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VOL. XXVII. No. 23.] 705]

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LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1815. [Price 1s.


"The revolutionary ideas of France have already "made but too great a progress in the hearts ❝ of men in all countries, and even in the very centre of every capital. If crime be crowned "with reward in France, every individual may "hope that the subversion of order in his own country will procure him a situation, if not "houonible, at least honoured. IT IS NOT "BONAPARTE THAT AT PRESENT "FORMS THE DANGER OF EUROPE: "he is unmasked. IT IS THE NEW OPI. "NIONS; it is the disorganisation of men's “minds; it is the making revolt a calculation "of private interest; it is the most deadly of

"all contagions, the contagion of immorality, "of false philanthropy, of a perficions self"styled philosophy; from all which the world "requires to be protected. THIS IS THE "TRUE HYDRA which must be DE

«STROYED, or it will destroy all Europe "The cause of morality is the cause of GOD; "it is the cause of all inen, of ail nations, of "all thrones!!"-TIMES Newspaper, 6 June,





which we now hear the warriors most bitterly complain of. They have disguised this for a good while; because, the letting it be seen, that they were at war against the kind of government existing in France, was to give their opponents a powerful handle against them. At last, however, they have been driven to suffer this to take place. They were beaten upon the personal question, and were compelled to fly to the system. In the published report of the Debate in the House of Lords, it is stated, that the EARL of LIVERPOOL said, that we were "compelled 66 again to have recourse to arms, and to renew the contest against that power, "and that system, which had been the parent of such tremendous calamities: 66 ... that the state of things in without the most imminent danger to "France afforded no security for peace "other nations: .... that, with such mated with such a spirit, and acting a government as that of France, ani66 upon such principles, it was impossible "to expect with safety to remain in a state "of peace: ..... that he himself was "desirous that France should have a li66 mited government, founded on principles of a nature similar to those which 66 prevailed in THIS COUNTRY. He MY LORD, "knew that it had been a matter of spe"culation how far a free constitution II. Of the French system of Government." could be maintained in France, together -For a long while it was pretended, that it" with that large military force, which, on was merely Napoleon who was the object" account of her extensive frontier, nuof dread with the Allies. They would "merous fortresses, and from other causes, not interfere in the domestic affairs of it might be necessary for that conntry France. They would not presume to say "to keep up even in time of peace. It what sort of government the French should "had been contended by some, that so have. They did not pretend to deny, that large a military establishment was inthey had no right to forbid the French to compatible with a limited government; have whatever kind of government they" but whether that opinion was well or ill might choose. But, Napoleon; it was "founded, this at least was clear, that merely Napoleon, that they wished to put" under such circumstances, it was imdown, because he had broken his treaties "possible that a free Constitution could with them, and because his ambition was "exist where the head of the such, that he would never suffer Europe government 66 was a military chief, who owed his sito be at rest. This was the language for "tuation to the sword, and whose title a long while. But, by degrees, it has 66 arose from, and was founded on the changed; and, it is the French SYSTEM," sword. There was no individual under



On the Debates relative to the Commencement of the War against France.

