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port of this argument, my Lords, in the hands of the little farmers, an immense crease of food is brought to the public, from as it were the lap of the farmer's wife. In a little farm, where there is a

their accumulations faster than they heaped them together, setting one more example to monopolizers and speculators or rather as these classes are incorrigible furnishing one more argument to some future legislature for interiering to prc-dairy, the produce is not only the calves, hibit all such practices as are likely to become either self or publicly injurious. The practical and public economy of large forms as however made some noise in the world, and a dozen farms have frequently during the late war been made into one, for no better apparent reason than to save a little horse keep; but whoever has been persuaded by such an argument, has certainly swallowed a bait. Our ancestors ate as good Leef and mutton as their children; the inter-little care, reared almost in the lap of the mixture of foreign breeds of sheep may possibly have improved the wools of the country, and the case would have been similar if the small farms had not Leen broken up; but large farms in the pesession of opulent persons, enable then to withold the supplies, and raise the markets, and with needy tenants are un productive. Therefore small farmers are the best ecc cwists on behalf of the public, and ensure the most picmpt supplies.

but an immensity of butter and cheese; the refuse of a dairy will support a pig gery; that kind of animal food is reared in a very short time in immense quartities. Again, when a little farmer and his family will raise from the little produce of his small farm, a dairy, the refuse of which supports a piggery, thencomes the poultry. Where there is a cowyard and a piggery, vast quantities of poultry indeed are produced with very

farmer's wife, nourished in her kitchen comer; I am not speaking theoretically now; mentioning only one parish will serve as a strong instance for the whole kingdom; among all these different farmers, every labourer had a comfortable master, and every tradesman comforta ble employ: now, hundreds or thousands in a perish are pauperised, wherever there is a family of children; the milk-pails, which were principally the nutriment of famities, are done away."

If any one should think that the fore- Mark reader the desolating consegoing strictures on the large farm system quences and progress of this execrable are too severe, I would refer him to the system, both upon town and country following extract from "The Lord's Re-markets, and upon the small faimer and port of evidence," for which I am in- the labourer, and the fiend-like proceed- Cebted to the letter of a valuable corres-ings connected therewith; "the milk-pails pondent of "The Times" paper, in which which were principally the Butriment of it appeared on Monday the 6th inst. families, are done away;" the pig-styes It is taken from the evidence of Mr. are done away, they are not permitted. Phillips, land surveyor, and civil engiWhat then have individuals either geneneer, who has been much employed in the southern part of the kingdom.

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raily or collectively dared to prohibit their dependents from contributing in Restrictions on the Corn Laws must these ways to the supply of the markets have this effect; it will at once render and their own maintenance? Yes, it is permanent the most terribie system of notorious that conspiracies of both kinds moncpolising the occupancy of lanes. have existed in several districts, and that I now beg to give evidence upon the ef- under their operation the miseries, prifects it has upon society generally. In vations and moral degradation of the many places where I have been survey-labouring classes, have exceeded whatever ing, where there were 30 or 60 farmers has been before experienced in this in a parish, it has been reduced to the country, except in times of absolute smali number of four or five, and some earth and internal war. There being parishes occupied by one man; large but one state of society in which the districts of country in the occupancy of immediate or rather apparent interest of the possessor; where there were formerly landholders, collectively as rent receivers, a great many arm-houses, there is pro- is more in favor of again dividing their bably only a bailiff. The horror this sys-lands into small farms, rather than refem creates among mankind generally, maining of the present enlarged extent, and in parishes, is inconceivable. In sup(viz. where the population is principally



Since my last remarks upon Spanish affairs, I have read in the Morning Chronicle the subjoined extraordinary article.-I have inserted it at full length; there certainly is not a man living that would believe, without such evidence, that, in the nineteenth century, such wretched ideotism could have been suf

