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address, and beside them the fact that we have asked Mr. Frere to sit for his portrait, to be hung along with those of former Presidents in the Society's room. This portrait, the Committee, in communication with Mr. Frere himself, have thought it better should be painted in London, where he will probably have plenty of time to spare for the purpose, and where we are likely to obtain a memento worthy of the man. Mr. Frere is about to proceed to England by a rather circuitous route, and to become acquainted personally with countries of which he and perhaps many others of us have only read, and in the name of the Society I would ask him kindly to communicate with us should he see any object worthy of remark in anything that he may consider likely to interest us as a Geographical Society; in fact to give us the result of his observations as an honorary member, in which capacity, I am happy to say, he has consented to continue his connection with us. I will conclude by saying that it is a matter of great gratification to myself personally that, on my first taking the Chair as president of this Society, I should have to assist in doing honours to my predecessor, and it is my anxious wish that the dignity and usefulness of the office so worthily maintained by him may not suffer at my hands. I once more call on the Secretary to read the address.

Mr. D. J. Kennelly, the Secretary of the Society, then read the address, which was as follows :—

SIR,- For more than twenty years you have been associated with us in promoting our pursuit of Geographical Science; and for almost half that number of years as Vice-President and President you have governed our deliberations.

With no ordinary feelings of regret, we learn that you are about to separate yourself from India, and we now receive your resignation of office with a keen sense of the loss which this Society thereby sustains.

The easy access and calm attention which you have, at all times, given to the members of this Society, when seeking your counsel to advance its objects; your influence as a member of Government as well in transmitting papers of much interest and value on geographical subjects as in aiding more directly our scientific pursuits; your characteristic perseverance and sound judgment in forwarding the aim and object of this Society by unremitting attention to the business

brought before it-these, Sir, are some of your many claims upor our esteem and regard. To these acts, this Society owes much of the increasing interest now manifested in its transactions, much of the enlargement of its operations, to which the noble gifts of Premchund Roychund, Cursetjee Furdoonjee Paruck, Sorabjee Pestonjee Framjee, and Bhugwandass Purshotumdass, our munificent native Associates, have so largely contributed.

We therefore desire, Sir, to embody in some desirable form, our feeling towards you, and with your concurrence, would add your portrait to those of our former Presidents and benefactors. We respect-fully request this favour from you, that on your return to your native land, you will sit for your portrait to any distinguished artist whom you may select, and whom we will commission to produce a work, which we trust will be worthy of our object, and of your merit as our Associate and President.

For though absent in person from us, we are assured you will, every where on the earth's surface, be our fellow-worker, and we rejoice in believing that you will permit us to enrol your name as an Honorary Member of our Society.

May you, Sir, on leaving our shores be prospered with every happiness which in this life is vouchsafed to man, and for years to come, enjoy, in a green old age, the well-earned honours of a youth and manhood spent in the pursuit of Science and the service of your country, is the prayer of


The Honorable Mr. FRERE, in reply said,-I thank you most cordially for your kind and feeling address. It is a great gratification to me to know that you so kindly appreciate my services-more by what it was my sincere wish they should have been than what I fear they were. I am especially sensible of your kindness, for I fear there are some among you who have doubts regarding my conduct in having suggested our removal into this room. I grant you the room we had upstairs was preferable, but then it was the property of others, and I knew that they must soon put forth their claims to it, and whenever they did, that they were not to be refused. I therefore took the opportunity, when this room was available, to suggest that it should be

given to us rather than wait in the short-sighted hope that we might retain a smaller but more cheerful room a short time longer. You are now in possession of a room placed at your disposal by Government, to which no other body has any claim. It is not handsome, but it is your own; and I feel confident that whenever you do leave it, it will be for something better, instead of as I always dreaded when we were in the other room that we might be ejected without any provision being made for us. I have dwelt upon this subject because having been at the time President of both the Societies, both the one that gained the room, and the other that lost it, and having had the recovery of that room enumerated as one of the benefits I obtained for that Society, I might have been thought to have favoured the one at the expense of the other; but I am proud to think that I receive honour from both Societies, and that even those who may not feel inclined to thank me for what I then did are willing to give me credit for having generally done my best. But my own exertions in any direction would have availed but little had I not been supported, as I always have been, by the Vice-Presidents, Committee, Secretary, and Members generally. It is to the handsome donations to which you refer that the material prosperity of the Society is due, and without your support in managing the Society I must have failed. Long may that prosperity continue to Bombay which has enabled her princely merchants to do so much for the cause of science, and may they live to reap the fruits of their generosity in seeing the advancement of their countrymen, and the spread of geographical and every other science. It has been my good fortune to have been President of your Society in these days of its prosperity, and I fear that more merit for that prosperity is due to others than to me. I cannot say more than that I am proud of, and most readily grant the request you make me, of sitting for my portrait, and being enrolled among your honorary members. I only wish I was more worthy of the honour you do me; to keep my name among your members is what I would myself have sought; but to have my portrait beside Captain Ross, Sir C. Malcolm, and Sir A. Burnes, I could never have aspired to; your partial favour alone could have suggested it. If it shall happen that I am able to make the journey that I contemplate, instead of going directly home, and if, in the course of it I meet with anything that will interest the Society, I shall be happy to communicate it. And now, thanking you most cordially for your

