
of the communication leading from Nivelles and | Guards, upon their deboucké from the village of Bruxelles, with Marshal Blucher's position. In Genappe, upon which occasion his Lordship has the mean time I had directed the whole army to declared himself to be well satisfied with that march upon Jes Quatre Bras, and the 5th divi- regiment. The position which I took up in front sion nnder Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Pic of Waterloo, crossed the high roads from Charleton, arrived at about half-past two in the day, roy, and Nivelle, and had its right thrown back followed by the corps of troops under the Duke to a ravine near Merke Braine, which was occue of Brunswick, and afterwards by the contingent pied; and its left extended to a height above the of Nassau. At this time the enemy commenced hamlet Ter la Haye, which was likewise occupied. an attack upon Prince Blacher, with his whole In front of the right centre and near the Nivelle forcé, excepting the 1st and 2d corps; and a road, we occupied the house and garden of corps of cavalry under General Kellerman, with Hougoumont, which covered the return of that which he attacked our post at Les Quatre Bras. flank; and in front of the left centre we occupied The Prussian army maintained their position the farm of La Haye Sainte By our left we with their usual gallantry and perseverance, communicated with Marshal Prince Bincher, at against a great disparity of numbers, as the 4th Wavre through Ohaim; and the Marshal had corps of their army, under General Bulow, had promised me that in case we should be attacked not joined, and I was not able to assist them as I he would support me with one or more corps, as wished, as I was attacked myself, and the troops, might be necessary. The enemy, collected his the cavalry in particular, which had a long dis- army, with the exception of the third corps tance to march, had not arrived. We maintained which had been sent to observe Marshal Blucher, our position also, and completely defeated and on a range of heights in our frout, in the course of repulsed all the enemy's attempts to get possession the night of the 17th and yesterday morning, and at of it. The enemy repeatedly attacked us with a about ten o'clock he commenced a furious attack large body of infantry and cavalry, supported by upon our post at Hougoumont. I had occupied a numerous and powerful artillery; he made se- that post with a detachment from General Byng's veral charges with the cavalry upon our infantry, brigate of Guards, which was in position in its but all were repulsed in the steadiest manner.- rear; and it was for some time under the com[Here his Lordship praises his troops and offi mand, of Lieut. Col. Macdonald, and afterwards cers.]-Our loss was great, as your Lordship of Colonel Home; and I am happy to add that it will perceive by the enclosed return; and I have was maintained throughout the day with the utparticularly to regret his Serene Highness the most gallantry by these brave troops, notwithDuke of Brunswick, who fell fighting gallantly standing the repeated efforts of large bodies of at the head of his troops. Although Marshal the enemy to obtain possession of it. This attack Blucher bad maintained his position at Sambref, upon the right of our centre was accompanied by he still found himself much weakened by the a very heavy cannonade upon our whole line, severity of the contest in which he had been en- which was destined to support the repeated atgaged, and as the fourth corps had not arrived, tacks of cavalry and infantry occasionally mixed, he determined to fall back, and concentrate his but sometimes separate, which were made upon army upon Wavre; and he marched in the it. In one of these the enemy carried the farmnight after the action was over. This move house of La Haye Sainte, as the detachment of ment of the Marshal's rendered necessary a the light battalion of the legion which occupied corresponding one on my part; and I retired it had expended all its ammunition, and the from the farm of Quatre Bras upon Genappe, enemy occupied the only communication there and thence upon Waterloo the next morning, was with them. The enemy repeatedly charged the 17th, at ten o'clock. The enemy made our infantrywith his cavalry, but these attacks no effort to pursue Marshal Blucher. On the were uniformly unsuccessful, and they afforded contrary, a patrole which I sent to Sambref in opportunities to our cavalry to charge, in one of the morning, found all quiet, and the enemy's which Lord E. Somerset's brigade, consisting of videttes fell back as the patrole advanced. Nei- the life guards, royal horse guards, and 1st dragoon ther did he attempt to molest our march to the guards, highly distinguished themselves as did that rear, although made in the middle of the day, ex- of Major-General Sir W. Ponsonby, having taken cepting the following, with a large body of cavalry, many prisoners and an eagle. These attacks were brought from his right, the cavalry under the repeated till about seven in the evening, when the Earl of Uxbridge. This gave Lord Uxbridge an enemy made a desperate effort with the cavalry opportunity of charging them with the 1st Life and infantry, supported by the fire of artility, to

force onr left centre, near the farm of La Haye Sainte, which atter a severe contest was defeated; and having observed that the troops retired from this attack in great confusion, and that the march of General Bulow's corps by En

Major-General Sir W. Ponsonby.

