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out a factory licence by reason that in connection with such magazine, store or premises he fills for sale or otherwise any cartridge for small arms with such explosive so that he observes certain regulations set out in the sub-sections of such section.

Provisions in favour of Owners of Mines and Quarries as to making Charges for Blasting.] Sect. 47 contains provisions with reference to explosives for blasting purposes.

144 Power of Occupier to make Special Rules.] By sect. 11 it is enacted, that "Every occupier of a gunpowder factory or magazine shall, with the sanction of the Secretary of State, make special rules for the regulation of the persons managing or employed in or about such factory or magazine with a view to secure the observance of this act therein, and the safety and proper discipline of the said persons, and the safety of the public.'

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Power is also, by this section, given to the Secretary of State to require the occupier to make, repeal, alter or add to any rules under the section.




6. General Rules for Stores.] For breaches of general rules for stores. 38 Vict. c. 17,

8. 17.

7. General Rules for Registered Premises.] For breaches of general rules for registered premises.

Id. s. 22.

*Also, all or any part of the gunpowder in respect to which or being in any house, building, place, safe or receptacle, in respect to which the offence was committed may be forfeited.

8. Sale of Gunpowder in Public Places.] Hawking, selling, or exposing for sale gunpowder upon a highway, street, public thoroughfare or public place.

Id. s. 30.

9. Selling Gunpowder to Children.] Selling gunpowder to a child apparently under the age of 13 years.

Id. s. 31.

Id. s. 32.

10. Sale of Gunpowder in closed Packages, labelled.] When gunpowder publicly exposed for sale or sold exceeding 1 lb. in weight, not being in a substantial bag, canister or other receptacle made and closed so as to prevent the gunpowder from escaping, and (except when the same is sold to any person employed by or on the property occupied by the vendor for immediate use in the service of the vendor or on such property) nor the outermost receptacle containing such gunpowder not having the word "gunpowder" in conspicuous characters by means of a brand or securely attached label or other mark.

11. Conveyance of Gunpowder. Breach of general rules as to packing
gunpowder for conveyance.

[The Secretary of State may from time to time make, and
when made repeal, alter and add to, rules for the purpose
of rescinding, altering, or adding to the general rules con-
tained in this section; and the rules so made by the
Secretary of State are to have the same effect as if they
were enacted in the section (s. 33).]

Bye-Laws.] (Note 145.)

Explosives other than Gunpowder.] (Note 146.)

Id. s. 33.

145 Bye-Laws.] By sect. 34, harbour authorities, with the sanction of the Board of Trade, may make bye-laws for regulating the conveyance, loading and unloading of gunpowder within the jurisdiction of their authority, and for declaring or regulating all or any of the matters set out in the 11 sub-sections of the section. Power is also conferred upon them to annex penalties for any breach or attempt to commit a breach of such bye-laws.

Railway and canal companies have by sect. 35 similar powers. The occupier of every wharf or dock on or in which gunpowder is loaded or unloaded may, if required by the Secretary of State, make bye-laws for similar purposes.

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By sect. 37 the Secretary of State may, from time to time, make, rescind, alter or add to bye-laws for regulating the conveyances, loading and unloading of gunpowder in any case in which bye-laws made under any other provisions of the act do not apply, and particularly for the purposes set out in the 7 sub-sections of that section, and may annex penalties for any breach thereof.

146 Explosives other than Gunpowder.] By sect. 39 it is enacted that, "Subject to the provisions hereafter in this part of this act contained, Part I. of this act relating to gunpowder shall apply to every other description of explosive in like manner as if those provisions were herein re-enacted, with the substitution of explosive for gunpowder."



12. Government Inspector-Obstructing.]-Obstructing government inspector in the execution of his duties, or not complying with his requisitions.

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13. Obstructing Search for Explosives.] Failing to admit into premises, &c. any officer demanding to enter in pursuance of sect. 73, or in any way obstructing such officer in the execution of his duty under such section.

14. Trespassing upon any Factory, Magazine, Store, &c.] Entering without permission or otherwise trespassing upon any factory, magazine or store, or the land immediately adjoining which is occupied by the occupier of such factory, &c., or on any wharf for which bye-laws are made.

15. Fireworks, throwing in a Thoroughfare.] Any person throwing, casting, or firing any fireworks in or into any highway, street, thoroughfare or public place.

16. Defacing Notices, &c.] Pulling down, injuring or defacing any notice, copy of rules or document when affixed in pursuance of the act or of the special rules.

FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. See Note (a) at foot of page.

FIRE. See tit. "Burning by Servants," ante, p. 326.

FIREARMS. As to the mode of making and proof marks on, see "The
Gun Barrel Proof Act, 1855," 18 & 19 Vict. c. cxlviii (local).

FIREWORKS. See "Explosive Substances," ante.

Id. s. 73.

Id. s. 77.

Id. s. 80.

Id. s. 82.

(a) By the "Factory and Workshop Act, 1878" (41 Vict. c. 16, entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Factories and Workshops," all the numerous statutes applicable to the subject are repealed, and their provisions (with some modifications and additions) are re-enacted in one comprehensive statute, and as the duty of seeing that its enactments are duly carried out and enforced devolves upon the inspectors appointed under it, it is deemed most advisable, in consequence of the

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vast number and variety of its provisions, and the numerous exceptions and restrictions it embodies, not further to deal with its contents, the more especially as all proceedings under the statute before justices have to be initiated and carried out by the before-mentioned functionaries, who in any legal proceedings will be duly prepared with all the information necessary for the guidance of the justices.

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