agricultural), it would appear to me that Government should interpose in this instance to adjust the system as far as the convenience of the population and the interest of the public require. It might be done by a tax per acre, upon owners and tenants of estates, beyond a given size, when let beyond a certain price, increasing also upon larger estates, when let high. A temporary measure of this kind thus modified, would lead rich land-ferred to have occurred. I wish King holders to divide their large estates Ferdinand had been allowed to remain where these high rents prevail. Such a quietly where he was, amusing himself measure should certainly not extend to with embroidery, rather than exercising, those less populous parts of the country as he has done, despotical power against where rents are comparatively low, as it the poor people who had restored him. might occasion a teo rapid increase of It is indeed a melancholy reflection, people. To ensure utility, Govern- that there should exist in civilized Eu ment should also make it illegal for any rope a human being capable of such man to farm more than one estate, which extreme folly. The priests, it seems are would for ever crush the monopoly of about to marry the beloved Ferdinand the tezputry, cad bereit the proprietor to one of the Infanta's, as they are called, more than any other measure of insuring of Portugal. Are we to suppose that a an adequate number of practical farmers, wife was rendered necessary for his And eventually a facility in obtaining health, from the recollections of "the Tenants, cr a certain though limited certain signs" which these holy men saw source of competitjen for the taking of to arise, on the indecent exposure of farins. Landlords probably also, in ad- |the persons of Buonaparte's harlots?—A dition to this irregular competition for correspondent will have it, that this is unlimited occupancy, which raised rents done in imitation of a certain King of in consequence of its pernicious effect, Jewish celebrity, who was unquestion have been led to neglect their perma-ably of an extremely amorous tempernent interests, in upholding the farmature, and indulged very freely in the houses, and preserving that previous carual lusts of the flesh, or, as Ferdidivision of their estates which had nand's confessor terms it, the seventh marked the progress of society and com- | deadly sin." I shall not give any opinion fort, by the inducements of large inter- on this; nor do I pretend to understand ests and certain income for their savings in what way this ghostly father "admoin the funds; but although this source of nished "his royal pupil; but admonish artificial accumulation in reference to so-him he did, and it seems to have had the ciety is like the gates of the broad way that leadeth to destruction, to remain of widened entrance, the immediate and permanent interest of landholders ap pears now in this respect completely ob

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salutary effect, for a season at least, of quenching the flame. The king, however, had occome so extremely sensual, that he occupied himself solely in arranging the wardrobe of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom he presented an entire new suit of clothes, from the chemise outwards, having first paid particular attention to the "fringing of her robe." After so much trouble, such pious care, and so extraordinary devotion, it would have been extremely ungrateful in the lady, if she had not rewarded him accor ding to his deserts. The priests did not chose to trust him with a woman. It was nevertheless necessary the Holy Virgin should acknowledge the King's civility. One of them, therefore, having. Deen overcome by sleep, was honored

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with a visit from the "immaculate mother of God", who, after turning her self round and round, and shewing her finery in all the vain glory of a newly decorated King's place Priestess "sigh-these women, indecently exposed, were ed" amorously; and the poor priest, not beginning to have a dangerous effect on knowing how to act, ran and called the the Prince, who was ready to fall into King's confessor, who told him that the seventh deadly sin. I admonished "the Holy Virgin had already said as him in time, and like the slave of Poti"much to the King himself!!!" The phar, Don Ferdinand escaped these new meaning of this cannot be misunderstood. | sirens." "The King was above all things It is too plain; and the inference is too incensed at the poverty of the chief aliar abominable to be dwelt on. I trust, of the parish of Valency; and at there however, that such absurdities as these being in the Chateau a play - house, will at length open the eyes of the peo- while there was neither a chapel nor an ple, and that this contemptible fanatic oratory-while the people were luxurious may soon meet with the reward which in their furniture and feasts, and miserahis ignorance, his ingratitude, and his ble in the decoration of their temples. perfidy so richly merits.

own wife, to endeavour to charm the King; but I perceived by certain signs (adds the Confessor, whose words we translate literally), that the breasts of




The occupations of King Ferdinand during his captivity in France were alluded to by Mr. Whitbread in Parliament, We have been, through the favour of a valualde correspondent, put in possession of the authentic document, setting forth the holy and miraculous works performed by Ferdinand, and we have been prevented only by the overflow of temporary matter from making an extract for the improvement of our readers. The document is a-Sermon preached by Don Biaz de esteloza, Captam Major of his Catholic Majesty, and his Confessor. The following is Pn Extract. The Confessor begins by giving a picture of the life of the King at Valency: "The King," The King," says he, rose at eight o'clock, heard mass, breakfasted, made afterwards a party at billiards, entered his closet to read his letters, or some portion of holy writ, embroidered at the Tambour till two o'clock, at which time he took a short ating in a carriage-he dined on his return made a short prayer, received his brothers, or those who were admitted to pay their court to him, supped, and before going to Led recited with all his Household the Litaties, which he toned himself." "An Agent of Napoleon, whose impious presence he was forced to endure, employed all means of seduction to draw the Infant from his holy Decupations. He brought a troop of female dancers from Paris, and even bi;

