페이지 이미지

February, 1907.

railway construction and other purposes. Secured on surplus revenues of tobacco banderole, stamp tax and tobacco tax. Times, February 28. Ratified by the sobrane, March 6.

27 TURKEY. Note from British ambassador to the Porte communicating program of reforms in customs administration to be executed prior to increase of the ad valorem import duty. Times, March 5; text, Mem. dipl. March 24.

28 BRUNSWICK. The federal council of the Empire rejects application of Brunswick diet to admit youngest son of Duke of Cumberland to the succession to the throne of the duchy. The Duke of Cumberland had renounced his claims to the succession on behalf of himself and his eldest son. Times, January 19, March 1. On the regency see Statesman's Year-Book and N. R. G. 12:359. The Brunswick diet decided on March 12 to proceed to the election of a new regent.

March, 1907.

COSTA RICA. Consular law approved January 24 takes effect. Under article 8 consular invoices will be visaed without fee. There is substituted a tax payable by the consignee on clearing customs. La Gaceta, San José, January 30; R. dipl., March 3. 1 CANADA-MEXICO. Postal convention becomes effective. B.A.R.,


2 UNITED STATES. An Act in reference to the expatriation of citizens and their protection abroad. Stats. at L., 34:1228; Documents, post.

5 RUSSIA. Second duma opened.



FRANCE ROUMANIA. Treaty of commerce signed at Paris. Approved by Roumanian chamber of deputies March 21. Replaces convention signed February 28, 1893 (De Clercq: Recueil des traités de la France, 19:558). R. dipl. March 31, 1907. 11 FRANCE SERVIA. Treaty of commerce takes effect. UNITED STATES. Executive order refusing permission to enter the continental territory of the United States to Japanese or Korean laborers, skilled and unskilled, who have received passports to go to Mexico, Canada or Hawaii, and come therefrom. Issued under the act approved February 20, 1907. Documents, post. Japanese labor competition in California had led, through racial prejudice, to exclusion by the San Francisco board of education, October 11, 1906 (repealed March 13, 1907), of Japanese children

March, 1907.

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from public schools attended by aliens of other nationalities. On the legality of said action see Geofroy v. Riggs (1889) 133 U. S. 258, 267 as to limits of federal treaty-making power, and Baldwin: Schooling rights under the treaty ** * Columbia Law R., February, as to construction of treaty with Japan signed November 22, 1894; and on international demeanor see President Roosevelt's annual message of December 3, 1906. Johnson: Discrimination against the Japanese in California, Berkeley, 1907; North China Herald, 82:460. See February 20.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Decree disapproving Italian protocols signed July 4, 1903, and May 1, 1904. Ga. Oficial, Santo Domingo March 16, 1907. The Dominican congress had rejected the protocols June 19, 1906.

15 GREAT BRITAIN-SERVIA. Treaty of commerce and navigation, signed at Belgrade, in force in Servia. For details of the modifications introduced into the Servian general tariff by this treaty, see Board of Trade J., London, March 7 and 14. Supersedes treaty signed June 28/July 10, 1893.

17 ROUMANIA. Anti-Semitic and agrarian riots. The Roumanian jacquerie, Spectator, March 30.

17 THIRD LATIN AMERICAN MEDICAL CONGRESS opened at Montevideo. Times, March 18. Next meeting at Rio de Janeiro, 1909. 21 TRANSVAAL. Parliament assembled. Stead: The restoration of the Transvaal to the Boers, R. of Reviews, April; Delpech: La nouvelle constitution du Transvaal, R. du dr. public, 24:143. See December 6.

22 CHINA. Last battalion of Russian troops left Kharbin for Russia. This completes evacuation of Manchuria by Russia. Times, March 23.

23 FRANCE SIAM. Treaty signed at Bangkok, by which Siam cedes to France the territories of Battambang, Siemreap, and Sesufon; France restores to Siam Krat and Dansai, together with certain islands in the neighborhood of Krat. Frontiers to be fixed by a later protocol. France agrees that her Asiatic subjects and protégés registered after the conclusion of the present treaty shall be subject to the ordinary courts of Siam; Siam admits all the Asiatic subjects and protégés of France to the full rights of Siamese subjects, and in particular to the rights of acquiring real property, of free residence, and of free circulation. Times, April 3; Mem. dipl., March 31. See April 14, 1906.

March, 1907.

28 UNITED STATES. Executive order, in pursuance of the sixth section of act of congress approved July 1, 1902. Directing Philippine commission to call general election for the choice of delegates to Philippine assembly. See January 9.

