monali. arum post Mortem Vacuitatis. Montague M. Mahony, - Syphilide. Causis Arteri Phthisi Pul Ascite Abdo . Nicholas Middleton, minali. Francis Cobham, De Hepatitide. Affectibus A. - Dyspepsia. From Antigua. Samuel Sedgwick, From Honduras. Hepatitide A- Francis Young, Pneumonia. Respiratione. Tabe Mesen From East Indies. George Alex. Kennedy, De Tetano. Enteritide... We are happy to observe, that the reputation of this University, as a school of Medicine, is still on the increase. From the above list it will be seen, that not less than one hundred and twenty-one gentlemen, from all parts of the world, received the degree of Doctor in Medicine on Tuesday last; a greater number, we believe, than Hydrocele have passed in one year at any former period. A considerable proportion of these, however, were gentlemen who had previously served their country in the medical departments of the army and navy. The graduation aduation took place in the new hall of the Museum, certainly one of the finest rooms in this part of the kingdom, and the whole had a very impressive effect. Respiratione. now Erysipelate. vio Angina Pec Rheumatis Asphyxia. ArthritideRe Richard Fetnam Walsh, - Apoplexia Sanguinea. Hugh B. Whiteford, Wm. Maxwell Wilson,. George Wyse, Hepatitide. - Aeris Effecti bus in Corpus Humanum. From Geneva. John Charles Coindet, De Renum Pathematibus. Nero Metal. Mr N. Mill is said to have discovered a new metal resembling gold, and possessing some of its best quali. ties, which he calls Aurum millium. In colour it resembles 60s. gold, and is nearly as heavy in specific gravity as jeweller's gold. It is malleable, and has the property of not easily tarnishing. It is hard and sonorous, and requires care in the working. Diamond. A diamond, said to be worth L. 20,000, and consequently one of the largest in the world, was among the spoils of the Peishwa, and is now in the East InDe Nervi Glosso. dia Company's treasury, to be sold for the From St Petersburgh. Hermin Fred. Kilian,. De pharyngeo Origine. benefit of the captors. Amethysts. A block of amethyst has been sent from Brazil to Calcutta, four feet in circumference, and weighing 98 lbs. Nero Voyage. The French Government is preparing a voyage to Lapland. It is to proceed beyond the North Cape, into the Frozen Ocean, and is expected to ter minate about the end of September this year. Steam Brig. Le Voyageur, steam brig, which sailed from L'Orient for Senegal on the 18th of October, arrived safely at the place of its destination, after a voyage of sixteen days. This is the first steam vessel that sailed from a French port, on a voyage of any length. Carriage with Sails. A carriage with sails has lately been exhibited at Paris. It appears that this carriage is of English construction; the object of the inventor is to substitute sails for horses, and the mechanism is simple and ingenious. Crime in France. - The following is a report of the number of persons imprisoned in France, on the first of July 1819:Accused, 8274. Sentenced to imprisonment for a term less than a year, 2389to compulsory labours, during their confinement, 1160-to labour of a miscellaneous description, 435-to solitary confinement, 9521, of whom 6206 are men, and 3315 women-to one year's imprisonment and upwards, 9824, of whom 7158 are men, and 2666 women. -Total, 31,603. Scientific Voyage. - A Paris journal contains the following details respecting the scientific expedition undertaken by M. Freycinet, commander of the Uranie sloop of war. In March 1819, the Uranie cast anchor in the harbour of Amatuc at Gaum, one of the Marian Islands: after remaining there fifteen days, she proceeded to the Sandwich Islands, and from thence to Port Jackson, where, it appears, she arrived in December 1819. After leaving Gaum, the course of the Uranie, though tediousand difficult, was fertile in important and curious results. Some valuable observations on magnetism were made at Waigion and at Diely, the chief Portuguese establishment in the isle of Timor. At Waigion, an island on the equator, observations were made on the pendulum, which are likely to be useful in the measurement of the earth. Numerous geographical errors have been rectified by the operations performed on board the Uranie; a great number of plans and charts have been drawn up, and it is expected that the vessel will bring back to France a valuable collection of drawings and objects of natural history. A Russian frigate, on a voyage of discovery, was at Port Jackson at the same time with the Frenchman.-Lit. Gaz. French Clergy. It is calculated that there are at present in France 2849 curates, 22,244 temporary curates, 5301 vi ears, 1426 regular priests, and 873 almoners of colleges and hospitals. The number of priests regularly officiating, including those who do not receive pay from the treasury, amounts to 36,185. 