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Translate the following passages:—

1. Beginning, οὗτος θεοῖσι σπένδεται θεὸς γεγώς· κ. τ. λ. Ending, ἄκη λάβοις ἂν οὔτ ̓ ἄνευ τούτων νοσεῖς.

Bacch., 284-327.

2. Beginning, ἆρ ̓ ἐν παννυχιόις χοροῖς κ. τ. λ. Ending, θηρῶσιν τὸν ἄσεπτον.

Ibid., 862-890.

3. Beginning, ἀταλᾶς ὑπὸ ματέρος, κ. τ. λ. Ending, κερδος πρὸς θεῶν θεραπείας.

Electr., 700-744.

4. Beginning, οὐ μὴ αφρονησεθ', οἳ κενῶν δοξασμάτων, κ. τ. λ. Ending, δεξώμεθ' οἴκων καταλύσεις·

5. Beginning, τρεῖς μὲν φαεννὰς ἡλίου διεξόδους, κ. τ. λ. Ending, ετυγχαν.

Ibid., 312, 899.

Androm., 1085, sqq.

6. Beginning, οὐδέ γ' ἐνὶ πόλεσι δίπτυχοι τυραννίδες, κ. τ. λ. Ending, ψήφῳ θανάτου κατακεκριμένον.

Ibid., 470, 8qq.

1. By what indications are we guided generally in determining the dates of the plays of Euripides?

2. Apply these methods to the question of the dates of the Andromache, the Electra, the Bacchæ, and the Hecuba.

3. Write criticisms on the plot and dramatic treatment of the Andromache, and of the Electra.

4. Write a note on the Bacchic worship in Greece; and give your view of the dramatic merit of the Baccha.

5. Write a note on the influence of the Greek Tragic Drama as traceable in Roman literature.

6. Explain the causes which made the Orestea a popular dramatic subject.

7. Give examples of the peculiarities of Euripides in diction and in



Translate the following passages, adding such comments as you may think necessary ::

I. Beginning, καὶ νῦν τὸ μὲν σὸν, ὥστε μὴ στένειν, πάθος κ. τ. λ.
Ending, κρείσσων πυρός· κακὸς δ ̓ ὁ μή τι δρῶν κακόν.

2. Beginning, ἰὼ τέκνον, κ. τ. λ. Ending, τάδε σκότι' ἀμείβομαι.

Hecuba, 587-606.

Phœnissa, 312-336.

3. Beginning, ὁ δ ̓ ἐξελίσσων παῖδα κίονος κύκλῳ, κ. τ. λ. Ending, διχορραγὴς ἔκειτο κρηπίδων ἔπι.

4. Beginning, τάν τ' ὀρεινόμον ἀγρίων, κ. τ. λ. Ending, ας οἰκήτορ' ἄμικτον.

Herc. Furens, 977-1009.

Ibid., 364-393.

1. Describe the structure and scenic arrangements of a Greek theatre. 2. By what peculiarities is the Hercules Furens in some degree separated from the other plays of Euripides?

3. Compare the Phænissa of Euripides with the Septem contra Thebas of Æschylus.

4. Criticize the plot of the Hecuba.

5. Write a note on the Epic forms used in dramatic dialogue.

6. Give a metrical analysis of the passage quoted from the Phænissæ.


Translate the following passages into English :—

1. Beginning, εἰ δ ̓ ἐγὼ γνοὺς πρόσθεν οὐκ εὖ μετεθέμην εὐβουλίαν, κ.τ.λ.

Ending, ἄνομα δρῶντα κοὐ δίκαια παῖδας οὕς ἐγεινάμην.
Iphig. in Aul., 388-399.

2. Beginning, ἀνὰ δ ̓ ἐλάταισι στεφανώδει τε χλόᾳ, κ. τ. λ.
Ending, Ιναχίδαις γάμον.

3. Beginning, ἐμὲ δ' αὐτοῦ προλιποῦ-, κ. τ. λ. Ending, γένυν συν ἐσκίαζον.

Ibid., 1057-1088.

Iphig. in Taur., 1132–1151.

Ibid., 1345-1359.

4. Beginning, κάνταῦθ ̓ ὁρῶμεν Ἑλλάδος νεὼς σκάφος, κ. τ. λ. Ending, κλέπτοντες ἐκ γῆς ξόανα καὶ θυηπόλους;


5. Beginning, ΣΕ. θές νυν τὸν ἀγκῶν εὐρύθμως, κατ' ἔκπιε, κ. τ.λ. Ending, κάλλιστα νὴ τὰς Χάριτας.

Cyclops, 563-583.

6. Beginning, αἰαῖ, δρομάδες ὦ πτεροφόροι ποτνιάδες θεαί, κ. τ. λ. Ending, λάβροις ὀλεθρίοισιν ἐν κύμασιν.

Orestes, 316-343.

Ibid., 702-716.

