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be My great object to secure to My people the continuance of peace.


Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

The measures by which, in the last session of Parliament, you made provision for the expences of My Civil Government, and for the honour and dignity of the Crown, demand My warmest acknowledgments..

I have directed that the estimates for the current year shall be laid before you, and it is a satisfaction to Me to have been enabled to make some reduction in Our military establishments.

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You will observe from the accounts of the public revenue, that notwithstanding the receipts in Ireland have proved materially deficient, in consequence of the unfortunate circumstances which have affected the commercial credit of that part of the United Kingdom, and although Our foreign trade; during the early part of this time, was in a state of depression, the total revenue has nevertheless exceeded that of the preceding year.

A considerable part of this increase must be ascribed to the new taxes; but in some of those branches which are the surest indications of internal wealth, the augmentation has fully realized any expectation which could have been reasonably. formed of it.

The separate provision which was made for the Queen, as Princess of Wales, in the year 1814, terminated with the demise of His late Majesty.

I have in the mean time directed advances, as authorised by law; and it will, under present circumstances, be for you to consider what new arrangements should be made on this subject.

My Lords, and ́ Gentlemen,'

I have great pleasure in being able to acquaint you, that a considerable improvement has taken




Carlton-House, January 23, 1821.

THIS day His Majesty proceeded in state from Carlton-House to the House of Peers, where he arrived at a quarter before two o'clock; and, having alighted from the state coach, he was received at the portico by the Great Officers and others, and proceeded to the robing room in the customary manner;. His Majesty was there robed, his hat on his head, and the procession moved into the House in the usual order;

His Majesty being seated on the Throne, the Great Officers and others standing on the right and left, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, was sent with a message from His Majesty to the House of Commons, commanding their attendance in the House of Peers. The Commons being come thither accordingly, His Majesty was pleased to deliver the following most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament:

My Lords, and Gentlemen,

I HAVE the satisfaction of acquainting you,. that I continue to receive from Foreign Powers the strongest assurances of their friendly disposition towards this Country.

It will be a matter of deep regret to Me, if the Occurrences which have lately taken place in Italy should eventually lead to any interruption of tranquillity in that quarter; but it will, in such case,

be My great object to secure to My people the continuance of peace.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

The measures by which, in the last session of Parliament, you made provision for the expences of My Civil Government, and for the honour and dignity of the Crown, demand My warmest acknowledgments..

I have directed that the estimates for the current year shall be laid before you, and it is a satisfaction to Me to have been enabled to make some reduction in Our military establishments.

- You will observe from the accounts of the public revenue, that notwithstanding the receipts in Ireland have proved materially deficient, in consequence of the unfortunate circumstances which have affected the commercial credit of that part of the United Kingdom, and although Our foreign trade; during the early part of this time, was in a state of depression, the total revenue has nevertheless exceeded that of the preceding year.

A considerable part of this increase must be ascribed to the new taxes; but in some of those branches which are the surest indications of internal wealth, the augmentation has fully realized any expectation which could have been reasonably formed of it.

The separate provision which was made for the Queen, as Princess of Wales, in the year 1814, terminated with the demise of His late Majesty.

I have in the mean time directed advances, as authorised by law; and it will, under present circumstances, be for you to consider what new arrangements should be made on this subject.

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My Lords, and Gentlemen,

I have great pleasure in being able to acquaint you, that a considerable improvement has taken


place within the last half year in several of the most important branches of Our commerce and manufactures; and that in many of the manufacturing districts the distresses which prevailed at the commencement of the last session of Parliament have greatly abated.

It will be My most anxious desire to concur in every measure which may be considered as calculated to advance Our internal prosperity.

I well know that, notwithstanding the agitations produced by temporary circumstances, and amidst the distress, which still presses upon a large portion of My subjects, the firmest reliance may be placed on that affectionate and loyal attachment to My Person and Government, of which I have recently received so many testimonies from all parts of My kingdom, and which, whilst it is most grateful to the strongest feelings of My heart, I shall ever con sider as the best and surest safeguard of My Throne...

In the discharge of the important duties imposed upon you, you will, I am confident, be sensible of the indispensable necessity of promoting and maintaining, to the utmost of your power, a due obedience to the laws, and of instilling into all classes of My subjects a respect for lawful authority, and for those established institutions, under which the Country has been enabled to overcome so many difficulties, and to which, under Providence, may be ascribed Our happiness and renown as a Nation.

Carlton-House, January 22, 1821.

This day the Count de Bourke, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Denmark, had a private audience of. His Majesty to deliver his letters of recall; to which he was

introduced by Lord Viscount Castlereagh, His Ma.. jesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and conducted by Sir Robert Chester, Knight, Master of the Ceremonies.

Carlton-House, January 26, 1821.

This day His Excellency Monsieur de Souza, Ambassador from the King of Portugal and the Brazils, had a private audience of His Majesty to deliver his letters of recall in that character, and to present to His Majesty a letter of credence, giving him the character of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at this Court; also Monsieur. de Pfeffel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ple-. nipotentiary from the King of Bavaria, had a private audience of His Majesty to deliver letters from his Sovereign; Richard Rush, Esq. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, had a private audience of His Majesty to deliver letters from the United States; and Baron Langsdorff, Minister. Resident from their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke of Baden and the Elector of Hesse, had a private audience of His Majesty to deliver letters from their Royal Highnesses: to which audiences they were respectively introduced by Lord Viscount Castlereagh, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and conducted by Si Robert Chester, Knt. Master of the Ceremonies.


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