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the 1822

of the north shore of the Lower Sault island; thence
north branch of the river, keeping to the north of, and
near the Lower Sault island; and also north of, and near
the Upper Sault (sometimes called Baxter's) island, and
south of the two small islands to the western extremity
of the Upper Sault, or Baxter's island; thence passing
between the two islands called the Cats, to the middle
of the river above; thence along the middle of the river,
keeping to the north of Christler's Island and of the
small island next above it, until it approaches the north-
east angle of Goose-neck Island; thence along the pas-
sage which divides the last-mentioned Island from the
Canada shore, keeping 100 yards from the island, to the
upper end of the same; thence south of, and near the
island called Dry or Smuggler's Island; then passing to
the north of the island called Isle au Rapid Platt; thence
along the north side of the last-mentioned island, kee-
ping 100 yards from the shore to the upper end thereof;
thence along the middle of the river, keeping to the
south of and near the island called Cousson (or Tussin)
or Presque Isle; thence up the river, keeping north of,
and near the several Gallop Isles, and also of Tick, Tib-
bet's and Caunny Islands; and south of Duck, Drummond
and Sheep Islands; thence along the middle of the river
north of Gull Island, Bluff Island, and to the south of
Grenadier Island, until it approaches the northeast point
of Grindstone Island; thence to the north of Grindstone
Island, until it approaches the southern point of Hickory
Island: thence passing to the south of Hickory Island,
and of the two small islands lying near its southern ex-
tremity; thence to the south of Grand or Long Island,
keeping near its southern shore, and passing the north
of Carlton Island, until it arrives opposite to the south-
western point of said Grand Island in Lake Ontario;
thence passing to the north of Grenadier, Fox, Stoney,
and the Gallop Islands in Lake Ontario, and to the
south of, and near, the islands called the Ducks, to the
middle of the said lake; thence, westerly, along the
middle of the said lake, to a point opposite the mouth of
the Niagara river; thence to and up the middle of the
said river, to the Great Falls; thence, up the Falls,
through the point of the Horse Shoe, keeping to the

1822 west of Tris or Goat Island, and of the group of small islands at its head, and following the bends of the river So as to enter the strait between Navy and Grand Islands; thence, along the middle of the said strait to the head of Navy Islands; thence, to the west and south of, and near to, Grand and Beaver Islands, and to the west of Strawberry, Squaw and Bird Islands to Lake Erie; thence southerly and westerly, along the middle of Lake Erie, in a direction to enter the passage immediately south of Middle Island, being one of the eastern most of the group of islands lying in the western part of the said lake; thence along the said passage, proceeding to the north of Cunningham's Island, of the three Bafs- Islands and of the Western Sister, and to the south of the islands called the Hen and Chickens, and of the Eastern and Middle Sisters; thence to the middle of the mouth of the Detroit river, in a direction to enter the channel which divides Bois -blanc and Sugar Islands; thence up the said channel to the west of Bois-blanc Island, and to the east of Sugar, Fox and Stony Islands, until it approaches Fighting, or Great Turkey Island; thence along the western side and near the shore of said last-mentioned island, to the middle of the river above the same; thence, along the middle of said river, keeping to the south-east of and near Hog Island, and to the north-west of, and near the island called Isle à la Peche, to Lake St. Clair; thence, through the middle of said lake, in a direction to enter the mouth or channel of the river St. Clair, which is usually denominated the Old Ship Channel; thence, along the middle of said channel, between Squirrel Island on the southeast and Herson's Island on the north-west, to the upper end of the last mentioned island, which is nearly opposite to Point au chenes, on the American shore; thence along the middle of the river St. Clair, keeping to the west of, and near, the islands called Belle Revieve Isle, and Isle aux Cerfs, to Lake Huron; thence, through the middle of Lake Huron, in a direction to enter the strait or passage between Drummond's Island on the west and the Little Maniton Island on the east: thence, through the middle of the passage, which divides the two last mentioned islands; thence, turning northerly

and westwardly, around the eastern and north eastern 1822 shores of Drummond's Island, and proceeding in a direction to enter the passage between the island of St. Joseph's and the American shore, passing to the north of the intermediate islands. Thence, up the said last mentioned passage, keeping near to the island of St. Joseph's, and passing to the north and east of Isle à la Crosse, until it strikes a line passing accrofs the river at the head of St. Joseph's Island, and at the foot of the Neebish Rapids, which line denotes the termination of the boundary directed to be run by the 6th article of the treaty of Ghent.

