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extended region lying on the oppofite fide of the mountain, but it rofe to aftonishment when he beheld a country at a diftance more beautiful and alluring than even that he had juft left behind.

As he continued to gaze with wonder, a genius, with a look of infinite modefty, approaching, offered to be his guide and inftructor. The diftant country which you fo much admire, fays the angelic being, is called the Land of Certainty; in that charming retreat, fentiment contributes to refine every fenfual banquet; the inhabitants are bleffed with every folid enjoyment, and ftill more bleffed in a perfect confcioufnefs of their own felicity; ignorance in that country is wholly unknown, all there is fatisfaction without allay, for every pleafure first undergoes the examination of reafon. As for me I am called the genius of Demonftration, and am ftationed here in order to conduct every adventurer to that land of happiness through thofe intervening regions you fee over-hung with fogs and darknefs, and horrid with forefts, cataracts, caverns, and various other fhapes of danger. But follow me, and in time I may lead you to that diftant defirable land of tranquillity.

The intrepid traveller immediately put himfelf under the direction of the genius, and both journeying on together with a flow but agreeable pace, deceived the tedioufnefs of the way by converfation. The beginning of the journey feemed to promise true fatisfaction, but as they proceeded forward, the skies became more gloomy and the way more intricate; they often inadvertently approached the brow of fome frightful precipice, or the brink of a torrent, and were obliged to meafure back their former way; the gloom increafing as they proceeded, their pace became more flow; they paufed at every step, frequently stumbled, and their diftruft and timidity increafed. The genius of Demonftration now


therefore advised his pupil to grope upon hands and feet, as a method though more flow, yet lefs liable

to error.

In this manner they attempted to pursue their journey for fome time, when they were overtaken by another genius, who with a precipitate pace feemed travelling the fame way. He was inftantly known by the other to be the genius of Probability. He wore two wide extended wings at his back, which inceffantly waved, without increafing the rapidity of his motion; his countenance betrayed a confidence that the ignorant might mistake for fincerity, and he had but one eye, which was fixed in the middle of his forehead.

Servant of Hormizda, cried he, approaching the mortal pilgrim, if thou art travelling to the Land of Certainty, how is it poffible to arrive there under the guidance of a genius, who proceeds forward fo flowly, and is fo little acquainted with the way; follow me, we fhall foon perform the journey to where every pleasure waits our arrival.

The peremptory tone in which this genius fpoke, and the fpeed with which he moved forward, induced the traveller to change his conductor, and leaving his modeft companion behind, he proceeded forward with his more confident director, feeming not a little pleased at the increased velocity of his motion.

But foon he found reafons to repent. Whenever a torrent croffed their way, his guide taught him to despise the obftacle by plunging him in; whenever a precipice prefented, he was directed to fling himfelf forward. Thus each moment miraculoufly efcaping; his repeated efcapes only ferved to increase his temerity. He led him therefore forward, amidst infinite difficulties, till they arrived at the borders of an ocean which appeared unnavigable from the black mifts that lay upon its furface. Its unquiet



waves were of the darkeft hue, and gave a lively representation of the various agitations of the human mind.

The genius of Probability now confeffed his temerity, owned his being an improper guide to the Land of Certainty, a country where no mortal had ever been permitted to arrive; but at the fame time offered to fupply the traveller with another conductor, who fhould carry him to the Land' of Confidence, a region where the inhabitants lived with the utmoft tranquillity, and tafted almost as much fatisfaction as if in the Land of Certainty. Not waiting for a reply, he stamped three times on the ground, and called forth the Damon of Error, a gloomy fiend of the fervants of Arimanes. The yawning earth gave up the reluctant favage, who feemed unable to bear the light of the day. His ftature was enormous, his colour black and hideous, his aspect betrayed a thousand varying paffions, and he fpread forth pinions that were fitted for the moft rapid flight. The traveller at firft was fhocked at the fpectre; but finding him obedient to fuperior power, he affumed his former tranquillity.

I have called you to duty, cries the genius to the dæmon, to bear on your back a fon of mortality over the Ocean of Doubts into the Land of Confidence: I expect you'll perform your commiffion with punctuality. And as for you, continued the genius, addreffing the traveller, when once I have bound this fillet round your eyes, let no voice of perfuafion, nor threats the moft terrifying, perfuade you to unbind it in order to look round; keep the fillet faft, look not at the ocean below, and you may certainly expect to arrive at a region of pleasure.

Thus faying, and the traveller's eyes being covered, the dæmon muttering curfes, raised him on his back, and inftantly up-borne by his ftrong pinions, directed his flight among the clouds. Nei


ther the loudest thunder, nor the most angry tempeft, could perfuade the traveller to unbind his eyes. The dæmon directed his flight downwards, and fkimmed the furface of the ocean; a thousand voices, fome with loud invectives, others in the farcaftic tones of contempt, vainly endeavoured to perfuade him to look round; but he ftill continued to keep his eyes covered, and would in all probability have arrived at the happy land, had not flattery effected what other means could not perform. For now he heard himself welcomed on every fide to the promised land, and an univerfal fhout of joy was fent forth at his fafe arrival; the wearied traveller, defirous of feeing the long-wished-for country, at length pulled the fillet from his eyes, and ventured to look round him. But he had unloofed the hand too foon; he was not yet above half way over. The dæmon, who was ftill hovering in the air, and had produced those founds only in order to deceive, was now freed from his commiffion; wherefore throwing the aftonished traveller from his back, the unhappy youth fell headlong into the fubjacent Ocean of Doubts, from whence he never after was seen to rise.

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From Lien Chi Altangi, to Fum Hoam, firft Prefident of the Ceremonial Academy at Pekin, in China.

WHEN Parmenio, the Grecian, had done fomething which excited an universal fhout from the furrounding multitude, he was inftantly ftruck with the doubt, that what had their approbation must certainly

certainly be wrong; and turning to a philofopher who ftood near him, Pray, Sir, fays he, pardon me; I fear I have been guilty of fome abfurdity.

You know that I am not lefs than him a despiser of the multitude; you know that I equally deteft flattery to the great; yet fo many circumftances have concurred to give a luftre to the latter part of the prefent English monarch's reign, that I cannot withhold my contribution of praife; I cannot avoid the acknowledging the crowd for once juft, in their unanimous approbation.

Yet think not that battles gained, dominion extended, or enemies brought to fubmiffion, are the virtues which at prefent claim my admiration. Were the reigning monarch only famous for his victories, I fhould regard his character with indifference; the boast of heroifin in this enlightened age is juftly regarded as a qualification of a very fubordinate rank, and mankind now begin to look with becoming horror on these foes to man; the virtue in this aged monarch which I have at prefent in view, is one of a much more exalted nature, is one of the most difficult of attainment, is the least praised of all kingly virtues, and yet deferves the greateft praife; the virtue I mean is JUSTICE; a ftrict adminiftration of juftice, without severity and without favour.

Of all virtues this is the moft difficult to be practifed by a king who has a power to pardon. All men, even tyrants themselves, lean to mercy when unbiaffed by paffions or intereft, the heart naturally perfuades to forgivenefs, and purfuing the dictates of this pleafing deceiver, we are led to prefer our private fatisfaction to public utility; what a thorough love for the publick, what a ftrong command over the paffions, what a finely-conducted judgment muft he poffefs, who opposes the dictates of reason to thofe of his heart, and prefers the future interest of his people to his own immediate fatisfaction.

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