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"whose sway it was so totally impossible" totally impossible" was, whether, under these circumstances, that any thing like a limited government" it was not incumbent upon you to take "could exist, as that individual whose" advantage of this state of things, and title depended on the sword, whose "fame, whose power, and all that ren- TEM, whilst the amplest means of dered him distinguished, arose from, "resistance were in your power....... and was connected with war and con- "That we had a right to say, that France 66 quest. At the period of the invasion" shall not have a Governmet which threa "of France, the general impression in tens the repose of other nations...... "that country was, that under him there" that we ought not to refuse to join in "was no hope of a permanent limited go- crushing one of the greatest evils that 66 vernment; and the common opinion ever existed."-Thus far the PRIME MI(6 was, that, so desirable an object would NISTER. Nothing can be more full to the "be best secured under the sway of the point. It is the SYSTEM; the sort of "old family. There was, in the very cir- Government. This is what the Allies are "cumstance of the Government being in at war with; and, they are at war with "the hands of the old and legitimate fa- Napoleon because he is the Chief of the 6. mily, which formed the best security nation, who have adopted that system.for the permanence and support of a The report gives to LORD GRENVILLE "limited system. If the restoration of the following expressions upon this point: "the old family, therefore, would be be-"Was it nothing now to be desired to 66 neficial to the whole of the rest of Eu-sanction a system under which Europe (6 rope, it would be in the highest degree “hud so long groaned, with such an army "favourable to France. Then could any "and such a chief at its head? If his dis66 one so completely shut his eyes to all position was said to have undergone "that happened during the last 14 or 15" some change, his situation again was 66 years, as to believe that this country or now changed; and as the army was for"Europe could with safety enjoy a state" merly upheld by spoliation and plunder, "of repose, while the PLAN and SYSso now, for the same objects, he was re"TEM of Government remained as it was "called by his former instruments, who "at present?...... that in the whole of " alone could maintain him in his regained "Europe there was only one sentiment, and "power. As to new constitutions, he was "the Sovereigns had the means and the will" firmly of opinion, that a good constitu"to resist a system, the existence of which “tion could only be formed by the adapta"must be destructive of all hopes of secure "tion of remedies from time to time, un"and permanent tranquillity... That der the circumstances which required "the Allies wished not to see France aban-" them. That seemed the only means of "doned to the ravages of war, her provinces or her resources curtailed, but only such a government existing in that "country as would afford security to the "rest of Europe. In this view he thought "it would be generally admitted, that the restoration of Louis XVIII. to his as possible in the existing laws and man"throne was an object dear to the heart, "ners under the altered form of govern "not only from feelings of SYMPATHY, "ment, which, though a republic, was "but from a principle of general expedi-" constructed as nearly as the difference ency....... That the argument, then, "would admit, on the monarchical form 66 was this: in the first place, you clearly" of our OWN CONSTITUTION"had a just cause of war against THAT "SYSTÈM OF GOVERNMENT IN "FRANCE, which experience had deci"dedly proved to be incompatible with the "peace and independence of the nations of "Europe: next, you had, at present, means of opposing that system which you could not reasonably hope to possess at a future time; and the question

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accomplishing that difficult work. The "only instance of exception mentioned


was that of America: but that did not appply. The founders of that constitu "tion acted with great wisdom. It was framed so as to produce as little change

How odd it is, my Lord, that we should always be wanting other people to imitate our "invaluable Constilation!" However, this is another man's matter, as the saying is. It shall be my business, in a seperate address to Lord Grenville, to shew him how "nearly" the Americans have constructed their Govern mcnt upon our plan: that shall be my


man say:

