
verno Federal para que os regulamentos se tornem lei ao mesmo tempo em ambos os Estados.

Os regulamentos, cuja adopção se propõe e que consistem nas regras da Washington com omissão do art. 9 e ligeiras alterações em tres dos restantes trinta artigos, já receberam, como acima fica dito, a geral approvação dos principaes paizes maritimos. o art, 9 ficou reservado, em attenção não só á expressa opinião dos conselheiros technicos do Governo de Sua Magestade, mas tambem ás idéas manifestadas pela maioria das potencias do Mar do Norte, e em proxima data se farão propostas para uma solução satisfactoria da questão das luzes dos barcos de pesca e as novas questões das luzes dos vapores dos pilotos, e do direito de passagem dos trawlers a vapor.

Ao manifestar a Vossa Excellencia, da parte do Governo de Sua Magestade, a esperança de que o Governo Federal adoptará estes regulamentos, dos quaes tenho a honra de incluir duas cópias, tenho ordem de expor que a proposta de quaesquer alterações neste momento ha de por força demorar indefinitamente o ajuste de toda a questão e de accrescentar que o Governo de Sua Magestade retirou certas alterações, que tinha proposto em 1891, por estar inteiramente convencido de que só abandonando differenças de menor imporiancia se conseguirá terminar satisfactoriamente a tão demorada discussão das regras de Washington e chegar a um ajuste internacional.

O Governo de Sua Magestade, Sr. Ministro, propõe que a ordem Britannica em Conselho, estabelecendo os regulamentos revistos, seja expedida logo que as principaes nações maritimas declarem definitivamente que acceitam esses regulamentos. Si esses forem postos em execução, como se propõe, no 1o de março de 1895, parece ao Governo de Sua Magestade que cada Governo estrangeiro terá tempo de sobra para preparar promulgar regras identicas que entrem em vigor no mesmo dia. Todavia, si, para assegurar o ajuste internacional, se vir que é absolutamente necessario alterar a data suggerida, o Governo de Sua Magestade estará disposto a considerar uma proposta para esse fim.

Aproveito esta opportunidade para reiterar a Vossa Excellencia as seguranças da minha mais alta consideração.

A Sua Excellencia o Sr. Cassiano do Nascimento,

Ministro dos Negocios Extrangeiros.


N. 84.

Nota do Governo Brazileiro à Legação Britannica.

Rio de Janeiro

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Ministerio das Relações Exteriorǝs, 22 de junho de 1894.

Tenho a honra de communicar a Sir Hugh Wyndham, Enviado Extraordinario e Ministro Plenipotenciario de S. M. Britannica, que levei ao conhecimento do Ministerio da Marinha a sua nota de 9 de maio, relativa ao Regulamento para prevenir abalroamentos no mar, pedindo-lhe que me habilite a respondel-a. Reitero a Sir Hugh Wyndham as seguranças de minha alta consideração.

A Sir Hugh Wyndham.


N. 85.

Nota da Legação Britannica ao Governo Brazileiro.

Rio de Janeiro, october 9, 1894.

Monsieur le Ministre-With reference to Your Excellency's note of the 22nd of june last, I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that the regulations for preventing collisions at sea, as recommended by Her Majesty's Government, have been adopted by the Governments of Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and Russia, and I am instructed by the Earl of Kimberley to request Your Excellency to acquaint Her Majesty's Government with the intentions of the Brazilian Government at an early date as it is important to bring the new Rules into force with as little delay as possible.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration.

His Excellency.

Sr. Dr. Cassiano do Nascimento,

Minister for Foreign Affairs.


N. 86.

Nota do Governo Brazileiro d Legação Britannica.

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Ministerio das Relações Exteriores, 13 de outubro de 1894.

Accuso o recebimento da nota de 9 do corrente, pela qual o Sr. George Greville, Encarregado de Negocios da Grã-Bretanha, referindo-se á de 22 de junho. ultimo, me communica que os Governos da Belgica, Dinamarca, França, Italia, Mexico, Portugal e Russia adoptaram as medidas para evitar o abalroamento de navios, de que trata a segunda daquellas notas.

Vou officiar ao Ministerio da Marinha, pedindo a sua attenção para este assumpto, e brevidade na resposta.

Tenho a honra de offerecer ao Sr. Encarregado de Negocios os protestos de minha mui distincta consideração.

Ao Sr. George Greville,


N. 87.

Nota da Legação dos Estados Unidos da America ao Governo Brasileiro.

Legation of the United-States, Petropolis, december 23, 1894.