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The King embroidered himself a beautiful robe of white silk, with gold pallets and gold fringe, for the Virgin. He had raised a superb altar, gilt, and he sometimes served himself the Mass at the feet of the Queen of the Angels. The Queen of the Angels was most sensible of these royal attentions, and manifested to him her content by many signs. It happened in particular, that one night an Ecclesiastie of the district being overoome with sleep in the church, the Virgin appeared to him as coming out of the altar-she advanced towards the Ecclesiastic, made several turns round him, to display the elegance of her toilette, and said to him, sighing that her son received the vows of the King in recompence of the fine robe that he had given her; that the Spanish Princes would not remain long without being delivered; and that they must form an Order of the Holy Sacrament, with which all the Chevaliers should be armed for his defence. The Priest much touched by this speech, awakened, and came to me to reveal the miraculous vision; but I answered by assuring him that the Holy Virgin had already said as much to the King himself—who in thanking her had promised, that on his return to Spain he would make her worship flourish over all the provinces subject to his dominion."


SIR, --I have heard it said by certain persons in this place, who are displeased with the letters which have appeared at

For the preceding Letters, see Vol. XXV. No. 9, 14. 15. Vol. XXVI. No. 21, 26, 27. Vol. XXVII. No. 6, 9.

This, Sir, is perhaps the last letter you will receive from me relative to this business, as before long I shall most probably leave the University. I trust, however, that if any abuse should occur, that some other person resident here will think it his duty to lay it before the public. It is, indeed, to be regretted that in doing this, any concealment should be necessary: but to many persons, in places where there is much public and private patronage, and frequent elections to offices, concealment, however repugnant to their feelings, becomes, in a prudential point of view, a matter of necessity; for it cannot be supposed that they who have so little feeling as to abuse their official power, or even not to exert their influence and authority to prevent its being abused by others, would have the liberality to forgive the person who states the fact to the world.

different times in your REGISTER rela- such a proceeding, I am inclined to tive to the proctors, that the publication think that commitments by a magistrate of them was intended to subvert the dis-under such a circumstance (and the cipline of the University.--This accusa- supposition is reasonable, though I am tion from men incapable of controverting | not positive of the fact) would be contrary the statements and observations in them, to law. The mode of paying the marshal is not worthy of much notice; as, Is, for obvious reasons, very objectionhope, I have already sufficiently proved able. As the office, though merely that the conduct pursued by certain per- ministerial, is of an unpleasant nature, sons in office, has been much more cal- his salary should be ample; and his culated to produce this effect, than any emoluments should not depend on gratuithing that can be said in reprobation of tics or fees paid by the University on the such conduct. Had they acted with the apprehension or commitment of persons least degree of temper and moderation into his custody. in the execution of their office, no public notice would be taken of their proceedings, which have had the effect of doing the very thing, that, had they any judgment or prudence, we should naturally suppose, they would wish to leave undone; I mean, the bringing their privileges into question before the public; and making it a matter of discussion and inquiry, whether persons of their profession who have generally shewn an incination to make an improper use of their power here, are fit to fill offices of authority in other places. But this is a topic which I touch lightly, as it is my wish to allay rather than excite irritation; for I solemnly declare that every thing I have written on the subject, has been written from no other motives than those of justice and humanity; and if I have occasionally shewn any warmth, it is merely that which I always feel when I hear or think of cruelty and oppression. I will take this opportunity of observing, that I have lately heard the different Vice-chancellors and heads of houses defended for not interfering when the proctors have abused their power, on the idea that the proctors, were any restraint laid upon them, might refuse to act at all in matters of discipline. But a proctor, who could behave in this manner, must be so ill-conditioned as to be evidently and confessedly unfit for his office; and in that case, it would certainly be much better that he should do nothing, than that he should be permitted to disgrace the University by the commission of violent or illegal acts, arising from his ill-temper or want of judgment. It has been said too, that persons have been committed by a Vice-chancellor without being allowed to speak a word in their own defence. To this I can give little credit; for, not to insist on the extreme harshness of

To this cause, must be attributed the the whispering, or air of mystery, on subjects which in other places would make the very stones cry out. The man whose wish it is to effect the reform of any abuse in public bodies, should know, that, unfortnnately for them, the only advice that will be heard, must be conveyed in the public execration of their misconduct; for to any thing less than this, experience tells us, there will be little attention paid. Should any of the abuses, or the injustice and cruelty, enumerated in the preceding letters be repeated, or any others be committed; which, for the credit of the governors in this place, I hope will never happen; my prayer is, that they may raise a manly, but temperate, indignation in the University against the authors of them, and be recorded, and submitted to the public, by a more able pen than that of your much obliged, Oxford, March 6th 1815.