1361 French priests died in the year 1819; and in the same year there were 1401 ordinations. There are 106 female congregations, possessing altogether 1721 establishments, which contain 11,752 sisters. It is estimated that these charitable women administer relief to nearly 69,000 sick per sons, and gratuitously instruct 63,000 poor children. Lit. Gaz. Pompeii. In the prosecution of the excavation at Pompeii, several buildings have lately been laid open in the fine street leading to the Temples of Isis and Hercules, and to the theatre. In one house some surgical instruments of excellent workmanship have been found, and several well executed paintings of fruit and ani mals. Russia. In the course of last winter, the Russian government established, for the use of travellers along the Gulf of Finland, from Petersburg to Cronstadt, guard-houses, at the distance of every three wrests, or from one French half league to another. These are kept well warmed, and so carefully attended to, that none need object passing the night there. On the tops of the buildings were reverberatory lamps, to be seen at a distance, and in foggy weather, large bells are kept constantly ringing, to recall strayed travellers. The road is also indicated by large poles with flags, on both sides, at due distances. A bout half way, a capital inn has been built, plentifully stored with every necessary, to warm and comfort the body, and cheer the spirits. Professor Rask, in a letter dated 19th of October last, announces his arrival at Mosdok, on the Terek, after having crossed over from Astracan, with a caravan of one hundred carriages. With the exception of an Armenian merchant, he was the only Christian in the party; he speaks highly, however, of the cordiality of their manners. The troubles with which the Caucasian districts are agitated will prevent him from studying the language and manners of the inhabitants, nor will he be able to execute his original project of repairing to India by land, from the wars in the eastern regions of Persia. But he purposes exploring the western tracts of that empire, and on reaching the coast, to take shipping in some English vessel. Sour-Krout-Every Russian family, from that of the boor to the nobleman, as also the foreigner settled in the country, for the supply of their numerous native servants as well as themselves,,, lay in their stock of cabbage, or make their sourkrout, about the month of October, before the setting in of the winter frost, and prepare it in the following manner: They take a large strong-made wooden vessel, or cask, with which every family is furnished, in resemblance of the salt-beef cask of the Scotch farmers, capable of containing as much as is sufficient for the winter's consumption of the family. They then gradually break down or chop the cabbage, deprived entirely of the loose outside green leaves, into very small pieces, beginning with one or two cabbages at the bottom of the cask, and adding others at intervals, pressing and rubbing them by means of a wooden spade, against the sides of the cask, when they crumble as it were into a rough unequal powder, until the vessel is nearly full. They then place a heavy weight upon the top of it, and allow it to stand near to the peach stove, or any other warm place, for four or five days, by which time it will have undergone fermentation, and be ready for use. Whilst the cabbage is passing through the process of fermentation now mentioned, a very disagreeable heavy fetid acid smell is exhaled from it; and this is strongly perceptible to the olfactory nerves of a person passing near the outside of the house in which the preparation of the sour-krout is going on. They then remove the cask to a cool situation, and keep it always covered up. always Aniseeds are strewed among the layers of the cabbage during its preparation, on, and they communicate peculiar a liar flavour to the sour-krout at an aften period. In the boiling of the sour-krout, and preparation of it for the use of the table, two hours are the least period which they allow it to be on the fire, and it forms an excellent, nutritious, and at the same time agreeable antiscorbutic for winter use. For the greater part of the year, this article, in one form or another, supplies a daily dish to the table of the Russian peasant. It, may be made use of, forming a separate dish by itself, made into soup, or along with boiled animal food. Africa. Two new Observatories are projected; one at the expence of Government at the Cape of Good Hope, with an astronomer, assistants, &c. and the other at Cambridge, partly at the expence of the University, and partly by public subscription that Egypt. It appears that M. Frediani, an Italian, has succeeded in arriving at the Island of Oases in the Desert, whereon stands the Temple of Jupiter Ammon. He was attended by a considerable armed force. Greece. Since the 15th of February, St Maure, one of the Ionian Isles, has been a