페이지 이미지




[By sect. 1 this act may be cited as "The Wild Birds Protection
Act, 1880," (Note 493).]

1. Penalties for shooting or taking Wild Birds.] Any person who between the 1st day of March and the 1st day of August in any year shall knowingly and wilfully shoot or attempt to shoot, or shall use any boat for the purpose of shooting or causing to be shot any wild bird, or shall use any lime, trap, snare, net, or other instrument for the purpose of taking any wild bird, or shall expose or offer for sale or shall have in his control or possession after the 15th day of March any wild bird recently killed or taken shall on conviction of any such offence . . . in the case of any wild bird which is included in the schedule hereunto annexed forfeit and pay (Note 494).

2. The same with reference to Wild Birds not included in the schedule.] This section is not to apply to the owner or occupier of any land, or to any person authorized by the owner or occupier of any land killing or taking any wild bird on such land not included in the schedule.

43 & 44 Vict.
c. 35, s. 3
(Note 495).

Id. s. 3.

3. Refusing to give his Name or Piace of Abode.] Any person found offending against the act refusing to give his name, surname and place of abode, or giving it untruly.



See tit. "Refreshment Houses and Wine

WORKS OF ART, COPYRIGHT IN. See tit. "Copyright in Works of Art."

WORKSHOPS. See tit. "Factories and Workshops."


1. If any goods, merchandize, or articles of any kind, belonging to
any ship or vessel in distress, or wrecked, stranded, or cast on
shore, shall be found in the possession of any person, or on the
premises of any person with his knowledge, and such person,
being taken or summoned before a justice of the peace, shall
not satisfy the justice that he came lawfully by the same (Note

[MEM. A justice may order the goods, &c. to be forthwith deli-
vered over to or for the use of the rightful owner thereof; but
in the case in Offence 2, infra, "upon payment of a reasonable
reward to the person who seized the same." Form, Oke's
'Formulist," 6th edit. p. 440.]


Id. s. 4.

24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 65 (Note 497).

8. 103, a justice may grant a warrant to search for such property, if any credible witness shall prove upon oath a reasonable cause to suspect that any person has in his possession or on his premises such property.

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497 Procedure for Recovery of Penalties-Appeal-Application of Penalty, &c.] The procedure, &c. is the same as under tit. "Larceny," ante.




2. If any person shall offer or expose for sale any goods, merchandize, or articles whatsoever, which shall have been unlawfully taken, or shall be reasonably suspected so to have been taken, from any ship or vessel in distress, or wrecked, stranded, or cast on shore, [the person to whom offered, or any customs, excise or peace officer, may seize the same and give notice to a justice,] and being summoned by such justice shall not appear and satisfy the justice that he came lawfully by such goods, merchandize or articles (Note 496). [Vide MEM. to Offence 1.]

YACHTS. See tit. "Pleasure Yachts."

24 & 25 Vict. c. 96, s. 66 (Note 497).


1. Any man selling, pawning or losing any arms, accoutrements, 44 Geo. 3, c. 54, clothing or ammunition delivered to him,--or wilfully damaging any such arms or accoutrements.

8. 44.

2. Persons knowingly and wilfully buying, taking in exchange, concealing or otherwise receiving any arms, accoutrements, or clothing, or any public stores or ammunition delivered for the use of any corps of yeomanry.

3. Volunteer neglecting or refusing, on demand made for that purpose, to pay any sum subscribed or required by any rules of the corps to be subscribed by him towards any expenses thereof, or to pay any fines or penalties incurred under any of them.

Id. s. 45.

Id. s. 51.

4. Persons receiving or having in possession any arms, accoutrements, clothing, ammunition or stores, or drums, fifes or musical instruments, or other articles furnished from the public stores, or at the public expense, or at the expense of any subscription for providing such articles, and refusing or neglecting to give them up, on being required by the commanding officer, or by his direction, to give them up.

Id. s. 52.

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