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Dumbarton, and made such uncle. He returned to Scotgood use of his opportunities land, and joined his family, that his uncle, James Heriot, determined to send him to the University of Paris, which was then the most famous seat of learning in Europe. Paris was chosen in preference to the Scottish Universities, then three in number- - St Andrews, Glasgow, and Aberdeen.

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Buchanan left Scotland at the age of fourteen, in the year 1520, thus beginning those wanderings which lasted till he had reached old age. At Paris he found a number of "brither Scots." The connection between Scotland and France had long been of the closest kind; and the Scots College, in connection with the University of Paris, had been founded two hundred years before. Students of all ages were to be found at this University. For the degree of Bachelor, which could not be taken before the age of fourteen, two years of study were required. The student then proceeded to to work for the degree of Master, which might be conferred upon him at twenty-one. Buchanan, during his first two years at Paris, was chiefly occupied in Latin composition, especially the writing of Latin verse, which was then, as he tells us, the one subject prescribed for boys. He probably lived in lodgings, like the majority of the students.

His studies, to which he applied himself diligently, were interrupted by the death of his

who were then living at Cardross in Dumbartonshire. When he had been there about a year, he had a brief experience of military service, under the Duke of Albany, then Regent of Scotland. Albany marched south as far as Melrose on his way to invade England, but the expedition was abandoned. Buchanan, on his return from this campaign, which was probably helpful to him in later years in the composition of his 'History,' entered the University of St Andrews, and in October 1525 he obtained the degree of Bachelor.

He had resolved to become a scholar, and went once more to Paris, this time as Bursar in the Scots College. His next step was to take the degree of Master, which he did in 1528. He joined the teaching staff of the Collège Ste Barbe, which had been founded sixty years previously. He was appointed Regent, one of the body of teachers to whom certain powers of government were assigned. In this capacity he received free board and lodging, but his fees were dependent on the number of pupils who attended his lectures. We gather from Buchanan's own writings that, at this period, he had to undergo many hardships. He has left us a vivid description of the hard worked and underpaid University teacher, of the unwilling pupil, and of the miserly parent. This is contained in

his poem 'On the unhappy state of teachers of the Classics at Paris.' It shows us the class assembling at five o'clock in the morning, the master in cap and gown, with a copy of Virgil in his hand. He tries to reap the harvest of his toil, while his scholars are intent on anything but Virgil. "One has lost his stockings, another cannot keep his thoughts off a hole in his shoe, a third shams illness, a fourth is writing home. The rod is never idle, sobs never cease, cheeks are never dry. We then attend a service, and come back to lessons. Scarce an hour is spared for our meal. Parents grumble that the days pass by, that their sons learn nothing, and meanwhile the fees must be paid." This plaint is modelled on that part of Juvenal's Seventh Satire which describes the miserable existence of the Roman schoolmaster.

But Buchanan also found time for literary work. In 1533 he published a Latin translation of Linacre's Latin Grammar,' composed in English; thus deposing from its position of authority an earlier text-book which had been in use for three centuries. Buchanan's book, which quickly passed through a number of editions, was printed by Robert Estienne (Stephanus), and was dedicated to the Earl of Cas

silis. We soon find that Buchanan is on friendly terms with the leading men of the University of Paris, one of whom, Guillaume Budé (1467-1540), was famous both as Hellenist and as Latinist, and has ever since been regarded as the highest type of the learning and culture of the French Renaissance. It does not appear that Buchanan had any personal relations with the great Erasmus (1467-1536), whose life was then closing at Basel, but there is much in common between the two. They were alike in bringing scholarship to bear on the problems which were then occupying men's minds, and alike in their perfect mastery of Latin.

In the same year (1533), Buchanan left the College of Ste Barbe, and became tutor to Lord Cassilis, to whom he had dedicated his first book. He declined, then and ever after, to take Holy Orders. The post of tutor gave him greater freedom, and more time for study. His attitude to the old religion now begins to declare itself. He wrote poems in which we can trace the formation of his views the 'Somnium' or Dream; the 'Palinodia or Recantation; and the Franciscanus,' which is a description of the Franciscan friar, the ideal as contrasted with the reality.

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In the 'Somnium,' Buchanan

1 'Quam misera sit condicio docentium litteras humaniores Lutetiae.' The other side of the picture-namely, the hardships of the students of the University-may be seen in the writings of Erasmus and Rabelais.

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The 'Franciscanus' (not published until 1560) is Buchanan's longest and most sustained attack upon the order. It opens with a description of the Church as the haven of the agitated soul, and the life of the friar who is faithful to his professions. The poem then passes to describe the real Franciscans: their cunning, their effrontery, the methods by which they play upon the fears of the stupid and ignorant, the low types who compose the fraternity. The general form of the poem is that of instruction given by a veteran Franciscan to


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novice : Horace's Fifth Satire of the Second Book (the worldly wisdom of Tiresias).

somewhat as in

The 'Franciscanus,' circulated from hand to hand, produced a powerful effect upon public opinion: the Church was at last aroused to action. Scotland, in fact, became “too hot to hold Buchanan. He thought it judicious to leave the country, and a price was put upon his head by Cardinal Beaton. He found a refuge for a time in England; but, as Henry VIII. was "burning Catholic and Protestant alike on the same day and in the same fire," Buchanan decided to go to France.