prey to alarms occasioned by earthquakes. On the 21st of February, a dead subterraneous noise was heard, which was succeeded by a violent storm. These phenomena were followed by the shock of an earthquake so violent, that part of the great, fortress fell down, and the bridge across the channel was shattered in several places. The square situated in the centre of the town sank sensibly; the Church of St Sauveur was soon a heap of ruins; the walls of St Martin's Church were much damaged; several houses fell down, and others were so much damaged that the in habitants were unable to shelter themselves from the heavy rain which followed the earthquake. A little island has recently been discovered, supposed to have been the cause of the late earthquakes; the Aid, Captain Smith, has sailed to examine the island. St Maure continues in a most deplorable condition, the soil being in a state of continual oscillation. A violent shock took place on the 6th of April, in shy spot, accompanied by a strong smell of sulphur. a mar United States. The United States have/ established their pretensions to an island in the Pacific Ocean, in an easterly situation, between the 9th and 10th degrees of.. latitude, and which bears the name of Madison. Captain Porter, commander of the American frigate Essex, first landed there in November 1813, and a fort has since been erected with sixteen cannon, by the consent of the inhabitants. Arakatska. It has lately been stated, that there grows in Santa Fe de Bagota, a root more nourishing and prolific than the potatoe. It is called Arakatska, and re sembles the Spanish chestnut in taste and firmness. and particularly sovereigns, and all great historical personages, who by a strange e lection are omitted in other general works. Closely printed, it will extend to twenty volumes octavo, the size of the Monthly Magazine, and it is intended to publish a part containing the third of a volume per month, till the whole is completed. As an appropriate illustration of such a work, each part will contain about 20 portraits, and the series at least 1200, engraved from the most authentic originals. Such a work will vie with the best books of the same kind published on the continent. -George Colman, Esq. is printing in quarto, Posthumous Letters, addressed to Francis Colman, and George Colman the Elder; with annotations and remarks. Travels in Syria and Mount Sinai, by the late John Lewis Burckhardt, are preparing for publication, consisting of, 1. A Journey from Aleppo to Damascus. 2. A Tour in the District of Mount Libanus and Antilibanus. 3. A Tour in the Hauran. 4. A second Tour in the Hauran. 5. A Journey from Damascus, through Arabia Petræa and the Desert El Ty, to Cairo. 6. A Tour in the Peninsula of Mount Sinai. The Brothers; a Monody: and other Poems, by Charles Abraham Elton, Esq. will soon be published. MrJohnstone, Schoolmaster of Stanmore, is printing a Grammar of Classical Literature, whose object it is to condense the Elements of Ancient Geography, Mythology, Manners, Customs, &c. of the Greeks and Romans, and include all the information on those subjects, which at present is scattered through numerous volumes. Mr Joseph Swan, Surgeon to the Lincoln County Hospital, has in the press, a Dissertation on the Treatment of Morbid Local Affections of Nerves, to which the Jacksonian prize of the College of Surgeons was adjudged. Mr William Allen, L.M.R.M.S.E. &c. Lecturer on Chemical Philosophy, and on the Human Mind, &c. has in the press, Lectures on the Temper and Spirit of the Christian Religion. Mr Robinson has just completed a volume illustrative of the Antiquities of Stoke Newington.-Among the portraits are those of Dr Sutton, Dr Watts, Mr Day, Dr Gaskin, and Daniel De Foe. Sketches, on 48 quarto plates, representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of Southern Africa, from Drawings made by the late Mr S. Daniell, engraved by Mr William Daniell, are in preparation. A new edition of Capper's Topographical Dictionary being in the press, corrections of errors or omissions in the former editions are earnestly solicited from persons who are anxious to see their own residences described. Dr Leach is preparing a Synopsis of British Mollusca; being an Arrangement of Bivalve and Univalve Shells, according to the Animals inhabiting them, intended as an Introduction to the Study of Con chology, illustrated with plates. A Natural Arrangement of British Plants, according to their mutual Relations, as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, and other scientific Botanists; with their Characters, Differences, Synonyms, Descriptions, and Uses: the whole preceded by an Introduction to Botany, with figures illustrative of the terms, will soon be published, by Samuel Frederick Gray, Apothecary, Lecturer on Botany and the Materia Medica, and author of the Supplement to the Pharmacopœias. The History of