kind wishes for my happiness, and with every hope and wish that the same success may attend the proceedings of the Society, and the same cordiality exist between the President and the Members as during the ten years that I have had part in the management of the Society, I bid you all collectively and individually farewell, and may every happiness compatible with your good attend you all.

A vote of thanks to the Governor for his presence terminated the proceedings.

SESSION 1864-65.

EIGHTH MEETING.-April 20th 1865.

The ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Bombay Geographical Society was held in their Rooms on the basement story of the Town Hall, on Thursday the 20th April, at half-past 4 P.M.

Present. The Rev. W. K. Fletcher, M.A., in the Chair; Captain A. Phillips; F. A. R. Morrison, Esq.; A. Taylor, Esq.; R. S. Sinclair, Esq., LL.D.; Lieutenant W. P. Arnot; Lieutenant Henry Morland, F.R.A.S.; J. Firth, Esq.; Members; and D. J. Kennelly, Esq., Corresponding F.R.G.S., Honorary Secretary.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Elections.-J. Hurst, Esq.; Mathew Henry Scott, Esq., C. S.; Captain Sherard Osborn, C.B., R.N.; Dheerujram Dulputram, Esq., G.G.M.C.; and Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Pelly.

Captain Sherard Osborn, C.B., and the Rev. W. K. Fletcher, M.A., were elected Vice-Presidents.

A. C. Gumpert, Esq.; Lieutenant Henry Morland, F.R.A.S.; and Brigadier General T. Tapp, C.B., were elected Members of the Committee.

Donations. The undermentioned donations were placed on the table, for which the best thanks of the Society were directed to be conveyed to the donors :

1. Erster Jahresbricht des Vereins zur erdkunde in Dresden.

2. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. Vol IX., No. 1. By the Society.


Monthly List of Valuable, Rare, and Curious Books, in all Departments of Literature. By B. Quaritch, Esq.

4. Report of the Committee of Inquiry on the Colaba Observatory (3 copies). By Government.

Letters. The following letters were read :—

1. From A. C. Gumpert, Esq., suggesting to the Society to take in a German Geographical Journal, by Dr. A. Petermann. 2. From T. D. Thomson, Esq., London, enclosing a list of the Books (part of Mr. Cursetjee Furdoonjee's donation), and advising of his having despatched those books per last steamer. 3. From the Secretary to Government, forwarding copy of a letter from the Political Agent in Kattywar, reporting on the subject of a slight shock of Earthquake, which was felt all over the central parts of Kattywar. 4. From Mathew Henry Scott, Esq., C.S., requesting to be admitted a member of the Society. 5. From the Secretary to Government, forwarding three copies of the Government Resolution directing that the Report of the Committee of Inquiry on the Colaba Observatory be distributed as therein specified.

The following Paper, contributed by Government, was then read by the Secretary :—

"A Memoir to accompany the Map of the Survey of a part of Mesopotamia, from Hillah to the Ruins of Niffer, surveyed in the autumn of 1861 and the spring of 1862. By Lieutenant W. Collingwood, I.N., then Commanding Her Majesty's Steamer "Comet," and Surveyor in Mesopotamia."

The President and some of the Members present having offered a few observations on the subject of the Paper, the best thanks of the Society were voted to His Excellency the Governor in Council for this interesting communication, and the meeting adjourned to Thursday, May 18th, 1865.

SESSION 1864-65.

ANNUAL MEETING, May 18th 1865.

The Annual General Meeting of the Bombay Geographical Society was held in their Rooms, Town-Hall, on Thursday the 18th May, at half-past 4 P.M.

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