[710 business, and shall be fully discharged in "firm in the heart of Europe a military the next number of the Register. But," domination founded on triumph over to return to the French SYSTEM, the civil rights, and which had made the exreporter makes your Lordship say: "that"periment of governing a great nation in this case it is impossible to seperate without any religion, and which aimed the Government from the nation."Mr." at governing Europe by means of breakJ. SMITH is reported as having called "ing oaths and deposing Kings? (Hear) the French system a system of Plunder and "If they would agree to confirm that to have called the French army banditti." system,-if they would degrade the hoDid the gentleman never hear of any other "nour of England-if they would forplunderers? I have a great mind to send get the value of morals, and despise him a file of American newspapers! The "the obligations of religion,-if they truth is, that we do take the liberty to "would astonish all our allies by such look upon ourselves as exempt from all "a confirmation, would not Europe exthe moral obligations which we apply to "claim against us, and say, 'You have the conduct of others. We are like But-kindly assisted and generously contriler's Saints, who insisted, that fiddles,buted to our deliverance; and do you race-horses, whores, and dice were their" at the most urgent moment fall back? exclusive property, and were, in part, un- "In vain have you so long opposed and justly detained from them by the wicked." born up against the flying fortunes of —Mr. GRATTAN'S words are next given the world, in vain have you taken the by the reporter, who makes that gentle-"eagles from the hands of the invaders, "that the French Government"in vain have you snatched invincibility " is a stateocracy: that the French Consti- from the standards of the foe! Now, "tution was war, and that Bonaparte was "when all Europe is ready to march, "the man best calculated to support it :.."are you, who were in the front before, "..that with Mr. Burke's authority, with "the foremast to take the lead in de"Mr. Fox's practice, and with the opini-"sertion ?'......MR. C. WYNNE ons and conduct of others whom it would "quoted a number of historical facts, "wear out a day to name, he was against" to shew that it had always been neces"a treaty founded on the chances of Bo-"sary to curb the ambition of FRANCE, 66 naparte's giving liberty to France, at "and contrasted the approaching meeting "the certain hazard of the independence of" in Paris, to accept the new constitution, "Europe. If we had no right to dictate" under the influence of a military des"a Government to France, we had a "potism, with the FREEDOM OF ELEC"right to say to France, You shall not 66 TION IN ENGLAND, where all the troops "choose a Government, the object of were removed from the spot at which it "which is to raise all your strength" took place."-This is very true, my "against Europe. As to the Govern- Lord. I dare say there were no army pre"ment of Louis the Eighteenth, which he sent at the election of Mr. QUINTIN "should rather speak of as interrupted Dick; nor did I ever hear of any being "than subverted, it was mildness itself employed at Sarum, Gatton, Reygate, compared to that of Bonaparte. It was Appleby, Bamber, Queenborough, New"free under it to discuss all questions of ton, and a long list of fine places in Corn"church or ministry, or political or re- wall, Scotland, Ireland, and, indeed all "ligious intolerance, and the science of over the kingdom; though I do recollect, "Government and philososphy, and in- I think, something about soldiers being "toleration advanced under it, and there employed at Bristol.- -Here, my Lord, was at least an amenity in France that I conclude as to this point; and, I "rendered a great nation amiable. It think, that it will never, after this, be "was now proposed to subject that race denied, that the war is now, as it was in "of people to a pure oriental despotism. 1791, 1792, 1793, and the succeeding "There was a sort of monstrous unreality years, 'till 1814, a struggle between re"in the revived system of Government, publican principles, or, as they are some"that stated nothing as it is; and every times called jacobin principles, and the thing as it was not. (Hear.) The principles of aristocracy and monarchy. "whole state was corrupted. He would Which are the best and which the worst "ask whether by treaty they would con- of these principles, we are not now dis

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cussing. It is the fact, that I am anxious to record the proof of: namely, That the war is a war against the system of government, which the French have adopted; a system, of government, which recognizes the right of the people to choose their own Chief Magistrate; which acknowledges no feudal titles or privileges; which knows of no tithes, no predominant Church, Clergy, or Religion; which takes taxation as the basis of representation; which knows nothing of Boroughs or their patrons.-Pray, my Lord, look at the matto to this Letter.

III. Of our present situation with regard to France.-This, my Lord, is a great point. Because, we have been about 22 years at war; and, if we find the members of both houses of parliament insisting, that WE ARE NOW IN SUCH A STATE with regard to France; that another war is absolutely necessary to save us from destruction, is it not time for us to begin to ask what we have had 22 years of war for? The whole of this thinking, "this most thinking people" were drunk; they were mad with joy, last year. They boasted, and were applauded for boasting, that they had, by their perseverance in submitting to taxation, at last, won peace and safety for themselves and for their children.-Now, then, let us hear what the members of the two houses of parliament are reported to have said upon the subject of our present situation, that is to say, our situation at the end of about eleven months from the time when that boasting took place.-It was said

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prepared, or were indisposed to the contest, in that case an armed peace "would be preferable, though it “would still be an ALTERNATIVE "OF EXCESSIVE EVIL. LORD BATHURST, "that it was not << possible for us to avoid war sooner or later; that, next year, Bona "parte's power would be more for"midable than this year; that we "went to war to secure ourselves "against alarming danger. LORD GRENVILLE, that we were "un"der the fatal necessity of going to 66 war; that war was not only neces"sary but unavoidable; that there 66 was no option left us, nor any long "time for deliberation; that we "were placed by an imperious nc

cessity in a state to do what could "not be avoided; that in this situa"tion we were called on to adopt the

means calculated to avert the great"est dangers. No words of which "he was master; nothing that the "page of history recorded, appeared "adequate to impress on their Lord"ships minds the situation in which 6628e were now placed. If such "means were required from any, to place in full view the dangers of "removing the barriers, against "French ambition and aggression, "and the necessity that must exist if they were not removed, he should despair."

