페이지 이미지

separation. Lord B.'s prejudices respecting women. Family jars;
Mrs. Charlement. Domestic felony. Mrs. Mardyn. Statute of
lunacy. Lady Noel's hatred: anecdote.

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Lady Byron's abilities. Lord B.'s various counter-parts. "The
Examiner" and Lady Jersey. Sale of Newstead Abbey; departure
from England

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Madame de Staël and Goëthe. Lord B.'s partiality for America;
curious specimen of American criticism. The Sketches of
Italy.' Lord B.'s life at Venice; further remarks on his Memoirs . 49-53
Anecdotes of himself and companions; Lord Falkland. Lord B.'s
presentiments; early horror of matrimony; anti-matrimonial wager.
Anecdotes of his father. Craniology. Anecdote of his uncle. Early
love for Scotland; Mary C. Harrow School; Duke of Dor-

set; Lords Clare and Calthorpe; school rebellion.

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The Hours of Idleness. The skull goblet; a new order established
at Newstead. Julia Alpinula. Skulls from the field of Morat.
Lord B.'s contempt for academic honours; his bear; the ourang-
outang. A lady in masquerade. Mrs. L. G.'s depravity. Singular
occurrence. Comparison of English and Italian profligacy
Fashionable pastimes; Hell in St. James's Street; chicken-hazard.
Scroope Davies, and Lord B.'s pistols; the deodand. Lord B.
commences his travels. His opinion of Venice. His own and
Napoleon's opinion of women. The new Fornarina; Harlowe the
painter. Gallantry sometimes dangerous at Venice
Lord Byron's religious opinions; his scepticism only occasional.
English Cathedral Service. Religion of Tasso and Milton. Mis-
sionary Societies, and missions to the East. Tentazione di Sant'
Antonio. Tacitus; Priestley and Wesley. Dying moments of
Johnson, Cowper, Hume, Voltaire, and Creech. Sale. Anything-
arians; Gibbon; Plato's three principles. Lord B.'s correspond-
ents; ecstatic epistolary extract. Prayer for Lord B.'s con-
version; his avowal of being a Christian
Ali Pacha's barbarity. Affecting tale. Real incident in "The Giaour.'
Albanian guards. The Doctor in alarm. Lord Byron's ghost.
He prophesies that he should die in Greece. Lord Byron and

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Intended Auto da fé. Priestly charity. Duchess of Lucca. Lord
Guilford. Grand Duke of Tuscany. Intended rescue; escape
of the victim. Madame de Staël and the opposition leaders in
England: her ultraisms. Brummell. Reported double marriage;
Baron Auguste and Miss Millbank; Lord B. and the Duchess of
Broglie. Madame de Staël's conversational powers. 'Glenarvon.'
Madame de Staël's amiable heart. Women, and Opera figurantes:
pirouetting common to both. Napoleon and Madame de Staël.
Lord B.'s opinion of Napoleon and of his exit. Madame de Staël's
historical omission. Rocca
. . 176-183

Complaint against the East India Company. Lord B.'s liberality.

Balloons and Horace. Steam. Philosophical systems. Romances.

Lewis's 'Monk:' its groundwork. Secret of Walter Scott's in-

spiration. The Bleeding Nun.' Ghost stories: the haunted

room at Manheim; Mina and the passing-bell. Lewis and

Matthias. 'Abellino.' 'Pizarro' and Sheridan. The Castle

Spectre' in Drury Lane. Lord B.'s sketch of Sheridan. The

age of companiability. Monk Lewis and his brother's ghost.

Madame de Staël, Lewis, and the Slave Trade. A fatal emetic 183-192

Imputed plagiarisms. A dose of Wordsworth physic. Shelley's

admiration of Wordsworth. Peter Bell's ass, and the family.

circle. The Republican trio. Comparisons. The Botany Bay

Eclogue, the Panegyric of Martin the Regicide, and 'Wat Tyler,'

versus the Laureate odes and the Waterloo eulogium. The par
nobile mortally wounded. Hogg the Ettrick Shepherd's 'Poetic
Mirror.' The Rejected Addresses.' Bowles: Coleridge's praise
of him inexplicable. Bowles's good fellowship: his Madeira
woods. Pope's Letters to Martha Blount. The evil attending a
punnable name. Lord B.'s partiality to Johnson's Lives of the
Poets. No monument to Pope in Poet's Corner: the reason.
Milton's name in jeopardy. Voltaire's tomb blocked up. Identity
of a great poet and a religious man maintained

Walter Scott's Novels. Rarity of novelty. Plagiarisms. Claims

of Shakspeare and Sheridan. A good memory sometimes a

misfortune. Lord Byron's partiality to W. Scott's novels.

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Scott, the great Unknown: two anecdotes in proof. Scott's prose
fatal to his poetry: his versatility. Halidon Hill.' Charla-
tanism in writing incognito. Junius: Sir Philip Francis. His
conjugal felicity and marital affection. Warren Hastings. Pur-
suits of Literature.' Monk Lewis and Walter Scott. The Fire-
King' and' Will Jones.' Walter Scott's obligation to Coleridge.
His freedom from jealousy
Rogers ycleped a Nestor and an Argonaut. Rogers and the Cata-
combs. Lady Morgan's Italy.' Immortality of The Pleasures
of Memory.' 'Jacqueline' versus Lara.' Rogers too fastidious
as to his fame. Grand end of all poetry. Lord Byron's 'Cor-
sair.' Love and poets: Mrs. and Shelley; Miss Stafford
and Crebillon. Rogers's dinners and Lady Holland. Elegant
orientalisms. Poetical oscillation. Rogers's sensitiveness. Spots
in the sun. Rogers's epigrammatic talent.

Parson N*tt, the would-be Bishop. Warburton's 'Legation of Moses'

no authority. Poets and penknives. Lord Byron's return from

Greece in 1812; attachment to the Morea; Second Canto of

'Childe Harold.' Lady Jersey. Brummell. A hot-pressed dar-

ling. The Corsair.' Polidori. The four trials. An adventure.

Love in high life. A rupture. Female espionage: the disguise:


Imputed ingratitude towards a certain personage; defence. Pre-
sentation. Unmeaning compliments from the politest man in the
world. The Irish Avatara. Lord Edward Fitzgerald; his adven-
tures; Ca-ira. The O'Connors. Fate of Lord Edward Fitz-

Query on a line in

Florence and

Fiorabella's flowers. The Giaour' and the sage reviewer. Shelley
and the bookseller. Sotheby, Edgeworth, Galignani, and Moore.
Intended mystification. Baron Lutzerode; his heroic action.
Lord Byron's distaste for princes and their satellites. De la Mar-
tine's comparison; his 'Méditations Poétiques.' Harrow the nursery
for politicians. Lord Byron's indifference to politics; his detesta-
tion of Castlereagh. Lord Byron's two speeches in the House;

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