Y. Z.

listen to the debates of this exalted assembly:--if he be a foreigner, what his surprise-if an Englishman, tenacious of his birthright, what the shock to his feelings, when, fondly anticipating the deliberations of reason, and the unbias

POPULAR OPINIONS. SIR,-The opinions of the people of England appear to be as various as the impulses of individual interests differ one from another. The affairs of the nation, and of the world, are so intimate-sed decisions of sound judgment, he finds ly blended with personal interest, and na tional prejudice, that the whole compact has grown by private contention, and the national security combined by national prejudice, into a bulwark bordering on impressions arising from ignorance.When one looks around at the present period, every separate interest is seen jingling its unreserved discussions with the national wisdom.-The great class of proprietors of land, and farmers in rueful mood exhibit dangers impending on reductions conducive to public plenty. -The richer cry aloud on the dismal ef-ple questions elicit from some better infects of the property tax; the mercantile formed on constitutional policy, why so joining in its heart-rending expositions.-- many vacant seats are permitted when The middling, against the price of all the the affairs of the nation ought to dictate necessaries of life. The manufacturer, the presence of every representative of against the difficulties and expences at the people at every meeting of parliatending the profits of his labour.-The ment? why one hears of ministers being labourer and poorer class, violently obliged to solicit from every part of the against mechanical inventions destructive kingdom, nay, from many parts of the to manual labour, and consequent inabi- continent, the attendance of members to lity to meet the exhorbitant demand for the houses of parliament, when it should food. The beggar, against the inade- be a pa: amount daty in their election to quacy of charitable donations, in a coun- the public service.? Can it be, that the try exceeding every other in the known sons of noblemen and wealthy gentlemen world for expenditure of this nature; are bought into honours, to which their and every class in unison of bitter excla- mental unworthiness renders their abmation on the general oppression of tax-sence more honourable to the nation, than ation. Let it be admitted, much room the favour of their presence useful, unless may exist for excitations to complaint: when an insignificant sea or may is deand that it is well in the privilege of limanded by the usage of parliament? If berty to express public grievances in one turn the view to another point, still public meetings; yet, be it remembered is seen the long impressed reign of prejuby a people who have struggled to the dice and hostility, flaming with unabated very acme of national pre-eminence and fatality. Nothing satisfies this feeling but glory, in a tide of patriotism immortalis- the contemplation of the complete suling the annals of their age, that the sacri- version of American republican indepenfice of national ease and personal luxury ence; even with the signature of peace may yet be required devotedly to be laid before one's eyes, victory in a deluge of on the altar of that pre-eminence and blood and carnage is anxiously anticipa glory, that, untarnished, it may reflect its ted both on sea and land, as a regeneralustre on surrounding nations, and the tive principle for the imbecility of national blessings of universal peace! But, is ex rtion, On the other hand, although not that lustre tarnishing? There rests there no longer exists a Napoleon, to dithe doubt; and in that doubt let it rest, rect the terrifying energies of once allwhile a momentary glance is cast ou the powerful France, yet the sufferings of this represented people in its assembled coun- feeling is alleviated with nothing less than cil. Ask, what are the impressions it the total annihilation of its power; safety should excite? what are the impressions emanates only in the prospect of its cons it does excite? Let any impartial man pression on every side by the absorption

it labouring from the beaten paths of
nobleness and wisdom, into the wilds of
unmanuerly witticism, and personal in-
vective; while the great national cause,
unaided by virtuous deliberation, pro-
ceeds on the sole discretion of ministers!
'till waking from the wrangling of per-
sonal animosities, they bellow for lost-
rights of the constitutional charter, they
themselves in their madness have left
sinking unheeded, while lacerating the
national pride and worrying the public
feeling. On this subject, let some sim-

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