Sold by C. DAVIS in Holbourn; C. HITCH in Pater-nofter Row; and S. AUSTEN in Newgate Street. Rational Illuftration of the Book of Common A Rational Illuftrationen er in general are proved lawful and necessary, and an Historical Account is given of our own: The several Tables, Rules, and Kalendar, are confidered, and the seeming Differences reconciled: All the Rubricks, Prayers, Rites and Ceremonies are explained, and compared with the Liturgies of the Primitive Church: The exact Method and Harmony of every Office is shewed; and all the material Alterations are observed, which have at any Time been made since the first Common Prayer Book of King Edward the Sixth, with the particular Reasons that occafioned them. The whole being the Substance of every thing Liturgical in Bp. Sparrow, Mr. Lestrange, Dr. Comber, Dr. Nichols, and all former Ritualists, Commentators, or others, upon the same Subject, collected and reduced into one continued and regular Method, and interspersed all along with new Observations. Price in Folio 128. in Octavo 6s. The Nicene and Athanafian Creeds, so far as they are expressive of a co-equal and co-eternal Trinity and Unity, and of perfect Godhead and Manhood in one only Chrift, explained and confirmed by the Holy Scriptures; in a manner adapted to common Apprehenfions. In eight Sermons, preached in part at the Lady Moyer's Lecture in the Cathedral of St. Paul, London, in the Years 1733 and 1734. and fince compleated; with large Additions, Notes, and References, for the Use of the religious and studious Youth, in our two Universities. COLLEGE LIBRARY NEW JERSEY FIFTY SERMONS ON SEVERAL Subjects and Occafions. FORTY FOUR Now published from the AUTHOR'S Manuscripts By CHARLES WHEATLY, M. A. With a PREFACE By JOHN BERRIMAN, Μ. Α. In THREE VOLUMES. VOL. Ι. LONDON: Printed for C. DAVIS in Holbourn; C. HITCH in Pater- MDCCXLVI: T HE Reverend and very worthy Author of the following Sermons, was highly and defervedly esteemed, both for his Life and Writings. His Ingenuity and Learning, Vivacity and Affability, Integrity and Piety, made him greatly valued by all his Acquaintance. And his Writings have added to the Credit of his Name, and rendered his Usefulness much more extensive. He was the Son of Mr. John Wheatly, a reputable and wealthy Tradefman in Paternofter Row, London; where he was born Feb. 6.1685-6. He was educated at Merchant Taylors School; from whence he went to St. John's College in Oxford, and was sometime a Commoner there, but afterwards elected Fellow as FOUNDER'S KINSMAN, by his Mother's Side; whose Maiden Name was WHITE, and from whose Parents for Want of Male Issue, an Estate at Fifield, in Berkshire descended to the College. He was feveral Years a Curate and Lecturer in London, till by the Favour of the Reverend Dr. Aftry, Treasurer of St. Paul's, he was presented to two small Vicarages, Furneux and Brent Pelham in Hartfordshire. They lay contiguous, and A 3 696. 5959 (RCPXR) and he fupplied Both of them himself. By the Generofity of his Patron, and his own Diligence in procuring other Benefactions, Both have received the Augmentation from QUEEN ANNE'S BOUNTY. At his own Cost, and a very great Expence, he built a Vicarage House at Furneux Pelham; where he spent the last fourteen Years of his Life. He was twice married: Both his Wives were grave, discreet, religious: He had no Child by either. The first was Mary, the Daughter of Mr. William Findall, a Printer at Oxford; the second was Mary, the Daughter of Dr. Daniel Fogg, Minister of Allhallows Staining in London, who survives to bewail his Lofs. With Hopes full of Immortality he changed this Life for a Better. May 13. 1742. in the 57th Year of his Age. All the Works he made publick have met with good Reception; particularly the Lectures upon the Nicene and Athanafian Creeds; and the Rational Illustration of the Common Prayer; which has had no less than seven Editions. This Success encourages the Publication of those Difcourses which he left behind him. It was his own Defire, that the fix Sermons, which he published in his Life-time, should be reprinted after his Death, and prefixed to those which he himself designed for |