Colonels.-Du Plat, K. G. L.; Omteta, ditto ;
Morrin, 69th Regt.; Sir W. Ellis, 23d.
Lieutenant-Colonels.-Macara, 42d Regt.; Ca
meron, 92d Regt. ; Sir Alex. Gordon, K. C. B. Aid

schermont upon Planchenorte and La Belle Alli-de-Camp to the Duke of Wellington; Canning;

ance had begun to take effect, and as I could perceive the fire of his cannon, and as Marshal Prince Blucher had joined in person, with a corps of his army to the left of our line by Ohain, I determined to attack the enemy, and immediately advanced the whole line of infantry, supported by the cavalry and artillery. The attack succeeded in every point; the enemy was forced from his position on the heights, and fed in the atmost confusion, leaving behind him, as far as I could judge, 150 pieces of cannon, with their ammunition, which fell into our hands. I continned the pursuit til long after dark, and then discontinued it only ou acconut of the fatigue of our troops, who had been engaged during twelve hours, and because I found myself on the same road with Marshal Blucher, who assured me of his intention to follow the enemy throughout the night; he has sent me word this morning that he had taken 60 pieces of cannon belonging to the Imperial Guard, and several carriages, baggage, &c. belonging to Bonaparte, in Genappe. I pro. pose to move, this morning, upon Nivelles, and not to discontinue my operations. Your Lordship will observe, that such a desperate action could not have been fought, and such advantages could not be gained, without great loss; and I am sorry to add, that ours has been immemc.— [Here his Lordship praises his officers and men.] -I should not do justice to my feelings or to Marshal Blacher and the Prussian army, if I did not attribute the successful result of this arduous day, to the cordial and timely assistance I received from them. The operation of General Bulow upon the enemy's flank, was a most decisive one; and even if I had not found myself in a situation to make the attack, which produced the final result, it would have forced the enemy to retire, if his attacks should have failed, and would have prevented him from taking advantage of them, if they should unfortunately have succeeded. I send, with this dispatch, two cagies, taken by the troops in this action, which Major Percy will have the honour of laying at the feet of his Royal Highness. I beg leave to recom mend him to your Lordship's protection. I have

the honour, &c. (Signed) WELLINGTON.

Duke of Brunswick Oels.

Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton.

Currie, Lord Hill's Staff.

Majors. The Hon. Fred, Howard, 10th Hussars i George Bain, Royal Artillery; Norman Ramsey, ditto; Cairnes, ditto; Chambers, 30th Regt. Brevet-Majurs. Crefton, 5th Division; Rosewiel, 2d Light Regiment.

Captains. Bolton, Royal Artillery; Crawford, Guards; the Hon. Curzon, A. D. C. to hig Royal Highness the Prince of Orange; Chambers, A. D. C. to Lieut.-Gen. Picton; Charles Ellis, 95th Regt.; Robertson, 73d Regt.; Kennedy, ditto; Schauman, 28. Lt. Bat. K. G. L; Holycowan, 1sk ditto; Henry Marshal, 1st ditto.; Goeben ditto Gunning, 10th Hussars; Grove, 1st. Guards.

Lieutenants. -- C. Manners, Royal Artillery ; Lister, 95th Regt.

Ensigns.-Lord Hay, Aid-de-Camp to General Maitland; Brown, 1st Guards.


General his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, G. C. B. severely.


Lieut-Generals.-the Earl of Uxbridge, G. C. B.
right leg amputated ; Sir C. Alten, K. C. B. severely,
Major-Generals-Cock, right arm amputated;
Sir E. Barnes, K. C. B. Adjut.-Gen. severely;
J. Kempt, K. C. B. slightly; Sir Colin Halkitt,
K. C. B. severely; Adams, severely; Sir W.
Dornberg, K. C. B. severely.

Colonels.-Sir J. Elley, K. C. B. slightly; Harris, 73d Regt. ; Quentin, 10th Hussars, slightly; the Hon. Fred. Ponsonby, severely; Sir W. De Lancey; severely.


