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The Tuscan sails, with the Missionaries on board, May 2, 1821-Novelty of Nautical Arrangements-Whaler's Anecdote-Drop down the Channel-Bay of Biscay-Colour of the Water-Cape Finisterre— Luminous Appearances in Ship's Track-Charnel-house at Madeira— North-east Trade Wind-Sucking Fish-Cross the Tropic of CancerFlying Fishes-The Black Whale The Southern Cross-WhitMonday A Shark caught-Exploit of a Tahitian-Crossing the Line-Booby-birds-Magellan Clouds-Animals of the Deep-Spermaceti Whale Marine Rainbows-The Albatross-Thunder, Lightning, and Fiery Meteor-A Hard Gale-Peo and Egmont HenGrampus-Falkland Islands-Porpoises and Penguins-The Turpin -Staten Island-Mr. Tyerman relates a singular Passage of his Early Life—" Long-footed" Swells of the Ocean-Doubling Cape Horn— Accident-Superstition of Sailors.

THE Tuscan, a South Sea whaler, of about 360 tons burthen, commanded by Captain Francis Stavers, was provided to convey us on our voyage to the islands of the Pacific Ocean. To Alexander Birnie, Esq. the Society which we represented was indebted for the grant of a free passage, not only to ourselves, but also to the Rev. Mr. Jones, a Missionary to the Georgian Isles-his wife—Messrs. Armitage and Blossom, artizans—their wives --and two children belonging to Mr. Armitage. This act of

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noble liberality, on the part of the proprietor of the vessel, will ever be recollected by the directors and representatives of the London Missionary Society with peculiar gratitude. The ship's crew consisted of thirty-five young and healthy men and boys, including a first, second, and third mate. Besides these, there was a surgeon on board, and a native of Tahiti, about twenty-five years of age, who had been baptized by a Missionary in that island, and received the name of Robert.

All things having been prepared for our long and interesting voyage, the ship 'sailed from London to Gravesend, on Wednesday, the 2d of May, 1821. On Saturday, the 5th, having parted with many friends and ministers who accompanied us to the latter place, we went on board; the anchor was weighed, and the weather being favourable we dropped down the river, five or six miles, when we came to anchor again to wait for the next tide. On this evening, after social worship, in which we committed ourselves and each other to Him whose we are, and whom we wish to serve, we retired to rest for the first time on board, under circumstances which called for humble gratitude and heartiest praise; goodness and mercy surrounding us on every side.

May 6. (Lord's day.) This forenoon we had divine service in the cabin. The forty-third chapter of Isaiah was read; and Mr. Tyerman preached from our Lord's last words: "Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world." -Matt. xxviii. 20. In the afternoon, notwithstanding the hurry and uproar above from tacking, &c., we had the privilege, according to our Saviour's appointment, to eat bread and drink wine together, in memory of his death; and we trust that we had fellowship in that hour with all our Christian friends elsewhere who were then observing

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