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c. 36.

place of their growth, production, or manufacture; and in vessels of 57 Geo. 3. such tonnage as is prescribed by 53 Geo. 3. c. 155. (a) or as may be prescribed by any act hereafter to be passed, for vessels carrying on trade between the United Kingdom and the places within the limits of the East India Company's charter.

Rule 32. For the purposes of this act and for all other purposes Europe, § 10. whatever, the island of Malta and its dependencies shall be deemed to be in Europe.

Rule 33. Nothing in this or in any other act shall extend to Goods into prevent the introduction (under the provisions of this act) into the Malta, § 11. island of Malta and its dependencies, or into the port of Gibraltar, of any articles being of the growth, produce, or manufacture of any of the countries between which and the said island and port, trade is allowed to be carried on by this act, which may now or may hereafter be imported into the United Kingdom.

sailors, 12.

Rule 34. It shall not be lawful for any vessel engaged in any voyage Lascars or under the authority of this act, from any place in the East Indies to Asiatic the said island of Malta or port of Gibraltar, and not destined to any port in the United Kingdom, to take or have on board any Lascars or other Asiatic seamen: provided, that it shall be lawful for any of the governments of the East India Company in India, or for any governor or lieutenant governor of any colony, territory, or island belonging to His Majesty within the limits of the said charter, on application made by the owner or commander of any vessel, and after having ascertained by due inquiry that a sufficient number of British seamen cannot be procured for the crew of any vessel sailing from India within ten days from such application, to certify the same, and license such vessel to sail with such proportion of Lascars or Asiatic seamen as may be specified in such certificate and licence; and the governor-general in council at Fort William is hereby authorized and required to make regulations, that all such Asiatic sailors, Lascars, or natives aforesaid, shall be duly supplied with provisions and clothing, and other necessary accommodation, while employed and while absent from the countries or places to which they respectively belong, and until they shall be carried back to India or any other country or place to which they respectively belong, and from whence they were respectively brought, and for the conveyance back of such Asiatic sailors, Lascars, and natives, within a reasonable time, to be specified in such bond, or ascertained by such regulations.

sailors, 13.

Rule 35. No vessel so licensed to take on board Lascars or Asiatic Bond as to seamen shall be permitted to clear out from any place within the Asiatic limits of the said company's charter, unless and until the owner or captain or master of such ship shall have first given security by bond, in manner directed by 54 Geo. 3. (a) and subject to all the provisions of that act, for the maintenance and conveyance back to India, or for the conveyance to England and maintenance while in England, and return to India, of such Lascars or Asiatic seamen which may be received on board of such ship.

(a) See TITLE 87.

Slave trade.

Privileges abolished.

Future privileges.


[blocks in formation]

Treaty between Great Britain and Sardinia, signed at Vienna, the 20th May, 1815. His Majesty the King of Sardinia, &c. being restored to the full and entire possession of his continental estates, in the same manner as he possessed them on the 1st of January, 1792, and to the whole of them, with the exception of the part of Savoy ceded to France by the treaty of Paris of the 30th May, 1814; (a) certain changes have since been agreed upon, during the congress of Vienna, relative to the extent and limits of the said states.

[Here follow particulars not affecting the object of this book.]

Done at Vienna, the 20th May, 1815.



Extract of a Decree issued from the Royal Council of Admiralty at Genoa, by order of
His Majesty the King of Sardinia.

It is also hereby ordered, that none of our subjects, of whatever class or condition soever, shall, directly or indirectly, take any part in the Slave Trade, under penalty of heavy punishment, and forfeiture of all protection from our government. It is also further ordered, that any vessel bearing our flag, which shall enter into the above abominable traffic, shall be subject to capture if met by any of our ships of war, and to immediate seizure and confiscation on entering any port in our dominions. In furtherance of the above order, we have issued our commands to our consuls resident in foreign countries.

London, July 6, 1818.