Lieutenant-Colonels.-Lord. Fitzroy Somerset, right arm amputated; Hay, 16th Light Dragoons, severely; Vigoureau, 30th Light Dragoons ; crombie, A. Q. M. G. slightly; Hamilton, 30th regiment; Cameron, 95th, severely; Wyndham, 1st Foot Guards, severely; Bowater, 3d Foot Guards, slightly; Macdonell, Coldstream, slightly; Dashwood, 3d Guards, severely; Sir R. Hill, Royal Horse Guards Blue, severely; Norcott, 95th, severely; Hill, severely; Schreider, 8th Line battalion; Adair, 1st Guards, severely; Miller, 1st Guards, dangerously; Sir George Henry Berkeley,

A. A. G.

Majors.-Maclean, 73d; Beckwith, 95th, severely; Jessop, Assistant Quarter Master General ;

Bush, 1st Light Batt, K. G. L. right arm ampu tated, Parkinson, 73d, severely; Parker, R. H. Arlillery, leg amputated; Robert Ball, Royal Attillery, severely; Hamilton, Aid-de-Camp to Major General Sir E. Barnes; Watson, 69th regiment,

severely.-Brevet-Major, Emem, dangerously. | devour the states of the second rank of Germany. Majors Wilkins and Miller, 95th regt. severely; The madmen! a moment of prosperity blinds Lindsay, 69:h, dangerously. them. The oppression and humiliation of the Captains.-Smith, 95th regiment, severely; French people are beyond their power. If they Tyler, Aid-de Camp to Sir Thomas Picton, slightly; enter France, they will there find their tomb. Dance, 23d Light Dragoons; Johnston, 95th; Car- Soldiers! we have forced marches to make, batmers, 95th; Darney, Napier, A. M'Donald, Web- tles to fight, dangers to encounter; but with ber, Royal Artillery, severely; Damaresque, Aid. steadiness, victory will be our's; the rights, the de-Camp to Gen. Sir J. Byng, severely; Whyn-honour, the happiness of the country will be renates, Royal Artillery, severely; the Hon. conquered! To every Frenchman who has a Erskine, D. A. A. G. left arm amputated; A. Dang-heart, the moment is arrived to conquer or perish. ton, Aid-de-Camp to Lieutenant-General Picton,


NAPOLEON. severely; Barnes, Brevet Major, Royal Artillery, (A true copy) The Marshal Duke of Dalmatia, severely.

Lieutenants-Royal Artillery, Foster, Crome, Robe, Smith, Strangway, Brierton, and Forbes, severely; Hormey, arm amputated; Bloomfield and D. Crawford, slightly.--Haverlock, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Sir Charles Alten; Pringle, Royal. Engineers, slightly; Hamilton, 46th regiment, slightly; Heise, 1st light battalion; Gardiner, Johnstone, Moltry, Simmons, J. Gardiner, Eitzmaurice, Shenley, and Wright, 95th, severely.


The following relate only to the operations of the army previous to the battle of the 18th, the French account of which has not arrived.


Aresnes, June 14, 1815. Soldiers! This day is the anniversary of Marengo and of Friedland, which twice decided the destiny of Europe. Then, as after Austerlitz, as after Wagram, we were too generous! We believed in the protestations and in the oaths of Princes whom we left on the throne! Now, however, coalesced among themselves, they would destroy the independence and the most sacred rights of France. They have commenced the most unjust of aggressions. Let us march, then, to meet them. Are they and we no longer the same men? Soldiers, at Jena, against these same Prussians, now so arrogant, you were one against three, and at Montmirail one against six! Let those among you who have been prisoners of the English, detail to you the hulks, and the fright ful miseries which they suffered! The Saxons, the Belgians, the Hanoverians, the soldiers of the Confederation of the Rhine, lament that they are compelled to lend their arms to the cause of Princes, the enemies of justice and of the rights of all nations; they know that this coalition is insatiable! After having devoured twelve milfions of Poles, twelve millions of Italians, one million of Saxons, six millions of Belgians, it must

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Charleroi, June 15.

