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tively small wagon, conveniently arranged to afford ready access to the various fruits and vegetables. For this class of trade, medium weight horses are best, as they make better time from house to house than the heavier ones. Quick starting and stopping, as well as good training in other points, are much to be desired. If sales are made to retail dealers, the same considerations hold to a lesser degree, while hauling for shipment or to wholesalers, or to a public market are best accommodated with heavy wagons and draft teams, as illustrated.

In the third place, the kind of produce to be marketed and the kind of package to be used must be considered in planning the wagon. Very different beds are required for the convenient hauling of crates and peach baskets. There will usually be opportunity for the display of considerable ingenuity in designing an outfit in which all the packages to be used can be economically loaded. Figure 28 shows the movable rack used about Wilkes-Barre for the accommodation of uncovered peach baskets. The growers of Burlington county, New Jersey, use a wagon with slanting sides in which the tiers of fourteen-quart reinforced peach baskets just fit. The upper layer is set with spaces between the rows and baskets are slipped into the spaces, thus bringing the load to a ridge.

There are several general considerations that are not to be forgotten in securing equipment. First, cheap wagons, horses, and harness represent poor economy. Breakdowns cost in time, produce, and repairs. The writer knows of a wagon weighing eighteen hundred pounds, of two ton capacity, and purchased at a cost of $175 which withstood seven years hard marketing over unusually rough, hilly roads. At the end of that time it was overhauled and was then good for at least as many more years. The annual repair bill was almost nil, excluding of course paint and tires. High grade horses are reliable, powerful and durable. They eat no more than poor ones and are a source of great satisfaction to both owner and driver. Neatly harnessed to a clean, well-painted wagon, such a team makes a splendid advertisement.

Second, an unhandy wagon means increased expense. Every detail should be planned for convenience. The wagon should be easily mounted and dismounted, hitched and unhitched. The brake lever should be easily reached and easily worked. The load should be accessible. The front wheels should by all means cut under, and yet the bed should be as low as possible.

Third, every possible provision should be made for the comfort of the driver. The market wagon must make its trips rain or shine and the top should afford as good protection as a buggy. Employees appreciate an interest in their welfare and make ample repayment in loyal service.

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Fig. 22. Pears packed beautifully are from Idaho.

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