J. B. HEATH, Sardinian Consul General.


Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Britannic Majesty and the King of the Two Sicilies, together with a separate and additional article thereunto annexed, signed at London, September 26, 1816.


ARTICLE 1. HIS Britannic Majesty consents that all the privileges and exemptions which his subjects, their commerce and shipping, have enjoyed, and do enjoy, in the dominions, ports, and domains of His Sicilian Majesty, in virtue of the treaty of peace and commerce concluded at Madrid the 10 of May, 1667, between Great Britain and Spain; of the treaties of commerce between the same powers, signed at Utrecht, the 9th of December, 1713, and at Madrid the 13th of December, 1715; and of the Convention concluded at Utrecht the 25th February, 1712, between Great Britain and the Kingdom of Sicily, shall be abolished; and it is agreed upon in consequence, between their said Britannic and Sicilian Majesties, their heirs and successors, that the said privileges and exemptions, whether of persons or of flag and shipping, are and shall

continue for ever abolished.

8th March, 1713,

2. His Sicilian Majesty engages not to continue, nor hereafter to grant to the subjects of any other power whatever, the privileges and exemptions abolished by the present convention.

3. His Sicilian Majesty promises that the subjects of His Britannic Majesty shall and search. not be subjected within his dominions to a more rigorous system of examination and search by the officers of customs, than that to which the subjects of His said Sicilian Majesty are liable.

Commercial footing.



4. His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies promises that British commerce in general, and the British subjects who carry it on, shall be treated throughout his dominions upon the same footing as the most favoured nations, not only with respect to the persons and property of the said British subjects, but also with regard to every species of article in which they may traffic, and the taxes or other charges payable on the said articles, or on the shipping in which the importation shall be made.

5. With respect to the personal privileges to be enjoyed by the subjects of His Britannic Majesty in the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, His Sicilian Majesty promises that they shall have a free and undoubted right to travel, and to reside in the terri

(a) See TITLE 69,

tories and dominions of His said Majesty, subject to the same precautions of police, which are practised towards the most favoured nations. They shall be entitled to occupy dwellings and warehouses, and to dispose of their personal property of every kind and description, by sale, gift, exchange, or will, and in any other way whatever, without the smallest loss or hindrance being given them on that head. They shall not be obliged to pay, under any pretence whatever, other taxes or rates than those which are paid, or that hereafter may be paid, by the most favoured nations in the dominions of His said Sicilian Majesty. They shall be exempt from all military service, whether by land or sea; their dwellings, warehouses, and every thing belonging or appertaining thereto for objects of commerce or residence shall be respected. They shall not be subjected to any vexatious search or visits. No arbitrary examination or inspection of their books, papers, or accounts, shall be made under the pretence of the supreme authority of the state, but these shall alone be executed by the legal sentence of the competent tribunals. His Sicilian Majesty engages on all these occasions to guarantee to the subjects of His Britannic Majesty who shall reside in his states and dominions, the preservation of their property and personal security, in the same manner as those are guaranteed to his subjects, and to all foreigners belonging to the most favoured and most highly privileged nations.

6. According to the tenor of the Articles and 2 of this treaty, His Sicilian Ma- When privijesty engages not to declare null and void the privileges and exemptions which leges to be actually exist in favour of British commerce within his dominions, till the same day, void. and except by the same act, by which the privileges and exemptions, whatsoever they are, of all other nations, shall be declared null and void within the same.

7. His Sicilian Majesty promises, from the date when the general abolition of the Reduction of privileges according to the Articles 1, 2, and 6, shall take place-to make a reduction duty. of ten per cent. upon the amount of the duties, payable according to the tariff in force the 1st of January, 1816, upon the total of the merchandize or productions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her colonies, possessions, and dependencies, imported into the States of His said Sicilian Majesty, according to the tenor of Article 4 of the present Convention-it being understood that nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the King of the Two Sicilies from granting, if he shall think proper, the same reduction of duty to other foreign nations.