the Causes and Effects of the Rhenish Confederacy will be published in a few days in 8vo, from the Italian of the Marquis Luchessini. Early in August will be published, in quarto, with twelve plates, A Guide to the Stars, being an easy Method of knowing the relative position of all the principal Fixed Stars, from the first to the third Mag nitude, on either Hemisphere, particularly those which are useful for finding the Longitude at Sea; by Henry Brooke, ford merly a senior Officer in the naval service of the East India Company. An elegant quarto volume, called Devo nia, consisting of a poem in five cantos, descriptive of the most interesting Scenery, natural and artificial, in the County of Devon, interspersed with Historical Anecdotes and Legendary Tales, by the Rev. Ga Woodley, of St Mary's, Scilly, will speedi ly be published. Mr Fitch, of Stepney, has in the press, a small work, entitled, The Monitor's Manual, or Figures made easy; for the use of Schools. It consists of a new and sim ple arrangement of the four elementary: rules of Arithmetic, with the Author's method of teaching; whereby any number of pupils, from three to three hundred, may be instructed in a superior manner, with perfect ease, by one person. ار The next part of the Monthly Journal.. of Voyages and Travels will consist of Brackenbridge's Voyage to Buenos Ayres, 18 &c., giving an account of the American Mission to those provinces. Dr Prout announces an Inquiry into the Nature and Medical Treatment of those Diseases connected with a Deranged Action of the Urinary Organs, especially Gravel and Calculus. Mr E. Howitt is printing, Selections from Letters written during a Tour in the United States, in 1811, illustrative of the Native Indians, and of the Emigrants. Mr. J. W. W. English, of Wellingborough, is preparing a volume of Medical. and Surgical Remarks, including an effec-1 tual method of removing enlargements from the throat, commonly called Wens. The second volume of Dr Morell's History of England, to the close of the Reign of George the Third, and which completes the series of Studies in History, will be published in a few days. Mr Dupin, a Member of the French Institute, has just published the Military part of his Voyages into Great Britain. This part, complete in itself, is composed of 2 vols. 4to, with plates, folio, beautifully engraved. A Select Cabinet of Natural History, with 26 elegant coloured plates, by the late Dr Shaw, is nearly ready. EDINBURGH. 1. An Appendix to Dr Gilchrist's Guide to the Hindoostanee, in which every word in that very valuable work will be explained, and each marked with the Initial Roman Letter of the name of the language, whether Hinduwee, Sanscrit, Arabic, or Persic, from which it appears to be derived; by Alexander Nivison, Preacher of the Gos. pel, and Teacher of the Oriental Languages in Edinburgh.. The editor of the additional volume to the recently published History of Renfrewshire, having now made considerable progress in the work, announces to the noblemen and gentlemen more immediately connected with the district referred to, and to the inhabitants generally of the county, the near approach of the period at which his volume will be put to press. He would, at the same time, respectfully but earnestly solicit the assistance of all who may be able to render it, towards making the se cond volume complete, not only in itself, but as correcting any inaccuracies that may have crept into the first. Notices of either omissions or errors observed in the first volume will be gratefully received, and pointedly attended to. The loan of books, maps, plans, engravings, drawings, sketches, or documents of any kind, illustrative of the history, antiquities, scenery, or biography, of the county, will be esteemed a particular favour, and thankfully acknowledged; of the articles lent, the greatest care will be taken; and they will be returned when and whither the owners may direct. Of the appendix to this concluding volume, a prominent article will consist of "Additions relative to the History of Families, and to the Transmission of Proper ty in Renfrewshire." Contributions towards this are especially solicited. Communications may be addressed to the Editor, care of Mr Thomas Dick, successor to Mr H. Crichton, Bookseller, Paisley. A Compendium of the New System of Mineralogy; by Professor Mohs, as taught by him at Freyberg. In a few months will be published, in one volume 8vo. 10s. 6d. bds. the Literary History of Galloway from the earliest period to the present time, with an Appendix, containing Notes Ecclesiastical and Miscellaneous; by Thomas Murray. A Fourth Edition of Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, and an Account of Cuvier's Geological Discoveries; by Professor Jame son. 8vo, with plates. Mr John Mackenzie, of Glasgow, will shortly publish a Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye. : |