페이지 이미지

with respect to the intended scope of the Commission's annual report on trade agreements, 1/ it might be desirable, if it is intended that the results of the Commission's contihuing review of trade agreement concessions be reported to the Congress to have section 403 (c) expressly so provide.

G. Appropriations

Section 406 provides that, in addition to appropriations for the "revolving fund" for use in financial assistance to firms, 2/ there is authorized to be appropriated from time to time to any agency performing functions under the proposed legislation such sums as may be necessary to perform such functions, which sums are authorized to remain available until expended. Since the Tariff Commission would perform functions

under the proposed legislation, this authority would be applicable to

the Commission.

Such a provision is extremely desirable, particularly

in view of the virtual impossibility of projecting with any degree of accuracy the volume of work which would be involved in the Commission's functions in connection with the adjustment assistance features of the bill and the cost of performing such functions. With authority such as that contained in section 406, the Commission could obtain funds for investigations, either in connection with its regular budget requests or in the form of supplemental appropriations, and these funds, if in excess of actual expenditures during a fiscal year, could be carried

1/ See page 100.

2/ See pages 39, 72.


over into the next fiscal year.

This would greatly simplify fiscal

administration as well as provide a degree of continuity in the performance of functions under the proposed legislation.

1/ At the present time, as a general rule, agency appropriations

expire at the end of each fiscal year and unexpended balances cannot carried forward.

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w/ Executive

TITLE I-TITLE, EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PURPOSES Section 101. Short Title and Effective Date.

This section provides that the short statutory title of the Act is the "Trade Expansion Act of 1962", and that it will become effective on July 1, 1962.

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