And the said commissioners do further decide and declare, that all the islands lying in the rivers, lakes and water communications, between the before described boundary line and the adjacent shores of Upper Canada, do, and each of them does, belong to his Britannic Majesty; and that all the islands lying in the rivers, lakes. and water communications, between the said boundary line and the adjacent shores of the United States, or their territories, do and each of them does, belong to the United States of America, in conformity with the true intent of the second article of the said treaty of 1783, and of the 6th article of the treaty of Ghent.

In faith whereof, we, the commissioners aforesaid, have signed this declaration, and thereunto affixed our seals.

Done in quadruplicate, at Utica, in the State of New York in the United States of America, the 18th day of June, in the year of our Lord 1822.

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Déclaration concernant le renouvellement du cartel existant entre l'Autriche et la Bavière, du 19 Juin 1822. (Regierungs-und Intelligenz-Blatt für das Königreich Baiern 1822. No. 31.)


gegenwärtig mit der Kaiserl. Königl. Oesterreichischen Regierung über die Erneuerung der im Jahre 1817 auf fünf Jahre abgeschlossenen Militär - CartelConvention unterhandelt wird, so ist man von beiden Seiten übereingekommen, dafs bis zum Abschluss der neuen die gegenwärtig bestehende Convention ihre volle Wirksamkeit beibehalten soll, wonach sich in vorkommenden Fällen zu achten ist.

München, den 19ten Junius 1822.

Auf Seiner Königlichen Majestät Allerhöchsten


Graf vON REChberg.

An sämmtliche Kön. Kreis-Regierungen also ergangen.

Durch den Minister:

der General - Secretair,



Convention entre la Prusse et le duché
d'Anhalt-Dessau, concernant la ré-
stitution des fraix de justice en ma-
tières criminelles, du 22 Juin 1822.
(Gesetz-Sammlung für die Königlich Preussischen
Staaten 1822. No. 16. p. 193.)


ie Königlich Preufsische Regierung hat sich wegen der Kosten in Untersuchungen wider unvermögende Personen mit der Herzoglich Anhalt - Dessauschen Regierung dahin vereinigt:

1. In allen Fällen, wo Delinquenten von einer Königlich Preussischen Criminal - Justizbehörde an eine Herzoglich Anhalt - Dessausche Criminal-Justizbehörde, oder von dieser an jene, nach vorgängiger Requisition ausgeliefert werden, sind nicht allein alle baaren Auslagen, sondern auch die sämmtlichen nach der bei dem requirirten Gerichte üblichen Taxe zu liquidirenden Gerichtsgebühren, dem letztern aus dem Vermögen des an das requirirende Gericht ausgelieferten Delinquenten, wenn solches dazu hinreicht, zu entrichten. Hat aber der ausgelieferte Delinquent kein hinreichendes Vermögen, so fallen die Gebühren für die Arbeiten des requirirten Gerichts durchgehends weg und das requirirende Gericht bezahlt alsdann dem Erstern nur die baaren Auslagen für Atzung, Transport, Porto und Copialien.

2. Nach gleichen Grundsätzen soll auch in Absicht der Bezahlung der Kosten in solchen Criminalfällen verfahren werden, wo es nicht auf die Auslieferung von Delinquenten, sondern nur auf die Abhörung oder Sistirung von Zeugen oder anderer Personen ankommt.

3. Zur Entscheidung der Frage: ob der Delinquent hinreichendes eigenes Vermögen zur Bezahlung der Gerichtsgebühren besitze oder nicht, soll in den beiderseitigen Ländern nichts weiter als das Zeugnifs derjenigen Gerichtsstelle erfordert werden, unter welcher der


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