Reports Presented to the General Assembly ..., ÆÄÆ® 11922 |
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1st & ref 1st cons Amount Armory Board Bonds and Short Bottling Bristol Bristol County Bros cent coupon bonds Central Falls Central R. R. Chicago City Clerical Assistance coll Commissioner conv Corporation December 31 Deposits Detroit Edison Co District Court dividends East Greenwich Edison Electric and Street Electric Light Equipment and Short Excellent forfeited October 15 fund Gas & Elec Groceries Industrial Trust Co Insurance Company Jewelry John Land Company liabilities Liberty Loan 44 Light or Power Mills Miscellaneous Bonds NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT Narragansett National Bank Newport County Number NUMBER EMPLOYED Number of accounts October 15 Par Value Pawtucket Power Bonds Providence County real estate Realty Company Rhode Island Sanitary Savings Bank SCHEDULE OF SECURITIES Short Term Notes South Kingstown SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Street Railroad Terminal Bonds Total number Town U. S. Liberty Loan United unpaid bills Value Water Westerly William Woonsocket York
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150 ÆäÀÌÁö - The by-laws shall prescribe the name of the corporation, the purposes for which it is formed, the conditions of residence or occupation which qualify persons for membership, the par value of the shares of capital stock and the maximum number of shares which may be held by any one member, the conditions on which shares may be paid in, transferred and withdrawn, the conditions on which deposits may be received, and withdrawn, the method of receipting for money paid on account of shares or deposited,...
1 ÆäÀÌÁö - Philadelphia," together with the copy of a letter, accompanying said act, from His Excellency John Collins, governor of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, to the President of the United States. The originals of the foregoing act and letter will be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State. G9 WASHINGTON. UNITED STATES, February 1, 1790.
5 ÆäÀÌÁö - The formula for the extension of said evaporated, concentrated or condensed skimmed milk shall be such that the resulting milk product shall not be below the Michigan standard of milk solids for skimmed milk, and shall be in the following form: By adding parts of water to one part of the contents of this can a resulting milk product will be obtained which will not be below the legal standard for skimmed milk.
222 ÆäÀÌÁö - The eggs. — The female gipsy moth deposits a cluster containing 400 eggs or more, which she covers with buff-colored hairs. Most of the egg clusters are laid during the month of July and hatch about the time the leaves begin to appear the following spring. They are deposited on the underside of branches of trees, on tree trunks, under loose bark, or in cavities in the trunks or branches, and are sometimes placed on stones or rubbish and in a variety of situations where they are concealed from view....