He reached Paris, only to find that Cardinal Beaton was already there. So he turned his steps to Bordeaux, where the Collége de Guyenne had been opened a few years before. Buchanan remained here for three years, which were among the happiest and most productive of his life. Among his pupils at the College was Montaigne, who was in later days to become famous as an essayist. Montaigne in his Essays alludes to Buchanan as "that great Scottish poet"; and acted in the plays which Buchanan wrote for the students. Among other friends was the elder (Julius Cæsar) Scaliger, who was then living not far from Bordeaux.

The Latin plays to which reference has just been made were four in number; two (the Alcestis' and the 'Medea ')

were translated from the Greek, such while the other two ('Baptistes' and 'Jephthes') were original. The 'Alcestis' and 'Medea' were meant to be exercises in translation from Greek into Latin; but their success as faithful, indeed literal, versions, and the elegance of their style, gave them an independent importance. Monk, for example, printed Buchanan's version of the Alcestis' at the end of his edition of the Greek play. The skill shown in rendering the metres of the choruses is remarkable.

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The theme of the 'Baptistes' is the death of John the Baptist, or liberty in its struggle against tyranny in Church and State. This lesson was emphasised at a later date (1576), when Buchanan issued the play with a dedication to his royal pupil James, warning the young king against the licence of sovereignty. Jephthes' is the tragedy of the Israelite general Jephtha, who sacrifices his only daughter in fulfilment of a rash vow. Both these plays introduce characters which are not mentioned in the sacred text; and Buchanan has succeeded in investing these with life, and in fitting their thoughts and actions into his main story. He enters into the feelings of all his characters more intimately than his master Seneca. There is more humanity, and less rhetoric.

At the end of the year 1542 Buchanan left Bordeaux, and two years later we find him at Paris, teaching at the side of

men as Turnèbe and Muret, who were among the foremost scholars in Europe. His life in Paris at this time is described in a letter in verse addressed to two friends (whose names are Latinised as Tastaeus and Tevius) at Bordigala (Bordeaux). He was ill, and in want; but he was cheered by the company of Turnèbe and others, who visited him daily. He recovered, and left Paris in the following year (1545).

Buchanan soon afterwards embarked on an adventure which is one of the most remarkable of his career. In company with other distinguished scholars, he set out for Portugal, having been invited to assist in the foundation of a University at Coimbra. This undertaking was supported by the King of Portugal. It prospered for a time, but eventually the Jesuits obtained control of the University, and Buchanan and his friends were exposed to persecution as heretics. They were thrown into prison, and had to appear before the Inquisition. The full report of Buchanan's trial by the Inquisition was discovered at Lisbon some thirty years ago. Among the grounds of accusation were the use of flesh in Lent, and the attacks which he had made upon the Franciscans. After over a year's imprisonment he was considered to have been guilty, but in a minor degree. Upon formal abjuration of his errors, he was removed to a monastery with a view to further instruc


tion; and during his six to understand the feelings of months' confinement in the monastery he composed his famous translation of the Psalms of David into Latin verse. In 1552 he was set at liberty, and sailed to England, which was then under King Edward VI. Buchanan, after a few months' residence in England, crossed the Channel, and once more reached Paris.

Up to this time Buchanan had not declared in favour of the reformed religion. He was still outwardly a Romanist. His love of France, which appears in his poems of this period, was therefore based partly on religious affinity. He praises the country houses of France, its stately castles, its courteous people. But above all he loved Paris. His poem, 'Desiderium Lutetiae' (love of Lutetia that is, Paris), contrasts Paris as a nymph, named Amaryllis, with Spain (Lycisca) and Portugal (Melaenis). These maidens strive, but in vain, to lead him away from Amaryllis. He will remain true to his first love even unto his latest breath.

In 1555 Buchanan became tutor to the son of the famous soldier and Marshal of France, de Brissac. But the time arrived when a return to his native land became possible. He left France for the last time in 1561, and came back home after an absence of fiveand-twenty years. Landing in Scotland, in the afternoon of his life, after so long a time spent in France, he was able

his young Queen, when on the death of her husband she relinquished the throne of France, and returned to be Queen of Scots. It was like leaving a palace for a cottage." He felt the absence of luxury in Scotland, a much poorer country than France, and he found Scotsmen occupied with religion, to the exclusion of other subjects. They were concerned not with the Renaissance but with the Reformation. change came over Buchanan's life. He had been a humanist : he was now to be a reformer, but after the type of Erasmus, in whom a natural moderation was reinforced by literary taste and culture.


The first stage of Buchanan's passage from humanist to reformer was marked by his association with the Queen. From 1561 until the murder of Darnley, six years later, Queen Mary read Latin with Buchanan's aid. Her favourite author was Livy. Buchanan also wrote Latin masques for the Court on Mary's marriage with Darnley, on the birth of her son. He received a pension (which was irregularly paid) in recognition of his services as tutor and as poetlaureate. He also translated Spanish documents of State into French, Latin, or English.

In 1566 Buchanan was made Principal of St Leonard's College in the University of St Andrews, and pupils quickly began to throng round a man who was so famous as a scholar.

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