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be passed which shall declare that this act shall be incorporated therewith" (10 & 11 Vict. c. 34, s. 1). Also, by sect. 210, the provisions as to recovery of penalties contained in the 8 & 9 Vict. c. 20, are incorporated with the 10 & 11 Vict. c. 34. Note 55, ante, p. 330, as to penalty on witnesses and apprehension of transient offenders; and Note 56, ante, p. 331, the requirements as to appeal, which, therefore, equally apply to this title. If the provisions of the 10 & 11 Vict. c. 34, are put in execution by a local board, the penalties for Offences Nos. 5, 5a, 6-9, 10-13, 24, 28-32 will be enforced and applied within the district in the same way as under 38 & 39 Vict. c. 55, as shown in tit. "Public Health."

0.8. VOL. I.

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2. Persons not employed for that purpose by the commissioners 10 & 11 Vict. making drain into the sewers, &c. of commissioners.

c. 34, s. 30.

3. Drainage of Houses.] Persons making or altering drains, &c. constructed after the passing of the special act, contrary to the orders of the commissioners.

Id. s. 46.

Id. s. 56.

4. Pavements. Persons wilfully altering or displacing pavements, &c. of streets under the management of the commissioners, without their consent in writing (see Till v. Walker, 24 J. P. 774).

5. Naming Streets and Numbering Houses.] Destroying, pulling down or defacing numbers of houses and names of streets put up by the commissioners,-or putting up different numbers or


5a. Occupier not marking or renewing number of house after notice from commissioners.

6. Line of Streets and Obstructions.] Occupier not removing or altering projections in front of house within fourteen days after notice from commissioners.

7. Occupier neglecting to alter doors, gates and bars, put up after passing of special act, and hanging outwards, within eight days after notice from commissioners.

8. Occupier not making or keeping in repair door or proper covering for entrance into cellar, &c. opening into pavement,- or making it contrary to directions of commissioners.

9. Occupier not putting up and keeping waterspout to house or building as ordered by commissioners and within seven days| after service of order.

10. Repair of Sewers, &c.] Taking down, altering, or removing bars
or chains erected across streets during repairs or alterations,-
or extinguishing any light, without authority of commissioners.
11. Persons taking down or repairing buildings failing to put up or
continue hoard, &c. and lighted during the night,-
-or not
removing same when directed by commissioners, within reason-

able time.

12. Failing to light, inclose, or fence deposits of building materials or holes made in streets.

Id. s. 61.

Id. s. 65.

Id. s. 69.

Id. s. 71.

Id. s. 73.

Id. s. 74.

Id. s. 79.

Id. s. 80.

Id. s. 81.

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13. Continuing deposits of building materials or holes for an unreasonable time.

10 & 11 Vict. c. 34, s. 82.

14. Cleansing the Streets.] Occupier not causing footways or pavements to be swept and cleansed in front of his premises daily (Sunday excepted).

Id. s. 88.

16. Depositing or causing or permitting to be deposited ashes or dust in street (except in boxes) after providing of dust boxes.

Id. s. 92.

16. Scavengers not sweeping or cleansing streets, privies, &c. as
directed by commissioners, —or laying dust, &c. in improper places.
17. Occupier of building or land, or other person, refusing to permit
appointed scavengers to remove dirt, ashes or rubbish,-
-or ob-
structing scavengers in the performance of their duty.

Id. s. 95.

Id. s. 96.

18. Persons, other than scavengers or contractors, collecting or carry-
ing away night soil, dust, &c. from street or public place.
19. Conveying offensive matter at hours not fixed by commissioners
or not in covered carts,—or spilling offensive matter.

Id. s. 97.

Id. s. 98.

20. Prevention of Nuisances.] Suffering waste or stagnant water to remain in cellar, &c. of house for 48 hours after notice from commissioners,- -or allowing contents of privy or cesspool to overflow or soak to the annoyance of occupiers of adjoining property.

21. Occupier or owner not complying with commissioners' order to purify house and repair drain injurious to health, in such manner and within such time as commissioners deem reasonable.

22. Person having preparation of grave or control of burial ground, permitting corpse to be buried therein without leaving 30 inches clear of soil above the coffin to the surface of the ground.

Id. s. 99.

Id. s. 102.

Id. s. 103.

23. Disobeying order of justices for removal or remedying of certain nuisances in trade, &c. (see s. 104).

Id. s. 105.

21. Prevention of Smoke.] Using fireplaces in factories, &c. not to consume their own smoke, after notice from commissioners,—or so negligently using fireplaces as not to consume smoke [see as to districts of local boards, 21 & 22 Vict. c. 98, s. 45.]

Id. s. 108.

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