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MR. GRATTAN, "that, as to the ability "of opposing aggression, he hoped


none would live to see the time "when England, together with the "rest of Europe, would be obliged "to truckle before France, and when "these islands should seek an humble "situation under the French Impe"rial Eagle. What would be our "situation if we abandoned our al"liance? State it as you please, it "must be first of all an armed peace. "No Minister would venture to "disarm the country in such a case. "This armed peace would be follow "cd by the evils of a corruption of

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manners, and a vastly increased "expenditure; and that would be "followed by a renewal of war. "You might then have no alliance. "certainly not so strong an alliance as you have; while your enemy

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"would be confirmed in his title, and no mind of their own; who never think "have full opportunity to arm him- who take up the thoughts of others; who ❝ self. Instead of fighting for the are, in reality, no more members of civil "French crown, you would give him society than are dogs and horses, whom "the chance of fighting for the Eng- they imitate in subserviency, and whom "tish crown.. You are they hardly surpass in the powers of rea"not to consider about what money soning. For these persons, if persons they you must spend, BUT WHAT FOR- ought to be called; for those who are not 66 TUNES YOU MAY BE ABLE TO KEEP. to be convinced by the weight of taxes "On the very principle of economy, which they bear; by the disappearance of you are to consider that you will the real money of the country; by the. "not expend more by war than by sale of light guineas at 28 shillings each remaining at peace, with the de- in Bank of England paper; by the law "mands of a war establishment." protecting that Bank against the demand. By MR. PLUNKETT, that "he considered of payment of its notes in cash; by the "that we had, in fact, no option be- law making those notes a legal tender for "tween peace and war. As for peace, rent; by the trippling of the poors-rates "we could have no more than a fever- and the paupers; by the law relative to "ish, unrefreshing dream of peace the importation of Corn; by all the laws "still haunted by the spectre of war. laying restraint upon the press; by the "In point of finances we should find suspension of the habeas corpus act for a peace with a war establishment seven years at one time; by the keeping "would be much greater than war. up, for many years, and still now keeping "If we did now go to war in con- up, a foreign army, an army of Germans, "junction with all the great powers of Hanoverians, in England, in time of "of Europe, we would soon be re-peace as well as in time of war: for those, "duced to a war single-handed against who are not to be convinced by all these "France. If we did not now in- things, the question is now to be decided, "vade France, and carry on the war whether the Pitt system be a good one or 66 upon her territories, the time might a bad one.-One would have thought, 66 come when our country would be- however, after having heard the above "come the seat of war, and we would description of our perilous state at this "fall unpitied and despised. If we time; after hearing the country described "were now to turn our back upon as having no alternative but war or an the great powers that were our armed peace; after having it positively as "Allies, we would deserve that all serted, and hearing the assertion cheered "nations should turn their backs from all quarters, that we are now under upon us, when we began to feel the fatal necessity of renewing the war and "the consequences of our impolicy. of paying subsidies, and that this gives us "Mr. Plunkett's speech was received the only chance of salvation: after hearby the House with great applause, ing this, had we, my good Lord, to ex"and he was loudly cheered for se- pect, that, in the same place, and upon "veral minutes after he had sat down." the same occasion, that system which had By LORD MILTON, that "it was better to brought us into this state, would be ex"have war with the advantages of war, tolled to the skies?-Yet, such is the "than peace without the advantages fact, which I now have to record.-In "of peuce; and considering, as he the published report of your Lordship's did, that no faith could be placed speech of the 25th of May, I find the fol"in the present Ruler of France, he lowing passage. After speaking in a high "thought the only real security we strain of the justice and wisdom of the "could have, was to be found in a Congress at Vienna, and of the treaties 66 vigorous war." made there, you are reported to have proIV. Of the Pitt system. This is the ceeded as follows: When the proper most important point of all; for, in fact," period arrived, he was prepared to justhe question is now to be decided, whether "tify them as carrying into executhe system of this man was good or bad." tion, not only in substance, but almost Not to be decided for the intelligent part"in all the details, that plan which had of the nation; but for the herd, who have "been formed by a statesman, from whom

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