8. The subjects of the Ionian Islands shall, in consequence of their being actually Ionian isles. under the immediate protection of His Britannic Majesty, enjoy all the advantages which are granted to the commerce and to the subjects of Great Britain by the present treaty-it being well understood that, to prevent all abuses, and to prove its identity, every Ionian vessel shall be furnished with a patent, signed by the Lord High Commissioner or his representative.

9. The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof exchanged Ratification. in London, within the space of six months, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it, and thereunto affixed the seal of their


Done at London, the 26th of September, 1816.



Separate and Additional Article.

In order to avoid all doubt respecting the reduction upon the duties in favour of Reduction of British commerce, which His Sicilian Majesty has promised in the 7th Article of the duty. Convention, signed this day between His Britannic Majesty and His Sicilian Majesty, it is declared, by this present separate and additional article, that by the concession of ten per cent. of diminution, it is understood, that in case the amount of the duty should be twenty per cent. upon the value of the merchandize, the effect of the reduction of ten per cent. is to reduce the duty from twenty to eighteen; and so for other cases in proportion. And that for the articles which are not taxed ad valorem in the tariff, the reduction of the duty shall be proportionate; that is to say, a deduction of a tenth part upon the amount of the sum payable shall be granted.

The present separate and additional article shall have the same force and validity as if it had been inserted word for word in the convention of this day-it shall be ratified, and the ratification thereof shall be exchanged at the same time.

In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have thereunto affixed the seal of their arms.

Done at London, the 26th of September, 1816.

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British protection.


Extract from a Royal Decree dated 30th March, 1815.

Article 1. The diminution of 10 per cent. upon the amount of the duties on the merchandize and produce of the kingdoms of England, France, and Spain, and of their respective possessions, which shall be admitted into our dominions on the other side of the Faro, shall be provisionally carried into effect according to the tariff now in force in that part of our dominions, in such manner, that upon the sum total to be paid upon the quantity of the merchandize described, there shall be allowed to the importer the diminution of 10 per cent.

2. But after the publication of the new regulations, and the new tariff to be established in Sicily, in uniformity with those in force in this part of our dominions, the above-mentioned diminution of 10 per cent. in both parts of our dominions, shall be made on the amount of the duties payable according to the tariff which was in force in this part of our dominions on the 1st January, 1816. But for the present it will be necessary to comply with what has been fixed by the preceding article.

3. Our councillor, secretary of state, minister for the finances, and the ministry assisting near the person of our lieutenant general in our dominions on the other side of the Faro, are charged with the execution of the present decree.



Treaty between Great Britain and Russia, respecting the Ionian Islands, signed at
Paris, the 5th November, 1815.

ARTICLE 1. The islands of Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, Maura, Ithaca, Cerigo, and
Paxo, with their dependencies, such as they are described in the treaty between His
Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias and the Ottoman Porte, of the 21st March,
1800, shall form a single, free, and independent state, under the denomination of the
United States of the Ionian Islands.

2. This state shall be placed under the immediate and exclusive protection of His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, his heirs and successors. The other contracting powers do consequently renounce every right or particular pretension which they might have formed in respect to them, and formally guarantee all the dispositions of the present treaty.

3. The United States of the Ionian Islands shall, with the approbation of the proorganization. tecting power, regulate their internal organization; and in order to give to all the parts of this organization the necessary consistency and action, His Britannic Majesty will employ a particular solicitude with regard to the legislation and the general administration of those States. His Majesty will therefore appoint a lord high commissioner to reside there, invested with all the necessary power and authorities for this purpose.

New constitutional charter.

Occupation of fortresses.

Military force.


4. In order to carry into execution, without delay, the stipulations mentioned in the articles preceding, and to ground the political re-organization which is actually in force, the lord high commissioner of the protecting power shall regulate the forms of convocation of a legislative assembly, of which he shall direct the proceedings, in order to draw up a new constitutional charter for the States, which His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland shall be requested to ratify. Until such constitutional charter shall have been so drawn up, and duly ratified, the existing constitutions shall remain in force in the different islands, and no alteration shall be made in them, except by His Britannic Majesty in council.

