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THE numbers of the IMPERIAL MAGAZINE have now been before the public nearly two years; and the extensive circulation and permanent character which this work has obtained, render wholly unnecessary, many observations which might otherwise with much propriety be introduced. No remarks which this paper may contain, can affect the judgments of those into whose hands this work has fallen, respecting either its merits or defects. The numbers, in their possession, will furnish a criterion, which neither the asperities of criticism, nor the influence of recommendation, can remove; and it is by this alone that every work must ultimately stand or fall.

The demands for the Imperial Magazine, and the communications of our numerous correspondents, seem to keep pace with each other. Both are on the increase; and, from the orders recently received, and the assurances accompanying them, we flatter ourselves with being able very shortly to lay before our numerous readers, various details and incidents, transmitted from the most interesting portions of the globe, and from sources to which our most sanguine expectations had not taught us to aspire.

In addition to the remote regions, to which the Imperial Magazine has already been sent, we have lately received orders from MALACCA, DEMERARA, and ST. PETERSBURGH, to send copies to each place; and have been favoured with promises of communications from the islands in the Indian and Pacific ocean. These cannot fail to prove highly gratifying to all who rejoice in beholding the human character emerging from the barbarism of past ages, and struggling into the light and refinements of civilized life.

Commencing our labours in March, 1819, neither this volume nor the preceding, contains its full complement of numbers. We have concluded with the year, that we might accommodate our publication to the movements of time, and obviate in future, irregularities hitherto unavoidable, by beginning with the month of January, and ending with December.

To the interests of all that is dear to man, whether we view him as an inhabitant of time, or a candidate for eternity, we flatter ourselves that we have paid unremitting attention. Of these momentous objects, we hope we shall never lose sight; nor shall we forget those exclusive privileges which as Protestants we have so long enjoyed. It is with this view, that the pages of the Imperial Magazine will be always open for "the temperate examination of propositions, which are calculated to elicit truth, without provoking a spirit of acrimonious controversy."

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Astronomical Occurrences, 38, 149, 240,



Arithmetician's Class Book, reviewed,.. 665
Aspiration of the Letter H,

307, 412, 508, 614, 698, 817,883, 1036
Astronomy, History of,.......... 274, 325
Ausculation, Inquiries respecting,......736

Banks, Observations on private,...... 627 | Dibbling of Wheat,


Discovery of Land towards the South


674, 755

Defamation, Essay on,
Demons in China,



Derry, Anecdote of the Bishop of, 430
Description of the Thessalian Tempe,.... 885
Dialogue between Mercury, a Duellist,


and a Savage,..
respecting Mary Queen of Scots, 976
fashionable, on Charity, .....1052


Bee, Account of the Carpenter,....
Beef-eaters, origin of,..


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Benefactor, Anecdote of an unknown,.... 961
Bible Society, Excellency of the,


Auxiliary, Liverpool, 385, 580

Birds, Observations on the Method of

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..353, 651


Blessing on our Food,..


Boodhu Priests, Baptism of two,

[blocks in formation]

Books, a List of Select,

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on selling pernicious,............ 572

Bravery, Instance of,.....






Brief, Translation of the Pope's,


Bull-baiting, ..

610, 699

Bull, a wonderful one, at Exeter Change, 1024


Earth's Increase, Reply to a Query on the, 349
Motion, a Query, and Reply

353, 496

Motion, on the Influence of the, 674

Eccentricity of a singular Character,... 713
Eclipse, Account of the great Solar, 745, 861
Emmaus, a Sacred Ode, by T. Raffles,.. 269
English, ancient Manners and Customs of


Burning of a Widow,


Burslem Wake,


Epigram, with Remarks,
Epitaphs, ......


530, 758, 895, 901, 942


Calamy, Dr. Lines on his Imprisonment, 740
Carpenter Bee,...

Error respecting Bishop Burnet, cor-




Essays,.. 105, 247, 297, 314, 414, 497,
591, 720, 804, 924
Eternal Sonship of Christ, .... 96, 141, 242
Eulogy on the Article signed O-x, .... 822
"Evening Amusements," Inaccuracies in, 35
Evidence, on the Nature of

Catechism of Christianity, reviewed, ....161
Catholic Claims, Reply to a Question on, 42
Strictures on Ditto, .... 638
425, 630, 689,786,792,
901, 984,
Catholics, Vindication of the,.... 943, 1016 | Executor, a Benevolent,.
Caxton, William, Monument to,
Charity, fashionable Dialogue on, .....1052
Chemical Attraction, .....22, 342, 515, 709
China, an Article from the Emperor of, 1021
Christ, eternal Sonship of,......96, 141, 242
Descent of into Hell, ......180,703
not praying for the World.......770


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Clavis Biblica, by Dr. A. Clarke, re-


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Principles of..........


Lancaster, Adkins, review of his Memoir, 72 Pope's, the, Letter to the Irish Prelates,

Language of Paradise, Remarks on the,.. 65

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Latimer, Bishop of, and his Family, .... 601

Brief, Translation of the......1034

Lazarus, Replies to Queries on the Soul of, 827
Lectures on Practical Religion, review-

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174, 259

Premiums offered by the Society of Arts, 98

Leigh, Dr. Anecdote of,....

[blocks in formation]

Lightning, Deaths by,


on, reviewed,


Literary Intelligence, 388, 677,774, 966,1058

Remarks on Bromley on the

Love, Power of,


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16. Duchess of Kent,...

... 1014

20. The five Royal Dukes,



21. The five Princesses,...



England's Brightest Gems; or, an Account of the Anniversaries of Benevolent Institutions,

for 1820, may be bound up in this Volume.

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