7. Beginning, ἔνεστι δ' οἶκτος, ἔνι δὲ καὶ θυμὸς μέγας, κ. τ. λ. Ending, δούλοισιν εἶναι τοῖς σοφοῖσι τῆς τύχης.

1. Write notes on the preceding passages, where required.

2. Hermann remarks that the Orestes contains "many things which are blameable, as either useless, or inconsistent with the nature of tragedy.” Comment on this statement.

3. What is peculiar in the mythology of the Iphigeneia in Tauris ?

4. Write a historical note on the occurrence of human sacrifices amongst the people of Greece and Italy.

5. Describe the nature and object of the Satyric Dramas. What metrical licenses appear in the Cyclops?

6. Write notes on the meaning and etymology of the following words:—παστὰς, τρίγλυφος, ἐξαμιλλᾶσθαι, θύλακος, νωχέλης.


Translate the following passage into Greek Tragic Iambics :

O suffering! O calamity! how ten,

How twentyfold worse are ye, when your blows
Not only wound the sense, but kill the soul,
The noble thought, which is alone the man!
That I, to-day returning, find myself
Orphan'd of both my parents-by his foes
My father, by your strokes my mother slain !-
For this is not my mother, who dissuades,
At the dread altar of her husband's tomb,
His son from vengeance on his murderer;
And not alone dissuades him, but compares
His just revenge to an unnatural deed,
A deed so awful, that the general tongue
Fluent of horrors, falters to relate it—
Of darkness so tremendous, that its author,
Though to his act empower'd, nay, impell'd,
By the oracular sentence of the Gods,
Fled, for years after, o'er the face of earth,
A frenzied wanderer, a God-driven man,
And hardly yet, some say, hath found a grave—
With such a deed as this thou matchest mine,

Which Nature sanctions, which the innocent blood
Clamours to find fulfill'd, which good men praise,
And only bad men joy to see undone ?

O honour'd father! hide thee in thy grave
Deep as thou canst, for hence no succour comes;
Since from thy faithful subjects what revenge
Canst thou expect, when thus thy widow fails?
Alas! an adamantine strength indeed,
Past expectation, hath thy murderer built:
For this is the true strength of guilty kings,
When they corrupt the souls of those they rule.





1. Compare the maculæ in purpura and in typhus fever, as to character, locality, and history.

2. How would your prognosis be influenced in a case of typhus by the period of appearance of the maculæ ?

3. What is meant by Febris Senilis? In what does it resemble the Febris Infantum? Give the prognosis, and the most frequent complication.

4. How far does the history of epidemics of cholera favour the doctrine that it is a contagious disease?

5. At what period do the symptoms of uræmic poisoning appear in cholera? Describe these symptoms.

6. How would you treat suppression of urine in cholera ?

7. What is the general result in the treatment of cholera by transfusion of saline solutions?

8. Describe the disease termed Exophthalmic Goitre or Broncocele; is it capable of cure? State whether it is originally an organic or a functional disease.

9. What are the symptoms of the crowing disease of infants (Laryngismus Stridulus)? Give its pathology, prognosis, and treatment.

10. Explain the occurrence of aphonia, stridor, and sudden amaurosis of a single eye in aneurisms of the thoracic aorta and in disease of the




1. Trace the course and distribution of the cerebral branches of the internal carotid artery.

2. Describe the fornix cerebri, and mention its connexions.

3. What phenomena would follow a section of the trunk of the fifth cerebral nerve?

4. Describe the scaleni muscles; give their attachments, and assign their actions.

5. What opinions are held as to the functions of Peyer's glands?

6. What veins have no valves? Indicate the position of the valves in the principal veins of the lower extremity.

7. What phenomena would you expect to follow a transverse section of one half of the spinal cord?

8. Describe the iris; what nerves are distributed to it?

9. Describe the tricuspid valve, and explain the mechanism of its safety-valve function.

10. Give a brief account of the arrangement of the minute vessels in the liver.


1. Describe the eruption in the regular form of morbilli, and the varieties in the appearance of the rash.

2. What are the most formidable complications of morbilli?

3. Enumerate the most frequent sequelæ.

4. Contrast morbilli and scarlatina in the stage of eruption.

5. What are the parts of the muscular system which may be the seat of paralysis in typhus fever, and their relative importance?

6. Enumerate the diseases which may occur as sequelae of pertussis. 7. What are the principal points to be taken into consideration in forming an opinion as to the probable termination of pneumonia ?

8. How would you treat suffocative catarrh ?

9. Describe a case of gangrene of the lung, and state how you would treat it.

10. What is the pulmonic disease most likely to be mistaken for gangrene of the lung?


1. What is Cusso, its therapeutic use, dose, and mode of administration ?

2. Give the botanical name and characteristic distinctions of Common Hemlock, the characteristic test of its active principle, the preparations in the British Pharmacopoeia, and the part of the plant from which each is made.

3. Enumerate the reputed antispasmodics in the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms which are in the Materia Medica. Give a description of one in each division, stating its dose, and mode of administration.

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