte, composed by the most celebrated Professors. No. VIL. Pr. 2s.

Ditto, Ditto, No. VIII. Pr. 2s.

The first of the two above-mentioned numbers of Messrs. Goulding and Co.'s periodical publication, contains a Siciliana and rondo in three sharps, composed by Mr. Holder. The Siciliana is really an elegant little movement, which cannot fail to please; but what the direction, "con espressivo larghetto," means, we are not Italian enough to make out. The ron

composer; and to this accomplishment, at first acquired for amusement only, he was, in the latter years of his life, compelled to resort for a livelihood, after a checkered train of untoward vicissitudes.

a widow in distress, and that a subscription is open at Messrs. Goulding and Co.'s, Mr. Preston's, Mr. Birchall's, and Messrs. Clementi and Co.'s, with a view to relieve her present necessitous situation, and to assist in establishing her in some business for her future support. More it would not become us to say, to interest our musical readers in behalf of an unfortunate female, the widow of one who probably has beguiled many an hour of theirs by the productions of his pleasing harmonic muse.

A Cossack Military Divertimento, for the Piano-Forte or Harp, composed and dedicated to Lady Anne

· Kenedy, by Veronica Cianchet- || tini, Sister to the late J. L. Dussek. Pr. 2s.

The introduction, in E b minor, attracts our attention by its solemn gloom, and forms a proper contrast with the lively theme of the succeeding allegro in the same key (major). The episodical portions and modulations are respectable, and the harmonies appropriate. We cannot say, that the composition lies convenient to the fingers of a piano-forte-player; and rather apprehend, from its general character, that it was preferably intended for the harp.

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"Fast into the Waves," the celebrated grand Storm-Scena, in Recitative and Air, sung by Mr. Bellamy; the Words selected from Dr. Hurdis and Shenstone; the Music composed, and arranged for the Voice (in the treble Cleff) and Piano-Forte only,|| by Henry R. Bishop. Pr. 3s.

"L'Amour est un Enfant trompeur,” with eight Variations for the Piano-Forte, respectfully dedicated to Miss Ogle, by J. Mugnié. Pr. 3s. There is a graceful simplicity in the harmony of the very theme of this air, which at once fixes the value of this composition; so neat, so apt, that it really seems as if the melody could not properly exist without the very accompaniment Mr. M. has assigned to it. Every one of the variations - possesses a marked character. Thus the first ingratiates itself by the smooth progress of its semiquavers; the second, by the elegant effect of the crossed-hand touches; and in the third, the theme is cast into quick action by well linked demisemiquaver passages. Var. 4 merits particular praise, as exhibiting the subject under a most tasteful cantilena; and No. 5 is conspicuous by its well contrived bass pasThis is an elaborate performance, sages. Var. 6 is likewise strongly in which Mr. B. has given the most bassed, but its principal beauty is ample range to his partiality of derived from the inimitable chroproducing striking effects by means matic touches observable in the of unexpected harmonic combina-harmony. No. 7. (a march), and tions. The introduction to the re- No. 8 (a walz), bespeak the vereitativo is very select, the recitativo satility of Mr. Mugnié's classic itself impressive, and the interlo-imagination. Altogether, this is an cutory instrumental repletions are boldly varied. Of the largo in three flats, p. 4, the two first bars appear to us awkward; the storm passages are awfully picturesque; but we think the aria, "Stern monarch," too plain and not sufficiently melodious. In the concluding allegro, we observe a great aim at effect; many scientific transitions take us by surprise; and the conclusion, p. 8, partaking largely of the same character, is wound up with great great skill and brilliancy.

excellent production, which can-
not be too strongly recommended
to the advanced scholar.
A Portuguese Air, with six Varia-
tions for the Piano-Forte, and
Accompaniment for the Flute Ob-
ligato, composed and dedicated to
P. Palmer, Esq. by his Friend,
J. Jay, Mus. Doc. Pr. 3s. 6d.
A superficial glance at this pub-
lieation proves, that it is the off-
spring of skill directed by studi-
ous care. The theme is as neat as
it is fit for the purpose of variation,

and the alternate imitations of flute | the benefit which the practitioner


and piano-forte in the second part are very meritorious. Among the several variations, No. 3, especially in the second part, is equally conspicuous by the responsive parts assigned to the flute. The construction of No. 6 is no less interesting on the same account. coda, in slow movement, has been appended, and here, still more than in any other part, a high degree of contrivance is observable; but it requires a steady timeist to do justice to the author's intention, in regard to the effect of the fluteintercalations, which are set with great nicety of measure.

will derive from the attentive study of the solo before us, on an instrument we know from experience to be so difficult, as to be subdued only by great labour and perseverance. The Madrid March of Victory and Wellington Waltz for the PianoForte, composed by F. Rimbault. Pr. 2s.

Both the march and the waltz (the theme of which is borrowed) are in a pleasing style, and the harmony is, in general, correct and effective. That this is not the case throughout, a glance at bar 35, p. 3, bar 38, p. 4, bar 11, p. 5, will shew. The structure too of l. 1, p. 4, we

A Solo for the Violin, with an Ac-deem unsatisfactory. Excepting a companiment for the Violoncello, and Thorough-Bass for the PianoForte, composed by J. F. Erskine. Op. 1. Pr. 7s. 6d.

few inattentions of the kind, this
publication has our approbation;
and being extremely easy, it may
be recommended to beginners and
moderate players, whose ear wilk
be gratified, while their fingers ac-
quire improvement.
Se vuol ballare, a favourite Air,
with Variations for the Piano-
Forte and Flute Accompaniment,
by W. A. Mozart. Pr. 1s. 6d.

