Per. So long could I Stand by, a looker on. Pau. Either forbear, Quit presently the Chappel, or refolve you By wicked Powers. Leo. What you can make her do, I am content to look on; what to speak, Pau. It is requir'd, You do awake your faith; then all ftand ftill: Leo. Proceed; No foot fhall ftir. [Mufick. Pau. Mufick; awake her: ftrike; 'Tis time, defcend; be ftone no more, approach, Strike all that look upon with marvel. Come, I'll fill your Grave up: ftir; nay, come away: Bequeath to death your Numnefs; for from him Dear life redeems you; you perceive, the ftirs; [Hermione comes down. Start not; her Actions fhall be holy, as, You kill her double. Nay, present your hand; Leo. Oh, the's warm; If this be Magick, let it be an Art Lawful as eating. Pol. She embraces him. Cam. She hangs about his neck; If the pertain to life, let her fpeak too. [Embracing ber. Pol. Pol. Ay, and make it manifest where he has liv'd, Or how ftol'n from the dead? Pau. That he is living, Were it but told you, fhould be hooted at Mark a little while. Please you to interpofe, fair Madam, kneel, And pray your Mother's Bleffing; turn, good lady: Our Perdita is found. [Prefenting Perdita, Her. You Gods, look down, who kneels to Herm. And from your facred vials pour your graces Gave hope thou waft in Being, have preserv'd Pau. There's time enough for That; Leo. O peace, Paulina: Thou should'st a husband take by my consent, And made between's by vows. Thou haft found mine, But how, is to be queftion'd; for I faw her, As I thought, dead; and have, in vain, faid many (For him, I partly know his mind) to find thee And take her by the hand; whofe worth and honefty Is richly noted; and here juftified By us, a pair of Kings. Let's from this place. What? look upon my brother: Both your Pardons, That e'er I put between your holy looks My ill fufpicion: this, your fon-in-law, And fon unto the King-whom heav'ns directing, KING John. Prince Henry, Son to the King. Arthur, Duke of Bretagne, and Nephew to the King, Pembroke, Faulconbridge, Baftard-Son to Richard the First. Robert Faulconbridge, fuppos'd Brother to the Baftard. James Gurney, Servant to the Lady Faulconbridge, Peter of Pomfret, a Prophet, Elinor, Queen-Mother of England. Conftance, Mother to Arthur. Blanch, Daughter to Alphonfo King of Caftile, and Neice to King John. Lady Faulconbridge, Mother to the Baftard, and Robert Faulconbridge, Citizens of Angiers, Heralds, Executioners, Meffengers, Soldiers, and other Attendants. The SCENE, fometimes in England; and, Sometimes, in France, THE |