I'th' eyes of heaven, and to you, (I mean, Ant. If it prove She's otherwise, I'll keep my stables where For every inch of woman in the world, Ay, every dram of woman's flesh is false, Leo. Hold your peaces. Lord. Good my lord, Ant. It is for you we speak, not for our selves : You are abus'd, and by some putter-on, Leo. Cease; no more: You smell this business with a sense as cold (9) I have three Daughters; the Eldest is eleven; If this prove true, they'll pay for't.] The 2d Folio Edition led Mr. Rowe first inadvertently to fix five Sons upon Antigonus, more than the Poet ever design'd him and Mr. Pope stumbled implicitly into the Mistake. But what increases the Jest, these three Daughters, and five Sons were Coheirs: If This was ever according to the Laws of Sicily, 'tis so peculiar, that Goltzius, Fazellus, or Cluverius would have thought it worthy of a short Notice. But the Reading of the 1st Folio Edition which I have reftor'd to the Text, makes no mention of any Sons, and so the Girls remain properly Coheirs; the Eldest, eleven years of Age; the second, Nine; and the Third, some five. I'll fubjoin two Instances of this manner of Expression from our Author's K. Lear. But I have a Son, Sir, by order of Law, fome Year elder than this, For that I am some twelve or fourteen Moon-shines Lag of a Brother? G4 Ant. 1 Ant. If it be so, We need no grave to bury honesty; Of the whole dungy earth. Leo. What? lack I credit ? Lord. I had rather you did lack than I, my lord, Leo. Why, what need we Properly ours. Ant. And I wish, my liege, You had only in your filent judgment try'd it, Leo. How could That be? Either thou art most ignorant by age, (Which was as gross as ever touch'd conjecture, Made up to th' deed) doth push on this Proceeding; (For, in an act of this importance, 'twere To facred Delphos, to Apollo's Temple, Lord. Well done, my lord. Lea. Leo. Tho' I am satisfy'd, and need no more Ant. To laughter, as I take it, If the good truth were known. [Exeunt. SCENE changes to a Prison. Enter Paulina and a Gentleman. Paul. THE keeper of the prifon, call to him: [Exit Gent. Let him have knowledge who I am. Good lady, [Re-enter Gentleman with the Goaler. Goa. For a worthy lady, Paul. Pray you then, Conduct me to the Queen. Goa. I may not, Madam, To the contrary I have express commandment. Paul. Here's Ado to lock up honesty and honour from Th' access of gentle visitors! Is't lawful, pray you, Goa. So please you, Madam, To put a-part these your attendants, I Shall bring Emilia forth. Paul. I pray you now, call her: Withdraw your selves. Goa. And, Madam, I must be present at your conference. [Exeunt Gent. &c. Paul. Paul. Well; be it so, pr'ythee. Enter Emilia. Here's such Ado to make no stain a stain, Emil. As well, as one so Great and fo forlorn Paul. A boy? Emil. A daughter, and a goodly babe, Paul. I dare be sworn: These dangerous, unsafe lunes i'th' King! beshrew them, (10) He must be told on't, and he shall; the office Emil. Moft worthy Madam, (10) These dang'rous, unsafe Lunes i'th King!) I have no where, but in our Author, observ'd this Word adopted in our Tongue, to fignify, Frenzy, Lunacy. But it is a Mode of Expreffion with the French. Il y a de la lune: (i. e. He has got the Moon in his Head; he is frantick.) COTGRAVE. Lune. folie. Les femmes ont des lunes dans la tête. RICHELET. So So meet for this great errand. Please your ladyship Paul. Tell her, Emilia, I'll use that tongue I have; if wit flow from't, Emil. Now be you blest for it! I'll to the Queen: please you, come something nearer. Goa. Madam, if't please the Queen to fend the babe, I know not what I shall incur, to pass it, Paul. You need not fear it, Sir; Paul. Do not you fear; upon mine Honour, I SCENE changes to the Palace. [Exeunt. Enter Leontes, Antigonus, Lords and other attendants. is but Leo. NOR night, nor day, no Reft;-it To bear the matter thus; meer weakness, if Enter |