Although a solo, a little more connection between some of the phrases and periods would have been desirable. While we allow ourselves this observation, we, at the same time, feel bound to bear witness to two meritorious features in this voluminous publication. The greatest attention has been paid to the character of the instrument, in the many diversified and effective passages interspersed every where; and the harmony of the accompaniment is such as to convince us of the author's proficiency in counterpoint, a merit which, unfortunately, is not always concomitant with executive skill. We are the more happy in paying this tribute of approbation, as the publication appears to be a maiden|| essay; and we pledge ourselves to improvement.

The theme of these variations is taken from Mozart's celebrated comic air in Figaro. The anonymous author has done justice to his original: the variations are conceived in a fanciful and diversified style; the two staves are well filled with harmony, responses, crossed-hand passages, &c. so that rather an experienced player is required for their due execution. In the 2d line of the theme we observe a deviation from the harmony of the original, which is any thing but an



Oats have belled abundantly strong on the stem, and promise a full crop.

Beans, peas, and the whole of the leguminous tribe, are very productive, being long on the kid, and

VEGETATION has not, for many years, been so perfect, prolific, and productive, or assumed so fruitful an appearance. It is not only one species that abounds in luxuriant foliage, but the whole vegetable kingdom has arrived to greater per-containing fewer abortive seeds fection, and has suffered less from the destroying depredators, the insect tribes, which have either been annihilated by atmospheric affections, or rendered inactive by the rapid and luxuriant growth of plants.

Wheat has, as the flag denoted last month, thrown out a large ear, thick set with clevels, and has gone finely off the bloom.

than are found in a common season. The whole plant has never suffered less from that numerous and voracious family of winged insects that revel on the sweet exudations from infant plants.

From the above cause, the whole of the brassica species are in a more perfect and luxuriant state than we have witnessed in a common season. The fallows for turnips are in a foul and backward state,

The hay harvest has generally commenced, and the crops of grass

Barley promises well upon warm soils, having thrown out a long ear, except on a few spots where water has hung on them too long, for the want of that greatest of all improve-of every kind are most abundant. ments, land-draining.


THE observations contained in the Repository of last month, are applicable to the present design, which represents a library of a more elevated and richer character, on a similar ground plan.

This view exhibits the window, side, and the end of the room, and more fully displays the effect of the arches and the diversity of form, of light, and of shadow. The windows, which may be of stained glass, form a bay of considerable magnitude, in which the sofas and the reading-table may be placed. This spot would become a very cheerful portion of the room, and derive an effect of superior brilliance, by a No. LV. Vol. X.

contrast with the more retired parts, which would be lighted only by the rays passing from this opening, and variously subdued by refraction and by colour. A chimney-glass should be opposite to the opening, which would reflect the objects contained in the bay, and also the coloured windows and landscape beyond them.

In the corners of the center compartment are disposed marble altars and bronze candelabra. On the pedestals of the cases are ranged the busts of persons who have been eminent in science, arts, or literature; a tribute of respect to them, merited by their labours of


study and research, and by an en- || polished life with the severer at

deavour to render their attainments beneficial to mankind; a tribute useful to ourselves, as it encourages the advancement of moral intellect, and the fulfilment of those great purposes for which it is subjected to our government.

Recesses are formed in the pedestal to receive the seats, which, by this arrangement, leave the area of the apartment free and unincumbered, and add a more splendid effect to the cases themselves.

The very high perfection to which the art of book-binding has arrived, and the fashion for adopting such embellishments, has given great importance to the library, which has become a room of usual resort, and also forms an object of female cultivation in no less degree than the drawing-room. The fascinations of female society have added taste to the energies of study, and have blended the gracefulness of

tainments of learning; the gloom
of seclusion is banished from its
walls, and its means are aided by
the charms of beauty
«To raise the genius, and to mend the heart.”

In the present design is contained a contrivance to secure the books from injury, which is easily applied, and adds to the decoration: the plate is, however, too small to admit of a graphic illustration. It is a drapery of silk, suspended within side and at the top of the case by a spring roller, in the manner of a blind, and is made to draw to the bottom of the case, where spring-locks are placed to receive the means for confining it; they are connected at the side by grooves, and thus become as protecting as doors would be, without their weight or inconvenience,




the Saxon king had scarcely any other choice left.

On the 10th May, the Elbe bridge, at Dresden, was rendered fit for the passage of troops, and another bridge constructed in the vicinity. The French advanced guard crossed, under a heavy fire from the opposite side, and the allies continued their retreat in the direction of Bautzen, or Budissin; since,

As we anticipated in our last, the battle of Lützen was immediately followed by the accession of the cabinet of Saxony to the cause of Bonaparte. The old king returned to his capital on the 12th May, to do homage to the French ruler; the fortress of Torgau opened its gates to the corps under Ney; nay, the 10 or 12,000 Saxons, who had remained neutral in that town dur-with the debouches of Torgau and ing the presence of the Russians, Wittenberg in the power of the were joined to the French army, enemy, it would have been useless and put under the orders of Reg-to dispute the river at other points. nier, their former Gallic com- From the 10th to the 20th, the almander. As matters then stood, lied rear-guard had several more or

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