On the 14th the army was placed in the follow ing manner:-The Imperial Head-quarters at Beaumont. The 1st corps, commanded by General D'Erlon, was at Solre on the Sambre. The 2d corps, commanded by General Reillé, was at Ham-sur-Heure. The 3d corps, commanded by General Vandamme, was on the right of Beaumont. The 4th corps, commanded by General Gerard, had arrived at Philippeville On the 15th, at three in the morning, General Reillé attacked the enemy, and advanced upon Marchiennes-au-Pont. There were various engagements, in which his cavalry charged a Prussian battalion, and made 300 prisoners. At one In the morning, the Emperor was at Jamignon sur-Heure. General Daumont's division of light cavalry sabred two Prussian battalions, and made 400 prisoners General Pajol entered Charleroi at mid-day. The sappers and mariues of the guard were with thre advance to repair the bridges. They were the first to penetrate into the town as sharp-shooters.. General Clari, with the 1st Hussars, advanced upon Gosselies, on the Brussels road; and Geneal Pajol upon Gilly, on the Namur road, At three in the afternoon Geueral Vandamme debouched with his corps on Gilly. Marshal Grouchy arrived with the cavalry of General Excelmans. The enemy occupied the left of the position of Fleurus; at five in the afternoon the Emperor ordered an attack. The position was turned, and carried. Four squadrons of the Guard, commanded by General Letort, the Emperor's Aids-de-camp, broke three squares; the 26th, 27th, and 28th Prussian regiments were routed. Our squadrons sabred from four to 500 mes, and took 150 prisoners. During this time General Reillé passed the Sambre at Marchientes. au-Pont, in order to advance upon Gosselies with the divisions of Prince Jerome and General Ba chelu, attacked the enemy, took from him 250 prisoners, and pursued him on the road to Brus,

Fleurus, June 17, 4 o'clock in the morning. The battle of yesterday lasted till ten o'clock in the evening. We are still in pursuit of the enemy, who has experienced a terrible overthrow. We have hitherto 8,000 prisoners, 20 pieces of cannon, and several standards, many officers of rank, among others Count Lutzow. We expect at day break to collect a great number in the villages of St. Amand, and others who were cut off by the movement which the Emperor caused his guard to make. The grenadiers and chasseurs of the

very few men. It appears that it was a charge of bayonet by the Imperial Foot Guards which de cided the battle. The enemy have been extremely numerous. I never saw such enthasiasm in our soldiers. The columns which marched to battle, the wounded who returned from being dressed, never ceased to exclaim "Live the Em peror!"


sels. We thus became masters of the whole position of Fleurns. At eight in the evening the Emperor re-entered his head-quarters at Charleroi. This day cost the enemy five pieces of cannon and 2,000 men, of whom 1,000 are prisoners. Our loss is 10 men killed and 80 wounded, the greater part belonging to the squadron of the guard who made the charges, and to three squadrons of the 20th dragoons, who also charged a square with the greatest intrepidity. Our loss, though trifling in amount, has been sensibly felt by the Emperor, from the severe wound received by General Le-old guard massacred entire masses, and have lost tort, is aid-de-camp, in charging at the head of the squadrons. He is an officer of the greatest distinction: he was struck by a ball in the lower part of the belly, but the surgeons give hopes that bis wound will not be mortal. We have found some magazines at Charleroi. The joy of the Belgians it would be impossible to describe. There were some villages which, on the sight of their deliverers, formed dances; and every where there is a movement which proceeds from the heart. In the report of the Major-General of the Staff, the names of the officers and soldiers who Fleurus, June 17, 1815. distinguished themselves will be inserted. The Monsieur Marshal,-I announced yesterday, Emporor has given the command of the left to from the field of battle of Ligny, to his Imperial the Prince of Moskwa, who, in the evening, had Highness Prince Joseph, the signal victory which his head-quarters at Quatre-Chemins, on the road the Emperor has gained. I returned here with his to Brussels. The Duke of Treviso, to whom the Majesty at 11 o'clock in the evening, and it was Emperor gave the command of the young guard, necessary to pass the night in attending to the has remained at Beaumont, ill of the rheumatism. wounded. The Emperor has rentounted his which has forced him to keep his bed. The 4th horse, to follow the success of the battle of Ligny. corps, commanded by General Gerard, arrives It was fought with fury, and the greatest enthu=" this evening at Chatelet. General Gerard has siasin on the part of the troops. We were one to stated, that Lient. General Bourmont, Colonel three. At eight o'clock in the evening, the EmClonet, and the chief of squadron Villoutreys,peror marched with his guard: six battalions of have passed over to the enemy. A lieutenant the old guard, the dragoons, and horse-grena of the 11th Chasseurs has also gone over. The Major-General has ordered that these descrters shall be immediately sentenced conformably to the laws. It would be impossible to describe | the good spirit and ardour of the army. It views the desertion of this small number of traitors who thus throw off the mask, as a fortunate event.


In rear of Ligny, half past 8 in the evening
of the 16th of June, 1815.