Mr. Thompson, Minister of the United-States, presents his compliments to His Excellency Dr. Carlos de Carvalho, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and has the honor to communicate that the Governments of the United-States, Great Britain and France have agreed upon march 1, 1895, as the date for putting into effect their respective laws for the prevention of collisions at sea, enacted in accordance with the recommendations of the Internacional Marine Conference held in Washington in 1889, and to enclose a copy of the Presidents proclamation of july 13 last on this subject.

The three Governments have decided to promulgate their laws on that subject to take effect march 1, 1895, and it is sincerely hoped that the Government of

Brazil will, if it has not already done so, adopt similar regulations, to the end that identic rules may be put into force on the same day by all the powers represented at the conference.

Pending further agreement among the interested powers concerning lights on fishing vesssels, the Honorable Secretary of State, in his instructions to me observes that the Government of the Unite 1-States considers article 10 of the act approved march 3rd, 1885, entitled-an act to adopt the revised international regulations for preventing collisions at sea-as still in forces and for convenience article 10 of the said act is here quoted :

<< Article 10. Open boats and fishing vessels of less than twenty tons. of net re<gistered tonnage, when under way, and when not having their nets, trawls, « dredges, or lines in the water, shall not be obliged to carry the colored side << lights; but every such boat and vessel shall in view there of have ready at hand << a lantern with a green glass on the one side and red glass on the other side, and << on approaching to or being approached by another vessel such lantern shall be << exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not << be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side.

<< The following portion of this article applies only to fishing vessels and boats, << when in the sea off the coast of Europe lyng north of Cape Finisterre :

« (a) All fishing vessels and fishing boats of twenty tons. net registered

<< tonnage or upward, when under way and when not having their nets, trawls, << dredges, or lines in the water, shall carry and show the same lights at other << vessels under way.

« (b) All vessels when engaged in fishing with drift nets shall exhibit two << white lights from any part of the vessel where they can be best seen. Such << lights shall be placed so that the verticle distance between them shall not be << less than six feet and not more than ten feet, and so that the horizontal distance << between them, measured in line with the keel of the vessel, shall be not less << than five feet and not more than ten feet. The lower of these two lights << shall be the more forward, and both of them shall be of such a character and <<< contained in lanterns of such construction as to show all around the horizon, << on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, for a distance of not lest than three miles.

« (c) All vessels when trawling, dredging or fishing with any kind of << drag nets shall exhibit, from some part of the vessel where they can < be best seen, two lights. One of these lights shall be red and the other << white. The red light shall be above the white light, and shall be at a

< verticle distance from it of not less than six feet and not more than twelve <feet; and the horizontal distance between them, if any shall not be more << than ten feet. These two lights shall be of such a character and contained << in lanterns of such a construction as to be visible all around the horizon, << on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, the white light to a distance of << not less than three miles and the red light of not less than two miles.

<< (d) A vessel employed in line-fishing with her lines out, shall carry the

< same lights as a vessel when engaged in fishing with drift-nets.

<< (e) If a vessel, when fishing with a trawl, dredge or any kind of << drag net, becomes stationary in consequence of her getting fast to a rock << or other obstruction, she shall show the light and make the fog-signal for < a vessel at anchor.

« (f) Fishing vessels and open boats may at any time use a flare-up in addition << to the lights which they are by this articles required to carry and show. << All flare-up lights exhibited by a vessel when trawling, dredging, or << fishing with any kind of drag net shall be shown at the after-part of << the vessel, excepting that if the vessel is hanging by the stern, to her << trawl, dredge, or drag-net they shall be exhibited from the bow.

< (g) Every fishing vessel and every open boat

<< sunset and sunrise shall exhibit a white light,

<< zon at a distance of at least one mile.

when at anchor between

visible all around the hori

« (h) In a fog, a drift net vessel attached to her nets, and a vessel « when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind of drag-net, and a

< vessel employed in line fishing with her lines out, shall at intervals of << not more than two minutes, make a blast with her fog-horn and ring her << bells alternately. »

Mr. Tompson having now brought this matter to the attention of His Excellency, begs to express the hope that it may have favorable action and improves the opportunity for reiterating the assurance of his high consideration.

Traducção da nota precedente.

Legação dos Estados Unidos

Petropolis, 23 de dezembro de 1894.

Mr. Tompson, Ministro dos Estados Unidos, apresenta os seus comprimentos a S. Ex. o Dr. Carlos de Carvalho, Ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros, e tem a honra de communicar-lhe que os Governos dos Estados Unidos, da Grã-Bretanha,

Annexo 1


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