29 MOROCCO. Ujda occupied by France as means of obtaining reparation from sultan for murder of French citizen at Marakesh, March 19. See January 16, April 7, 1906. Further references: Niemeyer: Die Marokkofrage in völkerrechtlicher Beleuchtung, Ann. des deutschen Reichs, 1906, p. 445; Lorin: La conférence d'Algésiras et la situation présente de la France au Maroc, R. de dr. int. public, 1906, p. 263; La question marocaine et la conférence d'Algésiras, Économiste française, 1906, 1, p. 917; Maura Gamaza: El aspecto internacional de la conferencia de Algeciras, Ateneo, Madrid, July, 1906; Reichs-G. 1906, No. 52; Treaty ser. 1907, No. 4; El acta de Algeciras y el porvenir de España en Marruecos, R. de dr. int. y pol. ext, 2:265; Niemeyer: Le Maroc, Algésiras et le droit des gens, R. dr. int. public, 1906, p. 174; Diercks: Die Marokkofrage und die Konferenz von Algeciras, Berlin, 1906; Leblanc: La politique européene au Maroc à l'époque contemporaine, Paris, 1906; Times, March 23, 1907; Staatsarchiv, vol 73; R. de dr. int. y pol. ext. Cronica, 2:130; Alflalo: The truth about Morocco, London, 1904; Hess: La question du Maroc, Paris, 1903; France and Morocco. Spectator, March 30, 1907; R. des deux mondes, April 1, 1907.




Africa, copy of a convention signed at Brussels on Nov. 3, 1906, revising the duties imposed by the Brussels convention of June 8, 1899, on spirituous liquors imported into certain regions of. 1907. 7p. Senate. (S. confidential ex. doc. C.)

Australasia and China Telegraph Co., eastern extension. Report, with accompanying papers, with reference to claim of company for compensation on account of repairing its cables, cut during the war with Spain. 1906. 13 p. Dept. of state. (S. doc. 99.)

Canada. Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [H. R. 24538], boundary line between the United States and Canada. Statement of Otto H. Tittmann [Jan. 8, 1907]. 3 p. House of reps. Committee on foreign affairs.

Canada, estimate of appropriation for marking the boundary between the United States and. 1906. 2 p. Dept. of state. (H. doc. 328.) Chicago drainage canal, report of the International waterways commission upon the. 1907. 54 p. War dept. Paper, 5c.

11 p.

China, memorandum in regard to jurisdiction of American consular officers in, over offenses against morality and decency. 1906. Dept. of state.

Citizens, report amending H. R. 24122, in reference to expatriation of, and their protection abroad. 1907. 2 p. House of reps. Committee on foreign affairs. (H. rp. 6431.)

Citizenship. Report on citizenship, expatriation and protection abroad. 1907. 538 p. Dept. of state. (H. doc. 326.) Paper, 50c.

Congo Free State. Verbatim report of five days' Congo debate in the Belgian house of representatives, Feb. 20, 27, 28, March 1, 2, 1906. 184 p. Senate. (S. doc. 139.)

Consular fees. Executive order. 1906. 1 p. President.

Consular service, executive order, amendments to regulations governing appointments and promotions in. 1906. 1 p. President.

When prices are given, the documents in question may be obtained for the amount noted from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

Consular service. Resolutions of National Business League, Chicago, Ill., for permanent consular improvement and commercial enlargement. 1907. 2 p. Senate. (S. doc. 219.)

Denmark. Agreement by exchange of notes, June, 22 and 26, 1906, with respect to protection of industrial designs and models. 4 p. Dept. of state.

Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [comparative tables, 1907-8]. 2 p. House of reps. Committee on foreign affairs.

Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill [1908, H. R. 24538] hearing before subcommittee, Dec. 18, 1906. 1907. 30 p. House of reps. Committee on foreign affairs.

Diplomatic and consular service, estimate of reappropriation for contingent expenses of the. 1907. 2 p. Dept. of state. (H. doc. 514.) Diplomatic and consular service, 1908, report submitting H. R. 24538, making appropriations for. 1907. 2 p. House of reps. Committee on foreign affairs. (H. rp. 6428.)

Ecuador, parcels-post convention between the United States and. [Signed at Washington, Dec. 28, 1906, approved, Jan. 2, 1907]. 12 p. Post office dept.

Foreign intercourse, estimates for, for year ending June 30, 1908. 1906. 16 p. Dept. of state. (H. doc. 150.)

Great Britain, modus vivendi between the United States and, in regard to inshore fisheries on treaty coast of Newfoundland, agreement effected. by exchange of notes at London, Oct. 6–8, 1906. 4 p. Dept. of state.

Guatemala, convention between the United States and, for reciprocal protection of patents, signed at Guatemala City, Nov. 10, 1906. 2 p. Dept. of state. (Confidential S. ex. doc. B.)

Jamaica, act for the relief of the citizens of. 1907. 1 p. Congress. (Public act, no. 19.)

Immigration and naturalization. general, 1906. 1907. 1907. 112 p. illus. zation. Paper, 30c.

Annual report of the commissioner-
Bureau of immigration and naturali-

Immigration service, catalogue of books and blanks used by. 1907. 11 p. Bureau of immigration and naturalization.

Maritime exposition at Bordeaux, report urging that the United States be represented at the International. 1907. 6 p. Dept. of state. (S. doc. 242.)

Message to Congress at the beginning of the 2d session of the 59th Congress. 1906. 60 p. President. Paper, 5c.

Mexican water boundary commission, estimate of appropriation for expenses of. 1906. 2 p. Dept. of state. (H. doc. 289.)

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