The Emperor has just obtained a complete victory over the Prussian and English armies, united, under the orders of Lord Wellington and Marshal Blucher. The army at this moment debouches by the village of Ligny, in advance of Fleurus, to pursue the enemy.

A letter of the Emperor, of the 16th, ends

diers, and the cuirassiers of General Delort, de bouched by Ligny, and executed a charge which separated the enemy's line. Wellington and Blucher saved themselves with difficulty: the effect was theatrical. In an instant the firing ceased, and the enemy was routed in all direetions. We have already several thousand pri soners, and 40 pieces of canuon. The 6th and 1st corps were not engaged, The left wing fought against the English army, and took from it cannon and standards. At night I will give you further details, for every instant prisoners are announced. Our less does not appear enormous; since, without screening it, I do not reckon it at

more than 3000 men.

Marshal, Major-General Duke of DALMATIA, (A Copy)

with these words, written with his own hand-Marshal, Minister of War, Priyce of Ecgmuk,

• he is going on well."



The President announced, that Count Regnault St. Jean d'Angely requested a hearing, to communicate to the Chamber the exposition of the Minister of the Interior: it was granted.

His Majesty the Emperor, said Count Regnault, having charged those of his Ministers who are Members of the Chamber of Peers to communicate to that Assembly the exposition of our situation, which was announced to you in the discourse from the throne, has confided a similar mission to those of his ministers who have been elected representatives of the people. Today, and at the moment when I speak, the Minister of the Interior is reading to the Chamber of Peers the exposition of the state of the Empire. I have been charged to communicate to you a copy thereof, and shall read it, if such is the pleasure of the Chamber. The assembly manifested its assent.

Count Regnault resumed.-Among all the objects of the Emperor's solicitude, the first, after his solemn acceptance of the constitution, has been to make known to the nation, through the medium of its representatives, the true situation in which it is placed. Three months have scarcely elapsed since his Majesty quitted the rock to which circumstances had for a moment banished him, in order to deliver France from the enslaving yoke of a worn-out dynasty, which managed the resources of our fiue country merely for the profit of foreigners. The enthusiasm which served, as an escort to his Majesty from the period of his landing, sufficiently proved on what side lay the national wishes. It proves, that if the deposed family could ever re-enter France with the aid of foreigners, it would soon be expelled anew. Its prejudices, its engagements with the old privileged castes, are all in opposition to the liberal ideas in which the existing generation has been bred, and which can never retrograde.- With the princes of that family, we should have seen, as indeed we are menaced, with the re-appearance of all the cruel absurdities of feudal government, and the degrading slavery of the monastic system. In the mean time, it is to re-establish all these institutions, that they invite the foreigner into our fine eountry but we will never thus abandon st; we will rally around the Emperor, the

protector of liberal ideas, around a Prince who, educated in the revolution, advances with the age in which he lives, and wishes to extend the dominion of miud instead of circumscribing it. Instructed by misfortunes, he will see the conquerors of Austerlitz, of Marengo, and of Jena, march anew under the colours which so often led them to victory, and the event will not be doubtful. However, his Majesty is sincerely desirous of peace; he has done every thing to preserve it, but without inclining to listen for a moment to humiliating conditions, which would compromise the honour and the dearest interests of France. All his efforts, however, have been fruitless; already our frontiers are menaced at all points, already hostilities have been commenced without any preliminary declaration of war, and there seems to remain no other resource for the maintenance of our independence but an appeal to arms. If the Emperor were less fortified by the inherent strength of his character, he might fear two rocks. There has been talk of a royalist party and a republican party, alike enemies of his government. But the former has not known how to defend the Princes objects of its affection, for whom it pretended a willingness to die; it is far from formidable. As to the republicans, converted from old errors, of which cruel experience made them feel too severely the fatal effects, they see in the Emperor only the protector of the liberal ideas which they have at all times themselves professed, and which excesses alone have prevented them from hitherto seeing realised. The time has been too short to give to the national constitution all the perfection of which it was susceptible; but the Emperor, towards the accomplishment of this essential work, reckons on the intelligence and patriotism of the two Chambers. The preparations for war have prevented him from giving to it himself all the attention which he could have wished; but the French territory was threatened. The national character, which essentially rejects every idea of conquest, should have been a sufficient guarantee to all the powers of Europe against the invasion which they seem so much to fear at present; but that fear is only a vain pretext to cover their ambi tion. That ambition is sufficiently demonstrated by the senseless declarations of the Congress of Vienna, by the assem

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