5. In order to ensure, without restriction, to the inhabitants of the United States of the Ionian Islands, the advantages resulting from the high protection under which these States are placed, as well as for the exercise of the rights inherent in the said protection, His Britannic Majesty shall have the right to occupy the fortresses and places of those States, and to maintain garrrisons in the same. The military force of the said United States shall also be under the orders of the commander-in-chief of the troops of His Britannic Majesty.

6. His Britannic Majesty consents, that a particular convention with the government of fortresses, of the said United States shall regulate, according to the revenues of these states, garrisons, &c. every thing which may relate to the maintenance of the fortresses already existing, as well as to the subsistence and payment of the British garrisons, and to the number of men of which they shall be composed in time of peace.

The same convention shall likewise fix the relations which are to exist between the said armed force and the Ionian government.


7. The trading flag of the United States of the Ionian Islands shall be acknow- Trading flag. ledged by all the contracting parties as the flag of a free and independent state. shall carry with the colours and above the armorial bearings thereon displayed before the year 1807, such other as His Britannic Majesty may think proper to grant, as a mark of the protection under which the said Ionian States are placed; and for the more effectual furtherance of this protection, all the ports and harbours of the said states are hereby declared to be, with respect to honorary and military rights, within British jurisdiction. The commerce between' the United Ionian States and the dominions of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty shall enjoy the same advantages and facilities as that of Great Britain with the said United States. None but commercial agents, or consuls, charged solely with the carrying on commercial relations, and subject to the regulations to which commercial agents or consuls are subject in other independent states, shall be accredited to the United States of the Ionian Islands.

8. All the powers which signed the treaty of Paris of the 30th May, 1814, (a) and Parties to the act of the congress of Vienna of the 9th of June, 1815, and also His Majesty the accede. King of the Two Sicilies, and the Ottoman Porte, shall be invited to accede to the present convention.

9. The present act shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in two When to be months, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

Done at Paris, the 5th November, 1815.



Note. Similar treaties were signed on the same day by the Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty, with those of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia, respectively.



sels currants

Rule 1. No currants nor commodities of the growth, production, or ma- 12 Cha. 2. nufacture of any of the territories to the Ottoman or Turkish empire be- c. 18. § 8. longing, shall be imported into England or Ireland in any vessel, but which In what vesis of English-built and duly navigated, and in no other, except only such and Turkish foreign vessels as are of the built of that country or place of which the said goods may be goods are the growth, production, or manufacture, or of such port where the imported. said goods can only be, or most usually are, first shipped for transportation, and whereof the master and three fourths of the mariners at least are of the said country or place, under the penalty and forfeiture of ship and goods. [See this law at large under TITLE 1.]

free of Tur

Rule 2. Every subject of Great Britain desiring admission into the com- 26 Geo. 2. pany of merchants of England trading into the Levant seas, commonly called c. 18. § 1. or known by the name of the Turkey Company, shall, upon request for that Who may be purpose made by himself, or any other person in his behalf, to the governor key Company. or deputy governor of the said company, be admitted into the said company within the space of 30 days after such request shall be made, and shall have, use, and enjoy all the liberties, privileges, jurisdictions, franchises, powers, and authorities granted to the said company by the said letters patent, as fully as any member of the said company could, can, or may have, use, and enjoy the same, by virtue of the letters patent granted by their Majesties King James and King Charles, such subject paying or tendering, or causing to be paid or tendered, for such his admission, for the use of the said company,

201. and no more.

Rule 3. The following oath, in lieu of the oath heretofore taken by Oath on adpersons upon their admission to their freedoms in the said company, shall be mission, § 2. taken by every person upon his admission to his freedom, either before the governor or deputy governor of the said company, or before two of His Majesty's justices of the peace, which justices are hereby required to certify

(a) For this treaty, see TITLE 69.

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